Dear friends,
Tomorrow night starts the Jewish Holiday of Purim. My best wishes to all who celebrate it. Eat lots of Hamantaschen, and drink lots of L'Chaims.
And may the King stretch out his scepter and grant your wish.
P.S. Pardon the plug for my story. :-).
Chag purim sameach
Esther (Hadassah) is a heroine to me because she risked her life to approach the King at her own peril on behalf of her people. But like your story reminds us, the King extended his scepter to her; accepting her and embracing her as Queen. What a lovely example of grace that perhaps we all would welcome.
My deepest gratitude to those here who have gone before, approaching the King as it were, to be who they are, and perhaps by their example win the favor that we all so desire? God Bless you all, and thank you, dearest of friends, for this wonderful reminder.
Love, Andrea Lena
Happy Purim
May Your Light Forever Shine
Esther has always been one of
Esther has always been one of my favorite books of the Bible. She was just a sweet woman who risked a lot for her people.
Good Story.
No Harm no fowl Your story was enjoyable and touching. Loved the story and the sharing of the knowledge you have concerning the holy days of the Jewish people, Thank You
The only bad question is the one not asked.