Small change to World without Me Chapter 4

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So, it was pointed out to me that it's not quite believable that Jake wouldn't suspect that Aunt Linda has had a hand in his body's changes, and I agree! I had a few lines (quite a few, actually) that went into this but I cut them out because they felt a bit too messy, but I decided to go back and clean them up and re-do the section from when Aunt Linda leaves the bathroom to when Jake goes to his room.
Thankyou Sephrena :)

Let me know what you guys think, if you like this change or prefer the old section. I think this feels better, to me, and it's not actually as long as the original section with is a plus.


Was this my fault? I hadn’t thought that the medication was working so I’d stopped taking it as often, and now I looked just like a girl. It was my fault in that I’d stopped taking the medication as much, but I didn’t know that I’d nearly turn into a girl because of it! That seemed insane! I should be impossible! What kind of weird body abnormality turned boys turn into girls except for their genitals?

Aunt Linda had never gone into specifics about my condition, saying that I was too young to properly understand it, so I had no idea what was going on. All she’d said was that it was a rare developmental…thing…that sometimes happened to boys my age, and that it’d go away if I took my medication. She’d never said anything about me turning into a girl! I’d thought the worst that could happen was that I’d just look like an odd little girl for a couple of years, not that I’d start growing up like one!

How could this be my fault? So what if I forgot to take my medication for a couple of days throughout the last couple of months? Maybe if Aunt Linda had of actually told me turning into a girl was a possibility then I wouldn’t have been so lax about it! I’d never have thought this was possible!

God…this was insane, wasn’t it? What was happening to me? This wasn’t normal. Was…someone doing this to me? Was…was Aunt Linda doing this to me?

No! That was impossible. She wouldn’t hurt me like that, she loved me! But…

I wondered sometimes. She never gave me a decent answer about what was going on and never took me to a doctor, just told me to take my medication. I knew she wanted me to be a girl and was overjoyed at my body becoming more feminine, so why would she be so concerned about me taking medication that went against all of that? Why would she get so mad at me for not taking it when it’d undo all of the changes in my body that she was so happy about? Unless the medication wasn’t doing anything, or was actually turning me into a girl!

But, she was my legal guardian. She was responsible for my health and wellbeing and from what I understood, it was illegal for her to neglect my medical needs. Or turn me into a girl. If she was altering my body and someone found out then she could be arrested, or sued, or whatever it is that happens in those kinds of situations. I couldn’t believe that she’d break the law just to turn me into a girl, no matter how badly she wanted to. That was insane, and Aunt Linda might be weird and really scary sometimes, but she wasn’t insane. She just…liked girls a lot more than boys, is all.

And besides all of that, there was no way mum would leave me with someone who’d turn me into a girl! Mum had been Aunt Linda’s best friend for years, she knew her better than I ever would. If she thought she could be trusted to look after me then that was all there was to it. Mum wasn’t stupid.

I began to feel guilty even thinking about Aunt Linda doing this to me. She’d taken me in, and continued to look after me even after mum hadn’t come home when she’d said. She’d fed me, bought me awesome presents, gave me money and sent me to school. So what if she was a bit weird and wanted me to be a girl? Thinking that she’d actually mess with my body was just…rude. Wrong. Offensive. I was horrible for even thinking about it! She loved me!

I gritted my teeth as a sob threatened to tear its way out of my throat. I needed to stop thinking about this! What was happening to me was just some natural but rare body condition, and if I did what Aunt Linda said everything would be okay. It was my fault my body was like this…

But…it couldn’t hurt to do some research on my own, could it? While I was at the library tomorrow I could try and look into it somehow, maybe use the internet on the computers. I wasn’t great with computers but I knew how to Google something, and that was all I’d need, right?

That thought made me feel a little better and I got to my feet, carefully wrapping my towel around my waist.
