I just thought I'd try to transfer some of my old, old stories from FM. This is one of my very earliest TG/Furry stories and I make no apologies for it's content. It's been knocking around on FM since 2003. Here goes.
Mares Tale - Chapter 1 - by: Beverly Taff
Miss Williams, deputy headmistress strode into the classroom and
whispered into the form mistresses' ear before turning her stern gaze
upon me.
"Miss Beverly! You are to report to Miss Lanes office immediately."
A hush descended upon the class and they all turned to face me. Miss
Jones the form mistress rapped sharply upon her lectern calling the
class to order. I glanced nervously at my friend Veronica and she
squeezed my hand under the desk that we shared.
"Good luck," she whispered.
I returned her affectionate squeeze but our actions caught the sharp
eyes of Miss Jones who instantly ordered Veronica to the front of the
class. I rose trembling as Miss Williams tapped her foot impatiently
then I followed her into the corridor. As I closed the classroom door I
heard Miss Jones admonishing Veronica for our mutual transgression of
a public show of emotion.
Discipline was harsh at Miss Lanes academy and Veronica knew that some
severe punishment was coming to her. I of course, knew that a summons
to Miss Lanes office was very serious. It meant very severe punishment,
or worse, corrective discipline, or even worse still; corrective
Miss Williams stalked briskly along the corridors to Miss Lanes office
whilst I minced desperately behind her trying to keep up. I silently
cursed the tight corsets and high heels that all junior pupils were
forced to wear. They made us wobble and teeter along as we minced from
class to class. I stumbled as I tried to take bigger, faster steps and
Miss Williams turned around angrily.
"Come along Miss Beverly! Don’t dawdle so. You know perfectly well that
Miss Lane must not be kept waiting."
Miss Williams knocked on Miss Lanes door as I struggled to my feet. I
frantically tried to smooth the creases in my frilly uniform dress and
generally repair the damage to my appearance.Miss Lane was a stickler
for tidiness amongst her 'girls'. There was a short pause and a voice
summoned us in. All my desperate efforts were to be of no avail however
for, as I entered the room and courtesied, Miss Lane was holding up the
most beautiful and deliciously frilly pair of knickers that I instantly
recognised as mine.
"Are these yours' Miss Beverly?" demanded Miss Lane.
I demurely lowered my eyes and admitted that they were. I could not
however, understand how she had discovered them for I had pulled off my
nametag and stuffed them behind another girl’s wardrobe in our
"Do you know how they got here?" She persisted.
"I- I think so Miss Lane Ma-am," I mumbled, deeply embarrassed that my
favourite and most intimate pair of frilly panties should be so
publicly displayed.
Miss Lane continued menacingly, "Well Miss Beverly, Dorothy your
dormitory maid found them stuffed behind another wardrobe without their
name tag on. Can you shed any light?"
"I- I think so Miss Lane Ma-am," I whispered as my memory of the
previous night came flooding back.
"Speak up child! Can you kindly explain the dirty disgusting stains up
the front of these panties? Look! They’re nearly to the waistband?" She
thrust the offending knickers into my face.
"Y- Yes Miss Lane Ma-am," I stammered nervously.
"Oh I’m quite sure that you can. In fact we all know exactly how these
stains occurred. The questions we now ask are these. One, -Why were you
wearing your Sunday best panties in Bed instead of your night corset?
Two, - Who let you out of your night corset after Miss Dorothy had
laced you up? Finally, - what are we going to do about these stains in
the future?" I stood dumbly between the two mistresses as I frantically
tried to gather my thoughts. "Well. I'm waiting Miss Beverly."
"My night corset is ever so tight Miss Lane and it's awfully
uncomfortable. It's difficult to ‘adjust’ myself and get to sleep."
"You know perfectly well the reasons for the corsets Miss Beverly. It
is exactly to prevent this sort of thing happening." She shook the
panties angrily in my face again.
"It's never happened before Miss Lane,” I cried. “But I've started
becoming desperately tight in the corsets at night and been unable to
get comfortable."
"That's the whole idea of the corsets, you stupid girl. It's all part
of the training and discipline at this academy. Is this definitely the
first time you've stained your knickers like this?"
"Yes Miss Lane Ma-am, honestly," I pleaded.
"Hmmmm,” she mused, "This must be onset of puberty for you Beverly." It
was the first time that she had dropped the 'Miss' when addressing it
and me worried me. She continued talking. "Well, as you know Beverly,
you have the blue ribbon in your hair which means that your step mother
and your father are still undecided about your future. If you had been
wearing a pink ribbon, it would have been time to have the operation to
turn you into a proper 'girl'."
All the pupils at the academy knew the significance of the ribbons. It
was the first thing they learned because it was so important to their
destiny. Proper girls wore green ribbons indicating their safe status
whilst boy-girls who were definitely to be transformed wore pink
ribbons from their very first day at the academy. Boy-girls with the
blue ribbons were waiting for their parents or guardians to decide what
they wanted. Sometimes they waited years before their parents made up
their minds.
The blue-ribboned pupils often envied the pink-ribboned pupils their
certainty and the early opportunity to accept their fate. The worst
situation, as the older pupils were constantly reminding us, was to
enter puberty and enjoy all the pleasures of manhood, then to be
operated on and have to spend the rest of ones life as a 'girl'. The
older pupils discussed this a lot during the nighttime chats in the
dormitories. It was obvious that some of the pupils bitterly regretted
having been changed so late after their puberty whilst others seemed
quite happy with it.
The happiest boy-girls seemed to be those who hadn't been operated on
but had been treated with very heavy doses of hormones during their
growing years. Thus they passed completely as girls except in the
showers. Most of the pupils were quite happy to shower communally,
whatever their 'condition'. Some however, self-consciously showered in
a private cubicle especially if they were unhappy about their
I was desperately worried about my fate. I hoped that I would leave the
academy functioning as a boy but behaving and living like a girl.There
was no guarantee of this. A little nervous sob escaped me as I tried to
contemplate my future. Miss Lane ignored this and continued.
"Considering that you were cross-dressing before you came to us
Beverly, I’m very disappointed at this development. Furthermore, Miss
Dorothy tells me that she has often found the toilet seat left up after
the pupils have gone to breakfast. We know that it's you behaving in
this most unladylike manner because the only other boy-girls in your
dormitory have both had their operations in the last two months. You
wouldn't know this because they have kept it confidential, as all young
ladies should. That leaves you as the only transgressor in your
I could not deny this logic. I had been urinating like a boy and
enjoying what I thought was my own little secret convenience during the
desperate morning rush to prepare for breakfast and classes. I had
thought that some of the other pupils in my year were still boy-girls
and that the offence of 'unladylike behaviour' could not have been
pinned on me. Through my ignorance I had been caught. There was no
escaping the hard evidence.
"Take your dress off Beverly," ordered Miss Lane, "I wish to determine
the extent of your physical development before I contact your parents."
With trembling fingers I fumbled with my buckle. Miss Williams quickly
released the awkward buttons up the back of my frock and let it slither
to the floor. She then unlaced the tight ribbons of my corset and
allowed my bust an unexpected freedom for that time of the day. I
crimsoned with embarrassment as my largish, hormone enhanced breasts
wobbled free and my exposed nipples stiffened with the cold. The
mistresses' eyes widened as they appreciated my breasts and they smiled
at each other.
"Well there has been some excellent development here Beverly," smiled
Miss Lane as they both touched and gently squeezed my breasts.
"Hmm yes," cooed Miss Williams who was standing behind me. She gently
reached under my arms cupped and my assets. "I'd say a 'C' or even a
'D' cup and so soft but firm. Look no sagging."
She softly 'weighed' my breasts and slowly rolled my nipples between
her fingers and thumbs. I let out an involuntary gasp of pleasure.
"That's enough of that,” smirked Miss Lane, "lower you knickers Beverly
and lets inspect your other uhmm, assets."
I became desperately nervous as I reluctantly obeyed her second
"Oh do hurry up child! And be quick with your cache-sex. Don't you
think we've ever seen a boy-girl before? You've got nothing to hide."
Miss Williams reached for my cache-sex and angrily tugged my poor
little penis free. They both bent down to inspect it then stood up
again and started to gently caress my nipples while simultaneously
watching my penis. Slowly, despite my desperate embarrassment and fear,
my flaccid little organ began to respond to the very feminine
stimulation above. Eventually both my nipples and my penis were erect
and hard. My mind was now a plethora of ecstatic confusion as I tried
to reconcile the very bi-sexual reactions of my soft rounded body with
its masculine roots.
"Well, well! Miss Beverly. That’s an excellent response," smiled Miss
Lane as she gently grasped my organ, "It's just the sort of reaction we
have been striving for. In future, I think, for the these next few
important formative months we will start programming your responses to
go this far and no further." She wrote some notes in her book and
turned to me again.
"Each day you must present yourself to Miss Williams at 10 o'clock to
be thus stimulated by your nipples until you get an erection. Then you
will be re-corseted before there is any ejaculation or orgasm." I
peered down over my breasts at my still erect little penis and sobbed
as Miss Lane continued.
"After a few years of this therapy Miss Beverly, it is likely that you
will be achieving erections without ever being able to gain relief
through an orgasm or ejaculation. Thus you will become an excellent
transvestite maidservant for any future mistress who employs you."
The thought of being unable to enjoy the newfound ecstasies of my
orgasms whilst still having erections and urges left me terrified. I
flung myself at Miss Lanes' feet and beseeched her to reconsider. As I
hugged her ankles and sobbed, I missed the sly smile that passed
between the two mistresses.
"There could be another alternative Miss Beverly but to be offered it,
you must first tell us who released you from your sleeping-corsets last
night and then enabled you to wear your Sunday-best knickers in bed."
The threat of the ‘therapy’ had the desired effect and I blubbered
Veronicas' name. A little smile of victory played along Miss Lanes'
"Go and fetch her Miss Williams."
Miss Lane then shook me off her foot and made some phone calls. One I
recognised was to my stepmother and father. I longed to speak to my
father as I stood waiting naked and afraid unable to even place my
hands where modesty behoved me. Miss Williams eventually returned with
a very scared looking Veronica and Miss Lane replaced the phone as she
turned menacingly to my friend.
"I'll come straight to the point with you young lady. Miss Beverly here
informs us that you released her from her corsets last night. Is that
Veronica shot a glance at me across the room. She noted my tearstained
face and naked plight, then realised that the game was up. She slumped
crestfallen against Miss Lanes' desk and spoke.
"Well, yes Miss Lane Ma-am, but it was only high jinks. Nothing else
happened honestly!"
"Huh! We shall be the judges of that young lady. Miss Williams be so
kind as to invite Doctor James to attend upon these two pupils. Then we
shall determine if anything other than ‘high jinks’ took place" Miss
Williams left and Miss Lane turned to Veronica.
"Whilst we are waiting Miss Veronica, you will disrobe."
"What! Here, in front of Miss Beverly?" replied Veronica reproachfully.
Miss Lane gave Veronica a stinging slap across the face.
"Certainly! You can have no need for such false modesty; especially
after the 'high jinks' you so lightly referred to."
Veronica tried to turn half away from me as Miss Lane assisted with the
buttons up the back of her frock but Miss Lane spotted the ploy.
"It's too late to try and be modest now young lady," she snapped as the
dress fell to the floor. "Miss Beverly! Come and undo the ribbons on
Miss Veronicas' corset."
Thankfully, I left the large window were I had been forcibly exposed to
all the tittering classroom traffic as it crossed the quadrangle. I
stepped closer to Veronica and gently untied the ribbons and stays of
Veronicas’ corset. I let my fingers linger as I unclipped the hook and
eyes of her gusset fasteners. Next I gently lowered the corset cups to
reveal Veronicas budding teenage breasts. As I looked into Veronica’s
tearstained face I caught a glance of envy as she noticed the
difference between her own budding mounds and my more developed swaying
wobbling breasts. I could tell what she was thinking - with me being a
boy-girl and all. Suddenly I felt the sharp sting of a cane on my bare
bottom as Miss Lane whisked it across my cheeks.
"Oh come on now Miss Beverly, so considerate and tender. Kindly
undress Miss Veronica completely as any lady’s maid should."
I gently tugged the corset all the way down to Veronicas beautifully
rounded calves and she gracefully stepped out of it towards me. After
peeling off her stockings, I reached out and slid my hands under the
waistband of her deliciously frilly knickers. Gently I worked them down
over her voluptuously flared hips. Veronica gave a little squeak and
shuddered when my fingers caressed her rounded bottom as I removed her
knickers. My face was almost touching the soft diaphanous pubic hair as
I worked down her thighs. I slyly pressed my lips against her mons and
tried to plant a secret kiss with my tongue on her button. Veronica
tried to hide the involuntary little twitch of her thighs but Miss
Lane spotted it and detected my ploy.
"Hey! None of that you little minxes," she scolded as she stung my
breasts and Veronicas thighs with the cane.
She then seized our hands and made us stand facing each other about a
foot apart.
"Now I want you to caress and stimulate each others breasts and
nipples. Nothing else mind!" She cautioned as she drew the cane
menacingly across our breasts.
Gingerly we both reached out and tentatively started to touch each
other as directed. Miss Lane bent down and inspected our lower parts as
firstly our nipples started to harden then our other natural responses
became active. My little organ started to swell and stiffen whilst
Veronica started to breath with short gasps as her eyelids became heavy
and her hips started to sway and rock in time with my caresses. I had
never seen this in any of the girls before. I looked nervously for
guidance from Miss Lane, who had now finished her 'inspection'. Miss
Lane, however, had a strange expression on her face and seemed to be
ignoring us completely.
A knock at the door brought Miss Lane to her senses again and she
ordered us to stop. My nipples and little organ were bursting for
relief whilst I could see a distinct glistening amongst Veronicas' soft
golden pubic hair. Veronicas' eyes also opened with irritation at
the knock and abrupt stop in our activities.
Miss Williams had returned with Doctor Margaret Rosalind James, the
school surgeon and physician. Miss Lane addressed the doctor.
"Ah Doctor James; I’m so sorry to have to call you away at such short
notice but we appear to be having some problems with these two little
minxes. Firstly, it would appear that Miss Beverly is refusing to
behave like a lady, especially during her toilet visits. Secondly, Miss
Veronica here has apparently taken to some very licentious behaviour
under the cover of darkness in her dormitory"
Veronica gasped at this charge but a sharp glance from Miss Lane soon
made her realise that denial would only worsen the case against her.
Miss Lane continued.
"It would seem that Miss Veronica has recently enjoyed the onset of
puberty and, coincidentally, discovered the secret pleasures of her
fingers. Furthermore, last night it would appear, she dragged Miss
Beverly into her secret web of passion and entreated her to the same
pleasures; albeit with respect to the differences of their anatomies.
Miss Beverly enjoyed her first nocturnal emission last night with the
capable assistance and connivance of Miss Veronica."
Both Veronica and I realised that this was in part truth and part
fabrication but such was the discipline at Miss Lanes that we did not
dare contest the allegations. We stood mutely facing each other as the
three older women started discussing our fate.
"Doctor James, I would like you please, to confirm if Miss Veronica is
still possessed of her hymen. A gynaecological inspection should
present little difficulty as I have ensured that both these little
minxes are well prepared for whatever investigations you may need
to conduct."
Veronica and I gave each other meaningful glances as we realised that
our earlier mutual breast fondling had been but a precursor to this
inspection. This was especially so for poor Veronica.
Doctor James led Veronica to a large raised couch in an anteroom off
Miss Lanes office. We all followed and I was made to help the naked
Veronica up onto the couch. Veronica was made to lie on her back with
her feet spread apart up in the air on two raised stirrups. Thus she
was inspected in front of us all. Tears of shame and embarrassment came
to her eyes as the doctor gently probed and tested with some
instruments taken from a sterile surgical tray.
Despite her shame, Veronica started to squirm and shake as the Doctor
persisted with her ‘inspection’. Finally, with a brief nod, she
proclaimed Veronicas’ virginity to be intact and let Veronica lower her
legs. There she continued her 'inspection' by gently pressing and
rubbing the little bud at the top of Veronica’s vagina. My interest was
noticed and my head was thrust rudely down to make me take a closer
Using a different instrument the doctor gently teased a tiny nodule of
flesh out from under the bud, which I had now noticed to be more like a
little hood. I was intrigued to notice that Veronicas' little nodule
appeared to be a tiny glans and the hood was not dissimilar to my own
The doctors' continued 'inspection' was now sending poor Veronica into
paroxysms of ecstasy. Her hips started to gyrate and her legs thrashed
around as she became frantic with lust. The mistresses seized
Veronica’s wrists and secured them to some rings that I
hadn't noticed down the side of the couch. Then, after some more
wrestling, they managed to re-secure Veronicas' ankles back into the
Meanwhile, the Doctor continued her ministrations to poor Veronica’s
clitoris. By now my friend was hooting and moaning as she desperately
tried to thrust her pubis against the Doctor’s tantalising instruments.
I realised now that Veronica was being brought to the same state of
agitation that I had been subjected to earlier.
Suddenly, Dr James simply stopped and dispassionately declared
Veronicas' sexual responses to be ‘O.K.’ Veronica was by now
frantically trying to complete her fulfilment by trying to squeeze her
thighs together and bouncing her bottom on the couch. She looked at me
beseechingly and whimpered her need but I dared not cross the line that
had been clearly drawn by the mistresses.
After some secretive whispering between the mistresses and the doctor,
Miss Williams produced a peculiar looking 'body-harness' from a
cupboard behind the door. Miss Lane and she then prepared to put
Veronica in it. Veronica was still secured to the couch and
unable to resist her ensuing bondage.
Her entire vulva was cupped by a strong, stiff, boat-shaped leather
cover that was securely strapped under her crotch, round the crease of
her bottom and up to her waist where it was tightly attached to a
strong, thick, back fastening belt. A shoulder harness cum breast
supporter was then slipped over her bust to force her maidenly mounds
up and out. The bra cups were 'peephole' so that her nipples and
aureoles were pushed ludely out. The shoulder harness was then securely
attached to the waist belt. Next her wrists were handcuffed to a pair
of strong rings set into the belt. Then as the teachers admired their
handiwork, the helpless Veronica’s ankles were released off the
It was obvious that Veronica could not relieve the desperate urgings in
her crotch. She could neither finger her clitoris nor grind her vulva
against anything. Miss Lane, who was a past master in these situations,
whispered in Veronica’s ear. Instantly, Veronica lurched towards me and
pressed her firm engorged nipples against my heavier breasts. I
realised that Doctor James and the mistresses had been in these
situations before because Miss Williams then procured another harness
from the cupboard. Meanwhile, Doctor James and Miss Lane separated us.
Whilst Veronica uselessly ground her frustrated vulva against the
padded corner of the examination couch, my hands were seized and the
three of them proceeded to harness me as well. My poor little organ was
squeezed cruelly into a tight stiff leather pouch that was shaped to
enclose my genitals. It enclosed both my penis and my scrotum and was
laced just tight enough to allow the blood to flow. My genitalia were
now totally inaccessible to me. The leather pouch was then secured to a
strong waist belt in the same manner as Veronicas'. My crotch strap was
a little wider and the cheeks of my bum were well parted at the crease.
Now my bum flared provocatively to exaggerate the gravid roundness of
my girlish buttocks.
My breasts were then harnessed exactly the same way as Veronica’s and
my nipples protruded like organ stops through the 'peepholes'. My
wrists however, were secured to another pair of stout rings on the back
of Veronicas' belt so that my fingers rested on the tops of her bum
cheeks and my nipples were pressed gently against hers. Thus we were
helplessly bonded face-to-face.
Veronica and I were left like this in the anteroom whilst the
mistresses and Doctor James retired to the office closing the door
behind them. It was obvious that we were meant to get on with mutually
stimulating each other’s breasts and nipples by rubbing them together.
Veronica was hopelessly frustrated and desperate to achieve a climax,
so she proceeded to urgently press and roll her stiff little rosebud
nipples against mine. Because her breasts were smaller than mine and
consequently firmer, she was able to get her nipples in exactly the
right spot and excite herself. My breasts however, being larger and
heavier, tended to wobble and sway every time I tried to brush my
nipples against Veronica’s; consequently I couldn’t quite get the
correct stimulation. Nevertheless I was slowly getting horny.
Veronica was reaching her climax but I was becoming so tight in my
pouch that all I got for my efforts was increased pain. I whimpered in
agony as I tried to urge Veronica to a quicker climax.
My breasts wobbled and bounced maddeningly so Veronica had to keep
readjusting her position to hit the correct spots on her nipples. Her
knees then began to buckle so I half carried and half dragged her
backwards to the couch. Suddenly she let out a little squeal and
collapsed onto the couch. There she lay panting and whimpering as she
writhed her way through her orgasm. Her breasts heaved and shook as she
drew stentorian breaths to recover. All this movement only served to
excite my nipples even more but I still wasn't able to enjoy an orgasm
because my poor little penis was suffering some excruciating agonies
crushed up in the tight leather pouch. Tears came to my eyes as
Veronica lay on the couch with me twisted awkwardly above her trying
not to hurt her while she was recovering. Eventually she came to her
senses and then realised what was happening to me as my tears dripped
onto her breasts.
"Oh my poor dear Beverly! You must be in agony."
I mutely nodded agreement as she pressed her head on my shoulders.
Then she squirmed around so that we lay on our sides and our breasts
didn't press so hard against each other’s.
"Oh Beverly! I'm so sorry; how selfish of me. I was too engrossed in my
own needs. I'm so, so sorry." She gently licked the tears from my eyes
and cheeks and then returned her head gently to my shoulder. Her long
blond hair tumbled across my breasts as we made ourselves more
comfortable on the couch. The mistresses found us still lying like this
when they returned.
A strange little smile passed between them as the separated us by
releasing one of my hands and securing it to my own waist belt. My
other hand was left to remain lingering on Veronicas' soft velvety
peach of a bottom. Thus attached the mistresses led us back into the
office were Dr James was writing some notes. She looked up and spoke to
Miss Lane.
"Right Miss Lane. Here is my solution. Miss Veronica will have to be
restrained like that in the harness until I can deal with her in the
clinic later this week or the next. There I will be able to permanently
solve her problems with some remedial and corrective surgery," she
paused for effect and it worked.
Veronica let out a wail of fear. The clinic was THE place of dread for
all the pupils in the academy and all sorts of terrible tales were
ascribed to the goings-on down there. All sorts of ghastly things raced
through Veronica’s tortured mind. I tried to comfort her by pushing my
hip against hers and gently caressing her bum with my hand. Dr James
saw our actions and smiled as she gently grasped Veronicas' shoulders.
"Oh don't worry my little pet,” she cooed. After my surgery you will be
able to enjoy the most wonderful orgasms, I promise you. No
clitorectomies here. We are not butchers."
I felt Veronica physically sag against me as she relaxed at this news
and pressed her head against my shoulder. Her tears felt damp in my
cleavage as I gently turned my head and nuzzled my lips in her hair.
Miss Lane, ever efficient, then interrupted.
"Very well Dr James. I will leave the matter of Veronicas remedy to
your surgical skills. Now; what about Miss Beverly's unladylike
"I've had some time to think about this Miss Lane and there would
appear to be three options. It will take some time to go through them
with you so might I suggest some tea whilst we talk."
Miss Lane asked Miss Williams to organise some tea whilst she went to
the computer terminal and printed out my school records and medical
End of Chapter One of Mares Tales
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And please, remember to comment, too! Thanks.
WOW! Mare's Tales is
quite a story. Looking forward to more.
May Your Light Forever Shine
most stimulating
A most most stimulating story,how am supposed to concentrate on my house work now?:)
Ya Know.....
Orgasms are triggered by the brain. One can feel all the sensations, the build up of sexual tension, swelling, wetness, etc. Enough of that and any extra stimulation will trigger the orgasm, but (I think) it still goes thru the brain. Lesbians know that enough stimulation to all kinds of body parts can lead to orgasm.
For the girl-boys on heavy HRT, I think erectile ability would eventually be lost and any ejaculate would be very small, clear and without much sensation. The good thing is that their brains have gone thru girls puberty and they could learn to have a womyn's orgasm or one might happen (as a surprise) while being stimulated. Their dicks and balls would become sort of numb or at least less sensitive, but their crotch between the meat and veg might get much more sensitive.
Yeah, this is mainly things I experienced; just extrapolating...
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Describing & achieving orgasms.
Hi Renee,
Without a doubt these days, now I have come to terms with my 'inbetweenie' gender status, I find that orgasms (for me at least) originate in the brain. I have GOT to get into the mood and it is a totally private, single-minded, unshared process.
I would guess that 50% of my effort to achieve orgasm is mostly about getting myself into the right mood, exploring a sufficiently stimulating fantasy and then concentrating on that 'mental exploration' long enough to arouse my sensory functions, nipples,(30%) inner thighs (5%) and eventually to the final sensory organ, my atrophied penile bud (15%).
I base these percentages primarily on the times I devote to achieving satisfaction.
Usually from commencement to satisfactory climax takes about 30/45 minutes. (I HAVE TIMED THIS OFTEN!)
I have always taken a long time to achieve orgasm even when I had erections, so much so that often when I engaged in marital intercourse, my wife might orgasm twice or even three times before I climaxed.
This NOT as 'Woman friendly' as it sounds. My wife often ended up sore because I took so long and the only time we repeated nightly lovemaking was when we were going for our babies (2)
Your descriptions of your orgasm closely parrallel mine. I now describe my orgasms as 'female orgasms' because they follow the path I have just described. The climax resembles a longish all pervading sense of physical pleasure that finally ends with a residual sensation that resembles what used to be my male, ejaculatory orgams. The sensation is weak but strangely satisfactory inso far as it provides a satisfactory culmination of the slowly peaking pleasure.
I describe myself as 'intergendered' because even now my brain 'flips' or 'swings' between male and female. I have been on oestrogen for two-and-a-half years and have 38" C cup bust. I am now due for an orchidectomy but I am not having a vaginoplasty because I have no need for shared intercourse. My wife and I remain married, (she is a saint) and I will never leave her. We have a reasonably wealthy lifestyle and she indulges her mature (sixty-three-year-old) intellectual activities like travelling, touring and soicialising. I often share those activities but mainly I indulge my transgenderism and cycling and we live satisfactory shared lives.
As shown below.
This is me growing old disgracefully.
This is 'Pulse', a gay bar in Swansea South Wales. You will note the total disinterest by the gay patrons of the bar as we transvestites and transexuals fool about on the Billiard table.
It's a wild life provided I don't weaken.