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Hosting and Beauty Pageants

I was hosting/emceeing an anime event at a mall yesterday when one of the contestants in the cosplay (costume play) segment asked, while waiting for his turn to go on the catwalk, whether I had joined any pageants because I was pretty and had a good voice. Though I agree on the voice part I didn't believe the pretty part. I know I look okay, but not good enough for pageants. The guy asking has had some fame (or infamy) in our country because he has had multiple surgeries to look like Clark Kent / Superman. He also happens to be a trainer / coach in beauty pageants.

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Is Something Going On Here?

I had sort of noticed this phenomenon in that my most recently posted story had only received a fraction of the hits which I would have normally expected, but I shrugged my shoulders and put it down to the fact that I had just not connected with the audience or I had a bad authorial day when I wrote it.

Then another author bemoaned the same effect on her latest posting and wondered if it was to do with the recent up-grade. So..I went investigating, a la Nancy Drew or Susie and Jeffrey, but more cerebrally and without the mayhem.

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Who would hold my hand?

I've been thinking about the surgery, and I realized a sad truth. Even if somehow I could magically afford it, who would be with me through it? And after it was done, what in my life would actually change? Plus, I might end up losing my daughter if I were to go further than I have, which would not be worth it.

Ah, well, just another day.

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Attention: Retcon (CRU) authors and potential authors repost

This is a repost from a little over a week ago to make sure that everyone got a chance to see it.

Due to the number of inquiries I've been getting as of late...

A number of people have been asking about writing characters that have already been chosen. Sadly, I have to tell them that those particular ones are unavailable at this time, because other people have chosen them.

There are a number of authors/potential authors that have chosen characters and after a number of months, and in some cases over a year, have posted nothing.

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Being stuck in the middle

You know, not that long ago, I would be moaning over my status as being somewhere between male and female. But I seem to have found a kind of peace about where I am right now. Good thing, since this is the level that I will probably be stuck at for the rest of my natural, since surgery is out of my reach.

Sure, it would be nice to be able to go to the pool without being a freak, but that's life.

I'm Dorothy, and I dont need no stinking surgery to know that.

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Some TG pictures by me!!

Here are just some pictures i have drawn over the past week for my new story. I hope you all enjoy. For more, visit my deviantART page


Here are the PICTURES!

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A little introduction

I wanted to introduce myself with a blog. My name is Aoife (ee-fuh), or at the very least it is here, lol, I've been a long time lurker, only recently deciding to come out of hiding and finally connect with you awesome people. Like most of you I am always having these creative muses that take over my mind from time to time, and try as I might, they eventually build up and explode out of my mind like a volcano.

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Oops... I forgot to mention

...that I finished the first edit of The Amulet of Adventure. I now have no other story hanging over my head for a while. I only have school and other stories hanging over my heads for now. This means I can catch up on 300 Rains (since I found my notes as well) and other stories. It should be fun.

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Wild Magic 33

Tim wasn’t able to stay long after Grandma gave him a metal bracelet, in an acceptably masculine style. It looked like the metal had been powder coated a bright red that matched his Trans Am. She added the “Pontiac T/A”, and it looked very sharp on Tim’s wrist. She spent a lot of time learning about his parents, the kinds of things they enjoyed, a favorite color, what they drove, etc.

A letter to my wife

This is the exact letter I wrote to my wife. After over 20 years together she walked in while I was on the toilet wearing bright pink silk panties. She had left for work and returned fast to tell me something. When she walked in I pulled my pants up as high as I could to hide my panties. She asked what was going on and I said nothing. She did not ask again but I knew she would. I so much wanted to be honest with her. That day I wrote this letter and gave it to her (we work at the same company). She read it and gave it back.

Here is my letter to her exactly as written:

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Custom Book/eBook Covers

Hi Everybody,
     I know i posted this before, but it's been a few months, and I felt it time to re-post this note.

Some of you may know, but other's probably don't, that I've been making book covers for not only my own, but other people's stories.

I make these using Stock Art purchased or found freely (royalty free archives) off the internet.

What Lies Beyond Twilight was done a while back, and is a little cluttered, but has nice pop/visual and I decided it needed showing.

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Wild Magic 32

As soon as we got home, Grandma began interrogating Tim about my ring. “Tim, I really need to know how you came upon this ring. Emily says it has been in your family for a very long time?”

“Yes, Ma’am, it has been passed down to the oldest female in each generation. I know that there is a kind of prophecy about it that I’ve always thought was just a fairy tale, but now I know that magic is real, so perhaps the prophecy is as well.”

Finishing up "Six Forty-Five." and feeling much better

Well, I've written a little epilog to "Six Forty-Five", and I'll publish it tomorrow. With that little piece of business out of the way, I might be able to get back to focusing on my "Quest" story. Hopefully, it will be a bit more popular ....

Meanwhile, I feel a lot better for having written this, so at least in that way it hasn't gone to waste.

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Someone died

When I was in Thailand to get my body remodeled, there was a person there who was sort of the coordinator. She was TG,post op, Canadian, and had been a teacher. She drank a lot, a lot! Her job was to insure that we got to the hospital and then to the clinic afterward for thrice daily dilation, and generally see to our welfare. For her it was all about the bars, and male conversations. I could see she was deeply troubled and felt sorry for her, though she resisted any effort to help her to a less destructive life style.

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I Have A Question For The Computer Techs Among Us?

I have a question for the computer techs among us? I have an HP desktop computer that I purchased for my work from home business. I got on it last week to check emails and then clicked shutdown in the start menu and it completely shut down. A few days ago, I happened to come in my room to get something off my desk and I noticed that it was turned on and running in "hibernate" mode. I touched the keyboard and the screen came up to my login page for Windows. It is Windows 7, Professional. I logged in and it went to the desktop page. I clicked on the start menu and brought up "shutdown" again.

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Wanna go Wyld? Take 2

Hey everybody, my Wyld Universe is officially open! And yes, this is my second blog about it, but the first got pushed off the front page so fast hardly anybody saw it. :( But I found a message in my inbox this morning expressing interest (How cool is that?!) but not knowing the universe is open and figured I should re-post.

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more from life

My company finally left after two weeks, though I am glad to have my house to myself again I really miss them. I suppose I didn't realize how much I needed to let my secret out in "the real" world. It was so odd to open up and to be me. I must say that I was more comfortable around Tiffany than her husband Marcos. I think that may be because I've been hurt by men often in my life (when it comes to physical/sexual abuse). But I will give this for Marcos, he was accepting and told me that he and his wife loved me and wanted me to be happy.

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getting into hard territory

As I had said before, my latest story has turned into something a lot more autobiographical than I had originally intended. So that creates a problem. How the heck am I going to get this poor girl out of this mess? And will it be at all interesting to anybody but me?

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For my Princess - the road ahead

When I saw the stats on the most recent chapter I began to wonder if I had done something wrong with the story so I asked a few people for their opinions, the feedback I got was very useful and enlightening.

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039) May I speak with...

So yesterday a telemarketer called my cell phone -again-. I really wish I could figure out a way to get that to stop... Anyhoo... I answered it with "Hello", and they asked if they could speak to my male name as though there was no way on earth he was already speaking to them. I said speaking. And they were seriously shocked. They asked, in a disbelieving tone: Are you really Andrew? As though there was absolutely no way on earth I could possibly be Andrew.

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Evie, Obama's Transgender Ex-Nanny, Reveals Lifetime

Evie, Obama's Transgender Ex-Nanny, Reveals Lifetime Of Torment In Indonesia

For what it is worth, without comment from me.


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15 Minutes of Fame

My story scrolled off the front page today. It is still part of Short Story Month - February 2012,, which ends soon. I did not put a teaser on the story, which means it does not show up there, and when I looked on the Stories it is deeply buried.

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proof my roommate Tanya hates me

As mentioned before, my roommate Tanya is a girlscout troop leader. She got the call that the cookies are in and now in the living room is thirty cases of cookies. This is cruel and mean of her because o am a chocoltarian. Yes, my religion is based around the many forms of chocolate. Now there about 40 boxes of somoas in the living room and I have been threatened with bodily harm if a single cookies somehow manages to disappear.

This is torture. She was smart enough to leave the thin mints in the trunk of her car

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People Have no faith.

After reading several things about the fanatical religious right, I come to the conclusion that these so-called Christians are the false prophets Jesus talked about that will come in His name. Sodom was not destroyed because the people there had same sex relationships, but because they were lustful about it. There are 10 laws of God we are commanded to obey. These 10 laws are called the Ten Commandments. Things other than the 10 Commandments are from the secular laws of the time and incorporated in to the book we call the holy Bible to make the common people think they are the word of God.

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Wild Magic 31

We jumped into Tim’s car and went back to my house. We had just opened the doors to get out when Debbie came running down our street. She collapsed into me, crying almost hysterically. She was bruised and bloody, and her clothes were ripped and torn to shreds. I saw that she was in severe distress, so I carefully knocked her out with my telepathy.


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