Sam & Jess (Revised) - 02

Sam & Jess
Chapter 02
 ©2010-2012 - Andrea Ribeiro
Thanks to Wren Phoenix for editing this chapter.


I woke up before 6:00 the next day, nervous about the upcoming appointment. I kept waking up sweating during the night, and I still couldn't rest. I was too wired to go back to sleep so I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine before changing and going downstairs.

I decided to cook breakfast for Mom this morning, cooking always seems to relax me. I guess it’s because takes my mind of things as I keep my concentration on cooking. I made some french toast, scrambled eggs and a pot of coffee, my mom always liked her coffee black and strong and I mean espresso strong, not the watered version most people seem to like around here. After I set up the table, I went upstairs to call her.

I knocked on her door and said. “Mom? Breakfast is ready.”

“Thank you, sweetie. What time is it?” She said still awaking.

“A little after 6:30”

“I’ll be downstairs in a bit.”


I went outside and picked up the newspaper, I needed to something to distract me and went through it reading mostly the headlines. 'War. War. War. Economic recession. Robbery. Political Scandal. Oh there is a sale at Macy's, I think Mom will like that one.'

I was still reading the newspaper when Mom came downstairs, so I put it on the living room coffee table. I wonder why is it called coffee table, as I never saw anyone put any coffee mugs or pots on one of those, there’s always a pot of flowers or something else in the middle of it, not to mention that sometimes people also use it to support their feet. Yes, I’m rambling, when nervous I tend to think silly things like that.

“Hummmm, something smell delicious.” My mom said.

“Thanks Mom. I did the coffee the way you like, strong, very strong.”

“Thank you sweetie, that way you'll spoil me.”

“Don't count on it. I fully expect you to do the breakfast tomorrow.”

We ate and mom went upstairs for a shower and get ready to take me to the hospital. I got up, cleaned up the table and washed the dishes while I waited. Yep, you guessed, anything to avoid thinking about the appointment. The thing is I HATE NEEDLES.

Soon Mom got back and we were on our way to the hospital.


While we were driving at the hospital my mother asked me. “Are you nervous, sweetie?”

“Me? Nervous? Nah. I'm just terrified. What if there’s something wrong with me?”

“I hope there’s nothing wrong with you, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?”

“I guess.” I said dejectedly.

Arriving at the hospital, we quickly found a parking spot close to the hospital building, probably because it was still early and went inside, there a receptionist directed us to the 3rd floor. We got on the elevator and on the 3rd floor another receptionist said we would be called soon.

I rummaged through the magazines there, but nothing appealed to me, especially because I couldn’t find anything newer than 6 months old. What do they want? Make us sick with boredom, so they can squeeze more money out of us? Those magazines must be filled with the germs and bacteria from hundreds of people. I bet that some guys even went to the bathroom and didn’t wash their hands before reading the magazines. Ewwww.

“Everything’s going to be fine sweetie.” My mom said reassuringly and hugged me.

A few minutes later the receptionist/secretary called my name, and we went into Dr. Campbell office.

“Good morning, Sam, Mrs Evans.” he said greeting us.

“What's up doc?” I said and giggled. “Sorry Dr. Campbell I always wanted to say that.”

“That's not a problem Sam. I always wondered when someone would come in and use that line with me.”

“Good morning, Dr. Campbell.” My mother said.

“As we discussed last night, you’re worried that your puberty didn’t start yet, right? Today I’ll perform a physical exam and collect some blood to do some tests. Hopefully that will give us some answers.” He said.

‘Dammit! I knew there would be needles involved.’

“Okay, young man, why don’t you go to the exam room, strip down and put on the gown that’s in there, I’ll be there with a nurse in a couple minutes.” He told me.

I went to the exam room and changed into a blue hospital gown. ‘These things are ugly and thin as paper, and somewhat uncomfortable, and why is my ass uncovered? He won’t do a rectal exam, will he?’

Soon the Dr. came in, together with a nurse. He measured me, weighed me, probed me and spent a lot of time examining my genitals. It was the most humiliating thing I’ve went through in my entire life. Also I think the nurse took out a gallon of blood. 'What is she going to do with all that blood? Feed a family of vampires?' I also had a prostate exam (shudder) and took some X-rays.

Oh, they made me pee in a cup too.

After I put my clothes back on, I went to the office and the Dr. was there talking to my mother.

I sat down next to her and he said. “Hi Sam, from what I can see you are very healthy but underdeveloped. Also you seem to be a little of a mystery here. At first glance, it would appear that the testes didn't descend yet, the penis is extremely small and underdeveloped, and I didn't find the prostate gland. I’d recommend an ultrasound and maybe an MRI to see what is going on inside you, but first we’ll wait for the results of the blood tests. You know how health insurance is, if I tried to do those right now they’d probably deny it, and it would be harder to get it done later.”

“Why would that be?” Mom asked him.

“Because they are always trying to save money and want to make everyone’s life a living hell, of course. Actually the thing is that if they approved those exams this early during diagnosis, everyone would want to do them just to be safe, even when it is not necessary.”

“It does make sense. Many doctors would start using them all the time because they are afraid of making a mistake, just like everybody uses a calculator these days even for simple math problems. It would raise the costs of the insurance too, I think.”

“That's pretty much it. You seem to be very bright.”

“I'm a bookworm, doc. I don't have any friends and I spend most of my time reading books. Fantasy, SciFi, comedy, also a lot of non fiction too, basically whatever I can get my hands on.”

“Anything medical?”

“Not really. Just the odd article on the Internet. Without some basic knowledge, it’s like trying to read Greek to me. I am more the technology type of guy.”

“So, do you think there is something wrong with my son?” My mom asked trying to get us back to the point.

“Oh, sorry. Your son is a fascinating person and I can see how my daughter warmed up so fast to him. The answer to your question is, I'm still not sure. We’ll have to wait for the lab results to come back to get a clear idea of what is going on.”

“So when do you think we’ll have the results?” My mom asked.

“Some of the tests just take a couple hours, the DNA test will take a few days.”

“DNA test? Why would I need a DNA test?”

“So that we have a clearer idea of what we are dealing with. Also, after the tests come back I'm going to ask for an ultrasound to take a look inside your abdomen. At first I thought you could have been a case of AIS but I'm not so sure now. I do need to do some research to treat you better, Sam.”

“AIS?” my mother asked

“Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, is when the person's body is incapable of processing the testosterone because the androgen receptors are defective.”

“So, if I have that AIS thing what does it mean?”

“I think its too soon to say you have it, but so far it doesn't appear to be the case.”

“So what do you think is wrong with me?”

“I didn't want to say anything yet, as it’s too early to be sure and I don't want to freak you out.”

“Freak me out? Why would I freak out? Am I supposed to freak out? Is it serious? I'm dying, ain't I?”

“Calm down Sam, you’re not dying.”

“So what is wrong with me?” I practically yelled. (yeah I was freaking out... just a little bit.)

“Let me ask you a question. Do people often mistake you for a girl?”

“It happens all the time, I even got tired of correcting people. What does that have to do with it?”

“Did you notice that my wife and I also mistook you for a girl when we first met you, and we are medical professionals?”

“Yeah, so?”

“I was looking at your x-rays and if I didn't know it was yours, I would say they are from a girl. What I’m trying to say is that you might be more female than male. Even seeing you naked, it was hard to picture you as a boy, as you seem to be starting to develop a female figure.”

“You mean I'm turning into a girl?” I asked, not really believing what he was saying. My mom looked shocked, raising her hands to her mouth.

“That's not exactly what I am saying, because after all, people don't just change genders that way. What I am saying is that whatever it is, it has been happening since before your birth.”

“So what do we do now?” My mother asked him.

“Go on as usual, and as soon I get the results back, I'll call you.”

“Thank you Dr.” My mother said.

“You’re welcome, Mrs. Evans. It’s no big deal, really. I’m doing this as a favor to my daughter, she likes Sam very much, and I would catch hell at home if I didn't help you. My wife was very taken by you too Sam, we all were.”

“I like her very much too, Sir. I like every one of you.” I said and blushed.

“Sam, my daughter is lucky to have met you and I can see you like her a lot too. But don’t tell her I said that. If you do I’ll deny it. I still have a father image to uphold.” He said and laughed.

“Okay doc, I won’t tell her, it will be our secret.”


We left the hospital, and while my mom was driving us home I was lost in thought. What did he mean about being more female than male? Does that make me a girl or a feminine boy? Can I get more manly? If so, do I want to?

My mother seemed to pick up on my mood and said. “Don’t worry, sweetie. You heard what the doctor said, it’s probably to early to tell if anything is wrong, but you appear to be healthy so far.”

“Yeah, but probably more like a healthy girl than a healthy boy.” I said meekly.


The rest of the trip home we were silent, I wasn’t in the talking mood and Mom probably noticed that, and soon we were home.

I went to my bedroom and played some computer games to take my mind off of what happened this morning.

At noon, Mom called me to lunch, she had made one of my favorite dishes, grilled beef and french fries. Yes, I’m a boy with simple tastes, well... almost, I do like to eat my french fries with mayonnaise.

After lunch I went to the living room watch some TV, I zapped around the channels but there was nothing interesting in it.

Around 2 I was already bored and strangely enough, I was already missing school. I got up and said “Mom, I think I’m going to meet Jess at the school gate, okay?”

“Sure sweetie, just don't come home late.”

“Thanks Mom.” I said and gave her a peck on her cheek.


I texted Jess, telling her to meet me at the school gate after class and started on my way. I decided to go the long way because there was still some time until the end of class, but I still arrived about 15 minutes early, so I sat down on the stairs, (Out of the way, of course) and waited for her.

A few minutes after the final bell, Jess came running outside and gave me a big hug. More than a few raised eyebrows could be seen looking at us, and I am sure I hears someone mutter something about lezzies, but I didn’t care. I had other things in my mind.

“So how did it go this morning?”

“I’ll tell you on the way to your house, Jess.”

“There’s nothing wrong, I hope.” She said worriedly, and we started walking.

“He said it’s too early to tell, but I do seem healthy.”

“So why the long face? There’s something you’re not telling me, isn’t there?”

“Gosh, there’s no way to hide things from you, is there?”

“No way whatsoever.” She said with a smile.

“Well... he said that he needs to wait for the test results, At first he thought it was AIS, but he said it was unlikely.” I said, feeling tears beginning to form.

“You mean, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome?” she asked me.

“Yes, do you know about it?” I asked her.

“I read about it. I want to become a doctor someday, so I usually read my parents periodicals.”

“A smart girl, I like that.”

“You're silly.” She said, slapped me on my arm and giggled.

“So he doesn't think it’s AIS?” She asked me a couple minutes later.

“No, he said that... that... my body seems to be more female than male. What am I going to do, Jess?”

“Well, first we are going to my home and have a cup of chamomile tea, it will help you calm down, and then well talk calmly, okay?



We arrived at her home and again she yelled telling her mom she was back home.

I'm pretty sure I'll end up deaf because of that someday.

Her mom came and greeted us. She asked me how things went, and I told her all that happened in the hospital. After I finished she said. “He’s probably right, it’s a little early to tell. But if his suspicions are right, you might have a hard choice to make.”

“What kind of choice?” I asked, already dreading the answer.

“The choice very few people get to make. You can choose to be a boy or a girl.”

“But I don’t know a thing about being a girl, and after last year, I don’t think anyone will accept me anyway.” I said, starting to feel the tears running down my cheeks.

“What happened last year, Sam?” Jess asked me, holding me tightly.

“I can’t tell, you’ll hate me if I do.” I said, openly crying.

“Unless you killed someone, there’s no way I can hate you.” She told me reassuringly.

“You can tell us, Sam.” Dr. Cathy said also holding me.

“Okay. (sniff)”

“You met Stephanie, right?” I asked Jess.

“The girl that sits next to me at homeroom?”

“Yes. Until last year we were the best of friends since preschool. She lives just a few houses from mine and we were practically inseparable.”

“Why aren’t you two still friends? She seems like a nice girl.”

“Because what happened last year was her fault, and because of that, the bullying became even worse ever since then. Even the girls don’t talk to me anymore, or they ignore me.”

“What happened last year, after all?”

“Well, it was a few weeks before Halloween and we were at her house planning what would we wear for the school’s party. She had the idea of me trying on one of her cheerleader uniforms.” I said looking at the floor blushing.

“So you went to the party dressed as a cheerleader and something happened there?” Jess asked.

“No, I never went to the party.”

“Why not?”

“Well, she convinced me to try the outfit and she did my hair and put some makeup for the finishing touches. When I looked at the mirror, it was a mix of shock and fascination, as I did look like a girl. We took some pictures and I changed back into my regular clothes before going home.”

“Until then I don’t see anything wrong, you were trying a Halloween costume, right? And even if it wasn’t, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Dr. Cathy said and Jess nodded.

“The next day I met Steph and we walked together to school like we always did. Everything seemed normal until we reached the school. Kids everywhere were pointing at me and laughing saying ‘Look at the sissy’ and other things that I don’t even dare to repeat. When I reached my locker, glued on the door were the pictures we took the day before and the whole school got copies.” I said, breaking down again. “She was my best friend, dammit! Why did she do that to me?”

Both mother and daughter hugged me while I cried. I think they were crying a little too.


Jess kept hugging me while I was crying. I think I cried a long time and she never stopped holding me the entire time.

A little while later I was finally calming down when I heard the doorbell ring. It was my mother. It seems Cathy called her after my breakdown.

“Are you okay, sweetie?” She asked me.

“I'm feeling a little better now.”

“Dr. Campbell called and said some of the results are back. We should go to the hospital to talk to him.”

“Can't we talk here?” I asked.

“Unfortunately no, what if he needs to do more tests?”

“Can Jess come with us?”

“Can I go? Please?” She asked her mom.

“Yeah, she kind of calms me down, please?”

“Of course she can go.”

“Thank you, Mom.” She said hugging her mother and giving her a kiss on her cheek.


We arrived at the hospital and went to the 3rd floor again. all during that time Jess was holding my hand reassuringly.

We sat down on the waiting room and I told her my thoughts about the magazines I’d had that morning. She immediately dropped the magazine she had in her hands and said. “Ewww. I’m never going to touch a magazine in a waiting room ever again.”

“My thoughts exactly. I think I’ll start coming here with my Kindle.”

“Do you have a Kindle? Is it good?”

“Did you forget you are talking to a bookworm? Of course it’s great. I love it.”

A few minutes later we were directed to the doctor’s office and when we entered Jess ran to her father, gave him a peck on his cheek.

“Hi Daddy.”

“Hi princess, what are you doing here?

“Sam asked me to come for support, it’s okay, isn’t it?”

“Sure it is, princess.”

We sat down and he said “Hi Sam, I got the hormone level tests back and it shows some hormonal deficiency. For a boy you have very low level of testosterone running in your body and the estrogen level seems a bit high. Now for a girl you have a normal level of testosterone and the estrogen levels are a little low for your age.”

“What does it mean?” I asked.

“It means that you have the hormone levels of a prepubescent boy or just a little on the low side of a girl entering puberty. It also means that we need to do that ultrasound to see what is going on inside you.”

“When can we do it?” My mother asked.

“I managed to get you an appointment tomorrow at 5:00PM. That's the best I could do.” He said apologetically.

“That soon, and you sound disappointed?”

“I hoped to be able to do it today.”

“He just doesn't like mysteries. I'm sure he’ll be up all night thinking about it.” Jess said and giggled.

“What can I say? I do love my job. So see you tomorrow afternoon?”

“You can bet on it, Doc. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight too.”

“Can I come with Sam again tomorrow daddy?”

“If he wants you to, sure you can.”

“I do want it, sir.”

“Then it is settled, see you tomorrow. Are you coming home with me, princess? This was my last appointment of the day.”

“Sure, Daddy. Bye Sam, see you tomorrow morning, okay?”

“Okay. Want me to pick you up in front of your house tomorrow?”

“I would be offended if you didn't.” She said and gave me kiss on my cheek, causing me to blush immediately.

To Be Continued...

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