Seeing myself...

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Seeing Myself...

It helps to have the objective view of friends and family. I've been so discouraged lately from the struggle to stay safely out of the way as I determine who I am and how this part of me fits into who I am overall. I may never step any further out of the closet, and I've felt that I've been somehow depriving Andrea of life.

Because of dear ones like Randa and Kelly and Bobbie and Alison and Diana and Ronnie and Liz and Renee and so many others, I've been able to remember that the woman I am inside is who I am, regardless of how I am compelled to present myself in real life. Sure there is always hope that my family may come to a place slowly of accepting me, and I will eventually reveal more and more of myself via my writing. But for now stretching into an indeterminate length of time, I'm trying to remain content with what can be as opposed to what might be. So my avatar has evolved. I haven't entirely abandoned my cartoon self, but the picture above more carefully and accurately perhaps reflects who I am inside. I have been blessed these past several months in that I've gained three daughters, several sweet and adorable sisters, and a few special nieces and at least one nephew, so to speak. I cannot begin to tell you how fulfilling it has been to know at least a few folks out of the several billion who dwell along with us on this globe know and care and love Andrea. To all of you I say thank you!

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