Mare's Tales 20

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Mare's Tales – by: Beverly Taff - Chapter 20

Home is a very strange and emotive word, more especially so when one
returns from a long absence. I had not been near my old familiar
stamping grounds since I was eleven and I was now in my middle
twenties. Fifteen years is more than an age to a person of my years and
all through my drive home my thoughts kept wandering to the old house
and it's staff. I particularly hoped that Pat, the cook, would still be
there. She had been my staunchest ally all through my early childhood
and many was the time I had spent in her kitchen sharing titbits as she
prepared some wonderful confection. Yes I dearly hoped that Pat was
still there.

She had defended me like a tigress with its cub when my transvestism
had been 'discovered' and she alone had dissuaded my father from
whipping me. I still remembered her words as she nearly sacrificed her
job defending me in her thick West Country accent.

"Oi tell you there be no 'arm in the la'ad. Tis but a li'tle thing.
T'aint no reason to go 'ittin t'lad. He a'be wot e'be an' you'r not
a'goin to change it wi that whip."

I owed Pat a lot. For a supposedly simple country girl she was a lot
more worldly-wise than many so-called sophisticates I had met.

It's strange how all your old childhood haunts seem so small when you
return in adulthood. Somehow, the old gates looked much smaller. The
long shady drive-, my highroad to many a happy childhood adventure-,
seemed like a narrow lane as my car slithered on the dust now turned
muddy by the recent storm. As my heartstrings tugged, I stopped to
examine the horse chestnut trees and recalled the many happy boyhood
hours I had spent rooting through the autumn leaves gathering
'conquers'. Later I would trade them in the school amongst my envious

Then my sense of scale seemed to shrink back to my childhood and I
found myself studying the details of a favourite tree as my memories
flooded back; the healed stump where I had broken a branch and tumbled
to the soft forgiving earth, the high fork where I had commanded my
'pirate ship' and surveyed my childhood realms. I fingered each detail
affectionately until I had filled all my senses and sucked in the
memories, to savour the delicious sights and smells of my early

Down here in the southwest of Britain, the season was more advanced and
the blossom had long since fallen. My children became curious and
clambered out of the car to try and see what was delaying me.

As we stood surveying my old haunts a four-wheel drive vehicle churned
up and two men got out. They were dressed for the country in waxed
jackets and Wellingtons and they approached me.

"Are you lost young lady?" asked the older, shorter man.

"No thank you. I'm visiting the house to see Mr and Mrs Hart."

"Are they expecting you?" he persisted.

"Oh certainly," I replied, "and whom might you gentlemen be?"

"Well I'm Mr Davis the estate manager and this here is my son William
though we call him Bill. He's down from college for the summer. Is your
car stuck there?"

"Oh no. The ground here is firm enough. The dangerous ground is down
there, where the stream enters the lake."

"Really Miss, and how would you know that?"

I realised that I may have disclosed more than I really should have. I
had no way of knowing what they knew about the young Hart's son who had
'disappeared' to a special school so many years ago. My mind raced as I
searched for a plausible excuse.

"I used to play around here as a child."

"That would be with the young Master Hart I presume."

"Quite right," I answered, "Now I'd better be on my way to the house.
Good day gentlemen. I'll probably see you around the estate during the
coming days."

I made my way to the car and they courteously parted to let me pass.
The older man smiled and waved to the children whilst the younger man
followed my every move. He noticed my pregnant condition and rushed to
open the car door as I struggled to squeeze my bulky lump behind the
wheel. They both smiled as they realised how advanced I was and I
smiled back thanking them for their concern. There was no reason to get
off on the wrong foot with anybody on the estate. I had to find my
bearings and discern what was known about me.

"Thank you gentlemen," I smiled as I pulled back onto the lane towards
the house.

"My pleasure Miss," shouted Bill as I drove off.

I glanced in the mirror and saw both men exchange a few remarks and
smile.'Let them talk,' I thought, 'I won't be here that long'.

The drive led me down to the house as it lay in a shallow dip, well
protected from the prevailing winds. It enjoyed it's own 'micro-
climate' that benefited from the south and westerly aspects whilst the
wooded ridge behind it protected it from the north and east. I paused
once again with the sun behind me as I studied the house's pleasing

The afternoon sun burned warm penetrating rays into the entire front
facing rooms so that the house appeared warm and comforting from the
drive. It's soft rustic brickwork reached out with two short wings like
arms to greet me as I drove up the last few yards. I parked by the
front door and a butler or manservant opened the door.

"Yes M'lady. Who shall I say is calling?"

I recognised old Benton at once. He had hardly changed at all during
the fifteen years I'd been away. I remembered him as a patient man
who'd often taken me under his wing when I'd got into some scrape or

"Please tell Mrs Hart that Miss Hart has arrived."

He gave me a long look and smiled before turning into the house. A
younger version of him suddenly appeared to take my baggage whilst my
children piled out of the car. As the children stood aimlessly around
the young valet spoke.

"Afternoon Ma-am."

"Afternoon young master Benton. Please take the baggage and the
children to the west wing corner bedrooms. The nursery suite."

"Yes Ma-am. You've been here before then ma-am?" he asked quizzically,
obviously wondering how I knew the layout of the house.

"Oh yes young Benton. I know the house and your father very well."

"Very good ma-am and thank you for recognising me. I do resemble my

"You certainly do," I agreed. "Tell me please, is Pat still the cook?"

"Oh yes ma-am. She's my mother."

"Good heavens. That would make you no more than about fourteen."

"Not quite ma-am. I'm sixteen. I'm afraid my mother and father rather
jumped the gun a bit."

I vaguely remembered some staff problems when I was a young boy of
eight or nine but I had been far too young to understand. I now
realised that my stepmother must have been a very forgiving and
compassionate woman to allow Benton and Pat to stay under her roof.
My mother had originally appointed them and she must have treasured my
mother's memory deeply to allow the staff to remain after such a

I realised now why dear old Pat had worked so hard on my behalf to
protect me from my father's anger so many years ago. I followed young
Benton through the main doors and burst into the hall right into my
stepmother's welcoming arms.

"Beverly my dear," she sobbed. "How wonderful to see you. Oh look at
you, how wonderful." She stared at my swollen belly and squealed with
delight. "When is it due?"

"A few months now and it's 'they' again."

She hugged me tight and pressed her lips to mine. I responded as any
daughter would as we entered the drawing room. My stepmother was beside
herself with joy and kept peppering me with questions but allowing me
no time to answer them.

"Hold on mummy. You've asked me a hundred questions which I'll answer
in good time Now where's daddy?"

"Here darling," answered my father right on cue as he entered the
drawing room. He took one look at my swollen figure and raised a
quizzical eye.

"Yes I'm afraid so. It's the same equation exactly daddy. Twins, my
own, and one of each; sort of."

Both of them sat down with huge smiles on their faces and rang for tea.
The children must have heard the bell and the three of them came
bursting into the drawing room to jump on their grandfather's knee. My
parents were aware of Susan as well as Bernard and Jeanette. Margaret's
child had often stayed with them during the holidays and they treated
her exactly the same as the other two grandchildren.

As we chatted, the door opened and Pat entered with a huge tray of tea
and biscuits. I turned then leapt up with joy as I recognised my old
friend and ally from childhood. I glanced quizzically at my parents and
they answered with a slight nod. Pat was one of the few old family
retainers that knew about my history and the fact that Bernard,
Jeanette and Susan were mine. I threw myself into Pats arms and hugged
her with delight. She tried to fend me off as I clung on tight.

"Steady now Miss Beverly, you'll get flour all over that beautiful

I looked down at my muddied shoes and the flour patches on the
maternity dress then smiled again at Pat.

"There was a time when muddied shoes and dirty clothes wouldn't have
counted for a red cent and I could have hugged you all day."

Pat studied me for a moment before speaking again. The last time she
had seen me I was in torn short trousers and a mud stained tee shirt.
She gave me a queer look and shook her head before smiling at my
parents and me again. She couldn't resist patting my bulge before
speaking softly again.

"Well them days 'ave well and truly gone now ain't they?"

I looked down at my bulge and smiled as she spoke again.

"You may look like a swan now but I'll still think of you as my
underfed baby duckling. It's wonderful to see you again."

She reached down and took a corner of her apron to wipe a tear away. It
left a white smear across her cheek. My father gently offered her a
seat and she self-consciously sat trying not to make a mark on the
sofa. Old family retainers, like Pat, were a real asset and she was
treated like one of our extended family. I was glad that my father and
stepmother had continued to employ her.

Once they were seated and the children had scampered off to play
outside, we discussed arrangements for my confinement. After all the
plans had been made he rang for Benton and ordered champagne for all of
us. Benton and Pat shared the joy with my parents for they were the
only ones who had any inkling of my history.

"Who be the father then?" asked Pat innocently.

I stopped and stared at her with surprise.

"Don't you know the full story then Pat?"

"Well I- I'm not sure Miss Beverly. Oi knows about you bein' changed
and that you'm really a woman. That's obvious. But I don't know the
whole of it."

I caught my parent's eyes and raised a quizzical eyebrow. My father
grimaced slightly and shrugged his shoulders. It was obvious that he
had not divulged the whole story to his staff.

"Well!" I demanded of him, " Shall I tell them or will you?"

"Oh you may as well tell them Bev. If you don't they'll only worry
about their positions when I pass on."

I looked at Pat. She was now in her late fifties and seemed a picture
of health. My father was nearly seventy. He had married late after
having spent all his youth and middle years building up his company. A
shadow of worry crossed my brow as I realised he was mortal. Now I
understood his words. The staff would worry about any partner I married
and how they would be treated if a strange man came into the house. I
decided to enlighten them and briefly described my bilateral
hermaphrodism. Their jaws sagged as I revealed more and more. She
finally stopped me.

"That's enough Miss Beverly. Eh- ti's O.K. to call you Miss is it?"

"Of course Pat. As you can easily see, I live as a woman now."

"Well ti's beyond me oi'll be bound," she gasped, "Oi'll nev'r get
t'ang of all this. You means you're the daad as well like."

"Yes Pat but don't worry about it. Just treat me like you did that
hungry kid who hung around your kitchen all those years ago. I have to
admit it's marvelous having you around here after all these years."

My father then offered a toast to present grandchildren and future
ones. We linked arms and spilled a good deal of expensive champagne as
we tried to drink with our elbows locked. It was an old family
tradition that usually took place during get-togethers. We then
discussed more arrangements.

I told them of Margaret's promise to attend at the birth here in the
house when they were due. My parents were delighted with my wish for
these babies to be born at home. I still loved the old house and
intended spending more time there now that the work at the labs was
less intense. I also had another reason. I did not intend to let my
father learn about Jenny and Vee just yet. He wasn't ready for such a

My plans pleased my parents immensely and it suited my needs perfectly.
I had thought the hardest part would be to get Pat and Benton to be
absolutely discreet about my unusual condition. I needn't have worried
they proved to be rock steady.

My father's earlier kindnesses in continuing to employ them after their
own much-publicised troubles had left a deep and lasting sense of
loyalty. In the village their under-aged affair was still the subject
of comment. Furthermore he had employed their illegitimate son as a
handyman cum valet in times of deep depression in the rural parts of
the West Country. Finally he had employed one of their daughters as a
maid cum housekeeper only a few weeks before I had arrived. These
favours, at a time when work was hard to find, had impressed Pat and
Benton and they remained absolutely loyal.

As Pat and Benton were the only original retainers left it was no
problem passing me off as a daughter instead of their long-lost son.
Our family affairs had always been pretty private and Pat and Benton
were pillars of discretion when dealing with the family business in the
village shops. My secret was safe with them.

I stayed at the house all through the summer vacation as my stepmother
fussed and flapped over me. The children were ever so excited at
getting some new brothers and sisters and we spent many happy hours on
day trips to various places. Bernard was allowed to wear jeans and cut
his hair short so he actually passed for a boy. He was at a very
difficult stage, as his young mind couldn't decide what he was. I
noticed that he tried to hide the fact that he wore tights and knickers
under his jeans. With high-sided trainers there was no visible gap for
his ankles to show the tights but the thick frilly lacing to his
knickers did rather give away the visible panty line. After I
discreetly tackled him about it a self-conscious grin spread over his
face and he slipped away to change into less revealing panties.

My children and I had made a tacit understanding that their grandfather
would not discover Bernard's voluntary preferred transvestism. He
seemed to genuinely think that Bernard's enforced pettycoating at Miss
Lanes was something the boy detested. I don't think my father ever
really realised the full truth about the depth and extent of my and my
son's transvestism. I realised that Bernard was going to go exactly the
same way as me. Dr Margaret James was right; it was in the genes.

In a number of evening gatherings I discussed family business with my
father and stepmother. She shared many confidences and stories about my
mother and filled in many gaps in my life. Through these disclosures we
developed a deeper and tighter friendship and my stepmother was to
prove a real support during the final weeks of my pregnancy. She was
desperately happy to be accepted by me as a mother. I was the child
she had never had and furthermore a daughter. Our bond grew as tight as
any mother and daughter's could.

That summer the house took on a new lease of life as it welcomed back
it's family.

Sadly all good things come to an end and the summer vacation finished
with a fortnight in Italy for the children and me. They had an
excellent time visiting famous ruins and shopping. Bernard's
transvestism was allowed to blossom as he explored the fabulous styles
and designs of Italian fashion. We returned home from Italy and within
a few days the children were to return to Miss Lane's whilst I returned
to the laboratories briefly. I was itching to find out how far my
friends had progressed but I couldn't go near the labs and the

Finally the end of the holidays arrived. I paid my respects to all the
staff, piled the children into the car and set off. An uneventful
journey found me back with my friends by mid afternoon. I had toyed
with Miss Lane's invitation to stay overnight at the school but
Margaret was away on business (I suspected getting her pregnancy
checked out,) and I was keen to get back to my friends. I arrived back
at the labs in time for supper then we chatted and laughed for an hour
or more before retiring to bed.

My bulge was now embarrassingly awkward and I was never far away from
the loo as calls of nature became increasingly frequent. My friends
were all care and attention as they attended my every need. It was
lovely to be the centre of attention for once as they pampered me for
the last few months of my pregnancy. My time was devoted to gentle
walks around the estate and occasional visits to the village to pick
out pretty maternity clothes and baby sets.

Margaret visited me regularly to share our experiences as she described
her pregnancy. We checked the progress on our children and ensured that
they were developing normally then we would lie in each other's arms
enjoying feeling our babies kicking.

Eventually, my time arrived. I returned to the family home picking the
children up for the Christmas vacation. Margaret picked me up and we
broke the journey by staying a night at Miss Lanes whilst collecting
our children. They were overjoyed to see us. Now they were up in the
middle school and the discipline had been changed from restraint and
punishment to hormone treatments.

Bernard would not be able to pass for a 'boy' for much longer as I
noted the swelling buds under his sheer school uniform blouse.

As we drove home we chatted about it and he seemed happy to accept his
development. We discussed bras and cup sizes and the girls were more
than a little envious that he was leading the race to grow tits. Poor
Jeanette had hardly anything to show whilst Susan still had a child's
body. Margaret, who was driving, smiled at me and whispered that Susan
and Jeanette weren't on hormones yet. Only Bernard was being treated
early to pre-empt any male hormonal activity. If he was going to be
like me she were taking no risks of any male characteristics developing
for it could seriously affect his 'childbearing' capacity. It had been
a very lucky accident that I was being considered and therefore treated
for a full sex change before they had discovered my bilateral

We arrived home the following afternoon amidst preparations for
Christmas. I stepped out of the car to be met by the overjoyed and
expectant grandparents.

Margaret had engaged a midwife, who was an old pupil of Miss Lanes and
renowned for her discretion but even she was shocked and amazed when
she attended her first examination of me. She understood, for the first
time, my family's demands for utter discretion. She had suspected at
first that it was a typical concern of an upper-class family for an
illegitimate child by a daughter but she was stunned when she finally
discovered the real reason. As she inspected my unique sexual geometry
she spoke to Dr James.

"What am I dealing with here Doctor? Are there going to be any serious

Margaret carefully exposed my sexual arrangements to the midwife and
explained how it all worked. I squirmed with embarrassment as I tried
to peer over my lump but it was useless. I was stuck like a stranded
whale with my legs in the stirrups and my vulnerable parts helplessly
exposed as Margaret carried on talking.

"You are no doubt familiar with both sets of reproductive equipment
nurse, but I'm sure that you've never come across them coexisting so
completely in the same person."

The nurse shook her head in amazement as she peered down and prodded my

"No Dr James. It's amazing. I've attended some remarkable births but
this one beats them all; and you say both sets of organs work?"

"An excellent deduction nurse. I must praise your knowledge of the
reproduction system and any possible variations. This is one that you
may never see again unless Miss Beverly here gets herself pregnant

The nurse let out a gasp as she realised what Margaret was saying. A
look of pure shock caused her jaw to sag as she gaped incredulously at

"You mean that this- this; I hesitate to call her a girl, actually
impregnated herself- er I mean himself - er; what do I mean?"

She shook her head in stunned realisation.

"Exactly nurse and that is why we must hold you to the strictest
confidence about Miss Beverly's unique condition. It is the first
recorded definite case known to science."

"But those other children; Bernard, Jeanette and Susan. Are they-"

"Yes. They are Miss Beverly's children but they were born at a special
clinic. We have to do more tests on a second pregnancy before we can
confirm for certain that her condition is genetic."

Margaret had told a half-truth but it was enough to allay the midwife's
curiosity. She carried on describing the functions of my various organs
and this fascinated the midwife.

"In fact; if you excite Miss Beverly's penis, she will ejaculate live
sperm against her vagina lips from this little aperture here which is
in fact her uthrea."

I gave a little twitch as Margaret demonstrated her words and my penis
became erect. The nurse stroked my erection and 'tested' it. My cunny
lips became damp and I started to rock my hips as the familiar
sensations started. I looked anxiously at Margaret but she smiled and
reassured me that it wouldn't do any harm. My erection became visible
over my lump and the nurse's eyes widened with appreciation.

"Good heavens Doctor. Was she born like this?"

"Not quite nurse. There was some essential remedial surgery that
was necessary when her hermaphrodism became apparent," lied Margaret.
"That is why I'm attending the birth. We don't expect any complications
because the first pregnancy went smoothly but we have to take
precautions. That is what the helicopter is for in the grounds."

"When was this surgery done?"

"Oh at the onset of puberty. I'm fully conversant with the patient's
history and believe me it's a very remarkable one. That's why I'm
attending the birth."

"I'll wager," mumbled the midwife as she absorbed all that Margaret had
said and recalled her schooldays at Miss Lane's. "It's going to be one
for my book, I'll be bound."

The midwife completed her 'inspection' of my cock and cunny then
turned to me and smiled as Margaret left the room.

"Well! I really don't know what to say to you my dear. You obviously
live as a woman. Am I right?"

"Yes," I nodded, "I lived as a boy until puberty but it all changed
when the hormones took over."

"How did Dr James become involved?"

"Miss Lanes."

"Oh! You went there as well then." She smiled and resumed stroking my

"It must have come as a huge shock though."

"Not really. I was already showing signs of strange behaviour for some
time before. My hormones were mixing it before I even reached puberty
and it confused my mental state."

She raised an eyebrow and peered knowingly as I started to gasp from
the skilful activities. I tried to lift my self up and stop her but
with my legs strapped in the stirrups and my huge awkward lump
preventing me from bending, I failed dismally. I simply lay helplessly
on my elbows as she gently started to kiss and suck my cock.

"Oooh! Please stop. It's getting too much. I- Aaah, pleease. No!"

"Mmmm. Just relax," she whispered. "You know it's nice. Go on relax."

I flopped backwards as my arms became tired and the pleasurable
sensations started to commandeer my body's responses. My protests
became weaker and weaker as her skilful mouth and tongue steadily
sucked my cock and licked my cunny lips. Eventually I was writhing and
thrusting as my orgasm started to thread its path down every tingling
nerve of my sex. She gently placed both hands on my bulge and felt my
babies kicking as the orgasm pulsed through my being and invaded their
private sheltered world. My mind almost became deranged as images of my
babies having orgasms flashed through my brain between the waves of
pleasure surging up from my loins.

I was now completely at the mercy of my own lust and the climax
thundered into my brain. There it clashed with the pangs of conscience
as I tried to reconcile my lustful feelings with my baby's obvious
responses to my pleasure. They twisted and flipped like eels inside me
as I thrashed and squirmed in the throws of total abandonment.

I finally collapsed exhausted as the last dying waves subsided and my
heart thumped like a trip-hammer between the rasping croaks from my
lungs. As I lay gasping and heaving, I felt the midwife's tongue gently
licking my seed from the soaking folds of my cunny.

Eventually her face appeared over my rippling bulge and a smile spread
across her sticky lips. I realised that the midwife got her rocks off
from cunt lapping. My helpless circumstance had been an unbelievable
opportunity and she had grasped it with both hands. I gazed at her like
a mesmerised rabbit as she traced her fingers over my bulge and gently
stroked the still kicking babies. She smiled and produced her
stethoscope to monitor their heartbeats.

"Hmmm, everything as it should be though their heartbeats are a little

"I- I'm not surprised," I groaned as my heart finally subsided to
a more regular rhythm. "That was wicked."

"Ooh, come on Beverly. You enjoyed it and they did too," she grinned as
she stroked my swollen fruit, "It won't be long before they arrive."

I frowned at her. She had touched a raw spot. I had enjoyed it despite
my conscience about the babies reacting to my lustful responses. She
looked at me with a knowing grin then released my ankles from the
stirrup straps.

I struggled like a stranded beetle for a few seconds until she gently
grasped my shoulders and levered me upright. Briefly I sat on the
padded bench recovering my breath and dignity before tentatively
stepping down onto the floor. As I dressed again she retired to an
adjacent room where she would wait until I went into labour.

She didn't have long to wait. A few days later, early on Christmas Eve
I went into labour. As my waters broke she had already summoned
Margaret and they both attended upon me as the birthing contractions
became increasingly frequent?

As every mother knows, birth is probably the worst pain she will ever
experience short of a prolonged but violent death. I was no exception
and my screams shook the windows as my twins fought their way into the
world. They were full term and only slightly underweight so I suffered
the excruciating agonies of birth twice that morning. It was near noon
before I had finally delivered of both my babies and they lay nestling
in my arms as my parents and children trooped in to admire them.

Dr James ran her familiar tests and determined that the girl Christine
was perfectly normal whilst the 'boy' Nicholas was exactly the same as
his 'brother' a bilateral hermaphrodite. A small tear fell down my
cheeks as the case was proved. I could only 'father' girls or bilateral
hermaphrodites. This genetic quirk required some thorough

I was to stay home for a couple of months with my family whilst
Margaret returned to Miss Lanes academy to commence the spring term.
For the first two weeks however we all spent a blissful time as I
strolled around the grounds with my brood as Bernard, Jeanette and
Susan shared turns pushing the prams containing their baby siblings.
Frequently Margaret and my parents accompanied me on these excursions
as the older children raced ahead on their new bicycles. All the staff
were ecstatic about my new babies and they were spoiled stupid with all
the attention they received.

Finally Margaret left with letters to Miss Lane concerning the
children's absence for a couple of months. I was to supervise their
hormones whilst we enjoyed an extended holiday. It was during these
blissful days that I took the older children shopping for their
first bras.

It was delightful experience for any mother and her daughters and an
even more exciting experience for Bernard as he savoured the delicious
pleasures of lacy creations supporting his growing breasts. It was a
time of deep intimacy for Bernard and me as I explained what was likely
to happen to him in the coming years. He was luckier than me in that he
had an understanding parent who could help guide him towards puberty
and beyond. We discussed whether he wanted to be like me and urinate
sitting down or whether he would remain urinating like a boy. It was
big decision and I left him to mull it over. He had a few years to
decide and it would not drop on him as a huge unexpected shock like it
had on me.

He was quite happy to accept his feminine appearance and recognised the
need for breasts and wide hips if there was to be any chance of
children in later life. He and I had some great fun experimenting with
clothes and make up whilst swapping outfits with his sisters.

It was strange how he always wanted to share my more intimate moments
with Christine and Nicholas as I breast fed them. I could tell that he
was hugely interested in this very feminine function and he often
caressed his own tender budding aching breasts as they slowly filled
his new bra. It intrigued me that Bernard was more interested in the
babies than his two sisters.

Eventually the two months came to an end. I had to return with my
babies to the labs whilst the older children returned to Miss Lanes.

Miss Lane and Margaret met me as I entered the school. This was unusual
for Miss Lane who normally received everybody in her office. It was a
demonstration of her curiosity and interest in the new babies. She
billed and cooed over them like an old granny before Margaret and I
took them to her labs to run some important tests.

It was from these tests that we determined that my hermaphrodism
was a dominant gene. By a strange fluke of evolution the human race now
had a truly bisexual third gender. At dinner that evening the older
pupils showed immense interest in the babies especially after the
rumour spread about their strange new sexuality. The girls thoroughly
enjoyed cuddling and nursing them whilst the 'boy-girls' showed varied
emotions as they held the babies in their arms.

Some cuddled them as affectionately as the girls whilst others could
only bear to hold them with mixed emotions for a few moments before
handing them to some more maternalistic pupil.

Margaret was now showing the growing evidence of her own successful
impregnation and she arranged to join us at the labs during the spring
when her own baby was due. The next morning I left the academy with my
twin babies safely ensconced in their safety cots and my older children
waving to me from the main entrance as I drove down the drive. It was a
clear frosty day and the drive home to the labs was soon completed.

The weak winter sun cast long shadows as I swung through the gates and
the estate car crunched noisily on the gravel as I pulled up outside
the front. There was noone to greet me and I felt a little disappointed
until I realised that I had forgotten to ring and let them know. I
tooted the horn and started to lift the folding baby-buggies from the
back. As I was setting them up, there was a whoop of delight as Jenny
and Vee came thundering across the gravel. They were beside themselves
with excitement and sidled joyfully around my babies as they gurgled
from their stroller buggies.

Cye and Jacky then arrived puffing as they scooted their wheel chairs
across the gravel. They may have arrived later than the centaurs but
they had the greater pleasure of picking the babies up and cuddling
them. I noticed Vee and Jenny looking enviously at them as they cradled
the babies in their arms.

"I hope we'll be able to do that with them soon," observed Jenny

"Amen to that," agreed Vee.

I placed a comforting arm around each of them and gently stroked their
velvety flanks. They slyly pincered me between their withers so I
playfully reached up and cupped their breasts as I spoke.

"You both will one day. If it's the last thing I do."

We all went into the house. Dot and I pushed the empty buggies
whilst the centaurs shunted the wheelchairs as Cye and Jacky cradled
the babies. We left the luggage in the car until after tea.

After the twins were fed and settled in their new nursery we dined and
talked. The conversation was of future plans and Jenny had a complaint
to make.

"Do you realise that it's been months since my operation and I still
haven't made love to Vee properly yet."

I was speechless with surprise at this announcement and glared
quizzically at Cye and Jacky.

"Is this true?" I demanded.

"Well; yes Bev. We thought that it was inappropriate for them to enter
this new phase of their love-life until you were recovered from the
childbirth and ready to share in it."

"But how could you be so selfish?" I scolded.

"We haven't been selfish," argued Cye defensively, "You may not have
noticed it but since you became involved with the babies we haven't
once had the pleasure of his services."

She reached out under the table with her leg and insinuated her stump
under my skirt as she gently brushed my gentleman friend to emphasise
her declaration.

"Yes," moaned Jacky, "We've all been virtually celibate whilst you've
been enjoying all the ultimate pleasures of motherhood and fatherhood."
she added retrospectively. "It's not just Jenny and Vee who've been
suffering. We've also been desperate for cock. It's only fair if we
were to be denied then Jenny and Vee should be treated the same."

"Anyway" scorned Jacky, "They've had dildos used on them just like we
have. So they haven't been completely ignored."

"If the truth be known," said Vee, "we've all missed you and your cock

I twitched surreptitiously as my organ stiffened in the tight silky
constriction of my panties. My bum squirmed against the soft silky feel
of my petticoat as I spoke.

"Well you poor old dears," I giggled, "All those months without me and
him." I glanced invitingly towards my own lap. "I'll bet I'm in for it
tonight then."

They all smirked and smiled as they anticipated the evening's fun. I
gulped nervously and Jacky touched my arm.

"You're only couple of months out of childbirth. Are you sure you'll be
up to it?"

"Of course I will silly. There were no stitches and all the pain has
gone. I can see and reach my friend easily again. Anyway, even if my
cunny was not up to it my cock certainly is. He's raring to go. With
the size of my bump before, it was impossible for him to get any sort
of satisfaction and he's been starved of affection since Christmas.

I must warn you though, that I'm carrying a lot more milk this time so
you'll have to easy on my breasts, right? They're bigger and tenderer
than last time, O.K."

"Mmmm," smiled Veronica, "quite the little brood mare, aren't we?"

I blushed a bit as I noticed the girls carefully noting the enlargement
of my breasts and I knew what was crossing their minds.

"No! No, no, no," I shouted vehemently to their unspoken questions.
"There's only enough for the twins. Would you steal the food from their
very mouths?"

I caught the sneaky knowing glances between them and I shuddered
nervously in anticipation of the night's lovemaking. My nipples were
already extra sensitive from suckling my twins. I tried again to
dissuade them.

"You mustn't tamper with these tonight. They are already sore and if
you sucked too hard I could suffer some injury."

My plea fell on deaf ears as Cynthia spoke.

"We won't hurt you I promise and anyway, I noticed that you had to
express yourself this afternoon even after you'd fed them. We know
you've got plenty of milk."

She was right of course and I cursed myself inwardly for letting her
see me express the milk down the sink during the twin's afternoon nap.
Cye casually wheeled around the table and slipped my unbuttoned suit
jacket off my shoulders. Then she gently cupped my swollen breasts and
sneaked a little squeeze. A small damp patch leaked through my bra and
left its telltale stain on my blouse. I cursed that I hadn't put the
stain pads in after feeding the twins. My own vanity and fashion
consciousness had led to my defeat.

"Well thank you very much!" I snapped at Cye.

Cye backed off sheepishly but the damage was done. Jacky broke the

"Don't be frightened Bev. If you hurt at all we'll stop immediately.

I shook my head resignedly and left the table. They cleared the dishes
whilst I returned to the nursery. I heard the excited footfall on the
stairs as I prepared the babies bath and all four burst happily through
the nursery door as I had just placed the twins in the bath.

"Is Nicholas like Bernard?" queried Jacky.

"I'm afraid so," I shrugged resignedly, "It seems I can only produce
girls or hermaphrodites."

"Don't be so despondent Bev," said Jenny comfortingly. "Hermaphrodites
have more fun."

Only Jenny would be able to confirm this since she now had a cock and a
cunt as well. I gently stroked her and kissed her for her kind and
thoughtful words. It was nice to think I had some sort of ally in Jenny
at least on the basis of sexual geometry.

All the girls enjoyed the children's bath time. Their mothering
instincts were triggered by the babies and it was wonderful to see them
tenderly drying the babies then handing them to me for their feeds. My
friends were absorbed by the relaxed beatific expression on my face as
my babies enjoyed their feed.

They did not fail to notice however, that my milk continued to spurt
slightly after both twins had drunk their fill. Nor did I miss the
little smiles of anticipation that danced upon their lips as I self-
consciously tucked my sensitive breasts back into my bra.

It was absolutely obvious that I had plenty of milk.

"You had better promise here and now to be gentle with them. I'm
warning you."

My threat bore a hollow ring. Each of my friends knew that I would
probably need 'draining off' to prevent my milk staining my bra cups
and the sheets. We put the children in their cots and made our way to
the big bed. Despite my tender breasts, my other sexual parts were
desperate to get going again. I felt decidedly confused as I showered
ready for bed.

I took one last look at my babies as they slept peacefully and then
crept onto the big bed. Four pairs of hungry eyes lasciviously followed
my voluptuous breasts as they bounced and wobbled in the delicate
support of my sleeping teddy. There was no way I could hide my
excitement. My gentleman friend was plainly advertising his ambitions
to all under the straining stretchy satin of my teddy. Low titters of
anticipation and lust whispered around the room as I slid sensuously
onto the satin sheets.

"You lot must promise to be gentle now. I'm warning you."

They all grinned victoriously as they noted my 'capitulation'.

"There are other conditions as well," I added, "I want Jenny and Vee to
get things sorted out tonight as well."

"Some condition," laughed Jenny as she rubbed her breasts against
Veronica's. They resembled two horses rubbing necks together as their
firm breasts gently wobbled and bounced against each other.

Veronica started to respond urgently. She was 'in season' again.
Whether by Juno's metabolism or Vee's libido we knew not but Jenny
could certainly 'smell' it. There was a huge telltale bulge under her
Lycra 'centaur- teddy'. No matter which way Jenny squirmed or twisted,
there was no way she could free her massive cock from the silky trap of
her 'teddy' without the help of human hands. She pranced and stamped
with frustration as her tail swished and her glossy raven hair bounced
in harmony to her agitation. I leaned across and whispered in her ear.

"I'll help you with that, but I'll want a piece of the action here."

I gently fondled her girl-cunny between her forelegs and she squeaked
with pleasure as her 'hips' wriggled in response. A damp patch appeared
in her 'girl-crotch' as the rubbed her front thighs together trying to
frot her pussy lips. A nervous frown crossed her brow as she spoke.

"I'm not sure how 'he'll' react to being screwed as he's screwing. This
will be the first time Vee and I have - uh-," she was lost for the
right word.

"Fucked," I added. "Just think of it as a normal sexual act. Don't let
your body parts detract from your emotional and psychological needs.
Your human and don't you forget it."

I could tell that Jenny was still slightly hung up about her equine
parts. She still needed reassuring about her humanity. I could not tell
if she was bothered by the emotional or legal or moral question. It was
strange how Vee had easily accepted her new condition whilst Jenny
seemed bothered or confused by it all. I surmised that it was the fact
that Jenny also deemed herself to be a hermaphrodite like me. My word
however seemed to reassure her and she visibly relaxed. She sidled over
to Vee who was gently paddling her rear hooves in anticipation of the
pleasures to come. They had both been awfully frustrated during my
absent months.

I gently caressed Jenny's rigid cock as I undid her equine teddy
and she snickered softly as Jets feelings escaped her lips.

Jacky and Cye were simultaneously 'attending' to Vee's preparation as
they gently removed her equine teddy and slyly squeezed her pony
clitty. Poor Vee let out a gasp and her lips formed an 'Oh!' As she
squirmed her rump in helpless surrender to their knowing hands. Cye's
veterinary knowledge knew exactly how to arouse Vee's equine parts and
in seconds, Vee was desperately clambering onto the bed whilst inviting
Jenny to 'mount' her.

I gave Jenny's cock a last tickling flick. She lurched forward in
reaction to my activities and gasped with pleasure.

"Mmmm, that's lovely but not now please or I'll come prematurely if you
start that."

She bent around and gently kissed me.

"You've no idea how frustrated Jet can get."

"Have you spoken with Vee before about this?"

"Yes. But unless she's 'in season' her pony pussy is totally unprepared
for this."

Vee wailed anxiously and stamped her rear hoof.

"Well I'm 'in season' now you fool so get on with it!!"

I whispered in Jenny's ear as she made to go to Vee.

"Wait a minute. Come to my bedroom."

A puzzled frown crossed Jenny's face as she followed me to my room. We
each had private bedroom suites were we could find peace and privacy.
My luggage was still unpacked so I opened my traveling vanity bag and
rooted through the bottom section. Triumphantly I held up what I was
looking for and produced an assortment of clitty ticklers. Margaret had
got them made up by Miss Lane at the academy in anticipation of Jenny
and Vee getting together. Jenny studied the clitty ticklers and smiled

"Which is the best one?" she asked.

"This one I think love. It's just a bigger version of the one I used
that night in the bath soon after Veronica's operation."

Jenny stared at me incredulously and then with envy.

"What!" she whispered, "You mean you've already been up Juno's pussy."

"Yes but I thought of it more as Veronicas other pussy."

"You kinky thing," giggled Jenny, "Did she feel anything with that
little cock?" She nodded condescendingly towards my own rigid organ.

"Yes, because I wore one of these," I stretched the clitty tickler on
my widespread fingers, "Otherwise it would have been like waving a
baton around in the Carnegie Hall. Now are you going to put it on or

"O.K. then," giggled Jenny as we shared our little joke. "Push it right
down to the base so she won't feel it until I'm well and truly home."

I slyly slipped it over her rigid cock and worked it down the shaft
until it lodged firmly at the base. Jenny's eyes widened and her mouth
gaped with pleasure as the clitty ring gently gripped her organ.

Vee was getting a little angry now and shouted down the corridor.

"What are you to being so secretive about? Come on."
Jenny was now also desperately close to coming. She turned to go when
Dot appeared in the doorway of my bedroom. She was holding some
obviously frilly garments and smiling broadly. Jenny and I caught her
drift as she spoke.

For the centaurs it was to be like a wedding night and Dot had
carefully made some sexy underwear for them. She held them up and

"The pink teddy for Miss Veronica and the blue one for Miss Jennifer."

She stretched them out as we investigated the garments. The pink one
had two 'split crotches' for Veronica's convenience whilst the blue one
had a split crotch at the 'front' and a silky stretchy satin tube to
fit over Jenny's cock.

Jenny's cock gave a little twitch of anticipation as she spoke.

"You'd better be quick and careful getting that on. I could cum before
I know it."

I deftly whipped the clitty tickler off her turgid organ and swiftly
helped her into the new teddy. Dot left to present Veronica with her
gift and we heard gales of laughter from Cye and Jacky as they dressed
Vee in her provocative outfit. Suddenly Jacky shouted down the

"Come on you two. We're all waiting for you."

Jenny smiled and wriggled as the clingy teddy caressed her velvety
flanks and titillated her desperately rigid organ. The pink clitty
tickler was now fitted over the satiny cock tube and gripping the
stretchy material so that it gently tugged and rubbed the penis shaft
with every step that Jenny took as she trotted down the corridor to the
big bedroom. Only her huge 'bell-end' was exposed to stimulation by
Vee's pony-pussy.

Dot returned to my room where I was getting ready to join my friends.
She whispered to me to wait a minute and I paused expectantly as she
vanished to her suite of rooms. She returned in moments with another
smaller garment in her hands and held it up for my inspection. She held
up a beautiful black body shaper with a stretchy satin tube to contain
my gentleman friend and a split open crotch just behind the tube to
allow convenient access to my sensitive cunny.

The bra cups also pushed up my swollen breasts so that my sensitive
milk laden nipples were exposed through two 'peepholes' and not rubbed
sore by the clingy lace of the bra. I inspected it and my penis
twitched at the thought of the delicious sensations he would be
enjoying that night.

I was overjoyed at Dot's creative thoughtfulness and I invited her to
join us. She looked at me nervously but agree on one condition.

"I don't want Miss Jennifer attacking me with that huge 'weapon'
of hers."

"Oh don't be silly Dot. She'll be far too interested in Veronica. Come
on or we'll miss the beginning of the fun."

I chided her for her naiveté and she giggled nervously as she whipped
her maids dress off to reveal a beautiful pale lime green teddy. I
smiled knowingly as I noticed the barely visible aperture of her split
crotch. Dot had been secretly hoping to join us all evening. I kissed
her softly as Cynthia called down the corridor.

"Are you lot coming? We've nearly started in here. Come on!"

We scampered down the corridor in our bare feet with our hips swaying
and my swollen breasts wobbling temptingly in their cups. Cye and Jacky
had already changed into similar set of matching cream and red teddies
with open crotches.

Jenny was eyeing Vee excitedly and her stallion's cock was already
stretching the teddy tube tight as she swished her tail with eager
anticipation. Her pale blue teddy fitted like a glove. It had sexy
panels of lacy Lycra along her flanks to allow for plenty of stretch
during dressing and general activities. All the parts that mattered
were either made of Lycra based satin or frilly lace trimmings. It was
set off beautifully against her soft black velvety coat and raven black

I paused to admire the exciting sight and Jenny's front pussy peeped
shyly from between the frilly lacy edges of her split crotch. At the
other end her stallion cock was getting stiffer and more rigid by the
minute as it stretched against the filmy satiny tube. The swollen knob
was oozing with anticipation while down at the base of the tube sat the
instrument of Veronica's forthcoming delight almost invisible between
Jenny's muscular rear legs. Vee had not seen it and it would be a
delightful little surprise once Jenny had sunk all the way home. Jenny
peered under her flanks one last time and twitched deliciously as she
approached Veronica.

Vee had kept her forelegs kneeling on the bed whilst her rear quarters
were fully 'presented' to Jenny with the urgent needs of her pony-pussy
already glistening through the open rear crotch of her teddy.

It seemed that I had been elected to be master of ceremonies and my
friends all looked at me expectantly as I guided Jenny forward.

Jenny was a bit nervous about mounting Vee and she paused to warn her
friend. Vee frowned impatiently and turned her neck.

"Ask Jet how he does it. Juno's already warned me what to expect. Come
on! Don't tease me. Get on with it."

Jenny paused as though 'communicating' with Jet and then reared
powerfully up onto Vee's twitching rump. Jenny let out a little squeak
of pleasure as her front girl cunt brushed against Vee's raised
expectant tail before sliding along Veronica's silky teddy until her
penis lodged against Vee's pony cunny. Vee let out a gasp of pleasure
and squirmed her whole body in eager expectation.

Despite Jet's vast experience with the mares when he was just a horse,
Jenny needed some guidance to locate Vee's cunt. Cye and I gently
gripped her cock and gently rubbed the end against Juno's clitty before
introducing it into Vee's pony pussy. Vee let out a low 'whinny' of
pleasure when she and Juno shared their libidinous human sensations
provoked by our masturbation techniques as we gently massaged her pony
clitty with Jet's knob. Eventually we introduced Jenny's stallion knob
to the portals of Vee's pony cunt and slowly guided it home. Vee
started to squeak and whinny as Jenny slowly adjusted her posture and
steadily introduced more and more cock. Each thrust was accompanied by
lustful snickering snorts as Jet shared his pleasures with Jenny.
Jenny's mouth hung open in a slack gape, as her efforts demanded all
the breath she could muster while she pounded away in abandoned passion
as she sank her cock as deep as it would go.

Her Lycra clad flanks were now stretched right along Vee's back and she
could reach Vee's shoulders with her tiny stumps. As Jenny realised
this her 'neck' arched gracefully and she gently grasped Vee's nape
with her teeth as her stumps hooked over Vee's shoulders and her
breasts caressed Vee's shoulder blades. With one last mighty thrust her
cock was lodged all the way into Vee's cunny. Vee's eyes closed and her
jaw sagged as the sensations started to take control of her responses.

At this juncture the clitty tickler suddenly fetched up hard against
Veronica's pony clitty. Veronica's eyes flashed open with surprise and
she let out a loud wail of delight as the realisation crashed into her
brain. Her rump started to thrash and pound in unison with Jenny's
powerful driving loins as both centaurs approached the unimagined
paroxysms of delight.

By now all of us were hopelessly horny. My teddy tube was sticking out
like an anti aircraft barrel and my crotch was dripping with
anticipation as my shiny telltale silvery love juices glistened on the
frilly edges of my teddy. Cynthia, Jacky and Dot all had dark telltale
patches of damp lust spreading from their teddy crotches and we each
grinned self-consciously as we clambered onto the big bed alongside
Jenny and Vee.

I carefully lay on my back and slowly inveigled myself between
Veronica's soft front thighs. She looked down with surprise and widened
her forelegs as she suddenly realised my plan. She gasped excitedly as
I insinuated my rigid lycra-clad gentleman friend into her soaking wet
front pussy. The additional sensation of my silky satiny frilled cock
sliding in and out of her front pussy sent her over the edges of
ecstasy. She started frantically pumping and rocking her whole body as
she moaned and whinnied intermittently.

Jenny managed to keep station by gripping the shoulder straps of
Veronica's teddy in her teeth. This served to additionally squeeze and
caress Veronicas breasts and nipples in the sensual lacy cups of the
under wired bra. By now poor Veronica was being submerged in a total
maelstrom of desire as every organ was receiving some sort of

As I realised the situation I gently reached my arms around Veronica's
'waist'. There I located Jenny's human clitty between her powerful
gripping forelegs as they clenched tight against Vee's withers. Jenny
let out a loud squeak of pleasure as she felt her clitty being
titillated and she started thrusting even faster.

The satiny sheaths on both our penises tended to slightly deaden the
sensations on our cocks and delay our orgasms. Dear Veronica enjoyed
several orgasms before Jenny reached her male climax. She was squealing
and moaning with satiated exhaustion before Jenny finally exploded in a
frenzied stallion's earth shattering orgasm.

Jenny let out a long loud squeal followed by a deafening whinny as she
and Jet finally ended the built up frustration of months of enforced
celibate abstinence.

I carefully extricated myself from between Veronica's forelegs as Jenny
slipped off her back and staggered backwards. Jenny stood gasping with
exhaustion as she swayed alarmingly and her human torso lay slumped on
Vee's rump. Vee stood quietly submissive as Jenny finally recovered and
sidled up alongside her friend to rest her forelegs upon the bed as

We made a space for our friends and they clambered exhaustedly onto the
bed. Jenny collapsed on her side and Vee cuddled up in the crook of
Jenny legs. They then fell into an exhausted sleep as we that were left
contemplated our pleasures.

I had still not come. The silky stretchy tube enveloping my cock was
delaying my orgasm as it deadened the friction on my fraenum. The three
girls drew lots as to who would have first go. My Lycra encased organ
would probably be able to carry on for some time before I finally 'blew
my dust' and it was a fair probability that Cynthia, Jacky and Dot
would all enjoy satisfaction that night. Cynthia won the draw and she
slithered across the big bed to present her rump to me. The sight of
Jenny and Vee doing it 'horsy' style had turned her on. She wanted it
doggy style.

As I got up on my knees I lost my balance. Jenny and Vee had stirred in
their sleep. And made the bed shake. I lurched forwards and my milk-
laden breasts wobbled in their flimsy 'peephole' bra cups. My exposed
nipples flicked a couple of drops of their bounty onto Jacky's cheeks.
She smiled as she licked the sweet droplets off her face and savoured
them on her lips.

"Mmmm! That tastes good. Dot and I had better clear that away or it
will dribble down your body shaper as you're shagging Cye."

I looked down at my nipples to see the telltale evidence of my
motherhood. The silvery white droplets were oozing from my engorged
nipples because of my sexually aroused condition. There was no denying
that something had to be done as the creamy droplets started to collect
on my nipples like cloudy dew. I frowned resignedly and shrugged my
shoulders. Jacky's suggestion was as good as any.

There was no doubt that I had plenty to go round and my twins were not
going without. I was beginning to feel like a dairy cow.

"Go ahead then, be my guests. Don't you dare bite or nibble though."

Cye twisted her head around and pulled back her titian red hair to look
over her shoulder.

"Are we going to screw or what?" she giggled.

By way of reply, I prodded her gyrating cleft with my rigid satiny
organ. The slippery filmy sheath slipped straight into her appreciative
cunny without any resistance at all. There was no doubt that Dot had
accidentally hit upon something by encasing my cock in satin and Lycra.
The girls felt my stiff organ caressing the velvety folds of their
cunnies whilst my sensations were deadened and delayed by the shiny
frictionless film. Cye's bum started to gyrate with pleasure as I
lodged my cock deep in her cleft.

Jacky and Dot slipped alongside me and gently took a nipple each in the
greedy mouths. Their knowing lips gently sucked as their tongues
carefully lashed the turgid pink tips of my swollen glands.

I started to slowly thrust away as Cye made soft muffled little squeals
with her face buried in the pillow. My slow deliberate actions served
two purposes. It conserved my energies for the other two and the slow
movement prevented the two parasitical pairs of hungry lips from
tugging too hard on my wobbling teats.

With a bit of practice we got it right. I lay along Cye's back with her
gyrating bum thrusting hungrily against my organ whilst my soft breasts
were pressed into her shoulder blades. My nipples were then squeezed
outwards as Jacky and Dot rested their cheeks against Cye's shoulders
and gently drank their fill.

The strange sensation of a satiny cock sliding up and down her love
tube soon brought Cye to a satisfactory climax. She suddenly started to
roll her bum and bang her cunt against the stiff frilly lace ring at
the base of my cock. She finally let out a loud wail of ecstasy that
wakened both Jenny and Vee with a start.

She then lurched forwards and grunted with satisfaction as the last
waves of lust pulsed through the very core of her being. Fortunately
Jacky and Dot had both released my tits when Cye had first started to
come and I simply collapsed onto Cye's soft curvaceous rump with my
organ still firmly lodged within her. I lay there savouring Cye's
delectable peachy bum cheeks with the 'vee' of her teddy exaggerating
the promising flare of her hips. I lay with my breasts crushing into
her back while she sighed and squirmed like an eel in her attempts to
get more sensations from my still rigid satiny cock.

"Mmmm," she murmured, "Just leave it like that all night."

"Hey!" chorused Jacky and Dot simultaneously, "What about us?"

I smiled and gently extricated my organ from Cye's love canal. The
three of us gently rolled Cynthia into the gap between Veronica's legs
where she could enjoy the warm embracing heat of Vee's equine parts.

Cye just murmured sleepily and rolled up into a ball as Veronica and
Jenny 'cuddled' her with their legs. I turned playfully to Jacky who
was 'next on' only to find her absent. I turned a questioning eye to
Dot who smiled and whispered 'wait'.

Within a few moments Jacky had returned from her bedroom. I noticed the
cock vibrator in her hand and twitched with pleasure at the thought of
it attached to the base of my dick. It would be strange to get the
vibrations through the silky satin texture of my teddy sheath. I
gleefully thrust my still rigid cock forward as Jacky slipped the ring
over him and secured it firmly to the base of my shaft.

"That should do it. Now on your back slave and do your duty."

As I submissively lay back, Jacky gleefully locked her stumps over my
hips and lowered herself down onto the source of her pleasures. I felt
her love lips tighten around my shaft and I thrust gently upwards.

"No, not yet my little pet. I'm in control. Just lie still for the

Obediently I relaxed as she took the switch of the cock vibrator and
switched it on. The ring around my organ began to vibrate and transmit
the activities to my cock.

Jacky let out a gasp of delight then settled down on my resonating
shaft as it burrowed and quarried it's way deep into her love pit. The
tickler found her clitty and she started to wriggle and writhe with
delight as the stiff little tentacles probed and flicked under the hood
of her swelling bud. For me it was a strange sensation; I had little
to do except lie obediently still while my mistress rode away to hearts
content. As she bucked and rocked with her eyes closed and her head
thrown back in abandonment I felt that I was nothing more than a
servicing device like a washing machine. I lay back and caught Dot's

Dot simply shrugged dispassionately as Jacky's actions became more
frenzied until she suddenly exploded with lust and collapsed onto my
breasts. Her desperate heartbeats thundered away under her tits and I
lay quietly until her breathing became more regular. Eventually she
opened her eyes and smiled sleepily at me before switching off her
gadget and rolling off.

Like Cye, she promptly curled up into ball between Veronica's legs and
fell into a deep sleep. Dot smiled at the sleeping lovers and then
turned her attentions to me.

She gently removed my cock vibrator then peeled my teddy over my
shoulders and down my legs. She folded it neatly on the bedside chair
then removed her own with equal alacrity and folded it as well. This
done, she had satisfied her fetish for neatness then she gently took me
in her arms. Naked we grasped each other as our passions met and she
rubbed her naked cunny against my equally naked cock. I shuddered with
delight as my sensitive organ finally enjoyed the unrestricted delights
of a warm wet velvety cunny.

"I want you to feel it as well," she whispered, "but I think that
vibrator of Jacky's is a good idea. Can you put it on again?"

The thought of those exciting little ripples up and down my cock inside
Dot's virginally tight pussy made me wriggle with anticipation as I
nodded my consent.

Like two young lovers experimenting with their bodies, we both fiddled
with the vibrator as we worked it down my stiff organ. Dot couldn't
resist 'testing' it and we giggled as the vibrations wiggled my cock

"It's slower than last time, it must have a variable speed," I giggled.

Dot fiddled with the switch and the device started to accelerate. It
sent delicious tickles along my cock and I squirmed with pleasure.

"You'd better get on before the bus leaves," I squeaked.

She turned it to zero again and mounted me just as Jacky had done.

"Who controls this?" she chuckled as she held the switch in her hand.

"It doesn't matter to me," I gasped as her tight little cunny gripped
my pecker in its velvety embrace, "You do it."

"O.K.," she agreed, "Here goes. Have a good time. I know I will."

With that she gently started to rock her hips back and forth as the
vibrator commenced its splendid work on both our bodies. Dot cleverly
adjusted the device so that our orgasms exploded in unison as we banged
and thrashed together. We both squealed dementedly as our bodies shared
their delights and then collapsed with exhaustion as we spent our last.

The others simply mumbled in their sleep at being so disturbed but soon
resumed their contented dreams as we remained locked together to join
them in their slumbers.

Dot's last act was to gently grasp my nipples in her lips as she
finally fell into a deep satisfied sleep. Needless to add, I plunged
into a deep and exhausted sleep with her arms wrapped around my
shoulders and her cunny still locked around my gentleman friend. He was
kept erect by the tight ring of the vibrator at his base.

I don't know how long I slept but the sound of my twins crying to be
fed finally awoke me from my slumbers. As I tried to extricate myself
from Dot's embrace she mumbled then woke.

"What's up?"

"My babies are crying. They want these." I whispered as I tried to wean
Dot's lips off my nipples.

Dot mumbled again before releasing my nipples and smiling. There was a
milky white trace around her lips and I frowned.

"I hope you've left them some?"

For an answer she gently squeezed my breasts and the milk squirted out.

"There's plenty there Bev. Do you want a hand?"

"There's not much you can do Dot. I'm the only one with milk in my jugs
but thanks for the offer."

I cupped my breasts as I spoke and threw a nighty on as a padded
silently to the nursery. Then I picked up both my twins and, with a
well practised technique, I latched one to each nipple and settled down
into that most intimate and closest of relationships between mother and
child. They were now growing out of their early morning feed and it
wasn't long before I had changed their nappies and returned to the big

In the dark I noticed that the centaurs had shifted and they now formed
the familiar outer walls between which the rest of us slept. Dot had
spread a huge duvet over the group as the chill of the night crept with
penetrating fingers though the bed. Even my feet were cold as I gently
sneaked under the duvet and rejoined Dot. It was delicious to cuddle up
to her warm sweet body as we re-embraced.

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