Mares Tales 4

Here is chapter 4 of Mares' Tales.

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month-old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’

Mare Tales - Chapter 4.

Dr James had no sooner left us to our own devices when the door opened
and Dorothy returned with some notes for Veronica and some injections
for me. She handed the notes to Veronica who held them awkwardly at her
waist where her hands were still secured. Dorothy then smiled at me and
prepared the injections. I had no idea what they contained but I was so
restrained I could do nothing to resist. As the liquids disappeared
into my veins I slowly went to sleep with a delicious sense of
relaxation and calm.

It was several hours before I awoke again to find several drips
inserted into various parts of my anatomy. One drip led into the
dressings of my groin and Veronica told me it was a localised
anaesthetic and immobiliser to prevent me having any sensations or
erections in my penis. She pointed to other drips and explained them as
a 'relaxant' or an intravenous feed or some other function. There was
also a catheter into the dressings around my groin to carry away my
urine. I couldn't quite see where it came from and Veronica wasn't sure
either. I was later to realise why she feigned ignorance.

Each of the drips had special knurled controls which Veronica could
activate with her lips. The academy used some perverse ways to
reinforce their pupil's subjugation and Veronica's being made to care
for me without the proper use of her hands was simply another
technique. I drifted off into more sleep.

As I woke again Veronica was sitting by the window reading a book about
nursing and I whispered to her as I became more conscious. She
struggled to get up. With her hands restrained to her waist she found
it difficult and she wobbled precariously in her high heels as she
leaned dangerously towards me. She finally got her balance and moved
closer to me.

"Is it possible to have some water. I'm terribly thirsty."

Veronica teetered over to the water dispenser and pushed the fruit
juice button with her pink little tongue. A carton and straw appeared
from the aperture at waist height and Veronica extracted it awkwardly.
Holding it close to her tummy she minced carefully back to my bedside
and placed it on the shelf by my head. She removed the tab and deftly
slipped the straw into the carton. She then leant awkwardly over me as
she fumbled to lift the flexible end of the straw into my mouth.

"Thanks Vee," I mumbled as I greedily sucked the juice.

She then disposed of it down the waste chute and returned with the
notes that Dorothy had left for us. Veronica was now wearing a tight
nurses dress and I enjoyed the delicious pleasure of watching her
beautiful bum gyrate under the sexy material. She didn't seem to
be in any discomfort though and I wondered about her operation.

"Either you've recovered very quickly or they haven't operated upon you
yet." I observed.

"They've put back my operation until you're better but they have had me
constrained like this in the harness all the time to prevent me doing
anything naughty. It's horrible," she continued, "I've had to go to
Dorothy every time I've needed to go to the toilet or want to eat. You
know what Dorothy is like. She's nasty sometimes and makes me wait."

A small tear escaped from Vee's eye and glistened on her cheek as she
waved the notes angrily. "I'll read you what’s in these and see if you
can tell me what's going to happen to me because I certainly don't

I wriggled my wrist sympathetically as she nervously squeezed my hand
then she started reading the notes.

"I'm going to be surgically 'corrected'; whatever that means, so that
I won't be able to masturbate myself but I'll still be able to enjoy
orgasm. It doesn't say how though and I can't, for the life of me,
imagine what that would entail. Can you?"

I shook my head in puzzlement.

"No Vee darling, I can't. They mustn’t mean a clitorectomy though, for
that would mean you couldn't achieve a proper orgasm."

The thought of that cruel and terrible punishment so feared by all
women in the less civilised places of the world made both Vee and me

"Well what can this mean then?" She sobbed.

She laid her head on my breasts and twisted her head to face me as I
gently licked the tears from her cheeks. We lay like this for a few
moments gently comforting each other until Veronica eventually sat up
again and resumed reading from the notes.

"There are some more instructions in here about how I'm to look after
you. I'm not to release your hands under any circumstances and I must
anaesthetise your penis every time you look like getting an erection.
I have to prevent it or the stitches might burst. Furthermore, I have
to operate all the drips with my lips."

With this, her lips trembled and then she burst out into hysterical
weeping as the weight of the responsibilities she had been entrusted
with, settled heavily on her slender young shoulders. I tried to be
sympathetic and I patted the bed beside me with my hand. She struggled
onto the table and lay alongside me with her leg locked over me to
avoid falling off. As we gently nuzzled each other’s cheeks we
gradually drifted off into sleep. We were still entwined together when
Dorothy discovered us later that evening.

We spent the rest of that week thus employed as Dr James and the
Mistresses regularly checked my progress. All the time Veronica
attended upon my simple needs whilst Dorothy treated my dressings and

Finally, after several weeks, Dr James arrived one morning to remove my
bandages for good. They carefully fixed a little screen like a stiff
ballerinas tutu then she gently undid the dressings in the company of
Miss Lane, Dorothy and Veronica. I noticed them staring wide-eyed at
the new anatomy in my groin and I desperately wanted to see what
had transpired down there. Carefully, Dr James tested my genitals.

"Does that hurt Beverly?" she asked.

"Not a lot,” I replied, “except when you squeeze like that. Ouch!”

"Good. How about that?"

I gave a little gasp and a twitch before gently thrusting my pelvis
upwards. She removed her hand and I pouted a little with disappointment
as she smiled softly into my eyes. "Excellent Beverly. I'm going to
loosen your ankle and thigh restraints. Then I want you to slowly open
your legs."

As the buckles came free I slowly spread my legs. Once they were fully
parted, Dr James gently probed and tested some more before carefully
lowering the end of the table. Gently, like a blacksmith with a nervous
young filly, she guided my legs to the floor.

"Put the weight slowly on your right leg until you are fully supporting
that side of your body."

I followed her instructions and shivered as 'pins and needles’ ran up
my leg. Eventually the feelings subsided and I gingerly placed my other
foot down. I was stood with my legs apart at the end of the table with
my hands still secured behind me. Like any boy, I felt vulnerable with
my legs apart and I tried to close my legs again. Dr James held them
apart and gently exerted an upward pressure into my groin.

"Don't be frightened Beverly. You can't be hit in the balls anymore
because they are safely tucked up inside out of harms way. However; if
I squeeze like that you’ll feel something."

“Ouch,” I squeaked again and trembled nervously.

“That’s OK Beverly, only I know exactly where to squeeze. Your
testicles are well hidden from normal attack.” She then pressed where I
thought my balls should have been and I simply felt a nice twitchy
sensation as my newly formed vulva lips reacted. Dr James then motioned
Veronica between my legs and instructed her to lick and kiss around my
newly fashioned vulva and labia. The stretching sensations gradually
eased as my new genitals responded and I felt soft fluttering waves of
pleasure pulsing from my crotch. Dr James and Veronica crouched down
out of view between my legs and I heard her whispering instructions. I
strained to hear and see what was going on but all to no avail.
Veronica related what shehad said later.

"That large red plastic thing is the ‘keeper’ because it keeps her
newly formed vagina and lips from becoming conjoined again. It is
actually a very large vibrating dildo and now that it’s wired up, you
will be able to operate it with this little gadget. It's quite safe as
it's only twelve volts. Go on try it."

They helped me back on the table then Veronica gently mouthed and
tickled my vulva with her lips and tongue. As my juices started to
flow, Veronica then activated the dildo. I suddenly felt ecstatic
sensations that I had never experienced before as my whole groin
area started to pulse and flutter with throbbing waves of pleasure.

Dr James stabilised the table as my hips started to buck and thrash in
reaction to the pulsating throb in my groin. As I lay on my back again
my nipples started to harden and swell unmercifully as the engorged
tissue became desperate for relief. Dr James studied my state and then
motioned to Miss Lane. They each gently took a nipple in their lips and
rolled it softly to and fro. I could only lie helplessly as they
enjoyed their ministrations. My poor cock started to stiffen but Dr
James rapidly numbed it with the drip and it subsided again, senseless
to anything.

"That's just to prevent our gentleman friend from interfering with our
all girl proceedings Beverly,” smiled the doctor, "I still have to run
some checks upon the scar tissue before we test him."

I tried to peer over the 'tutu - screen’ but failed to see anything as
my penis became flaccid again in response to the anaesthetic. This most
peculiar sensation of a rapidly approaching orgasm and stiff, swollen,
excited nipples caused me to realise that I was enjoying a full blown
female orgasm. My whole being became suffused with a tingling glow as
my groin, pelvis, and breasts enjoyed wave after wave of ecstatic
palpitations. My male psyche tried to 'feel' for sensations in my penis
and I tried to thrust my hips as though ejaculating like a male but it
was all to no avail.

My newly formed female parts had achieved complete control at this
juncture and I orgasmed, as any girl should. Veronica continued to suck
and lick at my secretions as they squeezed and splattered from my
vagina past the buzzing dildo and into her greedy mouth. Finally, as
the shocks subsided throughout my whole body, Veronica finished her
activities below and crawled up the operating table to kiss me.

It was the first taste of my own girl juices that I'd ever experienced
and I forced my tongue deep into Veronica’s mouth to savour the strange
new part of my future. The sharing of my love juice seemed to signal an
even deeper bond of friendship and newly found sisterhood between us.
As we dallied over our lingering kiss Dr James, who had still been
gently suckling my nipple, leaned over and switched off the dildo. She
gently admonished Veronica for letting it run.

"You must be careful Veronica, Beverly is nowhere near ready for
multiple orgasms yet. Her scar tissue and glands have still to heal and
adjust. Nor is her psyche ready yet for the delicious rigours of
multiple female orgasm."

After deactivating the dildo she returned to my face where Vee and I
were still enjoying our kiss.

"I think it's about time that Veronica enjoyed an orgasm. Don't you
Miss Beverly?"

So saying, she gently separated us and carefully guided one of
Veronica's nipples into my mouth. She motioned to Miss Lane to start
another dildo in Veronica’s bottom whilst she gently gripped Veronicas
other nipple in her own lips. The vaginal guard however, prevented her
from administering or receiving any attentions to her vulva, vagina or

Together, we three brought Veronica to a none-clitoral orgasm. Veronica
twitched and whimpered with frustration until she finally orgasmed in
the, by now, familiar fashion. As she lay down recovering, Dorothy
dressed her then fed us both whilst Dr James and Miss Lane explained
the next step of my recovery.

"In a few more days Miss Beverly, we will see how you swing both ways.
For now, however, your penis must still not become erect. We will
continue to stimulate you thus to firmly establish the sensations and
nature of the female orgasm in your psyche. This will help you to
easily enter the realms of womanhood proper. You really will become
bi-sexual in every sense of the word. I'm really excited by these
prospects. It really is virgin territory for us all but especially for
my researches into sexuality. Believe me Beverly, I’m taking great care
of you from now on because you’re very very special."

Doctor James stroked my cheek affectionately as she continued. "Miss
Veronica here will continue to attend to your needs as she has done so
successfully since your operation."

She then turned to Veronica. "My reasons for delaying Beverly's
erections will eventually become clear to you after you have had your
corrective surgery. For now, it is paramount that Beverly enjoys only
female orgasms until her penis is healed completely. Is that clear

"Yes Doctor," mumbled Veronica as she averted her eyes nervously.

"If, when I return, I find any damage to Beverly's male parts then the
subsequent consequences to your corrective surgery will be all the more

With this threat hanging over us, Dr James and Miss Lane left the ward.
Miss Williams and Dorothy then transferred me to a private dormitory
that doubled as a convalescence ward. There I was re-secured to a
larger bed and the groin dressings replaced. The penis anaesthetic was
replaced and arranged again so that Veronica could operate it with her
mouth. Thus were Veronica and I ensconced in the dormitory where she
could attend to all my feminine needs and treatments whilst Dorothy was
to double as a nurse and maid.

Veronica thus attended to my dildo, drips and breasts and she had to
gently pull a bell chord with her mouth to summon Dorothy when we
needed feeding, cleaning or changing. Veronica continued to be
restrained in her harness with her hands attached to the waist belt.

Thus we remained for the rest of my convalescence; me achieving daily
female orgasms via Veronicas attentions to my nipples and dildo whilst
she became daily more sensitive to her nipple induced orgasms every
time I gently sucked and caressed her nipples with my tongue and lips.

Slowly, as the days passed I gradually lost the pains and aching in my
penis. I eagerly awaited Dr James's return to find out what my new male
sensations would feel like after the surgery. In the meantime however,
I had to tell Veronica whenever I was getting an erection so that she
could activate the anaesthetic drip with her lips and thus numb my
penis. Nights of course were the most difficult times, because of the
dangers of an erection in my sleep.

Veronica partially solved this by lying alongside me and gently holding
my numbed penis in her extended fingers. She could just do this from
the restraining loops of her harness by lying on her side and straining
to reach me. This had a very confusing effect on me. The constant
fidgeting, fumbling and touching by Veronicas soft delicate fingers
caused me to keep starting erections which were then promptly turned
off by Veronica activating the anaesthetic drip. My male libido and
psyche nearly became totally wrecked during this so-called

All through the long nights Veronica and I had to split shifts to
prevent my erections. The shared responsibilities and weariness caused
our deepening bond of love, trust and friendship to become permanently
sealed. For a long time in the future, whenever we became separated
from each other for long periods, we would pine and break our hearts.

End of Chapter 4

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