Kate Grahame's blog

Four Years Later

Hi Everybody.

I posted a comment under the above heading a few days ago on a story loaded (or reloaded) in November 2008. I want to either edit that comment (or load another) but now I can't find the story. Naturally I have forgotten the title!

I feel so stupid!

Has anyone any ideas on how I can trace the story? All help gratefully received.

Kind regards to all at BCTS.

Kate Grahame

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Negative Comments and their effects on Authors

I am a new member here, but have been a reader for some time. I recently wrote PRIVATELY to an author here. She alerted me to the number of negative comments she had received for one particular story and we discussed the pain such negativity can cause in the mind of the writer. Can I make a suggestion? There is a management tool called the 'Praise Sandwich' in which the first paragraph is something positive or praise-worthy; the second and third (if necessary) can be something negative or critical, and the final paragraph again something positive.

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