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Baseball Rose - 2


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Baseball Rose

copyright 2012 Faeriemage

By any other name…

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This story is 8 words long.

German hermaphrodites/intersexed people want human rights

Germany's 80,000 citizens seek their legal place in society.

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Afghan girls live disguised as boys by family

Some Afghan girls live as boys for periods of time, disguised by their families. Some say living as a boy gives them strength and confidence, and a taste of the other side. Some find it confusing.

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Total hits

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Just wondering if the hit counter is acurate at the moment.

Total hits on Football Girl~Season 2~Chapter 21 is standing at 360 and the number of kudos is 89; that is 24.7% of the hits. That is wildly out of proportion ot my previous chapters.

Any thoughts


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Reader Tags?

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What do you all think of allowing readers to write tags to stories? This would be an opt-in for authors to allow or not and readers would have to spend buttons to be able to write tags, maybe. I'm just thinking out loud sort of but I found a neat module someone has already written. We'd also need a couple of three "tagerators" to keep the new tags coherent and appropriate. Perhaps authors could moderate tags on their own stories?


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Beautiful Girl

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Beautiful Girl

You’re a beautiful girl, Beautiful girl,
So more than anything I’ve ever seen before
So I’m thinking of you right now
Thinkin’ of you even tho your fallin’

Beautiful girl, beautiful girl
So more than anything I’ve ever seen before
So I’m thinkin’ of you right now
Thinkin’ of you even tho I shouldn’t be

Have a friend is a grace,
keep a friend, is a virtue
be your friend is an honor


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USA - Mega Lotto

Well if those of us here in the USA keep Buying Mega-Lotto Tickets as they have the last two days the Jackpot could be over $600 Million by Fridays Draw Time. WOW! Well gotta go get some more HA!HA!

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Odyssey III Chapter 2


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Chapter 2

For the teens after church and Monday before church was mostly taken up with chores. They worked ahead so they could ease off on Christmas. After Monday supper, everyone washed and dressed as they prepared to head in the St. Michaels for the Christmas Eve service. Everyone was excited and hoped their preparations had prepared them for their parts of the service.

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This story is 63 words long.

questioning my status

There are times when I question this strange thing I am, because in all honesty, it doesnt seem to make a lot of sense to me. I mean, intersex people, that kinda makes sense, and you can get tests done and know you belong to that category. But me, my fem side is literally only in my head, and short of an autopsy when I die, there isnt any way to be 100 % sure I 'm not just crazy.,

Ah, well.

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1659


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1659
by Angharad

Copyright © 2012 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Silver lining?

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Thanks to the kidney stones and the two stents I have in, I am basically on bed rest and can do nothing but surf the net, watch movies, play LOTR online, read and write. So this means good things for you.

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Football Girl~Season 2~Chapter 21


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I looked at him and he looked at me.

‘I’m sorry if I’ve done something wrong...’I started.

The phone rang and the officer frowned. He looked like he enjoyed his job and that the interruption wasn’t welcome.

He picked up the phone.


He looked up at me sharply and then spoke to the nameless one at the other end...

Football Girl
Season 2 ~ Chapter 21

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2012 Susan Brown

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This story is 74 words long.

The Ram 38.

Daphne meets the rest of Briony's family and inevitably the wedding list gets longer.

When I am old, I shall wear purple and be disgraceful!.jpeg

When I am old, I shall wear purple and behave disgracefully.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 38

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.

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This story is 41 words long.

Transgender Birth Certificate Case: Judge Says NYC

Transgender Birth Certificate Case: Judge Says NYC Health Department Invaded Man's Privacy

Interesting article about a NYC Court Decision relating to changing a Birth Certificate. A win for the person claiming unfair treatment by the NYC Health Department.
See the link below.


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Hoping to post Chapter 8 of Reckoning

by Saturday, Sunday at the latest. I've had a computer failure of my MacBook which required taking it to the repair place for surgery. Apparently we experienced a power surge which attacked the inverter, which is in the hinge where it opens, and also burned out the LCD, which lights the screen.

Approximately 200 dollars or so later, I might have it back by Friday. I've been using my old desktop, which I fortunately never got around to taking down and storing away. ALL the relevant info I need to post the story is, of course, on the Mac.

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sorry for the delay

Just wanted to apologize. The last part of "Here comes the troubleshooter" is being delayed by real life. I need to be in a good mind-set to write, and I don't have it right now. I'm tired, worried, depressed, and would very much like all this crap to subside long enough for me to catch my breath.

Ah, well.

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040) Was that a guy?

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I know, it's been a while since I blogged last... Honestly, my life's gotten pretty boring of late. It's the same story day after day, I go to work, eat, play some games, read some stuff on BCTS, occasionally try to write my stories that I'm really horrible about updating... And I'm getting absolutely no where with my transition goals. I'm not getting any closer to being able to afford health insurance (that covers transition), and my family and close associates still insist this is just some "phase" at best. At worst, they're like my mom and are refusing to believe it's happening at all.

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A tough day with my daughter

Well, today was a tough day with my daughter. We took her and her two friends to West Edmonton Mall, played glow-in-the-dark mini-golf, and went skating at the ice rink. Sounds like fun, right? Well, not really, because the boys noticed I was wearing a woman's shirt, and so that became an awkward topic for conversation. Plus, I'm worried like heck about a friend of mine who is really struggling and has even talked about suicide.


It gets better, right?

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Wow, I'm surprised!

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South Bend, IN passes LGBT anti-discrimination legislation! Heck, I might even move back down there with the rest of the family! I'm really surprised in such a Catholic town!


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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1658


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1658
by Angharad

Copyright © 2012 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Membership Income

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It's almost the end of March and we've had a bit more expenses this month than usual, including me personally who has just spent close to $500 bucks on unexpected private expense (including $225 for plumbing repairs). So if you haven't joined the Hatbox yet, now would be a good time. There will be some new content for the Hatbox going up soon, too.

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Computer issues, BCTS, and viruses

We all have them. Lately I've been getting lag. I usually do a scan about once a month, more if I need it.

Having had a sex starved teen I have had the chance to get lots of experience fixing various problems. After a while I made him fix his various problems, and kept him off my machine. Anyone who has a kid knows how well that works, they usually do what they want to, and deal with the consequences later.

Mine learned quite early I could access the cache through the house network. It saved me a lot of issues, though I don't think he was impressed.

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Sometimes you get LUCKY

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Sometimes it works out for the good . My Garage door took an electrical surge and not knowing who to call I called the original installer, they found a circuit board was fried and said it was under warranty a week later (TODAY)they came to install new parts and pulled a NEW motor from the box all for $20.00 labor charge and 65.00 service call WOO-HOO.That made my dayand the door now goes up & down without me pulling it.I just neede to share this with my BCTS friends ---HUGS RICHIE2

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Looking for a little help...

My research paper for my English class has me making a 1800 word paper arguing for something, and I've chosen to write about Gender Dysphoria. I say this because I seem to recall there being a blog on here with a link to an article about GD and I'd like to include that article and their sources, but I can't find it anymore.

Does anyone remember who's blog it was?

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Gaby Book 8 Chapter *13* Road Rash


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Chapter *8.13*

Road Rash

The lead group managed to make some ground through the feed and as we crossed the fens to the river crossing the neutral service car zipped past. Not the end of the world, it might even give them a false sense of security, but it was a little worrying nonetheless.

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This story is 53 words long.

New story.

Hi all, I've decided upon dropping the entire sci-fi and magical transformation in my latest series of stories I've been writing. I've re-worked several characters and, of course, the plot into a new story. This new story, still untitled as of yet, will be a real world transgender and coming of age story in the style of Becoming Robin and Sarah Carerra (two of my favorite series' on this site), yet this story will be told from a third person perspective (unlike Robin and Sarah).

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The Grief list

I've been thinking about what the counselor said to me about having some kind of mourning ritual for the things of my past. Obviously, I couldnt do all of them in one go, so the first thing I would need to do is try and separate them out so I can tackle them one at at time. With that in mind, I've created a little grief list, and here it is, in chronological order:

1: my father's death. How do I say goodbye to someone I knew more by their absence than their presence ?

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Aaagh, not now!

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Dont' you just hate it when that happens? I'm ploughing my steady way through Somewhere Else Entirely, the next chapter lined up ready in my head, when... wham! along comes a complete story in a different vein. One that just won't let go.

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Germany: Transgendered kid will be send to mental institute, please help

Hi everyone.
In Berlin a transphobic court has admited the transgendered girl Alex into a mental institute. Apparently there was a custody battle between father and mother and the father used the youth office to seperate the transgendered kid from her mother, since the mother "induced" transsexuality. A youth worker decided that the transsexuality had been "induced", after talking to the kid for about an hour. In the process neither the child, nor her doctors nor independend experts were heard.

Anyone familiar with Amazon CreateSpace?


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Reading the above article has kind of got me curious about Amazon self-publishing. Word of mouth advertising in this day and age is actually pretty huge. There's a #1 bestseller, the name of which I've completely forgotten now (It was referred to as "Twilight for Moms" in a recent news article :-P) that was huge with eReaders, IIRC. So, yeah. I'm thinking about using this to publish Book one of Becoming Robin.

a way to deal with old grief?

At my counseling session today, my counselor suggested I find a way to process all the grief I went through as a kid by having some kind of mourning ritual. The death of my father, the loss of my innocence, the "burying" of my girl self, all need to be grieved over. I'm not sure what form this should take, but it sounds like a good idea.

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Disney Wish: Ch 3


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Disney Princess.jpg
The Disney Wish

By Teek
© 2012

Chapter 3 of 3
Perfectly Princess Tea Party

Summary: Disney Magic is making Toni’s wish come true. Toni is just one of the girls at the Disney Girl’s Perfectly Princess Tea Party. Will the magic last, after all this is Fairy Godmother Magic?


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This story is 48 words long.

Seattle Gal Part 19


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Part 19

by Susan Jean Charles
Jessica is changing. She gets to experience the thrills of being a bridesmaid preparing for Cindy’s wedding and helps Ken with some overdue cleaning.

 © 2012, by Susan J. Charles. All rights reserved
Edited by Holly H. Hart

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This story is 45 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1657


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1657
by Angharad

Copyright © 2012 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Biscuit, my lovely cat

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My lovely, wonderful, funny cat Biscuit is no longer with us.

We got him from a rescue centre and he was the cat with the loudest purr. He was a one off individual who loved to show how big and butch he was. Mind you, he ran away at the slightest sign of trouble and so was a bit of a fake in the matcho stakes.

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To Make A Wish Chapter 21

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A question for those who remember The San Francisco bay area

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I recall as a kid (70's and 80's), when my Mom would go to Letterman Army hospital in San Francisco, we would go one of two ways to get to the city. First was to go to Livermore and stay with the people who are the inspiration for Shelly and Frank in my Through the years books, which put us on I580 to the Bay Bridge. But the other way was to get to I80 in Sacramento and take that to the Bay Bridge. What I want to know is did any of you ever go that way an recall seeing little wooden cutout sitting on sticks in the bay near Berkeley? I want to say it was near Berkeley, but it was in that area.

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I wish to know a little more about Muslim women

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Hey there. I have been putting a little thought on my next few chapters of the Heart of it All. I've noted that around the Toledo Area and Detroit is a sizable Muslim population. In the Lake States Muslims have formed bazaars and their influence help make the country into the merchant based society they are today.

At the border though, in Toledo, many Muslims have to hide the fact. While at home they practice their religion in secret, many have to go so far as to "Anglicize" their names in order to get by on the Confederate ran streets.

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The Ram 37.


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Daphne's first encounter with Jean Lewis, Briony's mother.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 37.

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)

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This story is 64 words long.

Tomorrow is Sam's Birthday

Well, tomorrow is going to be a very, very busy day. I get off work at 7 am, go to counseling, and then go to Sam's birthday party (we're holding it at a bowling alley.) So I probably wont be online. Stay safe, everyone.

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Murray Heights - Chapters 1 and 2

Murray Heights

copyright 2012 Faeriemage

Writing is more complicated than it seems, especially when you're a teenager.

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This story is 16 words long.

The Indian Maiden - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

old_woman.jpg"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling

The Indian Maiden - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
By Anon Allsop

An ancient, blind Indian woman is asked to provide a bride for a brash, handsome warrior prince. She agrees to his wishes and summons one using her ancestral spirits, even though he seems to view all women as something to be used only for his pleasure.

Here on this sacred land, where drums pound the beat, old women and young girls sing their song, and where warriors dance around the fires. For this ancient land is located directly in the heart of...THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

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This story is 133 words long.

Free Karin Bishop Book!

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My book, "The Haight" will be available for free downloads (for Kindle) starting tomorrow, Tuesday the 27th, through Saturday the 31st.

Here's the Amazon blurb:

San Francisco’s famous Haight-Ashbury, 1967: Grace Mackenzie, RN, deals with the flood of patients brought to the Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic during The Summer of Love. She’s a veteran of life in the Haight, living with several women and FreeBear, their landlord and lover, until that life is shaken by a bleeding young boy appearing in the clinic.

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Sarah Carerra - 3.09 - Party like a Rock Star


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There were a number of people gawking from the edge of Uncle Kevin's property. This would definitely be a different kind of vacation, since I was going to be wearing the wig the whole time.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.09 - Party like a Rock Star
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: March 26, 2012

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This story is 55 words long.

Cycling in the UK?

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As some of you know for a long time I've been suffering difficulties with my health, most of the issues have centered around my hands but most recently I suffered a stroke that I'm still recovering from, during my time in hospital I was informed that evidence had been found of a previous stroke (I had no idea).

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