seeing myself in a non-trans story

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every once in a while, I read a non-trans story that makes me feel like putting on a tinfoil hat, because the author has caught my emotions perfectly, even while talking about something else.

the story in this particular case was called "The care and feeding of your baby killer unicorn", and it was about a young girl who has special abilities around unicorns - but in this world, unicorns are dangerous, man-eating creatures, and her family's faith has always taught her that they are agents of Satan.

So when she becomes the surrogate mother to one, you can well imagine her interior conflict - the guilt, the shame, the attempts to give up the creature only to change her mind, and reading it, I was reminded of the my struggle with my gender, and the amount of pain I put myself through trying to fight the fact I felt more like a girl than a guy. I thought I had gotten through most of that, but this fight with my brother and sister-in-law has brought back those feeling full force, and I'm not exactly doing fantastic at the moment. But I'm not going to put Dorothy back in the closet, I cant, not and hope to have any sort of life at all, so I'll have to muddle through, even if they dont want to be part of this journey with me.

One day at time, baby steps, and keeping my eyes on Jesus, that's all I can do.