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New eBook from Karin Bishop

I have just uploaded a new ebook, "Fool Moon", to both Amazon/Kindle and Lulu (EPUB & PDF). Probably be available in 24-48 hours. Another labor of love gone out into the world ...sigh ...

It's a tale of a high school graduate with no prospects who agrees to repay a debt owed to ...well, sort of a witch ...
He discovers that he has Power, and he learns that the Power is transforming him into ...well, sort of a female ...

It combines magic and history; BCTS readers were very favorable to my stories "Breath of Life" and the most recent "The Story of My First Lives". I hope you enjoy it!

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The Magic of Makeup, Hair, and Smiling

You ever look in the mirror and hate what you see? Do you feel hopeless, like you'll never have a bit of glamour or femininity in your own presentation?

Well, despair not! Or, misery loves company. Or, something. For I have found something that should make every person in that category find some hope.

This photo gallery.

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Almost Free, to a Good Home

I have lost so much weight in the past 3 years that my corset no longer fits properly.

It is bright blue satin and black and laces to around 34 inches which is now loose on me.

It is in excellent condition, work only by a Little Old Lady, ME!

If you are interested, send me a private message and we can see what we can work out as far as shipping, which might be free, but no promises.


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Surfer High

Had another of my patentable weird dreams. This one was about a fictional high school in Malibu known by the nickname of Surfer High. In the dream, I was pitching this as a cable TV show.

One of the exec types says, "I like what you've done there, with the double meaning in the title. It's not a double entendre unless it's dirty, right?"

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It's been 6 years since I first joined the BCTS Family

It was 6 years ago yesterday that I first joined the Big Closet community, so I think it's sensible to look back a bit.

I have not always been the most active of people, in fact after posting my first story, I was quiet for a long time.

Several years ago, I got back into and was quite active, and then over the past year or so, work requirements have really taken their toll on my free time, and so most of my free time is spent with my family. But I'm still on here at least a little bit every day, and keeping an eye on stories that post, and the blogs to keep my toes in.

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I want to work on chapter 4 of mistaken girl.....after I finish writing this little story for someone else.

Also want to get out to wally world during the day for some catfood and another can of paint. Maybe some makeup ill see. That is gonna take a huge effort though as Im scared.

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The dragons are keening

I just saw this on FM, and felt it should be passed along. Anne McCaffrey, author of the Dragonriders of Pern novels, as well as many, many more, has gone between. She passed away at her home, Dragonhold, in County Wicklow, Ireland, on November 21st, after suffering a stroke. That's pretty much all I can say right now, I'm having trouble seeing through the tears.

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Interesting dance video...

YouTube themselves are helping this interesting dance sequence (titled Miracle on 42nd Street) go viral, and it is getting a lot of attention.

I wonder if any of the males on "Strictly Come Dancing" or "Dancing with the Stars" would be brave enough to follow in the footsteps of Zac Hammer here... :)

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The perils of women drivers...

Apparently allowing women to drive would increase prostitution, pornography, homosexuality and divorce.

Yes, we're talking Saudi Arabia, and one particularly loopy academic (Kamal Subhi) who's submitted that description as part of a report to the country's legislative assembly, the Shura, in an attempt to get it to drop plans to reconsider the ban on women drivers.

You can read more about this rather strange report over at BBC News. Further evidence it's a mad world out there.

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Mixed day at work

Well, last night was kind of a mixed day. First, just before we started, I said to one of the other girls, "Shoot. I forgot to bring my boobs" By which I mean the little inserts that I use to give me some shape. She started laughing, and said, "Sorry, Dorothy. I just thought there are days when I wish I could forget mine at home."

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My rules to writing. updated

There are no rules

I forget where I either read or watched that. Its a memorably quote though.

Do I have a plot...eeeehhh kinda I know what the ending is sorta. Usually very vaguely.

Where do I get my ideas from. The spark for a story comes from anything. Another story, stubbing a toe, cussing at the stupid cat. I do say spark because thats just what it is *What if...* is pretty much the spark. From there I have a picture in my head then it starts moving with a life all its own.

The writer me just uses words to try to describe what I see think and feel in my head.

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Not another bloody birthday!

Where has the past year gone? I don't feel any older - can I demand a recount?

Had my hair cut, bought myself a birthday cake - an apple and custard turnover, which I shall have for elevenses. Watch the rugby between Wales and Australia this afternoon and go and see my daughter and my ex tomorrow.

Could be worse, it was last year, it snowed.


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Did you know Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was a girl?

It is said:

In the Northern Hemisphere in winter, generally the male reindeer will shed their antlers, the female reindeer (being one of two female breeds who have antlers) will maintain their antlers to allow for clearing of snow for foraging so as to support their young.

Merry Christmas everyone at BC, thanks for all your great stories in 2011.


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thought I would point it out

I was looking over my latest post, Through the years: Two against the world part 4 and found a clickable link in the post. I didn't put it there, but it was there, i removed it though. Now I found one in Pink angel as well. Not sure what's going on, but it's like ads have gotten into the posts.

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YAY... but huh?

I got my passport and it is all official and everything! I finally have the correct gender marker and everything! Woot!!

The only confusing thing is that it seems to only be valid for two years. This is irritating and I am not pleased with this. So I am going to call them on Monday and ask for clarification. So that is a touch irritating.

But YAY!!

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Small Mistake on Rae Summers: A New Beginning Chapter 12

I was looking over my last couple of posts and found I had posted the wrong file for Rae Summers: A New Beginning Chapter 12 I posted the file with my outline for the last chapter rather than the one that ended where it does now will try to get out The Finale soon

Goddess Bless You All

Love Desiree

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Made of Mist

Ive updated this story yet again. For some reason I keep writing on this one. Its kinda disturbing.

Tell me what you guys think so far I am trying to present the story from the former boys point of view. In case your wondering he has experienced a involuntary natures way of srs. A huge stick shoved up there pinning everything in place with obviously torn and bleeding skin and then healing around the stick before it comes out like a splinter would. Yes there was infections and what not but the boy hasn't been told of that yet.


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Movie Magik

Darnit another nap and tada another story unfolds....

It was every boys dream to be in a pirate movie. Ok well not really but to me it certianly was. To get to visit the Pirates of the Carrabian movie shooting set of port royal was so great. I saved for months to go down there. I watched every movie of it like so many times I had gone through 3 dvd players and a dozen copies of dvds.

But here I was finally. I was soo excited and today on the tour it was announced that for a fee we could get dressed in period clothing and go around in it. I was in heaven!

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Recruiting Again :)

Here I am on a recruiting mission once again. For those of you who don't know, I started a universe back in October based on supernatural beings. Its called the DarkRealms Universe and show far up to this point its been mainly centered on vampires. I have a lot of gifted and very talented writers already writing in it but more are welcome. I've kicked things up a notch too now by introducing the concept of Weres into the universe. This doesn't have to be just Wolves either as you'll see as my new story progresses. I'm even open to other ideas as well, other supernatural beings.

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Return to Sender - Part 6

Return to Sender
by Jennifer Christine
Part 6

My lack of familiarity with HTML codes has meant that some of the conversations with Molly may have been omitted — I’m going to check but it may be that I have to re submit the story _ I hope it hasn’t messed everything up!!

gosh blast it all.

I hate muses. Can someone PLEASE tell this muse to leave me in peace. I cannot seem to be able to read more than a paragraph of any story. No this this thing insists I continue to write. I can't play my games, nor watch a movie, nor even sleep. Tis not fair!

Gosh blast it to the depths of heck twill nay let me even swear as I must be a *LADY*

Signed a damsel in distress Oh come on already!

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How does "track me" work?

I've been looking at my track me pages each day. Sometimes I use it to see comments on stories or blogs where I've commented.

But it sometimes happens that an old story or blog of mine will pop up there with the word "updated" next to it when I haven't touched it, and there are no new comments.

What makes this happen?


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Had an appointment with the gender specialist

Well, I just got home from seeing the gender specialist. He's going to send a letter to my work asking them to respect me enough to include my female name on my name tag. Otherwise, things are going well. I told him about my flashbacks, and he gave me a prescription for Ativan to help me calm myself if I'm having one. I dont know about meds, but it might be better than trying to handle it on my own.

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Made of Mist

I am rather proud of this one not sure why and I hope I conveyed the feelings properly though I feel I didn't do them justice.

I REALLY want comments It helps me to focus on my stories more. Any happiness in my life makes a huge difference.

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So Close

I came so close. I was only able to wite 48,500 words for NaNoWriMo

It was the week of Thanksgiving that killed it. I had to spend so much time with family and food that I wasn't able to write.

My spouse would kill me if I suggested that I try again next year. I guess I was missed.

I did get a LOT written. 8 chapters of HaP are done, but not exactly edited. and I finshed off Nano.

Hope you give 'Healing a Princess' a chance. I see that some people are reading it. I just wish that they would give a little feed back even though it isn't a TG story.

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