Becoming Samantha - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling


Becoming Samantha -
By Anon Allsop

He was mesmerized by her youthful beauty, but not as you may think. He didn't want to possess Samantha as a lover might, he wanted to become her, stepping into her life completely. Unfortunately, a simple wish whispered, isn't as always as perfect as it may seem. At least, not one that has been granted inside the boundaries of... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.


I was standing near the doorway talking to a coworker when I saw her for the first time; she was young and quite pretty. She gave me a smile and walked to the back of the building where she worked, and my eyes followed the gentle sway of her backside as she passed.

"Who's that?" I asked my friend.

He stood up and peered over his cubicle wall, just as she disappeared around the corner. "That's Samantha, she's new," he replied smiling.

"Wow! She's pretty!" I commented. "Much better than most of the other girls around here."

He snickered, sitting back down. "You've got her by at least twenty years, besides, aren't you already married?"

I smiled, "Oh yeah, I am, aren't I?" After shrugging, "Never hurts to look, though."

My friend laughed aloud, "It does if your wife catches you looking."

As I left my friend, I made my way toward my own cubicle and began the day's work. All the while, I could scarcely take my mind off of the pretty new woman whom I had seen this morning.

Over the next several days, thoughts of the young beauty began to invade my every waking moment, and each time I saw her I was reminded that she was unattainable to me. She began to appear my dreams at night, but not like an eager mistress. Instead, it was that I became her, standing before the mirror and admiring the soft curves that my body now had. I was becoming obsessed with her.

I would awaken from my slumber, completely aroused, knowing that what I secretly wished was far beyond any possible reality. By day, I would let my eyes feast upon her long, light brown hair, clear blue eyes and full lips. I would sigh as she passed, and I would watch her cute sway of her hips, rocking like a sexual metronome.

Earlier this week, she arrived to work wearing a skirt with a short sleeved, button-down blouse. I thought I had died and gone to heaven when she passed and gave me her usual smile... God, I wanted her so badly! But when I would return home, my family would surround me and I would lovingly hold them close, locking away my little secret.

That night, as I lay quietly in bed, I recalled seeing Samantha cleaning out her cup earlier that day at work. She had stood before the sink as I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee, giving me an unobstructed view of her feminine charms.

As sleep pulled me deeper, I felt myself walking down the hallway at work and into the little kitchen. As I stood before the sink and began to wash out my cup, someone entered behind me and was pouring himself a cup of coffee. It was strange; I could feel his eyes watching me from behind, and I knew it was a man. When I turned, I saw that it was me... my male self... at the coffee machine, slowly pouring myself a cup!

I almost dropped my own cup into the sink, as the shock of the situation revealed itself to me. Somehow in my dream, I had become Samantha! My dream state hoped and pleaded with my mind to continue the dream, hopefully in a more erotic setting. I wanted to go so far as to experience sexual stimulation as this young female.

But, as dreams usually go, I was shocked to wakefulness by the sudden blaring of my alarm clock. With a deep sigh, I threw back the covers and began my day, frustrated by the fact that it was only a dream. Please don't get me wrong; I dearly loved my wife and children... I just had a darker side, hidden for years from all those who knew me. It was one where I secretly wanted to be a female.

There are those who would wonder why I wanted something so strange, when I seemingly had it all. I lived in a great home, I drove an expensive car, had a lovely wife and children, a dog... everything. Yet, I wasn't happy... well, not completely happy.

I could never leave my family, just so I could surgically transform myself into some image of a female. I knew that any resemblance to an actual female would be iffy at best, leaving me looking like some Amazon ogre. Besides, the overall embarrassment to them would devastate my family completely. I knew certain surgeries that could do what I secretly longed for, but I knew that those surgeries were expensive and would leave me less than I wanted to be. I wanted to not only become a woman on the outside, I wanted to be one on the inside... complete in every aspect. I wanted to be able to produce children, to feel my small child as it stirred within my womb... and somehow, with the ability to keep my own male family intact. But, I knew it was nothing more than a childish fantasy.


I sighed deeply as I stepped from the bus midst the other passengers, and slowly made my way to my office building. Once inside, I placed my briefcase down and fired up my computer, and tiredly walked to the kitchen.

As I rounded the corner, I ran into Samantha. She squeaked her surprise as she stumbled into my arms, and I reached out quickly to keep her from falling completely to the floor. For a brief second or two, I was able to look into her flawless, young complexion. 'God, she's beautiful!' my mind cried.

Holding onto her slender arm until she could gain her equilibrium, I drank deeply the scent of her perfume. Her hair was splayed against my arm and draped down, and each silken strand reflected the glow from the overhead lighting. She glanced up with embarrassment, her blue eyes clear and gloriously beautiful. I swallowed hard, "Are you okay?"

She nodded, gently removing her arm from my tender grasp. "S...sorry about that."

Samantha looked down, turned, and quickly walked away. I watched until she disappeared from view, smiled at my fortune and went inside the kitchen to fill my cup. I would have this little escapade to fulfill my imagination for the entire day...and most likely, for days to come.

All that morning, I could think of nothing other than Samantha. Her hair, her figure, the way her clothes hugged every curve. Closing my eyes, I could still recall the scent of her; I was held captive by her 'girl next door' aura.


Throughout the day, it had grown slowly overcast and threatening outside. When it was time for me to leave, a steady rain had begun to fall. I hurried out of the office and with a futile dodging of the raindrops, headed for the bus stop. Just before I dashed into the bus hut, I had a glimpse, just a fraction of an instant, as she climbed into her little blue car in the adjoining parking lot... but it was enough to hold me until tomorrow. I smiled and waited for the bus that would take me home, all the while watching for her car to speed quickly by.

As I sat on the steadily rocking bus, my mind was occupied the entire way home with Samantha. With a great sigh, I realized that the great behemoth of public transportation was approaching my stop and I would have to step out into the rain once again. As we rolled to a halt, several of us stood and began making our way to the front. One by one we filed off: two young workers carrying their lunch boxes, an old woman with several books, a man who was in a hurry...and I, the wayward soul.

The two workers pealed away and headed into the strip club across the street. The man in a hurry pushed past the old woman and raced down to a Starbucks, causing her to drop the load she held. I stepped down and looked up into the sky, and I saw that the rain was falling in a blustery angle toward the ground. I gave a grim smile to the old woman and bent down to help her gather her belongings.

"How far are you heading?" I shouted over the bus noise as it began to pull away.

"Not too far," she frowned as she looked toward the Starbucks. "My... he was in an awful hurry!"

"Yeah... here, let me help you carry these books.

"Nonsense, you have your own item to carry. I'll be fine."

Moving my briefcase to my left hand, I stood up and held four books under my right arm, "See, I've got them. You lead the way and I'll just follow," I said as she made an attempt to take the books from me.

I followed as she made her way into the store. As we entered, a man smiled and put on his coat. She pointed to the counter, "Set them there." Then, turning to the man she smiled, "Thank you, Earl!"

The man patted her shoulder, "Not a problem, Lilly. I'll just head back to my shop now that you've returned."

As the door closed and the man ran across the street, she set down her pile. "That was Earl; he watches my shop while I'm out. He's such a nice man... just like you have been!"

I smiled, "It was my pleasure, Ma'am."

She began to look around, "I think I owe you something for your help."

"That's not necessary," I said as I walked to the door and opened it, stepping out into the rain once again.

"I'll tell you what. For doing me a favor, a good deed if you will, I'll grant you one wish. How's that?"

I smiled, "A wish?" I asked, thinking that the poor old dear must have lost her mind.

"Why not? I've been granting them for hundreds of years, one more won't kill me!" She laughed and wagged her finger at me, "But of course, to protect my little secret, I have to cloud your mind once you've used it. Can't have you remembering who I am, and coming back here for more wishes." She laughed and walked me toward the door.

Trying to humor her, I shrugged, "Sure, like you said, why not." I gave her a friendly nod and began to pull the door closed behind myself.

"Whenever you want it... just go right ahead and make that wish!" I heard her call out as the door finally closed off our conversation. I chuckled softly as I began to make my way toward the little brownstone where my family and I called home, all the while holding my briefcase over my head like an umbrella.


Morning found me slowly stirring my coffee as I stopped by for a chat with my friend; as we spoke, Samantha strolled past. I followed her briefly with my eyes and then returned my eyes to the stir stick in my fingertips. As our conversation ended, I walked back toward the Mail room and pretended to be looking through a huge pile of envelopes...but it gave me an unobstructed view of the beautiful, young female as she sat at her desk.

She was sitting slightly turned, her slender legs crossed just under her office chair. She was wearing a conservative top that buttoned down the front, a skirt that if she moved just right, I could tell that it was actually shorts. I let my eyes drift down her lovely, slender throat, and finally resting my gaze upon her chest. Her breasts weren't huge, but subtly full and nicely rounded. She had a slim waist, yet showed natural bit of tummy swell, that I found cute and fitting for a 'normal' girl. My eyes traveled further down as I pretended to examine the mail; her legs were slender and quite lovely, with hardly a blemish upon them. Lastly, my eyes fell upon her diminutive feet, seemingly no longer than my own hand. What a great thing it was for God to make such a lovely little package like Samantha!

With a deep sigh, I placed the envelopes back and pulled down another pile. Again, through a gap in the stacks I studied my beautiful subject. Her long, light brown hair cascaded down over her shoulders and fell precariously close to her breasts. With a gentle toss, she threw the great shimmering mass over her shoulder, falling down until it stopped at the small of her back.

I lifted my steaming coffee to my lips and slowly left the mail room, heading back to my own cubicle. Once there, I set my cup on the desk and reached across to start a new program; while I waited for it to launch, I ran my hand through my hair.

I settled into my routine and immersed myself in my work, only stopping once to refill up my cup. Sometime around 11:00 am, I stretched and pushed myself away from my desk. I looked up toward the ceiling and the rectangle cover that was over the four florescent bulbs, one of which was beginning to blink.

In the next cube I could hear my immediate manager speaking with another employee whose voice was soft and gloriously feminine. When I hazarded a glance, my eyes were met with Samantha as she held several papers out for the manager to view.

As they finished their conversation, they returned to their respective areas, and I folded my fingers and stared at my computer screen.

"If only the old woman's wish could be true," I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose with my thumbs.

My mind contemplated the thoughts of my heart, "I'd have it so that she fell into my role without noticing, accepting my life without question, believing that it was always her own."

I sighed and took a sip of my cold coffee; making a face I pushed it aside.

"Only, I'd not let her mind be full of the fantasies that mine has been full of... no, she'd have to worship the ground my family walked on."

Again I became mesmerized by the screen on my computer as the screen saver came on and began moving, like I was seated aboard a spacecraft.

"Gladly would I trade lives with the young creature and take on her roles and responsibilities. What could they possibly be?" I smiled and thought, "Probably that of a kid still living at home, perhaps with a boyfriend, perhaps not." I smiled to myself and picked up my coffee cup, slowly making my way back toward the kitchen.

I poured the cold coffee into the sink and rinsed out my cup, after a quick refill, I began to walk back to my desk. Pausing at the hall, where I could see her from behind as she worked, I took a sip.

"That's the thing, if I would suddenly become her, would I know what to do as her?" I wondered, taking another slow sip of the steaming coffee. "I'd not want to embarrass myself like some of the characters did in the stories I had read on the Internet. No, I'd want to know what made her tick." I smiled as I blew across the surface of the cup, still thinking of the beautiful young female. "It'd be interesting if everything wouldn't be revealed at once, but rather at the exact moment it was happening."

I slowly turned and walked several steps, carefully carrying the cup so as to not spill its contents. Again I hesitated and took another glance back toward Samantha.

"It would be interesting to not know what would be happening until after it had begun, sort of adding to her mystery." I chuckled and raised the cup again to my lips, "Yeah, that's what I'd wish... if the old woman could actually grant one."

Suddenly, I found myself seated. Slender hands resting upon the keyboard of a computer, my bare legs suddenly chilled, while strange programs displayed on the monitor. Only a second later, I realized that it was a program that my company had developed, but one that I had never learned as yet. I looked down, a strange swell protruded from my chest, but I realized that it was only my breasts that I was seeing. Pushing myself from my desk, I eased my hand up toward my face... "This isn't my hand..." My mind thought.

I touched my head, pulling a silky handful of hair around to view. "I'm...her!" I whimpered, realizing for the first time that I had somehow become Samantha! I stood up, almost fell from my chair and turned, nearly walking directly into my former self.

"Sorry, Samantha," my former body said, holding his cup out to keep from spilling hot coffee on either of us.

I quickly dodged him and froze in my tracks, "You know?" I whispered.

"Know... know what?" He said, and then smiled. "Oh, your name... Steve told me."

I was perplexed, somehow we had switched bodies and he... I mean, I... he was acting like nothing had happened! I let my eyes drop; I had to get away, somewhere alone! I glanced down the hallway and saw the restroom. Quickly leaving him by himself, I headed right for the door.

At the last minute, I bypassed the men's restroom and pushed the door aside for the ladies room. As the door closed behind me, I tried to recall if I purposely entered the room without thinking or if I had it planned! Racing to the mirror I stood before a stranger's reflection, yet, the more I stood looking, the more familiar the image became to me. "My God, what happened?" I cried, with Samantha's hauntingly feminine voice.

I sat down upon the lid of the toilet, before me stretched my flawless thighs. "What do I do?" I cried, tearing off toilet tissue to wipe my eyes. "I don't know how to be a girl!" I sobbed, trembling with fear.

I sat in the room for several minutes, then reluctantly returned to the cubicle where the woman I had become, had been working. Without thinking, I headed to her desk and sat down, absentmindedly throwing my long locks over my shoulders as she had done. After only a few seconds of sitting there, I placed my hands upon the keyboard and it all kicked in, somehow this body knew what to do, and knew the program that was displayed on the computer!

I wanted to go find my former self, to see if I could somehow return back to being me... yet, I knew that the male me would have no clue what this young woman wanted. No, I stayed and remained at the computer for the rest of the day. As the afternoon wore on, my body had become acclimated to doing Samantha's work as if I had been doing it all my life. As the 'go home' hour wound down, I shut down my computer and stood up. Without a thought, I opened up the bottom drawer and removed a purse... Samantha's purse... now, my purse!

As I walked out the door, I felt so small. Everyone towered above me in this body. When I looked back, I saw the smiling face of my former self. He nodded and began talking with my friend, Steve; both ignored me as if I weren't there at all.

Surprising myself, I walked past the bus hut and headed toward a blue Volkswagen beetle. Climbing inside, I set the purse on the passenger seat and removed the keys. A quick turn of the ignition and the small motor roared to life. I put it into gear and as I left the parking lot and passed the bus hut, I saw him... standing behind the glass deep into conversation with another manager.

I hurried down the street, unsure of where I was heading. As I pulled to a stoplight, I wiped the perspiration from my upper lip with a trembling hand. The light turned green and I sped away, putting distance between my former body and me. I must have driven through four or five lights when I slowed down and turned into a small subdivision. I hesitated, reaching for my purse once again.

Finding a wallet, I quickly opened it up and viewed Samantha's... my driver license. "1226 Maple Lane." I repeated slowly. Suddenly, my mind was filled with the image of a small one-story ranch with blue shutters. There would be a great bed of flowers lining the drive and sidewalk. I knew the property well; it must belong to Sam's... my folks.

As I found the home rather quickly, I pressed the little remote above the visor. The narrow garage door slowly opened, revealing the single empty spot. I pulled inside and stopped the car. Glancing down at my left hand I looked for a ring, hoping that I wouldn't find myself married...nothing, no mark that there ever had been a ring on my finger. I breathed a slow sigh of relief.

I walked to the entry door of the house, inserted a key and opened the door. Stepping inside, I set down my purse and keys, slowly making my way to the adjoining room. It was slightly familiar to me, but I knew that somehow as I lingered, it would be as though I knew it all the time.

Then it hit me, I had wished when I still occupied my male body, that I would like to switch places with Samantha...only, I wanted to gradually become aware of things as I experienced them as if I had known them all my life. This room was one such thing.

Walking across the carpet, I headed down a darkened hallway and moved straight into the last room on the right, which appeared to be a bedroom. I stood at the door and let my eyes accustom to the light. Just under the window was an old, spool type bed. I knew immediately that this was my room, but I couldn't remember if I shared it with anyone. Again, I let out a great sigh of uncertain relief.

Before I knew it, I was removing my clothing and heading for a doorway at the other end of my room. As I pushed it aside, I stepped into a Master bath. Standing before a mirror, I pushed my underwear to the floor and reached behind me and unhooked the lacy bra I was wearing. All this was happening as rapidly as if I had been doing it for years and years!

In seconds, I had adjusted the water to the shower and stepped inside. I loitered in the spray for several minutes, finally picking up the shampoo and washing my long hair. As my hands scrubbed the lather into my hair, my arm brushed my breast. The feeling was pleasurable and yet, made me wince slightly. In a hurry to finish, I quickly washed thoroughly and rinsed out my hair. After scrubbing my entire body, I shut off the shower and stepped out onto the blue oval bath rug.

I expected a self-examination, as I had assumed would happen, were I to suddenly find myself locked in a female form. Only as this reality was cast, it was as if I had seen my naked flesh a thousand times, just like it was no big deal. I frowned to myself and opened the door, returning to the bedroom where I opened up my dresser. I removed a clean bra and panty set, a cute button down blouse with short sleeves, long jeans, socks and tennis shoes. Each of these items was placed at the end of the ancient bed. I sat down next to them, to contemplate what I had done to put myself into this odd situation. Slowly, as if in a trance, I began to dress.

As I was seated on the bed and finally lacing up my shoes, I heard a door close in the living room... yet, for some reason, I wasn't surprised. Well, I had a brief moment of panic but it left almost as soon as it arrived. I glanced up at the door as I heard footsteps, they weren't heavy so I knew it wasn't a man... again a sigh of relief.

A woman, probably in her mid fifties pushed the door open with a gentle knock.


"Yeah, Mom," I said without even thinking, the spell's wording once again came into effect.

"I'm dropping off Leslie. I'll pick her up in the morning before you leave for work," she smiled and touched my cheek lovingly.

"Why don't you just watch her here?" I asked and then was puzzled at why I would ask something so strange.

She shrugged, "I suppose I could. I'll ask your father and see what he thinks. I'll give you a call later." She kissed my forehead and slipped back into the hall.

"Tell Daddy that I said hi! Oh, and thanks Mom!" I shouted, after the woman had already disappeared. It was at that moment, a strange dread washed over me.

"Wait a minute, Mom, who's Leslie?"

Down the hall I heard a laughing reply, "Nice try, Samantha!"

I stood and hesitantly walked into the hallway, while I could hear a car backing out of the driveway. Instantly, my mind was filled with the knowledge that I no longer lived at home with my parents; this was my house, or at least the house I rented!

With each step down the hallway, I felt a growing fullness deep inside my breasts; I winced and gently rubbed the swell of my bosom. Quietly walking into the living room, I headed for the kitchen and brought down a glass from the cupboard. I opened the refrigerator and pulled out a two-liter bottle of Diet Pepsi. After filling the cup with ice, I poured it full with the soda, returned the bottle to the fridge and closed the door. As the door latched, right at eye level, was a small photo of me holding a newborn infant. It was evident that the photo had been taken in the hospital. Instantly, a wash of panic flooded my mind.

"My... my child!" I whispered. My tone was no louder than a soft breeze. Suddenly, I knew why my breasts felt so full: "Leslie"!

I turned and hurried down the hall to the door just before my own, inside was a small child stirring in a crib. As I entered the room, she raised her eyes and smiled at me... a broad toothless grin. I slowly sank to the floor, leaned my head against a tall changing table, and sat in stunned silence. How could Samantha possibly have a baby? She had said nothing to anyone in our office!

I watched the young girl as she rolled her head toward me. She kicked her small feet, shaking her crib with the movement. "How could I NOT know that Samantha was a young mother?" My tired mind cried.

Instantly, my head was filled with the knowledge of Leslie's birth... the absence of her father, 12 hours of hard back labor before the Doctor finally gave me an epidermal. After that, the birth was a breeze. With the help of my mother...Samantha's mother I corrected my own thoughts, Leslie was born. I slowly pulled myself to my knees, looking through the bars at my daughter. She smiled back at me toothless and began kicking again in excitement. I stood and gently bent over the rail of her crib. I hesitantly picked her up and with an air of overwhelming shock, returned to the kitchen.

"My God, how is all of this possible? What am I supposed to do?" I cried into the deafening silence of the room as I held the little child who depended on me for her every need.

I asked it aloud, not because I wanted to know where the child came from... that was pretty evident as the soreness in my breast must mean that I nursed my daughter! But rather, how could it be possible to find myself suddenly in Samantha's body? What sort of magic did the old woman cast upon me? She had said that it was the granting of a wish...but was that possible?

In a daze, I gathered my drink, walked to the living room. I sat down on a lone upholstered rocking chair, then sat the cup on the stand and glanced down for only a second. Without thinking, I unbuttoned my top and pulled aside my bra, positioning little Leslie so she could draw my leaking nipple into her mouth.

Somehow, without realizing what I was doing, I had wished myself into the role of this young infant's mother! So foolishly had I assumed that Samantha's life to be so fun, I allowed it to cloud over my own judgment!

For almost an hour we sat quietly as she nursed first one breast, then the other. Her tiny mouth suckled my nipple, and drank down the nourishment that sustained her tiny life. In between the nursing, I would raise her to my shoulder and burp her. Each time I was amazed that I knew what to do next! Yet, wasn't that part of my know exactly what to do, when I needed to know how?

I felt her finally release my breast. When I glanced down, I realized that she had fallen asleep. Again, I raised her to my shoulder and gently burped her, at the same time, I stood up and began walking back to the nursery. There, Leslie was diapered, changed, kissed, and laid down.

Quietly, I tiptoed out, pulling the door gently shut behind me. Once in the hall, I leaned against the wall and shook my head; what had I been thinking? Why would I give up the cushy life I had led for one such as this? I... Samantha had nothing! Sure the house was cute, in a domestic sort of way, but she lived much below the standards I had grown used to! Yet, this life seemed as natural and loving as my own had been... as if I had been born to it! I rubbed at my temples and hurried to the bathroom, where I hoped to relieve my headache with aspirin.

I had swallowed them even before realizing that I shouldn't know where I kept aspirins, yet, right there they were! I stumbled into the kitchen and pulled out a small pan, opened the fridge and began to work on supper.

I fell into a routine, working before the stove, setting the table, and by the time I knew it... supper was ready. I sat it down on the table and poured myself another Diet Pepsi. Quiet and alone, I ate my supper, a simple meal for a simple girl.

After eating, I threw a clean drying towel upon my shoulder and tiredly pushed up my sleeves. I carried the dirty dishes to the sink and gently allowed them to slip under the surface of the soapy water. I began to slowly scour a pan, my mind reeling at what had happened to me since I uttered those two stupid words, "I wish..."

With a tired sob, I stared into the bubbles that surrounded my slender hands. Looking up, I happened to glance into the window. It was dark now and with the light of the room created a passable reflective surface to see myself. I cried softly, gently wiping my eyes upon the material that covered my arm.

I looked up into the reflection at my tired eyes, How could I possibly have imagined that Samantha's life would be so simple... so cushy? How stupidly could I assume that because she was young, she was all about partying and subtle pleasures? I bemoaned with frustration as more and more of her life was revealed to me.

All the great debt that she carried from the birth of Leslie washed through my mind. So great was the cost of trying to be independent of your parents, on top of that being a single mother... I could scarcely handle it! Everything washed through... common bills from running the household, the little blue car... it all came flooding into my mind!

Try as I might, I felt my heart drop; no longer able to remember how I ended up as Samantha. Yet, I knew it had something to do with a wish, and involved an old woman...but beyond that, nothing. With a trembling hand, I dropped the last dish into the clean rinse water and sobbed desperately into the crook of my arm. The recklessness of my single wish came full strength into my mind. My knees grew weak and buckled as I sank to the floor, like butter to the bottom of a hot pan. I hopelessly pulled the drying towel from my shoulder, buried my face into the cloth, and bawled.


He thought his choice would be easy, giving up everything for her youth and beauty. But he found that walking in another's shoes isn't always as glamorous as a person may think. Foolishly for him, he would have to live the life of Samantha, and experience her heartbreak and successes. Forever finding that, as Samantha, she is locked out of the little family that once was 'her' own. She would have to rein in destiny, and carve out a hopeful life for little Leslie and herself somewhere inside...THE TWILIGHT ZONE.


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