General Audience (pg)

HRC Corporate Equality Index (CEI) for 2012 (Trans Benefits)

HRC Corporate Equality Index (CEI) for 2012 (Trans Benefits)
by Annette MacGregor

HRC's published the 2012 edition of the CEI, and I'm happy to see that my employer is finally rated at 100%! :-) It's been 95% for the last several years (the hold up was trans benefits... They had them, but they were provided on a case-by-case basis despite the exclusion in insurance. The exclusion is no longer in the insurance policies and benefits are awesome!).

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being stealth vs. being out

I know most trans-people try to be as stealth as possible - some going as far as changing towns to escape from their past as the opposite gender. But for me, because of my circumstances, this simply isnt an option for me. I have no choice but to be up front about who I am and what I'm doing. There are many times when I wonder what it would be like to be treated as a woman, full stop, but I doubt that will happen. Ah well.

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Kindle Update

Thanks to everyone who left help and support here.

I finally bit the bullet and went through Amazon's copyright process and was able (without using more than my nom-de-plume) demonstrate that it was my story, or at least, that it was not the purported author's story, and they removed it.

Although I did provide the same data for Karen Elizabeth L.'s story, evidently since I did not claim it, they did not remove it.

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I live a soap opera

I always suspected it, but it's official now: I LIVE A SOAP OPERA.... Guiding Light, One Life to Live, As the World Turns... they can't come up with shit this good. Here's an update

Mother calls Uncle Sal to put some pressure on me to pay her the mysterious 12k.

Then I find out some truths:

Truth 1: Though my mother said the family plot in new york is full, there are actually 5 spaces available.

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Karin Bishop's Reclamation

I am very proud to announce my new novel, Reclamation, is now available at Amazon for the Kindle. It has a transgendered main character but is much more in the form of a mainstream thriller. Worked darn hard on the thing, too! It’s exclusively at Amazon for purchase and as part of their “Kindle Lending Library” for 90 days. The link is: Karin Bishop's Reclamation

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Changes: Dreams and Wishes 2

The sight of the bay, the sand and the harbour, the lights of the village and upon top of the hill, the twinkling of the lights on the huge Christmas tree by the floodlit church, all gave me heart and a spring in my step and I almost ran down the road to the place where I hoped I would find help, comfort and safety...
Dreams and Wishes
Part 2

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2011 Susan Brown

a "Declaration of war" on cis gendered people?

I want to provide this web link, while making it clear I don't agree with this person. I understand the anger, but I dont believe that violence would solve anything.


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a better day at work, with a funny moment at the end

Well, last night went much more smoothly, despite my being in some physical pain. But the topper was when I had to tell a co-worker (who is always rather silent around me) that he had to take a pile of pallets outside. He dropped them in the freezer section of the store instead, and then shook his head, Once I got out of range of him, I started giggling, because it occurred to me to wonder if he was being sexist - he just didnt want to take an order from a girl. Wouldn't that be a hoot?

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I Went To My Uncle's Visitation

I went to my uncle's visitation tonight. Most of my family already knew about me and it wasn't as big an issue as I thought. Of course, there were some who avoided me, but that was no surprise. My aunt Susan paid me the greatest compliment I have ever had. She told me that she loved me even more because I am living the truth in my life and not shying away from telling the truth no matter what. Those words meant so much to me and I vowed to myself and to others that I will always live my truth, because for so many years, I couldn't out of fear for what others would think! Never again!

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Return to Sender - Part 8

Return to Sender
by Jennifer Christine
Part 8

Moving on - Phase 2

The papers announced the war in Afghanistan was reaching a conclusion but also a stalemate.
It would be many years before the government could operate without the backing of the Western Allies and Pakistan was actually going downhill and creating a lot of mayhem.

Healing a Princess...42 (Sailing the Plains)

Healing a Princess... 42

(Sailing the plains)

By Anistasia Allread

She was so busy looking at the massive vessel that she over looked her Captain on the black and white painted Horse Lord riding a long side.
She gaped in wonder as the large vehicle slowly rolled past. She was even more surprised to find seven more of the land ships trailing behind the first.
Men and women, like spiders climbed up and down the masts and net like ladders. Tonya found it confusing picking out which was which. The males of Blaire all had long hair tied back at the nape, while all of the women had very short hair. All of them wore trousers. The women tended to wear blouses with lace and ruffles around the neck and down the front where the men’s were just laced.

Coming out.

So there I was, Sunday morning club rides and I'm turned up in the normal Welsh drizzle expecting a nice 28 mile amble with the group fours; only to find no other group fours or even group threes had turned up. I'm debating taking off on my own and enjoying a nice pleasurable ride at my own pace all nice and regular like but oooooh nooo!

"No Bev", says Les the club secretary, "come on out with the group twos, we'll take it easy for you."

"Yeah!!!!!" Says I as I look pointedly up into the rain sodden clouds and the 'unsolvable porcine equasions of flight' refuse to leave my head.

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It's a Miricle!

Hey everyone! We made it to Florida in one piece. Tomorrow comes opening the truck up and see how much of our stuff survived! Surprisingly a laptop we thought out of order was able to connect us. This is good! Being able to reach out to the community has always been my lifeline.

Grover and Understanding Spouse :)

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A cousin has cancer

We got a phone call from my aunt Pat last night, saying that her eldest son has cancer. Apparently, he had some before, and was cured, but the new one isnt the same as the old. I guess he is estranged from his dad, and Pat is angry that the boy's father cant put aside their differences because he's sick. It reminded me of the rest of my family, who have taken the ability to hold a grudge and perfected it into an art form. One of these days I should find a way to come out to them, but as they are not part of my life much, if they reject me, I dont lose much. Ah, well.

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Transgendered Teen Sunday Boston Globe Article 2011/Dec/11th

Today's Boston Globe has an article on Nicole Maines and her family. She's a transgendered teen living in Maine. The article is positive, discussing a variety of options available to families with transgendered children.


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Christine's Love - Part 3

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

They were good friends through their early years in college,
until one day Hunter asked Christine to go along on a family vacation.
"The worst blizzard in 20 years" hits while they are waiting on his parents arrival.
What will happen when he learns of her secret?
Will he spurn her? Love her?

Take a little trip with these two friends as they sort out a brief encounter with the Medallion of Zulo.

Christine's Love
Part 3

by Anon Allsop

Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2011, 2015 Anon Allsop
All Rights Reserved.


Identical Twins, sorta, one is transsexual

This is a good article on a family in Maine that are dealing with a transgender kid who is part of a set of identical twins. One is a son, the other a daughter, but biologically/genetically should be about the same.

It would be interesting to see the results of a genetic study and fMRI scan on the two of them. I think it is studies of identical twoins that would be most useful to learn about the sources of being TS, eh?

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Amazing photo of Andrej Pejic

The Observer magazine has done a photo shoot of mainly gay icons. The cover has one of Pejic dressed like a bride, but the collection in the link shows an amazing one of him with a python or boa constrictor - it certainly isn't a snake in the grass. There's also one of Chaz Bono.

See what you think.


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Maggie and the little angel

And the little

Angel O’Hare

There is little girl and her name is Maggie. To everyone that knows her, it is Kitten. They named her that because of the way she is. Full of energy that she uses up in a hurry sharing her love, joy and happiness with everyone and everything around her.

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About My Hair

For those who said that I should let my hair grow out and straighten it, I can do that. I have tried to straighten it out and nothing keeps it straight at all. It just keeps curling up on me after dries out. Since I grew up in the military family, I have gotten use to having my hair short. I have a wig that is red and long, so I can wear that if I want to go out. I was thinking along that line right now.

Joshlyn Amanda

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A song saved my night

Well, last night I was starting to feel a wave a grief coming on, and I got to wondering what I could do to endure it better. Just when things started to look bleak, the song "The only girl in the world" came on over our intercom. Somehow, the song got me out of my rut and made me feel better again. Neat trick, that. I'll have to remember it the next time.

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Macy's worker fired for denying dressing room to transgender

SAN ANTONIO -- A local college student says she was fired from her job for refusing to allow a transgender woman into the women's dressing room. Now she's speaking out, saying her religion conflicts with the store's transgender policy.

Liberty Counsel, a religious advocacy group, is representing 27-year-old Natalie Johnson after she was fired over the Nov. 30 confrontation. Johnson said she was never aware of Macy's transgender policy, but now that she is, she doesn't agree with it.

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Please Understand

Doing the administration here is not easy, keeping things friendly and focussed on stories, storytelling, reading and commenting on stories. Maybe I should do away with the blogs.

Twice today I have had to remove comments for being unfriendly, both times because some reported news event and someone's fairly innocuous comment sparked replies that got political and maybe a bit unfriendly. Whenever this happens, it has nothing to do with my own politics, sometimes I have to remove posts that I agree with because not doing so eventually leads to flames, in my experience.

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Of all the aspects of myself that give me trouble, (which are many, and profound) the one that is on my mind at the moment is my ongoing internal narration. I seem to have an author within, recording and commenting on my thoughts and actions from a third person perspective.

I believe the medical term for this is disassociation.

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My Path

Yesterday I wrote that my mom was fine with my feelings. Well, from the way I understood from listening to her I am allow to explore my girl side as long I do not make a show of it. I like to be a girl alone, unless I find some who are like me here in Nashua, NH. I will go out in public, but first I need to get something’s under control. Then I am getting my body ready for both. I like to cut my hair short, for it grows curly and thick. So I am looking at getting all my hair remove from the face down. When I look think of myself as a girl I think red head.

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Somewhere Else Entirely -40-

Garia learns something about her body's limitations as the days of rain continue. Rosilda introduces the bra to Anmar, Garia educates a Metalsmith about the economics of mass production and the Council learn about thermometers, barometers and fire tenders.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

40 - The Wrong Moon

My stories have turned up on flickr

I was having look on flickr yesterday seeing what sort of pictures cross dressers post on there when I came across a picture with a copy of one of my stories below it. There were some very complimentery remarks which was nice, and the phot was good and one might have chosen.

My question is. Should I be offended or flattered?

Also without opening yet another e mail account, this time with yahoo does anyone know how to contact folk on flickr?

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Black out

Well this is it. We're in the final stages of moving. I get the truck today and when we get that sucker packed it's hit the road time. The internet is due to be cut off any time now, and I don't know when we're get everything connected back up and online again. Hopefully not too long. Writing of course has taken second fiddle to the more immediate concerns of real life. I will do my best not to kill too many good story ideas by telling them to myself on the trip. There's that delicious zone of where the tale is unfolding that's like riding a wave.

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FAQ Path

How come the FAQ forum doesn't have the overall, 'Forum' link in the displayed path of the FAQ forum pages?

All of the other forums you can return to the top by clicking on the 'Forum', however in the FAQ forum, there is no 'Forum' displayed in the path so the only way back into other forums is with the menu on the right.



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I more than understand that the things that I write are not for everyone. I tend to deal with harsh subject matter in a pretty straight-forward way that not everyone is comfortable. I get that. But know this about me, I enjoy writing what I do (not that I get some kind of perverse pleasure out of pain and suffering, but the exploring of dark emotional places that few dare to tread gives me a certain strength that allows me to confront the shit in my own life).

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UK strategy for transgender equality, murder tariff doubled


If you haven't seen this and live in the UK might I suggest that you take a few moments to review the links below?

Killers of transgender people to get longer sentences A Link to the BBC story which covers the change.

Home Office Transgender equality strategy

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Hillary Clinton speaks on human/LGBT rights in Geneva.

I offer the following with no political, religious, or any other kind of commentary. Just listen and comment on what she SAYS...please.

There is also a link to a print version of Hillary's speech at:

Catherine Linda Michel

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