Mares Tales 9

Veronica and Jennifer are forced to endure some correctional Bondage to reinforce their relationship. Life at the school is briefly described and the four friends start to make plans for adulthood.

Mare's Tales - By: Beverly Taft

Chapter 9.

After rushing my lunch I searched around the hall for Jennifer and
Veronica. They weren't there so I used the remainder of my break to
search around the school for them. They were no longer where I had last
seen them and my search was risky because there was a good chance of my
being caught. I could not slip quickly from place to place because the
tickler lodged in the crotch of my corset made my progress
excruciatingly slow. I needed frequent stops to regain my composure as
I minced delicately from room to room whilst trying not to look too

My searches revealed nothing and I became very worried for them. It was
obvious that my friends had been secreted somewhere in the school that
was not accessible to me. There were plenty of 'locked doors’ at Miss
Lanes. Dejectedly, I returned to afternoon lessons but remained unable
to concentrate on the needlework and sowing put before me.

Dinner came and went, followed by prep then supper and still my friends
failed to reappear. As Dorothy prepared me for bed I felt lost and
distracted. I did not respond properly to any of her attentions or
questionings and she angrily flung me on to the bed securely restrained
in my night corset. As I lay helplessly on my back with my hands
secured to my thighs, I let the cool night air soothe my tortured
breasts and nipples. This was achieved by carefully working the sheet
down off my breasts by gently wiggling it down using my stockinged legs
and feet.

It was not an easy task because the seventy-denier tights prevented any
proper grip on the sheet. My feet were ankle-cuffed to the bed frame
and my legs spread apart. Eventually I achieved my aims and exposed my
nipples to the air. Slowly my body recovered from the awful rigours of
the day. Fortunately the night was warm and I did not get chilled later
in the night. I did not sleep however. My mind could gain no relief as
I tried to imagine what terrible tortures and traumas my friends might
be suffering.

I couldn't even toss and turn with my hands secured to my thighs and my
ankles cuffed to the bed rings. Nor could I cross my knees and sleep on
my front because I crushed my large tender breasts and nipples. I had
to lie all night on my back with my legs parted and my nipples free to
the balmy air.

As I lay awake I heard and saw several shadowy movements as the
prefects checked our dormitories. I dreaded some older pupil taking
advantage of my exposed helpless state and abusing my tender body.
Luckily, in the dark they couldn't have noticed my exposure and I was
left unmolested. Sometime before dawn, I fell into a fitful shallow
sleep only to be awakened by Jacqueline who had slept unsecured that

It was to be a long fretful week before my friends finally surfaced and
I was able to interrogate them about their ordeal. They were reluctant
to talk at first because of all the humiliations they had suffered.
After I had related my experiences however, they were a bit more

The first day they had both been tied together in the double harness
with the double dildo inserted in both their pussies. It had, -as
previously described- been secured to Veronica so that Jennifer had no
control over it at all. Veronica’s end however, was too short and
it just failed to reach her embedded clitty except by the most
desperate and violent push by Veronica. This of course translated the
violent thrust into Jenny's cunny because it was the only way that Vee
could get sufficient purchase to embed her end deep enough into
herself. Jenny detested being the 'girl' and had naturally tried to
prevent having the 'penis' forced into her cunny by backing away.
Their desperate antics had caused endless mirth for the observing
mistresses as the pair had jerked backwards around the room in a
weird parody of a sexual waltz.

That first night they had been placed in a special bed. Jenny had been
secured with her bum to the wall so that she could not avoid Vee's
unconscious thrusting. Vee's bum was attached to a strong spring which
prevented her from keeping the dildo embedded against her buried clitty
thus she was twitching and straining all night to try and achieve
satisfaction. Each time she managed to get the dildo embedded against
her clitty she was slowly dragged off it by the spring as her back
muscles became tired. The whole night had been a litany of tears and
discontent for the both of them. Jenny had orgasmed numerous times
against her will whilst poor Vee had not had one meaningful satisfying

The second day and night the dildo had been removed completely and they
had been left harnessed together with their pussies and breasts mashing
against each other. This had been just as frustrating for as each
became horny they still couldn't achieve relief. Jenny's clitty simply
fitted into the sad little depression where Vee's clitty had once
reposed and thus failed to be crushed or pressed hard enough to excite
Jenny. And of course, conversely, Vee's clitty was too deeply buried up
her cunny to enjoy any sensation. Thus again, they had spent the day in
a reverse waltz with Jenny now leading as she tried desperately to
relieve her clitty of its needs.

The third night, a different dildo had been fitted. This was short and
thick with a vibrator inserted in Vee's end. Jenny's end was not
rigidly attached to Vee's end and it was fitted with dampers so that
the vibrations in Vee's cunny were only slightly felt by Jenny.

Once again they had spent the third night trying to achieve mutual
satisfaction. Vee felt sensations in her cunny but couldn't excite her
clitty whilst Jenny kept trying to press hard on the dildo to feel the
vague damped sensations emanating from Vee's crotch. This had caused
them to squirm and thrust most of the night as they tried to relieve
their own and each other’s tensions.

All the time -except during supervised meals- they had worn the dual
bridle gag to prevent them from talking and trying to indicate each
other’s needs. Their faces had been locked together so that they
couldn't even focus on each other’s expressions for some form of
guidance about needs or feelings. The gag was also fitted with a cruel
duck caller so that every pant or heavy breath was lampooned by a
comical quack, which simply added an air of ridicule to any observer at
the scene. This could be removed if necessary and changed for other
animal calls at the whim of the mistresses.

Thus for the whole week, the pair had been the object of ridicule and
curiosity as their innermost needs had been cruelly transformed into a
freak show for any perverted mistress. They had even been dressed in
silly pantomime bird suites and made to 'perform' on stage anonymously,
for the upper school, two grinning penguins quacking incongruously as
they shuffled in reverse around the stage. It had reduced the
auditorium to a shambles. Nobody could see the sad confused tears under
the masks.

Each day a different dildo arrangement was conjured up. The only
consistence being that Vee could not achieve a single satisfactory
orgasm whilst Jenny was forced to endure orgasm after orgasm as a girl.

For the whole week they had thus remained locked together. Unable to
talk, quacking or grunting or barking with every heavy breath- their
lips almost touching except for the little animal caller between them.
Thus held tantalisingly close but unable to relieve each other properly
at any time.

Their hands had been secured to each other’s waistbands just above the
flair of each other’s hips. Close enough to caress each other’s upper
bum cheeks but unable to firmly grasp each other’s lower 'love handles'
and hold each other together. They had slept like this, shuffled around
like this, bathed like this and even toileted like this for the whole

After the week was over, they had been placed in front of Miss Lane who
had explained the reasons for the treatment.

"You Veronica, will realise that -with your buried clitty- you will
only be able to orgasm with a properly controlled dildo or suitably
sized penis. You will at no time be able to satisfy Jennifer because
that soft little depression in your pubis will prevent her from
properly grinding her clitty against yours. Thus she will never be able
to satisfy herself or you by behaving like a 'boy'.

You Jennifer will of course realise that you cannot get satisfaction
from Veronica and you will only be able to orgasm by using your own
fingers or employing the services of your friend Miss Beverly. Dr James
and I both understand the relationships that you three have with each
other and this treatment is simply to reinforce those needs and
feelings. You can go now."

Jenny and Vee had slumped with relief as they stumbled from Miss Lanes
office. They had been expecting far worse developments. For the whole
week the pair had been suffering from lack of sleep and cramps and they
were in little mood for any love-play when they returned to the
dormitory that night. The opportunity was not to arise anyway. We were
all securely restrained that night as a matter of course.

The school practised a strict policy of restraint and discipline for
those students in their important formative years of puberty. A new
senior prefect had been appointed to assist Dorothy in the
administration of discipline and control in the dorm. New corsets and
restraining harnesses were now included as standard in our expanded
ensembles of 'middle school’ uniforms. These harnesses were fitted
with numerous rings, cuffs and ties to restrain any wandering fingers
during periods when we were not supervised. There was to be no
uncontrolled 'abuse' of our developing bodies as our libidos expanded
with puberty.

Thus it was that we spent our time in the middle school. Long periods
of frustration interspersed with short bouts of desperate relief when
we were being ‘treated’ or ‘punished’ for some thing or other. As the
seasons came round our girlish bodies steadily matured and took on the
ripening forms so carefully moulded by Miss Lanes skilful techniques.
My girlish hips had filled out to show all the promise of their
womanly flair whilst my breasts had now reached their full potential
and now presented their luscious delights of womanhood. I was still
endowed of a slender waist, which served to accentuate my bust whilst
the corseting served to exaggerate this into an hourglass figure.

In the new 'middle school' uniforms our breasts would bounce
provocatively as we minced assuredly along the corridors in our new
high-heeled shoes. The new corsets were cut higher over our thighs;
hence our bottom cheeks were lifted and separated so that they wobbled
seductively when we walked. The whole picture of the progress of a
middle school class was one of vulnerable sensuality as they gathered
protectively when trying to avoid the lustful leers of the senior

It was because of the seniors attentions that I rarely went anywhere
without Jennifer my 'keeper'. She had developed into a tall athletic
‘girl’ whilst still retaining a superb feminine figure. She had become
a very attractive girl but with sufficient physical presence to deter
any unwanted advances from the senior pupils. Despite being much
younger than the seniors, her prowess at sports had ensured her
selection for several of the school teams.

Veronica and I often gazed in envy at her lithe graceful form when she
raced like a gazelle down the hockey wing. We even admitted to each
other that we got distinct damp feelings in our knickers when we
thought of what the promise of the future held for us when we entered
senior school and shared a private dorm. Jennifer was without a doubt,
one of the most athletic and popular girls in the school.

Veronica was also growing into an extremely pretty girl with a softly
rounded form very similar in size and shape to my own. She was much
better at sports than me because my sensitive vulva lips precluded any
more hockey. During games, I sometimes gazed wistfully through the
gymnasium windows as I could only follow gentle dance steps whilst my
friend dashed about with abandon on the hockey field.

Veronica and I often swapped clothes but corsets and bras were out
because of my larger breasts. She envied me my breasts and we accepted
that none of us could have it all ways. Jenny wanted her penis back -
without losing her beautiful girlish shape-, Vee wanted bigger breasts
and I wanted to be able to dash about playing hockey.

We became known around the school as 'The three little maids’ for we
supported each other and protected one another from the attentions or
jibes of any of the other pupils. We were still however, at the mercy
and whims of the staff. My unique status made me an object of envy and
sometimes jealousy. I was really thankful for Jenny’s care and
protection but this didn't protect me from the mistresses.

Fortunately, Dr James's interest in my condition-helped ease my burden.
She paid frequent visits to monitor my progress. During these visits
she would take various tissue and blood samples then adjust my hormone
treatment accordingly. She realised that if I was subjected to any
extraordinary stress beyond what was deemed 'fair' by the general
consensus of the norms of the school. I might suffer some serious
metabolic upheaval.

I was far too valuable a 'specimen' to allow that, so she prevented any
serious excesses by the rest of the staff. Miss Lane also realised my
genetic importance and she heartily concurred with Dr James.

I grew quite fond of Dr James. She could be quite tender and kind when
we were ill or upset. I couldn't reconcile this 'tender' side to her
nature with the perverse ability to perform such strange and sometimes
cruel surgery on unwilling pupils simply to please a parents or
guardian’s whim. It served to keep us all a little distant from her. I
think she secretly preferred to have it that way. If she was called
upon to perform surgery upon some pupil she'd grown too fond of it
might affect her judgement. She was quite young and pretty and I often
wondered if there was some dark and sad secret that made her what she

Eventually the day dawned when we were to leave the middle school.
This was done in the late spring or early summer during mid term and
was an important part of the school year. It was a happy time and only
fixed during the early spring as the progress of the class was
assessed. Once the week was fixed then the middle and senior school
would prepare for the gala. It was an excellent time for the more
creative and artistic pupils to display their talents. Usually, by this
time, any operations that a pupil was to have had been done. Each pupil
more or less knew where her life was leading. It was rare for a pupil
to be changed later up the school except of course as a punishment for
a serious misdemeanour.

As the occasion drew near the tension mounted and the middle school
pupils became excited. Friendships were cemented as friends arranged
their future living arrangements. Course options were chosen for the
final academic years. Small plays and shows were arranged for the week
when the parents and future potential students were visiting. The
School looked its best with the cherry trees in full blossom and the
grounds prepared. Large marquees were erected and generally festive air

The Monday finally arrived and we were prepared in our best uniforms as
the cars swept into the grounds. I met my father and stepmother and
introduced them to my friends Jennifer and Veronica. We plunged into
the festivities and generally entertained the parents until the evening
sun settled behind the trees. Finally they had to leave and the rest of
the week belonged to the middle school.

There were many little ceremonies and cameos as each group of friends
celebrated their individual rites of passage. Middle school uniforms
were flung from dormitory windows in a wild orgy of liberation whilst
the mistresses looked on with indulgence, Their job had usually been
well done by this time. It was like the old Jesuit philosophy - ‘Give
us the child and you can have the man'.

Nearly all the pupils were well established and happy in their new
gender rolls. The entry into the upper school heralded many new
developments and conditions to our stay at the school. We were allowed
the luxury of smaller dormitories with three to six or even more
beds. We were no longer required to suffer the cruel rigours of
restraint or enforced corseting unless of course we chose to. It was
surprising the number of 'boy-girls' who continued wearing tight

Each group of friends was allowed to live together in their
dormitories, which really resembled small flats. This was to prepare
students for life after school. We had to keep our own dormitories
clean and there were no longer any 'maids' to do anything for us.
We were allowed until the summer holidays to settle in and iron out any
rough edges or mistaken friendships. Finally after most problems had
been resolved, we were allowed to go home for the first time since
starting at the school.

By this time, nearly all pupils were more than happy with their lives
at the school and willingly returned to attend the upper school. I was
very happy and determined to return. That summer was one of the most
enjoyable I ever had. Veronica, Jennifer, Jacqueline and I spent two
glorious months gallivanting around Europe with my parents as we
explored the many exciting places we had read about at school.

We returned for the autumn term as happy and contented girls ready for
the academic ordeal ahead. Miss Lanes upper school had an excellent
academic record and we had to follow a rigorous course of study to
enter university. We four had all elected to go to university. We were
all bright pupils and we had high aspirations.

Some of the boy-girls were inevitably destined to go into service as
maids for more dominant women. If they didn't relish this option, they
could, after consultation with parents and staff, take the final option
of a complete operation for a sex change. Miss Lane had long since
determined that proper girls and 'post-op’ girls were much happier
and free-er to choose a life where their academic skills or abilities

Many of these late 'post-ops' -after the excellent academic education
provided by Miss Lanes- went on to university and gained excellent
positions. It was often these 'old-girls’ that provided employment and
opportunities for the less able 'boy-girls' as ladies maids or helpers.
These proper 'old-girls’ often sent their own children to Miss Lanes
and consequently a vast network of 'old girls' had sprung up.

Veronica, Jennifer and I often wondered what our fate would be after
having left school. We promised however that we would keep in touch no
matter what happened after leaving. We often sat around in our nighties
during the evenings in our dormitory fantasising about what we would
like to do after leaving school. Naturally these dreams always assumed
that we would be able to spend the rest of our days together and we
often aroused each other sexually as we dreamt of enjoying life
together and working and living as adults.

Jennifer expressed a wish to follow a professional career as a doctor
or lawyer and be able to support Vee and me as 'wives'. Veronica and I
however were fairly liberated women and we deemed this idea of Jenny's
to be a little too chauvinistic for our liking. I protested.

"I don't want to sit around the house all day like a 'wee little wifie’
waiting for your arrival home. I want an interesting job with prospects
that allow me the freedom to enjoy myself a lot. Anyway; I don't know
yet if I will inherit my dads’ business. He's got several factories
here and in Europe."

"Here! Here!" chorused Vee.

Jenny smiled and squeezed my knee.

"But you already enjoy yourself with us now. Wouldn't you want this
life to carry on for ever?"

"Not flipping likely," interrupted Veronica, "You tend to dominate this
relationship because of your strength and forceful personality. Beverly
is particularly submissive and rarely makes any passes towards me
without some sort of prompting or connivance from you."

I nodded my head as Vee continued.

"If we three are to live together and love harmoniously, it would be
better if you two went out to work and I kept house. I haven't got any
great academic ambitions despite my excellent academic record."

This surprised both Jenny and me.

"What! No ambitions at all Vee?" asked Jenny

"Well I like the thought of rearing children. Mine and Bevs', if she
has some."

The mention of children caused a silence to settle as we contemplated
what it would mean to our relationship if children were involved.
Veronica had been showing a motherly streak since we had come to the
dormitory and her last statement had unnerved Jenny a bit. She turned
to me.

"What about you Bev? Do you think you'll want children like Vee?"

"I honestly don't know Jen. Dr James has assured me that there is no
reason that I shouldn’t conceive a baby and bring it to full term. But
I worry that carrying it and giving birth might not damage me in some
way. I'm not exactly normal down there am I? What would any midwife of
gynaecologist say when they inspected me. My secret wouldn't last
very long would it? It would be around the hospital like wild fire. The
only way for me to have children is for Dr James to attend upon me and
that means being in thrall to her even after leaving school."

Jenny shook her head as she replied.

"Don't be silly Bev. I could become your doctor and then be your
gynaecologist. I know enough about your condition already."

With these words, Jenny stood up and started rearranging the beds. This
had become our mutual way of indicating bedtime.

We had arranged the beds in our dormitory so that they could be quickly
brought together and we could then sleep 'menage-a-trois', as had
become our habit. Veronica put the kettle on for cocoa whilst I slipped
into the shower. After having turned the beds down Jenny joined me and
then Vee squeezed in. We 'soaped' each other down with whatever bits of
our bodies were most convenient then enjoyed a refreshing rinse.

The following half hour was spent mutually ‘grooming’ as we combed and
dried each other’s hair. We all had long hair and we enjoyed this
regular little ritual as we sat in a triangle each evening gently
blowing and brushing each other’s tresses. Once everybody's hair was
dry we dressed each other, took our hormone preparations with our cocoa
then cuddled into bed. We usually wore soft stretchy teddies in bed.
They were the most comfortable and convenient things.

Veronica cuddled into the crook of my arm whilst Jenny lay on my other
side with her head on my chest and my nipple in her mouth like a baby’s
comforter. Vee caught her eye and gently worried my other breast from
the lacy cup of my teddy. My other nipple was soon receiving similar
attention and I lay gently squirming with pleasure as my penis
responded to their attentions. It slowly hardened within the soft
stretchy satiny confines of my teddy as I gently crooned with delight.
Both girls’ hands slowly stroked and squeezed my organ through the
silky material as they sucked softly and contentedly at my breasts.
Vee murmured quietly between sucks.

"What ever happens to us, we’ll be bound together by our mutual
physical needs. Miss Lane and Dr James have made certain of that."

"And our emotional ones don't forget," added Jenny.

"Well, if we are to live together, we had better plan it so that we can
study at university together and then all live in the same flat."

I lay on my back as I said this. It seemed to be a signal of acceptance
that we would go to college together and study together. There wasn't
much said on the issue after that for Jenny and Veronica stopped
talking and started concentrating on our mutual pleasures. Jenny gently
pushed her leg over mine and reached over to caress Veronica’s pussy.
Veronica responded by gently insinuating her soft rounded calf between
Jenny and me as she slowly tickled my fraenum. They had long ago
discovered my most sensitive and responsive spot.

"Stop it a minute you two," I insisted as I tried to push their hands
away. "We've got to decide what we intend to do and how to plan it for
the next few years."

"Oh! Stop worrying Bev,” scolded Veronica, "just lie back and relax."

"No. Be serious Vee. If you and I want babies, we'll have to make
damned sure that we are set up properly so that no busybodies can
interfere with our lives."

"You’re making too big an issue of this Bev," interjected Jenny, "Your
birth certificates state clearly that you are male and that Vee is
female. Nobody can stop you marrying if you so want. That would put a
complete stop to any busybodies from interfering with our lives."

Once again, Jenny had shown how far ahead of us she could often be. She
had already given this issue some thought. Jenny was bright. Her maths
was the best in the school and her mind was very sharp. She had also
shown some considerable trust and commitment by implicitly showing
that she had no objections to there being any formal arrangements
between Vee and I within the relationship. She had shown far more
affection and trust than I had been prepared to credit her for. I felt
a little guilty that Jenny had already resolved this problem in her own
mind. She had made considerable sacrifices to her own feelings to
arrive where she had.

I gave Jenny an extra tight hug. She quickly interpreted my 'thank-you’
and squeezed her leg tighter over Vee and me.

"It would be a rather strange marriage though," giggled Vee as she
gently exposed my cock from his filmy envelope and slowly rubbed him
against Jenny's' 'clitty'

"Yes!" gasped Jenny, "but a perfectly legal one. No doctor could ever
deny that you weren’t a boy with this monster."

She rejoined Veronicas hand on my gentleman friend and they gently
guided him up into Jenny's vagina as Veronicas knuckle gently dug into
Jenny's 'clitty'. All conversation ended as the nights lovemaking

Little did we realise how much the hand of fate and Dr James would
shape our futures.

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