Fluffy but painful

I started writing a pinkilicious birthday and people are probably wondering where the next chapter is. It is coming, but this is a much slower write than my previous stuff. One of the main reasons is though it is a fluffy piece, with a little more introspection than it's prequel, it is extremely painful for me to write and I really wasn't expecting that.

Let me explain:

Pinkilicious is a follow-up to my Fluffy Pink Christmas story and revolves around a revisionist version of when I was in third grade. It also deal with my interaction with my recently departed Aunt, who i am still grieving for. I started writing this last Wednesday and things seemed to go swimmingly. But my birthday was yesterday, the 22nd. No one from my family called and I felt the absence of my Aunt that much greater. With feeling such sorrow, I find that I can only write a 1000 words at a time (normally I hit 5000 and can usually knock out a chapter in 2 days). The story will be completed, but it may take longer than most like. Sorry.

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