General Audience (pg)

Want to Write but What to Write

I should write more, but for some reason I'm finding it hard to actually do it. I want to improve my writing skill, do something creative and constructive instead of just consuming the stories here, but I've always put it off because I've felt that I can't live up to my own expectations or that I can't match the intricate and clever plots of the authors here or other silly excuses. Maybe I should just write from the heart.

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Sarah Carerra - 3.08 - Ever After

I couldn't believe it! Someone had actually found a castle to film the music video at! Right here in the hills above Santa Monica!

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.08 - Ever After
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: March 19, 2012

Return to Sender - Part 15

Return to Sender

by Jennifer Christine

“Jibe Ho.” The boat swung hard to Port and the sail spat the wind and the boom smacked across. Suddenly we were going in the opposite direction. Just moments later I looked and Claymore had suddenly ripped to Port not quite jibing, but heading straight into the water we’d have been in. They WOULD have collided with us.

A Wyld World - Part 2 of 3

Wyld Logo

by Saless
Part 2

If it cries like a girl, complains like a girl and throws like a girl it must be a girl, right? That's the logic used to torment Erin growing up; though now that he's in college most of his tormentors have lost interest. Finally free of the worst of the abuse he begins to feel like he might have a chance at a life. But everything changes for him when he goes Wyld!

Question about flying to Canada from US, and back

Hey all,

I'm flying from NJ to Toronto, ON tomorrow to meet some customers at their site. I've never flown into Canada, and never been without my wife before. Should I be nervous about packing Kristy's clothes? Should I just basically choose to be resigned to travel without any of my things for the evenings? Who has had experience with Customs? I've only been a few times, twice while on a cruise, and once we crossed at Niagara Falls. So this is a new experience for me.

Thanks for any advice...


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Here comes the troubleshooter! Part 1

Here comes the Troubleshooter!

Entry 1: I cant argue with Carl, at least not about this. He thinks its a good idea to write down my cases, both for myself, and possibly as a way to get business. I’m not a professional writer, but I’ve done enough incident reports that I’ll give it my best shot.

So where do I start? Well, today’s case was pretty typical of what I do now. I had a client who wanted a drug den moved out of her neighborhood, so I spent a couple of days doing recon on the place, figuring out the best way to .... convince them moving would be a good idea.

Slogging through a scene that isn't working well...


I'm stuck.

I've gotten my protagonist (and supporting cast) up to "the big city". The entire cast is visiting the home of a local dignitary.

My protagonist, 4 members of the supporting cast (all of whom have different agendas and levels of comfort with the current situation) are currently sitting having a rather … candid discussion about the protagonist's situation with the hostess.


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Research: Makeup tutorial

Hi everyone,
I'm writing the next story of my werewomen series and as it goes my main character feels the need to learn to do her own makeup. Since she's going to fight with it, I need at least a basic knowledge of how that works, but alas I know about as much about makeup as I know about hyperspace travel.

Can you help me and my character with our lack of knowledge? It would be nice if someone could link a video or text and pictures tutorial that explains how to do one's makeup.

thank you,

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Girl lesson 941

Well I am back online, Girl lesson 941 never spray any thing on with lap top open.
Being homeless with the internet as my only connection with the outside world, (I have no phone) I Feel the internet should be free and not cost anything to be on line. I am on most of the time because I know the system and can with my macbook connect to wifi any were using various methods. That being said (were I am going with this is), I love letters and connecting with people, and will write back as soon as I can.

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Please explain: Permission granted to post by author

Can someone give me a definition for and proper usage of 'Permission granted to post by author' as found in the permission part of adding a story.

The reason I ask is that my friend Kozmik Alaska, who I like to refer to as a negatively-vaginated girl, much to his delite, has given me permission to publish his Amy Series here.

He doesn't want to do it himself. Basically when he got married he somewhat gave up writing and his website. Not because his wife doesn't approve, quite the contrary, but rather he's too busy living his dream!


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The Ram 35

After Christmas Daphne unexpectedly meets Briony's father.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 35.

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion... Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)

jobs i cant do

So my roommate Tanya asked me to help her out while she does a girl scout cookie booth. Well my job is less glamorous. I'm watching the 6 month old child she babysits. It's been an hour and I'vs changed a diaper that caused the dog to run in terror. Now the little ball of joy won't stop crying. I am not a child person. I will be glad when she is done, of course that's four hours from now.

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Thirty years on

Thirty years ago a very dear friend was dying of cancer at 18 years of age, I had a beard and my own hair, and there was a nasty but thankfully short war in the South Atlantic. I wrote something I was going to say I was very pleased with that involved that war, but 'pleased' is the wrong word. Satisfied, perhaps.

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Tangled threads and shifting targets

Things can get complicated at times.

Work is finally back to a (relatively) sane level, and I'm *finally* able to settle in and start pecking away at Maureen's 'to-do' list.

I'm finding that, for Amazon's Boot Camp chapter, there are too many things going on to keep everything on track without first writing each thread separately and then weaving everything together. Far more time consuming, but 'ya gotta do what ya gotta do.'

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Big Green Delays:(

I write at work as some of you know which usually isn't a problem but this was the "lovely" St. Pat's weekend and I've had not much writing time dealing with the massive amounts of "Stupid with a more stupid chaser." So nothing until I recover from the asshattery.

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The Wonders Of (Not So) Modern Computing

My little sister is not what you would call the most computer literate person in the world.

Nevertheless, when she said she had a "really good" computer that a friend had given her, I let my hopes get a bit up that it was something I could use, since I'm trying to build a gaming machine at the mo'.

The only downside, even if it didn't work out, seemed to be that attached to the offer was a whole slew of other computer parts and fiddly bits she didn't want to have to mess with, that I would have to take off her hands.

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She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,,,,,, and hurting

She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,,,,,, and hurting

Beautifully shot ... a clip that's worth seeing over and over again ... have a good day !!!

Mother Nature She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,, and hurting ....>>>>

This is an awesome video with great music. Please share. --

I thought you all may find this interesting.


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This too shall pass

My week has sucked immensely because from Tuesday until Friday I was in a VA hospital being treated for kidney stones. I had one that was moving, that was really huge and a veritable zen garden in my kidneys, just not trying to get out. I had stents put into place and they are trying to find a time to put me on the surgical schedule. Loads of fun.

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Virginia in Bloom, Chapter 4

Virginia in Bloom, Chapter 4

Emma stared at the doll on the shelf at the store.

Her sisters had plenty of dolls growing up on the farm, but none never as nice as the one she fancied on the shelf.

As Emmitt, she made fun of her sisters, although privately she...or he...had wished to join in on the play. But she knew her brothers would make fun of her if she did.

She also remembered the words of her father: "Carolyn, sometimes I think you want to raise that boy as a girl."

Delay in Posting Reckoning chapter 8

My laptop, upon which rest ALL my files and corespondance regarding the story, has gone dead on me. It's at the hospital where it will hopefully be repaired within a week. It doesn't seem to be anything terminal. Merely something that won't let the screen light up. An inverter, they said. It's a MacBook.

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Password Attacks?

It used to be that my internet passwords were simple, something easy to remember. After being victimised by unknown people in the last couple of years, I now have a book where I record my passwords, but in the last few days, something seems to be happening with several of my accounts. It is almost as if someone has gotten into some of my accounts and destroyed their password files, because accounts like Facebook, and several others, my passwords have stopped working.

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The Ten Plagues: The First Four

The ancient rabbis said that the ten plagues were plagues against the Egyptians and against their "gods." The plagues were also there also to teach humans something.

Here are the first four plagues in Exodus:

1. the river (Nile) turned into blood. (7:14-25)
a. the fish die
b. river becomes "foul"
c. included all water in Egypt including vessels to hold and drink
d. necromancers repeated the same "trick"
e. Pharaoh's heart was strong
f. lasted seven(7) days.
Human element: G-d told Moses had Aaron stretch out his staff

2. frogs on the land. (8:1-11)


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The Hero Part 22

The Hero



Part Twenty Two

The day the trial of the terrorist started the newspapers were full of the story that Judge Parker had been assigned the case in his court, Judge Parker was man who the full of the law in every case he had judgement over. If the accused were found guilty they were unlikely to find one iota of compassion from this man, like his famous American namesake there wasn`t an ounce of mercy in the man especially when it came to capital offences.

Silk purses from sow's ears?

According to a link I was sent by a friend, plastic surgery in the US has reached new heights, okay it's from the Daily Wail, but the pictures are impressive. Only two things stop me, finding $30,000 and general cowardice - I'll bet it hurts.

And more on the 'she's my dad' theme:

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C'est de la poésie

Puisqu’on ne vivra
Jamais tous les deux
Puisqu’on est fou
Puisqu’ils sont
Si nombreux
Mem᪠la morale
Parle pour eux
J’aimerais quand
Mem᪠te dire
Tout ce que j’ai
Pu á¨crire
Je l'ai puisᨠá 
I’ en cre de tes yeux


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Last evenings appointement was replaced with an appointement this morning at the main office. After a, not even, 2 minute chat the GP endorsed the demand from my employer to retire me :(:(:(:(. So I'll be waiting for the summons of the retirment commission now.

Still weirded out 'cause the want to retire me for medical reason while I'm >insert curse words< not even sick. Okay maybe I have the start of a cold at the moment (freezing at night and in the 18 °C in te afternoon)

Not feeling to swell

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Wyld Revision or Oops!

After reading AoifeM's latest Wyld chapter and reviewing the Wyld Universe Rules Page I realized I goofed! I'd mentioned somewhere, probably in one of the 'Wyld Conversation' blogs, that Wyld transformations are instantaneous. They are also supposed to be without pain and usually accompanied by a flash of light. I totally forgot to include that in the rules page, so I've now added it under rule #9. Since I goofed on that, I'm giving AoifeM a pass for Ryan.

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Another step forward

As I move towards transitioning to full time I have certain things that I see as small milestones. It would be nice if I could just start wearing dresses and be beautiful, but everything is a process. I don't want to force me being fem on people, but right now the only place I am not fem is at work (where I am androgynous).

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