Tuddrussell's blog

Lost my rhythm

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I have gotten nothing done, and I'm at my wit's end. >

I am half way done with half the chapters I set out to finish WEEKS ago. I can't get into the same mindset that I had before I got the flu, and when I try to write it doesn't flow correctly from the work I've done previously.

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Still alive

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Finally feeling better, got blasted with flu which was pretty grim. Luckily I didn't waste my time entirely, my journal is full of interesting ideas for my stories which I am already working on.

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Taking a break, sort of...

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New video games, so the more writing intensive stories like The Season of Change and Blood, Dust, and Silver are being put on the back burner for a while.

I'll still be working on them, but probably not going to get much done. Might get a new BD&S by friday, as I'm already halfway done with the new chapter.

Luckilly I've had the Minion Eighteen story brewing for a while, so I can probably knock those out pretty quickly.

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