Mare's Tales 21

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Mare's Tales - Chapter 21 – by: Beverly Taff

Morning broke clear and frosty as the weak winter sun splashed its late
rays onto our bed. It revealed four small lumps surrounded by two
larger ones under the soft contours of the duvet.

Dot's internal clock woke her as the suns rays gradually washed her
face with light. Despite her careful efforts to extricate herself from
my embrace, I woke as she tried to slide surreptitiously out of the

"What time is it?" I whispered.

Dot peered at the clock behind the bed and rubbed her eyes as she
stretched. I savoured her pert breasts as they rose and pointed their
pretty pink nipples towards the window.

"About nine. Hush! What's that noise?"

We both listened as we recognised the swish of tyres on the gravel
outside. Dot scampered to the window and peered through the gap in the
curtains. Her delectable rump caused my cock to twitch as she strained
forward to identify the car.

"It's Dr James," she gasped, "What's she doing here so early?"

"I don't know. I wasn't expecting her for weeks."

Dot turned to face me and caught my gazing at her frilly bum in its
split-crotch teddy. She smiled provocatively and waggled it as she
resumed looking out of the window. She bent forward and resumed her
inviting posture.

From where I sat all I could see were two creamy gibbous moons bordered
with provocative frills against the dark blue velvet of the curtains. I
crept over to her and gently landed my rigid rocket in the central sea
of ecstasy. The moon wobbled in its orbit with sweet anticipation.

"Not now," gasped Dot, "Dr James is here."

"She's got her own key don't worry about her. She'll be more interested
in the labs." I carried on caressing her cleft.

"Is that nice?"

"Mmmm," sighed Dot as she automatically backed against me with her bum.

The vibrator was still clipped around my organ and I switched it on as
my knob gently probed her moistening love lips. Her juices started to
flow as I gently slid him into her inviting cleft until the vibrator
was firmly lodged against her trigger button. She started to squirm
again and gripped the windowsill as the gyrating moons of her bum
swiveled in their efforts to grind her love bud against the tantalising
rubber tickler. Little mewling sounds were coming from behind the
curtain and they woke Jacky and Cynthia. I turned as the two small
mounds under the duvet stirred and two faces emerged. They immediately
grasped what was going on and slipped out of bed to crawl across and
attend upon the proceedings.

Within minutes, Dot was enjoying a splendid orgasm as their knowing
fingers helped orchestrate the music of her body.

From our side of the curtains a delectable bum was gyrating and
pounding in helpless abandon whilst any observer from outside would
have seen a young slack jawed woman in the throws of some sort of fit.

This was exactly what Margaret saw as she was emptying the last
remnants of her luggage. She now understood why there was nobody on
hand to help with her early and unexpected arrival. Dot's wail of
passion as her floodgates were breached had caught Margaret's sharp ear
as she was collecting the last load from her car.

I suddenly felt Dot's pussy tighten and clench as she struggled to
break free from the curtains.

"Hell! She's seen us," squeaked Dot anxiously.

"So what," giggled Jacky

"She knows that we have sex. For heavens sak," added Cye.

Dot gave one last lunge and managed to squirm free of the curtain. She
dashed panting out of the room. Her love juices were still dribbling
from her cunny as she scampered to her own bedroom to get dressed. We
three smiled and returned to our bed. The centaurs were now stirring so
we joined them in the big bath before going down to breakfast.

As we finished bathing and were drying each other, Dot and Margaret
entered with two huge tea trolleys laden with breakfast. We all sat
around in our dressing gowns as we hungrily devoured the mountains of
food and discussed the future.

Margaret had come to run some tests on the twins and to have tests on
her own baby.

"You're early Mags," I observed.

"Well best get it over and done with as soon as possible. I've got a
busy schedule at Miss Lanes and I want to get things over and done with
there before I have my baby."

Margaret's eyes fell upon my breasts as she helped me dress. Dot had
already laid out the clothes, a soft Lycra body shaper with proper
nursing bra cups, a soft cotton body, some leggings, cotton socks and
trainers. I finally threw my laboratory overall over this comfortable
ensemble and made my way to the nursery. Margaret joined me there as I
fed my children then we made our way to the labs. Jacky and Cye had
mounted Jenny and Vee and they each asked to carry a baby in their

I knew they had always been excellent riders before the accidents so I
allowed them to carry my precious cargoes as we made our way to the
labs. Cynthia and Jacky both supported the twins as they clenched Vee
and Jenny's withers between their muscular stumpy thighs. There the
twins gurgled happily as they played with Jenny and Vee's long silky

Amidst gurglings and chucklings of delight from my babies and 'gee-ups'
from the girls, the centaurs trotted along. I tried to keep up with
them and run beside them but it wasn't long before my supersensitive
vulva started playing their old tricks on me and I started to get
aroused again. The old familiar bulge appeared in my leggings, so I had
to stop to catch my breath whilst my pussy 'cooled down'.

I walked slowly the remainder of the way to the labs and found the
tests well under way. It was confirmed beyond all doubt that Nicholas
and Christine were similar in all genetic respects to Bernard and
Jeanette. Margaret seemed a little disappointed.

"Well don't sound so disheartened Mags," I comforted her. "I've managed
quite well as a hermaphrodite, and Bernard is quite at ease with it so
why shouldn't Nicholas be? We can take suitable steps as we've done
with Bernard."

I suppose so," mumbled Mags, "I was just hoping for a greater genetic

"Oh there's plenty of variation Mags, I an assure you. Just look at the
different hair colouring of Bernard, Jeanette, Susan, Christine and
Nicholas. And, I might add, it's much more interesting having both
sexual points of view."

"But they'll need the same sort of surgery as you had," persisted

I shuddered at the thought of this and recalled the little twist that
she had played on my uthrea when I was so young. It made me a little
angry and I replied quite forcefully.

"Listen Margaret. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You're not
going near my children with that scalpel without my full and complete
attendance. I still have to keep taking the pill to compensate me for
that little trick you played on me all those years ago."

"But how will-"

I cut her short.

"There will be very few problems with their psyches or sexualities.
I've already helped Bernard come to terms and when it's Nicholas's turn
I'll do the same with hers. O.K!"

Margaret shrugged her shoulders. I had no idea what she had planned but
I was determined to scotch them early.

"There will be no surgery on any of my children until they them-selves
have decided what is right for them and they have communicated their
wishes to me. Right!"

"O.K- O.K.," offered Margaret soothingly, "I was only trying to prepare
you for anything that might manifest itself later."

"Well I'm more than prepared for 'anything' that may manifest itself
later," I snapped. "All the surgery I have ever practiced has been with
the clear consent of the patient and to help them with their problems,
even if it has been a little unusual. Some of the stuff you've done at
Miss Lanes has been downright perverse and little short of cruel. Ask
poor Jenny here."

Margaret looked questioningly at Jenny who gave an uncertain nod of her
head. She then turned to me again defensively.

"I did what I thought was best for Jenny at the time. She was destined
for a life of crime and violence on the streets before she came to us
at Miss Lanes."

"That's as may be Margaret. It was still a completely hypothetical
observation," I countered. "You had no way of seeing into a crystal
ball and determining exactly where Jenny was bound. Your surgery on
Jenny served only to leave her with an identity problem and confused.
At least I have given her the option of functioning as a male again
albeit equininely. Anyway lets get on with these tests, this is getting
us nowhere and I've enough worries about my own children."

My irritation had really been caused by my worries about my children
and their futures. The girls realised this and Veronica sidled over to
press her hip against mine while she gently placed her arm stump around
my waist.

"Don't get upset Bev. We all love you and your children no matter

She gently bent her head and kissed the tear of nervous disappointment
that had leaked betrayingly from my eye.

"Don't worry love," she continued, just remember that when they reach
maturity they shall have the option to go female, male or both. How
many kids get that opportunity?"

"Oh that's easy enough for us to think about Vee," I replied, "but
poor Bernard will have to make that decision at the tender age of

As I contemplated the pitfalls that would face my children, tears
flooded before my eyes.

"Cheer up Bev," soothed Jenny, "they're in the best possible place to
grow up and come to terms with hermaphrodism. Even Dr James here had to
reconcile her antagonism towards men when you turned up with your
hermaphrodism. It'll be the same with your children."

Margaret nodded ruefully as we returned to Nicholas and Christine. They
had to be injected with tracers so that X. rays could be taken of their
internal organs to determine their exact construction. The other tests
had pointed to some element of hermaphrodism in Christine as well and I
was getting very worried. The rest of the day I spent comforting my
babies as they demanded their feeds but they had to be starved for a
day to complete the X-rays. It was a tired mother who clambered into
bed that night after finally getting them to sleep.

My breasts hurt as the milk demanded to be expressed and I was busy
expressing it when Jacky burst into my room unexpectedly. With a wicked
smile she offered to help. I was in little mood for any shenanigans
that night but I had been busy expressing for over an hour and my
breasts where still hurting. Resignedly I agreed to her suggestions.
Within seconds all four were crowded into my bedroom taking it in turns
at my breasts. The only comfort was that my breasts were now empty and
the pain had gone. I shooed my friends away and settled down to sleep.
Reluctantly they dispersed and switched off the light. I was just
dropping off to sleep when there was a timid knock at the door.

"Who's that?" I demanded testily.

"It's me, Margaret," she whispered.

"What d'you want now," I grumbled. "I'm trying to get some sleep."

"We need to talk. I've still got a few problems to iron out."

Grumpily I unlocked my door and peered sleepily into the dark corridor.

"Oh come on in then. There's never any peace."

Margaret crept in and silently shut the door as I returned to my warm
sheets. She sat on the side of the bed, unsure of herself.

"I'm worried," she whispered.

"What about?"

"Well, your hermaphrodism is definitely genetic and it could affect my
baby as well."

"Why? It doesn't seem to have affected Susan."

"I know. But there's nothing to say that it won't affect this one. If
he's a male then it could."

I suddenly realised that I had been more than a little selfish. My
genetic deviation could affect Margaret's babies as well, especially if
it was 'male'.

"But you separated the sperm and chose only female."

"That works with X.X. chromosomes and X.Y. chromosomes but your sperm
has a fifty percent chance of being X.X.Y., or even X.X.X.!"

I paused thoughtfully. Jacky had confirmed this definitely. Margaret's
methods of gender selection could be contraindicated by these
exceptional factors."

I gently stroked her bulging tummy.

"Well it's a bit late now. Anyway, even if it's a 'boy' - and I doubt
that it is- it would still be a hermaphrodite."

"I hope so," sobbed Margaret, "I really hope so."

I realised that I had been a bit cruel to her during the day so I
gently raised my bedclothes invitingly. She accepted my invitation and
snuggled in beside me. There we talked long and hard as we discussed
various ideas and theories about my genetic makeup and my children. It
was long gone midnight before we finally fell asleep.

Two very bleary eyed doctors trundled down to breakfast that morning.
The other girls took one look and soon realised that we were in no mood
to chat. We made our way with heavy hearts to conduct the final tests
upon my twins.

The X-rays confirmed that Nicholas was endowed of the same organs as
Bernard and me; a penis, two testes, a uterus, two ovaries and
vestigial vagina that would need surgery if he chose to take the same
route as his parent. More was to follow. We discovered a distinct
abnormality in Christine's clitoris exactly like her big sister
Jeanette. A small surgical examination confirmed that her clitoris was
virtually a vestigial penis and her labia contained two tiny testicles.
If Christine were exposed to testosterone she would grow a full set of
male genitalia around her fully formed vagina.

These revelations were the final straw for me. I collapsed sobbing in
my chair and broke my heart. What kind of monsters was I breeding and
what kind of freaks would my children grow up into?

Margaret and Jacky gently stroked my brow and made me a cup of tea.
Jacky had completed her tests and had confirmed that Christine was
endowed of the X.X.Y chromosome. This news served only to depress me
further as I hugged my babies to me and let them drink deep of their
mother's milk. I felt as protective towards my seed as a lioness with
her cubs.

"If nothing else," I cried, "they at least, were going to be loved and
cared for as no other children ever had."

A pang of conscience about Bernard and Jeanette stabbed through my
heart. I wanted to see them again.

Two days later I spent a quick 'weekend visit' with them in the midterm
break and they were doing fine. It was obvious that the middle school
environment was having no ill effects upon them. The hormone treatments
were more than satisfactory and all three children were happy with
their lives. They had a marvellous time cuddling and nursing Nicholas
and Christine and it was a much happier Beverly that returned to the

I gradually came out of my depression and the workings of the labs
resumed their normal cycles. Once Margaret was convinced that I was
over my depression she returned to Miss Lane's until her baby was due.
We four resumed our work to 'cure' Jacky and Cynthia of their mobility

Both girls had chosen genetically compatible mares from the herd and we
prepared everything so that we could operate soon after Margaret's baby
was born. We chose to operate on Jacky first, because Cynthia's
veterinary operating skills where needed before Margaret and I felt
competent to operate on the horse side when Cye went under. This was
deemed to be the lowest risk option and was the consequent route we

Like Veronica, Jacky had chosen a palomino. I suppose it was the fact
that a palomino's mane and tail contrasted with its body just like
blonde hair contrasted with Jacky's bronzed body. The mares name was
Aerial and, like all the genetically derived horses, she was endowed of
a beautifully soft velvet coat that perfectly complimented her rich
golden mane and tail. The mane and tail of course were identical to
Jacky's hair and formed a perfect matching continuity when the two
beings were attached.

Aerial, a mare was Jacky's preferred choice because Jacky was a true
transsexual. Unlike Jenny, who was more than pleased to be part
stallion, Jacky was looking forward to having fully functional female
parts. One night she even suggested that she would look forward to
having a foal. This threw us a bit but we were forced to accept that it
was certainly feasible. She hoped that Aerial's hormones and soft,
gentle nature would complement her own metabolism so that she would
become a truly feminine creature.

These wishes actually made the surgery easier. There were no
complications with hormone blockers or glandular isolation. Ariel's
'human-compatible' hormones would be allowed to totally invade Jacky's
system and contribute their natural effects to Jacky's femininity.

The biggest problem was going to be retraining both brains to use six
limbs. The interconnecting nerve connections were going to be quite
complex and I anticipated some long and difficult surgery with quite a
bit of 'original exploration'. This was particularly so if final
control of both pairs of legs was to be totally under Jacky's control.
We couldn't have a centaur whose rear legs were uncontrollable.

To compensate Ariel for the 'loss' of her legs whilst suffering the
confusion of finding a very complex set of forelimbs 'attached' to her
body we decided to let Aerial enjoy Jacky's sight, smell, taste and
hearing. It would help both of them to readjust to the 'multiple limb
syndrome'. The sharing of all the senses plus their 'thoughts' would,
we felt, make the experiment work.

Jacky was fully cognisant of the risks but eagerly anticipated the
result. We all knew the unspoken 'hidden agenda' but studiously ignored
Jacky's unspoken excitement at sharing the mare's body and sensations
with herself. With these targets finalised we set to work and by the
time Margaret was ready to have her baby, we were ready to go.

Margaret arrived in plenty of time and settled in comfortably to
deliver her child. The baby, Pauline, proved to be another baby girl
and appeared perfect in every respect. We ran a complete battery of
tests and the baby proved to be a normal healthy girl. Margaret was
relieved and overjoyed that no genetic peculiarities had been
transmitted. Tests seemed to indicate that I fathered hermaphrodites or
girls. As we now had a way of determining the sex of my offspring it
would no longer be a problem. If any of my friends wanted normal babies
by me they would have to have girls.

This was enough for my peace of mind and we set about work to prepare
for Jacky's surgery.

Two months after Pauline was born Margaret felt ready to face the
operation and Jacky went under the knife.

The operation took over twenty hours for several reasons including the
necessity for Margaret and I to learn the veterinary surgery on the
horse. Cynthia demonstrated admirable patience and care as she guided
our hands through the complexities of the horse's body, but we finally
achieved a satisfactory competence and confidence in anticipation of
Cye's turn.

This time we had deliberately started at midnight so that we were all
finished by nine p.m. It was an exhausted team that collapsed into
their beds.

The same recovery periods ensued and within a couple of months Jacky
and Aerial were hobbling around on the lab floor. In the following days
they became more and more competent with all six limbs and the
expressions on Jacky's face became daily more ecstatic.

As the relationship twixt Aerial and Jacky became daily deeper and more
intimate the centaur could be seen almost trotting around in a trance
as both parties swapped their experiences, sensations and pleasures.
For Aerial the experience of 'moving around without legs' was akin to
low flying and almost hypnotic in its attraction.

It was this condition that seemed to reduce Jacky to the trance like
state and we hoped that it would only be a short 'phase' as each of
them adjusted. However, we became worried when it stretched into a
month. As each day passed we became more concerned as Jacky became less
communicative and seemed to simply want to trot around all day. She
didn't even join us in the house. After six weeks we were really
worried and considered some sort of reversal. We were desperately
relieved when the following day it ended suddenly.

She was trotting around the field when she suddenly started bucking and
pawing the ground. Jenny suddenly smiled and turned to us.

"She's in season. Leave this to me."

I was about to ask Jenny how she knew but realised it was a stupid
question. If anybody would know it was Jenny and Jet. The bulge under
Jenny's unitard was already telling us what was afoot.

"Let my cock out!" urged Jenny. "Look, she's already going towards the
other mares."

Fortunately there were no other stallions available so Jenny gave a
loud stentorian shout and galloped towards her. Jacky spun around and
waved as she realised what was going on. She ran up to Jenny and
grasped her around the waist as they turned and returned to us. Jacky's
face was red with excitement and her nipples were erected like organ
stops as she breathed heavily.

"Can we go upstairs?" she gasped.

"Not before you've cleaned your hooves and polished them!" I admonished
her. "It's a bath for you my lady, then some attention to those hooves
before you get into the bed. Just look at yourself. Covered in mud and
your hooves all chipped and sharp. You'll rip the sheets to pieces like

Jacky looked down at her woebegone state and nodded ruefully. She had
been behaving so much like a horse that she had completely neglected
her personal toilet.

"Come on," ordered Jenny, "we'll soon have you looking pretty again.
When did you last comb your hair?"

Jacky looked down ashamedly as she mumbled.

"It's been such fun with Aerial, I don't really know."

"Exactly! Just look at you. You're a mess," I scolded. "Now up those

With Jenny and Veronica escorting her she first washed herself in the
lab showers then self-consciously entered the house. There we set to
work tidying her up. Jacky had at last 'come home'. We were both
relieved and happy as she finally emerged with her hooves polished
smooth and her velvety coat shining as she swished her beautiful hair.
She leaned gracefully back and scratched her rump. Then wiggled her

"Mmmm, I wish I could reach my pony pussy. It's ever so uhhm, horny."

"Tell me about it," giggled Jenny as her cock strained under the
stretchy filmy constraints of her unitard.

Jacky glanced down and the smile on her lips grew wider. She reached
under Jenny's flanks and gently grasped the bulge. Jenny squeaked and
sidled nervously but Jacky kept her grip and gently stroked the rigid
harbinger of pleasure.

Despite it being mid afternoon, we all got the message and there was a
general scramble for the bedroom. The five of us clambered onto the big
bed and introduced Aerial to the pleasures available to a centaur.
Jacky was soon going frantic with lust as she desperately fiddled with
the poppers of Jenny's 'fly'. Her rump twitched and her tail swished in
anticipation as Jenny's cock finally erupted from her unitard.

The two of them then enjoyed an ecstatic coupling as we cuddled around
them and lovingly caressed their soft velvety flanks. Jenny and I were
in considerable demand as both 'mares' and 'girls' demanded their
combined just rewards.

Finally, my four friends settled down for the night and I quietly
slipped away for my own little pleasure. In the nursery as I entered to
feed my babies, I found Margaret blissfully feeding Pauline so we
settled down opposite each other in our rocking chairs as our babies

This was a quiet peaceful tender moment that it had become our own
special ritual at the end of each day. It was a haven of peace and
tranquillity amidst the hurly burly of having the centaurs galloping
around the estate.

It became quite obvious that Cye was becoming impatient to gain the
mobility that the others enjoyed. The sight of Jenny, Vee and Jacky
hurtling around the grounds created and envy that was plain in Cye's

The four of them had now taken to showering regularly together. Jacky
and Cye soaped and lathered Jenny and Vee down each evening then
toweled them down before washing themselves. Cye would finally soap
down Jacky's rump where Jacky couldn't quite reach and they often spent
much longer than was completely necessary before they emerged clean but
red faced and breathless.

The time finally arrived for Cynthia's operation. It progressed almost
exactly as Jacky's had done including the strange six weeks 'Nirvana'
period as girl and mare assimilated themselves. Within months however,
the four centaurs were to be seen always enjoying their newfound
freedoms as they hurtled around the park in their brightly coloured
leotards. They even invented a sort of 'centaur football' and were
often seen thundering around at high speed in pursuit of a ball.

Margaret and I often watched them and I sometimes secretly envied them
their speed as we strolled gently around the estate with our children
in their buggies. The four girls would inevitably interrupt their games
if they saw us and gallop across to make a fuss of the babies. It was
lovely to see the children's faces as they stroked the velvety coats or
rested in the loving arms of Cye or Jacky. Vee and Jenny could still
only look on enviously.

Margaret had taken a couple of months sabbatical to nurse her baby
Pauline and we shared an idyllic time as we researched limb replacement
or re-growth. The amazing thing to me was that we managed to keep our
work a secret for such a long time. Sadly however, the inevitable
happened. Rumours of strange mythical creatures started to filter
out after some village children were seen trespassing in the grounds
and finally a press reporter appeared uninvited into our own private

He appeared uninvited at the gates and rang seeking admission. Dot
answered the call and, with her usual tact, had managed to delay him at
the gate. Margaret and I went to the gate to find what he wanted. I
recognised him as Bill Davies, the son of my father's estate manager
whom I had met when visiting my parents. He now worked for a local
paper and deemed this to be an excellent opportunity to further his
career. He had cleverly hoped to wangle it as a 'social call' and con
his way in, to find out what he could.

He knew that I knew, but I would be deemed 'churlish' if I didn't
invite him in and furthermore, it would arouse his suspicions even
more. I 'chatted' to him as we strolled down the drive whilst Margaret
and Dot sped off to warn the others. With an alacrity born of
anticipation of this day the centaurs hid themselves whilst Margaret
returned to pick us up in the Land Rover and deliver us to the house.

In the interim, Dot had prepared a small tea.

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