Customer Survey

Another old story of mine. Just a lighthearted quickie.

Hopefully I can finish one of the 8 new stories im currently working on.

Customer Survey
By: Bruce

Andrew was exhausted. It was another crappy day at work and he
just did not want to see anyone. First, the boss chewed his ass out over a
small mistake in one of the requisition forms. Who cares if he ordered
four extra bags of cement? On a job site this big someone will eventually
want it. Then he saw his old girlfriend bringing lunch to Peter! The little
weasel never even had the guts to let him know he was moving in on his
girlfriend. Although, he really shouldn't blame him. Women make men do
stupid things.
He hoped the frustration would end at home but unfortunately it
didn't. Before he could even get inside his door he was besieged by a
couple of little kids trying to sell some crappy chocolate bars for school.
He almost felt bad for yelling at them and scaring them half to death, but
not quite. Salespeople annoy him even more than regular folks.
Once he got in the door he found his mailbox stuffed to rim with a
ton of junkmail and a notice that he would have to go down to the Post
Office to pick up his new CD's. Apparently because of the sales flyers
they couldn't get the package in his box. He was ready to scream. What
else could go wrong?
Sadly he wasn't done there. On the elevator upstairs he got
cornered by a couple of Mormon missionaries that some jerk let into the
apartment. When he lost them and got to the door of his apartment he had
to juggle junkmail and his keys to get inside where his phone was ringing.
"Hello?" Andrew, panted into the phone, out of breath.
"Yes, Hello. I am calling on behalf of Carpomagic carpet cleaning
services. We are offering a special, one month, low rate on all the carpets
in your home. The fee is just..."
"Leave me alone!!" he slammed the phone down.
It took a few minutes to calm himself down and throw a frozen
dinner in the oven for supper. He picked up the dreaded junk mail and
looked through it.
"Wal-Mart, garbage." he mumbled to himself tossing the flyer,
"You may have just won...ughh. Grocery store ad...gone, pizza
ad...gone, customer survey...geez why do they send all this crap."
He went to toss the junk in his garbage but the customer survey
caught his eye again. It had written on the top 'For the lady of the house'.
This really made him mad. Can't they even send the junk mail to the right
places? he thought.
"Well let's him some fun." he mumbled to himself.
He carefully opened the envelope, took out the survey, and got a
pen. The first set of questions were fairly routine, what laundry detergent
do you use?, what aspirin do you use?, what is your favorite hand soap,
and so on. Even here he had a little fun; choosing all brands that were not
his. For example, under soft drink he chose the very feminine diet pops.
Gotta watch that waist, he chuckled.
Things got even more fun for him. What feminine hygiene
products do you use? Fortunately they had a list to choose from since he
had no idea. How often do you get yeast infections? Yuck, he thought.
How severe is your menstruation? He couldn't believe they would ask
stuff this personal. Do you have bladder control problems? He answered
very high on all of these. Yep, I've got feminine problems all over the
place, he thought and laughed loudly.
The last section asked for all his personal info Age? He put 21.
Name? Andrea Wilson. Address? He put his own. Occupation? He
thought carefully...sell womans shoes. That sounds good. Income? Sadly
I only make 8-10,000 a year, he chuckled. Thank god my boyfriend helps
support me.
The last question asked him if he would like to receive coupons
and offers from companies involved in this survey. He answered yes. Let
them send out all this junk at their expense. It's not like my box isn't full
all the time, he thought. He laughed and put the survey and in the postage
paid envelope provided. At least he was beginning to have a bit of fun.
Maybe the whole day wouldn't be a loss.
He then realized he had forgotten his frozen dinner. It was burned

A week or two had passed since he had mailed the stupid little
survey. He had forgotten all about it until he found the first envelope
addressed to Andrea Wilson in his mailbox. It was a coupon for some Diet
Coke. He barely noticed it in the midst of all the junk mail he had got. He
was starting to think he shouldn't have sent it; wondering how much more
junk he was actually going to get.
Other than that the night passed mostly uneventfully. The only
thing unusual on his mind was this strange obsession with how much he
weighed and a strange desire to get on the scales.

The next morning he got up and weighed himself and went to
work. On the way home he picked up some Diet Coke with his coupon,
thinking what could it hurt?
He found another coupon in his mailbox addressed to Andrea
when he arrived. This one was for some body lotion. He was going to
throw it out but he noticed that his skin did seem kind of rough. Have to
go get some tonight, he figured.

Over the next few days he got a few more coupons addressed to
his female persona but did not even think about the fact that he had used
them all. He had changed soft drinks, detergents, cleaning supplies, was
using body lotion, hair conditioners, skin cleansers, and worst of all
started shaving his legs instead of his face.
The guys at work had already begin talking. They found it strange
that Andrew's skin looked so....soft. Andrew never had the 5 o'clock
shadow that he used to and his buddy Eddie noticed one day that he had
shaved his legs. He never told anyone else or confronted Andy but one
day he couldn't hold his piece anymore. Andrew came in wearing
"What's with you buddy?" Eddie asked.
Andrew looked confused. "What do you mean?"
"Um, the eyeshadow, the shaved legs, everything. I mean, I'm not
judgmental myself but your asking for a beating from the other guys. I am
not sure how the boss will take it either."
"I'm not wearing..." Andrew paused. He noticed for the first time
what had been happening the last few days. It was like he had been in a
fog. He was worried.
"I'm under some stress lately man. Cover for me while I go to the
can and wash this off."
Eddie looked concerned. "You should really consult a therapist,
"I will."
Andrew rushed off.

When he got home he found another coupon. This time it was for
lipstick. It took every ounce of willpower he had to not go out and buy it
right that moment. He wondered what was happening to him.
In his apartment he checked himself over and was disturbed by
what he found. His skin was softer than it had ever been. His body hair
was much thinner now and he had almost no facial hair. His checks
seemed a little softer and his eyes more rounded than he remembered
them. It was an almost feminine facial contour. He was very worried.

Andrew dosed off later that evening and did not become aware
until the next morning before he went to work. He fought off the fog and
found himself sitting at the table eating a bowl of (yuck) Special K. It did
not take long to notice the bag with lipstick and eyeshadow sitting on his
table. He didn't own the lipstick when he dosed off last night.
This is getting bad, he thought. At least I caught myself before
work this time.

When he came home form work Andrew decided to grab his mail
and throw the coupons directly in the garbage without looking at them.
Maybe this would stop things.
Later, that night Mrs. Tinkle, his landlady, decided to be helpful
and put the letter she found in the garbage under his door. She figured it
must have been put in someone else's box by mistake and then tossed.
She was glad to help such a nice young man.

Andrew regained control of himself on the way to work this time.
Fortunately it was before he got there. He could tell by the stares and the
feel of the stuff on his face that he was wearing lipstick and eyeshadow.
There was something new too. He was wearing pantyhose.

He decided that it was best to go home and call in sick for work.
He vowed that today he would not let his concentration slip at all and he
would not even open his mailbox. His plan worked just fine too, until he
dozed off during jeopardy.
He woke up the next morning wearing a night gown that he had
apparently bought along with a jacket-dress combo the night before with a
J.C. Penny ad he got in the mail. He did not know what to do next so he
called in sick again.
Standing in front of the mirror he noticed many further changes.
The conditioner had apparently caused his hair to grow and fill out, He
was still a brunette but could only tell from the roots. The other day he had
bought blonde hair coloring. His lips were fuller and much more feminine
and the suit and pantyhose seemed to have given him a much more
hourglass body shape. He wasn't even sure his friends would recognize
him anymore.
This thought seemed change something in Andrew. He wasn't
stupid, he knew where this was going. There was really no point in
fighting it. He just wish he understood how and why.

Things progressed quickly after that. That day he got an ad sent for
a special on bras and slips from Wal-Mart. This left him with a perfect c-
cup. He also noticed that he had shrunk down to a very shapely 5'3". He
also woke up to find himself fitting a woman for a shoe at the mall. More
than anything this upset him. He knew he was now a young woman
earning minimum wage and struggling to get by. He could say goodbye to
his high paying union construction job. Working in a shoe store all day in
a dress and heels is remarkable hard on your back too, he thought.
The next days tampon sample brought with it his period and his
final change into womanhood. He felt awful. He had cramps and bloating
all day at work and left very miserable. He also found that the fog had left
him and now he was in total control of his new body and life. Except in
control of his bladder of course. He was really beginning to regret that
He cried all the way home. He didn't know how to face his future.
Somehow, he also figured that his boyfriend will probably be waiting for
dinner when he arrived.
He came in the door to the building and opened the mailbox. There
was a letter for Ms. Andrea Wilson. He wondered what they could have

Dear Ms.Wilson

We would like to thank you for your participation in our
market research survey. It is helpful, honest responses like
yours that allow us to better serve our consumers. We hope
our coupons have been helpful and hope to serve you
further in the future. Enclosed is copy of the same market
survey to pass on to one of your friends.

Sarah Davis, President
Miracle Marketing

Inside he found the survey that had caused all the problems. Oh
well, Andrew (now Andrea) thought, maybe I can take this down to Peter
at the construction site. If he is going to steal my girlfriend, the least I can
do is give him a chance to know her a little better.

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