The Ram 13

Briony finds out a little bit more about Daves' childhood from Blodwen.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 13.

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby) Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.
Rachel Daphne’s TV friend.
Shirley Rachels’ GG wife.

The journey back to Plas Craig Las proved uneventful. Some snow had fallen but not enough to block the road. Dave stopped by at Cledwyns’ farm to deliver the shopping and pick up the ‘eight thousand’ tractor. Briony had her first opportunity to meet Blodwen the seemingly super -efficient farmers’ daughter who had already been up to Plas Craig to feed the animals and check the foal. While Dave discussed livestock issues with Cledwyn, Briony shared a cup of tea and biscuits with Blodwen. Invariably the conversation turned to Dave and then Daves’ sexuality. Blodwen was circumspect to a fault as she cautiously probed Brionys’ views about various life styles until she finally guided it slowly around to alternative LGBT lifestyles. She seized her opportunity when Briony seemingly touched innocently upon Blodwen and Daves’ shared childhoods.

“He told me you and he went right through school together.”

Blodwen nodded.

“Yes, Ysgol Cymraeg Machynlleth.”

“So you both speak Welsh then,” Briony observed and secretly pleased that Dave was talking in English to Cledwyn, ‘probably out of respect to me,’ she thought.

“Yes,” Blodwen replied, “fourteen years on the same bus to and from school every day.

“I’m surprised you’re not in a relationship, what with living next door to each other all those years and with nobody else for what seems like miles.” Briony remarked pointedly.

Blodwen picked up on the direction Briony was going so she widened the gates.

“Oh we had a brief fling ... you know, clumsy juvenile fumblings but it amounted to nothing. I ended up going to college while he stayed back to run the farms. Both the farms mind you, his and ours, I owe him big time for that. At one stage when dad found out I wasn't interested, he almost sold our farm until Dave and his dad offered to buy it to give me time to make up my mind.”

“Yes he did mention it.”

“He's a natural farmer and for one so young there's not much he doesn't know. He’s doing as well as me now though,” Blodwen observed, “he runs our farm for my dad and then there’s the forestry business and he sells electricity to the grid. All in all, Dave does very well.”

“And you’re still not interested?”

“Uuuhm, no. I live and work in Birmingham. Lonely mountain farms are not for me, I like my social life. I’m a city girl.”

“Clubs and bars and lots of friends then is it?” briony grinned.

A flicker of caution danced momentarily in Blodwens’ eyes then she nodded. Briony had mentioned clubs and that left an opening. Blodwen took it.

“Well frankly yes. I like clubbing. I’m so busy with the architectural practice, clubbing’s my only opportunity to meet people outside of work.”

“And Birmingham’s got some pretty good clubs.” Briony added for good measure

Blodwen nodded vigorously.

“Yes it has; pretty wild ones actually. After a childhood spent on a lonely Welsh hillside, I’m making up for it now.”

Briony nodded.

“Yes, I think that was my mistake. Small town girl, born and bred in Llanidloes, met a local boy and married too young. I also married the wrong man. My husband’s a bastard, that’s what Dave was doing today ... helping sort some of the shit out.”

“It seems lots of men are bastards,” Blodwen said, “present company excepted.”

“Well I can vouch for that. The way he’s helped me is unbelievable what with the car-crash, the snow, my husband pursuing me and everything. D’you know I spent all Christmas at Daves’ house and he’s never once made a pass or anything.”

“Yes, he was always good to me when we were at school. Oh, I admit, we fumbled and failed, but in truth it was a fiasco, we were both immature and very much feeling our way ... no pun intended. But most importantly Dave never bragged or swaggered or lied. In fact he never spoke about us or our friendship to any of the other kids in our year. The other kids were always pumping us because we had every opportunity. Last two kids off the bus and all those long walks home together in summer afternoons through the heather."

Briony sensed an opening and boldly asked but in a whisper.

“D’you think he’s gay!”

“Dave! Oh heavens no! I don’t think so; he’s just shy and maybe undersexed. Would you be offended if he was gay?”

It was Briony’s chance to reveal her liberalism.

“Not at all. It seems as though it would be a waste if he was. He’s actually quite handsome in a willowy sort of way and a really lovely personality. My son adores him and they’ve only known each other for three days.”

“D’you consider being gay a waste then?”

“No. I didn’t mean it that way. I’ve no problems with gay or any of the other people in the LGBT thing.”

“Oh you’ve heard of the LGBT thing then.”

“Ye-ees. Llanidloes isn’t the end of the world you know,” Briony replied somewhat slowly and deliberately to ease any potential misunderstandings, “we do have radio and even television in Llanidloes. It’s every bit as advanced as Machynlleth.”

Blodwen giggled as she noted the unspoken hint hidden in brionys' irony.

“So you don’t mind the other stuff, the lesbians, bi’s and trans?”

“No. Not at all! Look, after the shit way I’ve been treated by my husband ... a so called heterosexual man; I’d be tempted to turn lesbian myself. At least there wouldn’t be the violence.”

It was Blodwens’ turn to make a cautious observation.

“Don’t you believe it girl? There are some very aggressive and violent lesbians out there.”

“Well I wouldn’t know; I’ve never knowingly been in a lesbian club. Have you then? What are they like?”

Blodwen smiled as she expected to shock Briony.

“Yes, I have, I go there all the time, you see, I’m lesbian.”

If Blodwen had expected Briony to be shocked, she was disappointed.

“So that’s why you and Dave ... fumbled ... as you put it.”

Briony said it so matter-of-factly, without a shadow or a whisper of shock or censure, that it was Blodwens’ turn to be surprised. She had expected a simple small town girl from Mid Wales to show at least some small shock or consternation by her bold revelation but Briony had taken it in her stride without missing a beat.

“Are you not offended by my sexuality?” Blodwen asked curiously.

“No more or less than I am offended by Dave and Daphne, in fact I’m very fond of Daphne.”

Blodwens’ jaw sagged with shock before she almost burst into laughter.

“Oh you cow! You little bloody minx! You’ve been leading me on all the time! You know about Dave! And his uuhhmm...”

“Yes. I met Daphne on Christmas Eve. Dave’s pretty laid back about it ... far less angst than you.”

Blodwen just wagged her head slowly.

“And there was me, all tight and anxious about Dave being discovered; locally I mean. I was trying to protect him.”

Briony fell into a giggling fit and it infected Blodwen. Dave had returned from chatting to Cledwyn in the front room and he noticed it.

When he asked “what was up?” They simply wagged their heads and Briony managed to choke out that she’d explain back at Plas Craig.

After completing their arrangements Dave made his excuses and clambered into the eight thousand tractor and invited Briony and Blodwen to follow up to Plas Graig in the Landrover. Briony realised that Blodwen was Daves’ ‘de-facto’ sister and felt bound to accept that she came up to the hall virtually as and when she wanted without invitation. Consequently, she was not surprised to learn that Blodwen had her own key. As Briony drove, they naturally chatted at length about Dave and the house and even discussed futures.

“So you’re definitely going for a divorce?” Blodwen finally asked.

“Yes! Definitely,” Briony replied emphatically, “Arfon’s a pig!”

“Are you interested in Dave now that you know about his transgenderism? I mean, it’s not some sort of puerile interest is it? I don’t mean to pry but I don’t want to see him hurt. I’m still very fond of him. We’ve been friends since the cradle.”

Briony sensed the genuine concern that Blodwen had for Dave and realised they must have shared more than just a lifetime. In high school, they had inadvertently protected each-others’ hidden issues without realising it and when they had finally discovered each others’ natures, their discovery only served to strengthen their childhood bonds of friendship.

Blodwen explained all this and Briony realised she had two people to think about if she and Dave took their relationship further. And Briony so wanted to take it further, for the more she saw of Dave, the more her heart ached. She could understand exactly why Blodwen thought so much of him.

Apart from the very real sexual attraction Briony felt, there was an additional factor to Dave and it showed through Sions’ affection for him. Normally her little boy went in fear of adult men but Dave had simply waltzed through the barrier that Sion had erected, and all by sheer kindness and sincerity. A lump formed in Brionys’ throat as she slithered into the icy yard to see Dave unlocking the kitchen door. Even before she had stepped from the Landrover, Blodwen was lifting Ellairy out of her travelling seat and holding her to her body momentarily as Sion erupted from his seat and scorched across the yard to the barn.
Briony smiled and explained as Blodwen looked puzzled.

“He’s gone to see Gabby, Angels’ foal.”

“Oooh yes, such a beautiful little mare? I must see her as well.”

Blodwen was undecided whether to join Sion in the stables or stay with Briony. In the end she handed Ellairy to Briony then decided to do a quick check on Sion with the foal. On finding Dave filling the food boxes while Sion knelt in the hay with both mare and foal lying down, Blodwen was happy with the situation and returned with Dave to join Briony into the kitchen. As she entered Briony was fussing with Ellairy in the kitchen so Dave turned to Blodwen.

“Can you put the kettle on love, I think Ellairy needs changing. D’you want me to do it Bri’ or shall I get the shopping in?”

“I’ll do it,” Briony replied, “Blod and I can chat some more while the kettle boils. What did you go shopping for?”

“A few odds and ends, oh and I bought you a pack of knicks, you can’t keep borrowing mine.”

Blodwen looked at Briony then to Dave.

“Getting fussy are you love?”

“Well, it’s a girl thing,” Dave grinned as he returned to the Landrover to collect the shopping.

Briony and Blodwen started giggling again and they were still giggling when Dave returned. He handed her the seven-pack of cotton Sloggies and then produced a bra that Briony recognised as the right size. She grinned as she held it up.

“I hope you haven’t been snooping. How did you know my size?”

“The one you borrowed from Daphne didn’t fit quite right, so I checked your nursing bra and got an ordinary one with a slightly bigger cup. They know me in Machynlleth so it would be silly of me to have bought a nursing bra. They’d be bound to ask questions and the answers could have got back to that husband of yours.”

Briony wagged her head as she realised how thoughtful Dave was.

“You think of everything, don’t you?”

Dave shrugged and grinned.

“Us girls must stick together.”

Blodwens’ face split into a wide grin.

“My God Dave, if only we had known when we were at school, think of the years we lost.”

Dave sighed.

“Ayeeeh. Yes but what would our parents have said? Cledwyn still doesn’t know about either of us does he?”

“He doesn’t need to know either. Blodwen finished as she poured the tea and only had to ask Briony how she liked hers.

Briony noted that the pair were virtually brother and sister twins. In all but name. She secretly envied them for each knew the others’ nature and it gave them a shared mutual strength. After sipping her tea Briony had to feed Ellairy and Blodwen watched with genuine interest while Dave checked on Sion and the animals in the barn.

“When I have children, I’m going to breast feed.” Blodwen announced.

“It makes your nipples all brown and lumpy, as well as saggier boobs.”

“It won’t matter. My partner and I have already discussed all the issues.”


“We’re getting past the clubbing and wild young thing stage. I’ve been doing that since college. Both my partner and I are seriously considering children.”

Briony smiled a genuinely warm smiling as she squealed.

“Oh that’s lovely. You’ve got to tell me when you’re expecting.”

Blodwens' face clouded slightly and Briony sensed what was coming. She caught the faint whisper of despair as it flashed ever so briefly across Blodwens’ face.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh nothing,” Blodwen sighed.

But Briony sensed the undercurrent and gently reached out her hand.

“I might have got this all wrong but I sense an issue here. Might I be bold? ... and if I’m wrong will you promise not to scold me?”

Blodwen suspected Briony had already latched on to the issue. She nodded thoughtfully and agreed.

“I suspect you’ll be right, and I hope you won’t be offended.” Blodwen said.

Briony drew a long almost invisible breath as she plucked up the courage.

“Were you hoping to use Dave; as a donor that is?”

Blodwen nodded and turned away, half expecting some sort of conflict. Instead Briony smiled and squeezed Blodwens’ hand.

“I don’t have a problem with that Blod. You’ve a right to have a child. It’s every womans’ human right. And that’s irrespective of their sexuality or gender ... or transgender! She added thoughtfully.”

She felt Blodwens’ grip tighten with gratitude and Blodwen turned to smile. Briony couldn’t miss the moisture in her eyes.

“Thank you Briony. Yes, you’re the right girl for Dave. Would you want to give him a child?”

It was Brionys’ turn to continue being philanthropic.

“It’s every mans’ right to have a child as well.”

Blodwen grinned as Briony added.

“And that’s also irrespective of sexuality or gender ... or transgender. Anyway, it’ll please your dad Cledwyn to see you have a child by the man he always thought you were going to marry.”

“Those were always my thoughts,” Blodwen replied as she grinned and stood up to kiss Briony.

Briony sensed that it was a genuine friendship kiss of gratitude and Blodwens’ accompanying hug reiterated her assumption. Once again, Blodwen held Brionys’ head in her hands and kissed her on the forehead. Briony boldly brought her lips up and transferred the kiss to Blodwens’ lips. It was a friendship kiss and tongues did not entwine. Each girl knew now how it stood and then they spoke simultaneously as they parted.

“Dave’s a lucky man!”

This coincidental remark reduced the girls to fits of laughter and sealed their friendship. They started to prepare a meal and within half an hour, the excited treble of Sions’ voice was heard in the utility room even before he skipped into the kitchen.

“Mummy! Mummy, Gabby came right up to me and sniffed my hand. She even let me put my arms around her neck. She really likes me! Dave says I’ll be able to ride her as soon as she’s old enough. There won’t be any problems.”

Sion turned with a ‘wide-eyed’ grin to Dave who had followed him in. Dave nodded, then sniffed appreciatively.

“Ooh that smells good. My favourite; bangers, mash and fried eggs.”

Briony wagged her head in mock despair.

“Blodwen told me. My God David Cadwalloder you’ve got plebeian tastes.”

Dave reached out and pulled Briony into an affectionate embrace.

“Well it’s that or Cowl darling and Cowl takes too long.”

“I’ll make that for you tomorrow.” Briony almost purred while Blodwen sported a huge grin.

“I’ll be up to share that tomorrow lunch time. But I’ve got to get back to see to Dad after this dinner. I’ll drop in for lunch on my way back to Birmingham tomorrow.”

“Oh you’re going back are you? That’s a pity. Will Daphne see you in Birmingham for New year?” Dave asked.

“I wouldn’t miss Daphne for the world love.” Blod reassured him as she turned to Briony. “What about you Bri’?”

“I’d love to come but what about the children?”

“Bring them. The hotel has got a child minding service.” Dave replied.

Briony felt a thrill of anticipation and as she turned to Dave, he smiled.

“The bank can stand it. You deserve a break. I have to warn you though; the clubs can be pretty intoxicating. We Tee-girls know how to enjoy ourselves.”

“And you say it’s safe,” Briony checked.

“You’re safer with us Tee-girls than any other crowd. Besides I’ll be letting the others know you’re with me.”

“Does that count?”

“Yes. Yes, if an unmarried tee-girl meets a single girl in a gay club, they are both entitles to 'sound each other out'. If you were alone you'd get a lot of attention from Tee girls and lesbians. Fortunately several of the other tee-girls will be there with their wives and partners, you won’t be alone.”

Briony felt a warm thrill of anticipation and turned to Sion who was looking hungrily at the spare sausages. She glanced inquiringly at Dave who nodded with a smile.

“Of course he can, growing boys need their food in this weather. Besides, he’s out with me feeding the sheep in the morning.”
Sions’ eyes lit up as Briony parcelled out a second helping of sausages and asked him.

“D’you want to come to Birmingham with me and Daphne?”

His grin widened even further.

“Daphne! Yes please, she’s nice.”

Dave and Blodwen exchanged smiles. As fully signed up members of the LGBT community it was a pleasure to hear the boy switch from Daphne to Dave and back to Daphne with little or no confusion. Already Sion had learned when and where Dave became Daphne and Daphne became Dave.

“Start em young,” Blod chuckled, “and you’ll have fewer complications.”

“Same with horses Blod!” Dave riposted. “By the way, after dinner I’ll run you over in the tractor.”

For the rest of the meal, they finalised details of Briony’s stay as Blodwen gave her tips about living in the house. Dave went out for one last check on the barn. Blodwen took the opportunity to give Briony some pointers.

“I’ve lived and worked in this house helping Dave since he lost his dad and helping his dad before that. If you’ve any questions, just ask me. Mind you, whilst Dave can’t help you much, Daphne can.”

Briony gave her head a little shake as she wrapped it around the dichotomy that Blodwen had just described.

“That’s a weird one, I mean; you speak as though there are two people in the one head.”

“Well in truth,” Blodwen confessed, “that’s the only way I can think of it. Truly, Daphne and Dave are two very different people. Dave’s a man although a lovable sweetie, while Daphne’s very much a girl. You’ll find it’s Daphne who organises the house and runs it. Just remember to accept Daphne as the mistress of the house until she comes to terms with your being here. Don’t worry, she will accept you; she accepted me once I recognised that she was here and it was technically her house. The one thing I can’t advise is if or when you become partners. How would Daphne feel about having another mistress in the house?”

Briony shrugged.

“I don’t know; it’s a long way off anyway. I mean a divorce absolute could take months or even years if Arfon contests it or demands custody of the children. What if the judge learns about Daphne? If that bastard Arfon found out about her, he’d be bound to use it against us.”

Blodwen frowned.

“I don’t know. I just can’t answer that. It’s not as bad as it used to be; in the courts I mean... These new laws against transphobia could help but if you get a stiff-necked religious nut for a judge, well; who knows?”

Briony nodded ruefully. She would just have to wait and see.

Finally, after dinner was finished, Dave arranged to Run Blodwen home on the eight thousand tractor. When he mentioned it, Briony felt Sions’ pleading eyes boring a hole in her motherhood. He whispered hopefully.

“Can I go with them mummy? I’ve never been on the tractor at night and it’s got a cool set of lights on the cab.”

Dave turned almost with a sixth sense for he had already learned that he hardly had to mention the tractor and a hopeful face would turn expectantly. He nodded to Briony.

“He can come if you’re happy but he’ll have to sit on Bronwens’ knee for the outward journey. Bron will be sitting where Sion usually sits in the back-hoe dickie seat.”

Bronwen nodded agreement to Briony and the deal was struck. Sion was out in the utility room like a bullet from a gun and the three adults turned to smile. Within minutes Briony was watching the tractor roaring off up the lane like a tank. While she sorted Ellairy for the night and cleared up the dinner, she had time to reflect upon her good fortune. There was no contest in her mind. Divorce Arfon, then, if Dave (and Daphne,) were happy ... marry Dave and have a new found friend in Daphne. Provided Sion was happy with Daphne (and he seemed to be,) then things should work out. As for Ellairy, well she would never know anything different. She would grow up knowing it to be acceptable. Briony was singing happily to herself when Dave and Sion returned and she did not hear the click of the door. Dave gently tugged Sions’ arm as they entered.

“Listen to that lad, your mum seems happy.”

Sion listened transfixed then turned to Dave and smiled.

“I’ve never heard mummy singing.”

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