Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Hi all.

Hey everyone. I know it's been a while. Health problems, which are getting better, then they dead computer, and house hunting has taken a bunch of time. First off, thank you all who offered me a yell on the computer situation. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am stubborn about that kind of thing but I appreciate all the offers. I have a new computer now and am feeling much better. It may still be a while before I start doing things again, because we are closing on a house, are getting involved in moving and getting all the utilities including Internet set up.


A Thanksgiving message of thanks.

It seems, as the years go by, that the real message of this time of the year has faded to overstuffing oneself on turkey, or whatever passes for the holiday meal and vegging out in front of the TV or computer, engaging in whatever non-activity one prefers.

To me, the true meaning of this holiday, that of being grateful for what one has received in life, has faded into self indulgence and solitude from the scary world outside one's "safe place." In this post, I shall attempt to re-affirm what is truly important to me in my life.

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About me, and Hi there

I just wanted to drop a note introducing myself, I looked for somewhere to put it linking it to my author page and couldn't find a place for it. It might be just my unfamiliarity being new here, or it might be a function I can't access from my Ipad. I have my oldest two daughters here with me now for thanksgiving week, so getting access to my Computer is slim to none, so I'm using what I have available. Heehee. Anyway as I said I am new here and wanted to introduce myself.

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News from Yorkshire

So its been a little damp on this rock this week, 'Angus' doing his best to drown half the population and wash away the rest!

It does mean that I've not been tempted much beyond my front door for a few days which in turn means my editor has taken delivery of more new Gaby than I had anticipated, the first 6 of the new book are complete. This in turn means that with a following wind the first complete arc may be made available on Sunday! I've written so fast I don't even have a title yet.

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New chapters of my serials

I hadn't been able to do much writing for the last two months but I've discovered, or re-discovered, something. Writing energizes me.

One of the reasons I wasn't writing was that I had so much else to do that it seemed wasteful of my time to write. And yet, I wasn't getting all that much of those tasks done either. Just staying even with the site was about all I could do.

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Could I throw in my two-cents worth?

I know that a lot of people are upset about nasty comments or things that take place that they regard as 'not right'.

For things that folks do not like, this is not a subscription site and everything is paid for out of our goodwill. I'm sorry to say to those people, but you should just accept it if you do not like it. Any advertising that is present is intended to bring in revenue for the site.

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Tired of the Hate

I've been stewing for a couple of days over all the hate that has been spewed lately against several writers and enough is enough. Recently, Efindumb announced that they (I'm using a non-descriptive word for a reason) would be leaving BigCloset because of all the negativity that has been leveled against them in their writings. I made an initial comment about it on her blog, telling the author that I thought they should not leave, that the story the author is writing is not finished yet, and that I thought their Muse would drive the author insane if the story wasn't finished.

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Looking for a story

I'm looking for a story I read ages ago was about a ex space corp marine who's planet was attacked by space pirates, and thinking his family was killed he went looking for revenge. He was captured by pirates and put in a medical pod, an changed to a female, a cple things happened and the pirates were put in some and ended up being turned into young girls, who saw the older women as their mum. I remember that her sister was alive and she hired a governess who ended up opening a school. But that's about all I can remember I just don't know what it's called.

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All this talk about writers leaving,

because some unthinking fool has given them grief has made me very angry! I've spent years here at Top Shelf and, while not every writer is one I read, their work is nontheless important to them and their fans. Writing is a way to deal with the anxiety and even pain that comes with being Transgender and being able to get those anxieties out in writing helps each and every writer to deal with those pains and anxieties.


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Worries of UK parents with TG children

It appears after the child of a divorced parent was removed from her custody because she allowed the child to dress as a girl has encouraged other separated or divorced parents to challenge the diagnoses of transgender children and the custody of the child with the sympathetic parent.

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Got a letter from the government

So, yesterday afternoon I got a letter in the mail from the Department of Homeland Security.

It read:

Welcome To The United States Of America

This is to notify you that your application for permanent residence has been approved. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the permanent resident status in the United States.

Needless to say, I am very happy.


pain is spreading

well, I think all the pain I am getting in my hips and knees is spreading to the parts in between.

Last couple of days, I've been at 8/10 for pain in my left thigh, and 5/10 for pain in my right thigh.

this on top of being 9/10 in the hips and knees, and 11/10 in my private bits. (No, I'm not kidding. flashes of pain there so bad I almost passed out.)

Ah, well.

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Story Structure

A long discussion with my brother about various longform fictions brought up some ideas I thought to share.

Story structure is key to almost all commercial and popular fiction, movies and television. What I'm talking about is what you might call the information flow of the story if you were an engineer (which both my brother and I have been). The segments below could be episodes or chapters or groups of episodes or chapters. In something as short as a novelette, they could be very short indeed.

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I very dismayed to hear Angharad was stopping her writing I hope it was bogus.It is hard keeping my spirits up while laying in the prison my bed has become. I actively look forward to her stories as well as other peoples.I will not think of hurting myself.Too many people care for me and whom I also care for. but it is hard sometimes.


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Lest We Forget

From time to time Big Closet writers become upset by comments -- or even lack of comments.

I just read about Angharad’s decision to cease writing for BC. She has been worn down by what she considers to be negative remarks. What’s negative and what isn’t, is her decision . . . as is how she reacts.

She has proven her character through her diligence to her craft. BC would be a much different place without her involvement. I hope she reconsiders and keeps writing for BC.

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It's with a grateful heart that I report,

that Grover and Understanding Spouse have arrived safely in Utah and are recovering from a trip fraught with danger. U.S. starts her new job Tuesday and Grover will be back in the groove writing as soon as they get settled into their new domicile.

They got waylaid by snow in Denver over Friday and part of Saturday and, being from much warmer climes, they didn't want to risk life and limb trying to navigate the icy roads. I can't say I blame them.

Anyway, alls well that ends well and I can breathe again, knowing that my family of the heart is safe at home.



I find it disturbing that major contributors like Angharad and Efindumb are choosing to stop posting. When a volunteer organization, starts burning out it's best workers, the end is generally not far away. This does not bode well for BC.


Muse Wrestling (Worst. Sport. EVER!)

I think I promised/threatened a long, long time ago that I would not post anything new for either of my two open tales - Secondhand Life and Summer of Love, until I had finished everything offline and had a complete story to dribble out at regular intervals.

I had no idea how hard that promise/threat would be to keep.

(Major writer navel-gazing follows)

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Found a web site where it is all put into my own kind of philosophy. There is nothing a few pills can do for anyone unless they are one of those very very few who have a reaction. From what I have read on the tests of those individuals, they were borderline in the female hormonal department. A pill pushed them over the line and they developed female breasts as any young adolescent female would.


Milsy's and Garia's Blast Furnace

I read Penny Lane's 'What Milsy Did.

Since they were working with a blast furnace, I decided to upload some pictures that I took at the ruins of an old blast furnace in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, on the shore of Lake Superior. That way, everyone can get somewhat of an idea of what the blast furnace looked like.

The first one is at:

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In Transition

I am constantly seeing in news, "Trump in Transition"

There is only one thing that enters my mind when I hear this. Over and over I am being reminded about these thoughts. How far along is his transition. Is he transitioning from Female to Male? Maybe he is at the beginning of the process, and is a Male to Female individual who is Transgendered. Is he going to transition openly while in office?

Our new President-Elect, with a vice-president who is severely anti-LGBTQ, is in Transition.

Smile Everybody, This is America. :)

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Interesting political summary, post election.

Just to keep things on an even keel - this is written about the Donald Trump campaign (and the man), but it is by someone who supported Clinton. This is pretty darned apolitical, but is good information to keep on hand.

Mind you, in a few spots, I'm using 'apolitical' in the "Irish Neutral" sense, meaning attack EVERYONE equally.

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a word of encouragement

When I was in Jr. High, I thought the way to get popular would be by taking part in sport, so I signed up for a long distance race that would have my school competing against other schools in the city.

A week before the race, I broke my wrist, but I decided to run anyway.

It didn't go well.

In fact, I finished last. so far behind that several of the other runners lapped me.

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Worldbuilding Stack Exchange - A Writer's Resource

I have seen this before and didn't write about it, but when I ran across it today I felt it was time.

Stack Exchange is a place I go a lot for programming and systems management help. One of the sites that Stack Exchange operates is one called "Worldbuilding".

From the site:

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Amazon paperbacks

Hey peeps

As the more observant of you will have spotted Amazon have started an 'on demand' print service. I'm in the process of making all the Gaby series available, the Nena books are already up.

Amazingly there have been some hard copy sales already, so my query is, if you have bought an Amazon print book what do you think of them?

Whilst this isn't intended as a sales plug I would just like to remind you that if you are buying anything on Amazon if you log in through BC this site gets a 'royalty' - Gaby sales last month put $50 in the coffers in this way.

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behind the scenes of Mercy

I hope you guys don't mind, but I would like to take you behind the scenes of Mercy for a moment.

A while back, I felt really stuck on this story. What I wanted to do was get Faith to a point where she had grown enough and learned enough that I could bring back Brand for a final confrontation, but I simply didn't know how to get there from where the story was at the time.

So realizing that conflict drives stories, I asked for help in creating an opponent for Faith.

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Backups? wot Backups?

Backups are a PITA so they often don't get done.
Just refer to the anguish that Maddy Bell had where her PC stopped working.
Now she's got no excuse for not backing up her work. {courtesy of yours truly}

I came upon this little ditty again today.


All those backups seemed a waste of pay.

Now my database has gone away.

Oh I believe in yesterday.


There's not half the files there used to be,

And there's a milestone hanging over me

The system crashed so suddenly.

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Guide to fast Gender and Name Changes on Identity Documents

Several of my friends put together a guide for transgender individuals who are trying to update their identity documents as quickly as possible, before Trump's administration takes over and puts much of this in jeopardy.

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Transgender Day of Remembrance Nov. 20, 2016

The annual Transgender Day of Remembrance is November 20, 2016.

For my locality there is a rembrance service on Nov 19. It's quite an emotional experience. I urge everyone who can to check your local LGBT sites for local services. While heart wrenching, it's well worth the experience. Considering the potential political upheaval we all need to be aware.

Please... go if you can.

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Speech study

On Monday, I got to participate in an interesting study on speech.

They put sensors on my body, and recorded me talking about a video, and what they created on the computer looks like a stick figure with my voice.

They plan to show this to people, asking them if they can determine if I am male or female based on my voice and the movements of the stick figure.

When they get their information, they plan to use it to help trans women pass better in terms of their speech and body movements.

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Trying to remember Author and Title

Not in order just how they are remembered

Alien artefact mistaken for Egyptian Sarcophagus and is displayed in a museum.

Artefact is either a stasis pod, or a regeneration pod, and also has powerful computer.

Protagonists gender is changed, and becomes host to the mind of the Alien.

Chase across the world to find another artefact.

Protagonist and Federal Agent fall for each other.

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Here is the News

So first we've got this weeks chapter of Nena Four Star, Part 4.

Below, as promised yesterday, is the sample German translation followed by the original English text. I know its not perfect, I know it needs some tweaks here and there, what I need to know is whether its readable or just so rubbish its useless.

Cheers & thanks in advance

ps the text is from the latest Nena tale 'Remind Me Again'

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Delays to Dragonfly

I'm just letting everyone know that there may/will be some delays to the updates for my fanfic "Dragonfly". The third part will be posted on time Thursday as I planned it but I can't say for any certainty that I will be able to keep to that schedule. I've been bogged down with work which ate away at bumper I tried making and I have also been dealing with some depression that started creeping up on me again which really saps my creativity and desire to write.

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U.B.C. Writing Course, FREE?

Saw a notice posted to a light-pole outside my residence today.

Humanities 101

Free University course in writing,
Location UBC Point Grey Campus
Tuition, course Materials, bus fare, lunch, UBC Student ID free for residents of the downtown Eastside of Vancouver.
sign up at
( multiple community centers listed, one wednesdays, 2 on Saturdays. specific day and time for each center )

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BigCloset Downtime

Hey Everyone.

I wanted apologize for the delay in getting the site back online today.

What happened is that one of our many elves happened to click a wrong button causing all of the "Author Taxonomy" to disappear. That may sound like an easy fix, of just rolling back the database, but in doing so we would have lost a couple new stories, and blogs that we didn't want to disappear.

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German Gaby etc - an update

You may recall I posted about my desire to make at least some of my scribbles available in other languages, firstly in German.

Rather than go pell mell into it I started with a sample chapter and sent it to someone with a good understanding of English as well as being a native German speaker. Now I know it's not perfect, I expected it to need a bit of tweaking on spellings/tenses but with my limited German skills I could follow the general gist of things. but apparently it made little sense to a German.

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I am very frustrated. After a pretty good day with only mild pain, I was heading home when I got a flashback while driving. Thankfully, I was able to keep control enough to make it home without getting into an accident, but it still bothers me that even after 6 years of working on this, I am still vulnerable to flashbacks without any obvious triggers.

Sighs ...

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The world of steam.

Many people forget that in the 1800's - early 1900's it was the age of steam.

Sure there was great ships powered by steam.

Sawmills powered by steam.

But that wasn't all.

The greatest use of steam was for central heating. Many a city had boiler plants that made steam for hospitals, houses, businesses. All that steam, and there was a heck of a lot, was generally produced offsite at a large boiler plant.


have you ever regretted reading a story?

My husband and friends tease me that i'm such a bleeding heart. I'm a very forgiving person and I'm told i'm gentle, I don't even really express anger.

I also love to read, and for some reason I have a weird fascination with revenge/punishment stories. Perhaps because I was raised in a household where extreme punishment was the norm.

But this fascination has lead me to read a lot of stories that I regret reading because they eat at me inside. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Quick Update On Things

A couple of people have been PMing me wondering if I've fallen into a hole or something, I just wanted to post this to let everyone know I'm ok. I've just been trying to figure things out creatively with a couple of stories of mine. i hate leaving things unfinished but more often then not, it seems to turn out that way. Especially with me as of late. It sucks too because things go so well and then I just can't seem to get the rest of it done :(.

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Any stories like "Orphan" by Susan Brown?

I stumbled upon the fictional story of "Orphan" a few days ago by a wonderful author named Susan Brown and absolutely loved it! It was a lovely story and I quickly blazed through it. Since then, I've been searching for somthing similar but haven't had much luck, any suggestions would be fantastic! The story itself was under the headers of : Girl's school/ School girl, Child, Cross dressing, In Hiding, On the run, Disguises.

Thanks. Bella



Our president elect has been making conciliatory remarks about working together and leading the whole country. This is hard to believe, after the campaign, but I think we should give him a chance. Perhaps the weight of the office will make him act more like a human being.

There used to be a tradition of giving the new president, a honeymoon period to hit the ground running (I don't think Obama was given one).
I think it is a tradition worth renewing.


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cliche' or cheesy

I was watching a tv show. A super hero show.

Why is it that even though the police chase is like 30 stories straight down the "hero" has to take a LONG way to get there?

In batman he drives for like minutes to go less than a block away?

Superman/girl fly around at great speed in the clouds to go almost straight down?

I just found it amusing. Silly in extreme but amusing.


Is this a record?

It is now 9 days since the latest Bike was posted.

Certainly an eventful 9 days both world-wise and personally.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am missing Cathy and Co.

Do we get together a petition to send to Ang? I hope her studies aren't preventing her from writing at all here.


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Off the Deep End- Apologies for the 6 months (+ counting) delay

To anyone still waiting for the next chapter of my serial OFF THE DEEP END, I sincerely apologize for the delay (I'd make some self-deprecating joke about "my five or six fans" here except I'm afraid that might actually be the case...).

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On the road.

In a few hours we'll be hitting the road. Grover, Paula, and dog named Tink, but no cat much less one named Kalamazoo. Sorry, I get silly when tired!

This move has been hell. If someone can't help they should just say no they can't, not say yes with empty promises.

That said, everyone here at BC has been my personal miracle. Between GoFundMe and personal donations, you all made a difference. Perhaps more than any other our dear friend Cathy got the word out about our plight and made our move possible.

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Story Inspiration

Practicing some radical distraction, I was cruising YouTube when I found an hour long video of "Similarillion", a JRR Tolkien story about the beginning of all things. I was actually quite lovely. Then moving on I found a series of beautiful and astonishing videos by Skyrim that were so impressive to me. How do they write the code to do that and then to make the figures move so realistically? Then the scum on the bottom included some Rape Fantasy videos, apparently many countries outlaw them, but it does not seem like America does. :(

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You're turned into a girl but...

I have a curious question that may develope into something more.

So let's say you're playing an MMO and you have made your character as a female (or male as you prefer) and you've been enjoying yourself. Suddenly you find yourself yanked into the world of the game, where you are not only the gender you chose in character creation but also the same class and race.

Would you want to leave? Would you try? What would you do in this new existence?

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Jamie Austin passed away

Mike Austin, aka Jamie Austin, passed away this week after a lengthy illness. Jamie was a makeover artist, a very good one actually, and I post this simply because there are probably males here that Jamie worked her magic on and were unaware of her death. I was fortunate enough to attend several Southern Comfort Converences and similar events, and somehow was able to get an appointment with her at a couple of them. Before her health began failing several years ago, her shop was in a barn near Glamour Boutique in Boston.


In Flanders Fields

In honor of Remembrance day, here is "In Flanders Fields",

The World’s Most Famous WAR MEMORIAL POEM
By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead: Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved: and now we lie
In Flanders fields!

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Duckstream 2016


Haha. I not only got called Ma'am on the phone today... the prick talked baby talk to me when telling me how to do something techie! I had a good giggle with the other woman in the conference when both of us gave him hell for being sexist and insulting in the same breath.

A good day. My respirologist said my sleep apnea was well controlled. A doubly good day.


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Pain and too many worries

Another pain filled day, and I discovered I really walk funny. My right foot sometimes goes from side to side rather than say back to front or front to back, and when that's not happening my right leg is going in some completely other direction than my left one.

To make things even more stressful, I came home to discover my dog is limping quite badly too.

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Declining chapter reads

I've noted how many authors get discouraged about how readership drops off after the first chapter is posted. I did some research and discovered some interesting facts about the way the system does and doesn't count page views.

First of all we know a number of people open the first chapter and decided the story isn't their cup of tea and stop reading. Then there are others who read each chapter and open it up individually and while there is often continued dropoff it isn't as severe as from the first chapter to the second.

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So, so, so sad

I'm sorry - I just have to vent.

As you probably know, I live in Switzerland.

But I am English.

I have a few interests in the UK, and I have trusted my brother with looking after them. A job he has been doing for nearly 20 years now.

I have today had a shock and a surprise.

It looks like my brother has ripped off my sister and I to the tune of about £10,000 to £12,000.

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I'm usually an advocate for "Every Vote Counts,"

And that if you don't vote when you can, you shouldn't (not CAN'T, never 'can't,') complain most of the time, but this year....

This year.

I was registered on time. I've been following things, planning to cast my own vote (the 'Deez Nutz' ticket, if anyone's curious.) But when it came down to actually going today, seeing every single Trump sign up and down the roads, knowing just how the ticket would fall regardless of whatever I did.

Call me a coward, but I stayed home.

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Presidential race

I couldn't really see a niche for this. But I'm not sure about most people. But, I'll be pleased when this is all over. Luckily living in the UK I've not had the same problem as most of my Countrymen. My Mother-In-Law bless her, I so love that lady. Said well thankfully it doesn't really concern us meaning Brits. But like I said well as our closest ally, I don't care what anyone thinks, we are close allies. It means a great deal to the UK who wins.

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Rachel Torres series

Given the very tepid response to my most recent story in the Rachel Torres series I think I'm going to cease writing on that one. I write for my pleasure but also for the pleasure of the readers here and if I don't get any feedback and very little response in the way of views than I see no reason in continuing. I've noticed that the number of views I get for every new chapter of something drops rather sharply so it's time for me to think hard about continuing at all.

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I've read seveal stories about orphans lately and ...

... at the moment I'm in the midst of reading Susan Brown's Orphan, which is very good by the way, and was reminded of another similar story.

I can't remember it's era or if it is set in the UK or US, here is what I can (may be not in sequence order)

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When I wrote my first blog entry, I went into it with the thought I would speak about three things. As time has gone on, I realized I haven’t done any of it. The first thing I was going to do was talk about my stories. For some reason my ego stops me from doing that. I don’t want to sound like I am bragging about my story,so I kind of shelved that idea. I will answer any questions that people have, but I don’t want to blow my own horn. The closest I have come to this is the mini story I added the other day as a companion piece to Alexa.

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Beta Readers

I've just completed a draft of a new story for Hatbox called "Aunt T's" and need beta readers.

The story involves the semi forced feminization of a late thirties male.

I need an unsullied eye to find those inconsistencies that invariably happen.

I don't get any of the Hatbox revenue . . . so consider any help you give me an ultimate gift to Erin. Hatbox usually attracts more subscriptions when new material is offered.

This story is a bit dark . . . but travels toward the sun.

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