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I'm pretty sure most of you have seen the image - the person faced with a choice with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, trying to decide which way to go.
Well, I have at least one devil on my shoulder, whose name is Worthlessness, and today he was very active, listing all my failures, ready to convince me I am only a source of grief to those who dare come close to me. It got to the point where I was seriously trying to figure out if ending my life would be a net gain for the people around me or not.
Fortunately, I also had an angel on the other shoulder, and today he used a friend from here to shake me out of my funk, and remind me I actually do make a positive impact on people, that there is a difference between making mistakes and being one, and that I'm loved and blessed in ways I cannot even count.
Thank you, Jacelyn, AKA Tels . (Hope I'm spelling that right)
Good inclination vs Evil inclination
In Judiaism, it is called the Yatzer Tov, the good inclination, versus the Yatzer Hara, the evil inclination. But the two inclinations are within you and part of the Free Will, that HaShem, gives to each of us, that makes us human beings. The choice is yours, and we are taught to chose the right course of action. The fight is difficult but it is a good fight. Don't look at it as the devil, because that throws the problem on an outside false entity.
It is good to have an Angel on your side, but your biggest supporter needs to be you.
nope sorry
Jacilynn don't worry Everybody gets it wrong. Still not sure why its really easy to spell...
Angels, Devils, Shoulders, Friends...
I have my own shoulder-riding stowaway/parasite, and I've been listening to it for far too long. Diana and Bailey and a few other friends are helping me listen to the other shoulder. But I have bad days too. Not to the point of thoughts of suicide (anymore), thankfully. You just have to hang on in those times and say to yourself "this too shall pass" until the birds sing and the puppies play again. And kittens. Oh yes, there will be kittens too.
Part of the job of friends is to help us see our real selves. Both when we get too big for our britches (maybe skirts for this website), and when we need help picking ourselves up to go on.
Angel Lisa
Whispering "Team Dorothy" in your ear...