I'm not depressed, exactly, but I feel like ... I dont know. All my life I was stuck in boy world, with my face pressed against the glass looking in at girl world, so envious I was salivating like a starving person watching people enjoying a five star meal. Now, I at last found an entrance into that land, but I wonder if I will ever be seen as anything but an immigrant. Will I ever .... just fit in?
i know this may sound corny but the proverbial square peg in to a round hole , just trim of the edges and all will fit have faith all will work out .
hugs rues
Give yourself time, just like
Give yourself time, just like if you were to move to say Japan it would take time to acclimatize to being in a country so foreign to where you were.
At first the language is weird, the customs crazy and the people wary, the lay of the land is unfamiliar and the food just...odd. But eventually you learn the language you realize the customs are not crazy just different and as you learn and accept this you find the natives begin to accept you, your beginning to fit in and become familiar to them. You learn your way around and find the food is better than you thought.
Point is, eventually you will no longer feel like a foreigner because you'll have acclimatized to your surroundings, learnt the lingo and you're no longer a stranger.
You'll get there honey just have patience.
Big hugs
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Most Immigrants eventually blend in if they try
Dear Dorothy,
I beleive Canada is similar to the U.S., which is a land of immigrants. Most immigrants eventually are able to blend in. They enter their new land/persona with fears and misgivings. Then they learn the language, and the customs. They learn the slang and the lingo. They learn the costumes and mores. Eventually, they are proud to sing the "Star SPangled Banner" or in your case "Oh Canada". Perhaps they sing with a slight accent, but they become fully ingrained because they want to and NEED to.
Dorothy you may consider yourself an immigrant from the land of "Male" to the land of "Female." But as you've learned from this site, others have made that same journey across the vast expanse between the two lands and have through their hard work succeeded. You go "GIRL". You can do do it, if you want to and try hard enough to succeed.
Just immagine your an immigrant from Europe coming to the U.S./Canada in the early part of the last century. You weren't initially looking to eat in a 5 star restaurant, and you learned that the streets were not paved in gold. But you were happy to have a full stomach. Forget 5 stars, a female McD's should do as well.