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I'm back.

Hey all Jenn here. Well I have been away for awhile, most of the time I access the BCTS site through a smart mobile device. It has more privacy than a computer and I can control who has access to my data. Smart phones have come a long way and other than a 4.3 inch screen I can do most of my mobile computing on one but they do go wonky occasionally. This is what happened to my last device so for awhile now I have been only able to read stories and post short comments with an older device I had until my new one came in. I am now back on the air and will be posting and messaging again whoop!

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Kate Draffen


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----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Michael Taylor was a 17-year-old boy living in a town in Australia. Something happened and he found himself on a path to becoming a 17-year-old girl. This is a story about an ordinary teenager that had something extraordinary happen to him and how he tried to cope.

Kate Draffen

by Swishy

Copyright  © 2008 Swishy
All Rights Reserved.

This is set in Australia and thus a very small portion of the slang might be a shade confusing to a lot of you but I'm sure you non-Aussies will pick it up. Also, like a lot of Australians the characters have a relaxed relationship with swearing. So, it may seem a shade gratuitous but I assure you it's fairly realistic. If you have any questions or comments please send me an email at [email protected]

A strange breakfast

I just got back from going out for breakfast with my mom, and it was a strange experience. Our server was not only a cheerful and talkative young lady, she seemed to want to touch me as often as she could - rubbing my back, my arm, and once actually sitting in the booth beside me.

I have no idea why.

Otherwise, it was an okay day, I got my blood work done, so that's one more step taken care of.

Each step, even a baby one, is a good one, I think.

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Gaby Book 8 Chapter *34* Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann


Chapter *8.34*

Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann

“I'm sure it is.”

“No way, why would she be here?”

“Same reason as us? And I'm sure that tall one called her ‘ladyship'.”

“I'm not convinced.”

“Watch out, the others are coming back!” the first voice hissed.

Being a gift from God

During my last down period, several Christian friends remind me of the meaning of the name Dorothy - A gift from God. During dark times, its hard to see myself in that light, but every once in a while I get a little bit of a reminder that yes, I'm a gift, a special creation, loved and cherished in ways beyond my meagre understanding.

I dont know if I will ever know all the answers to the "why am I like this?' question, but I can trust that there is a reason, a purpose for me being the person I am, and that said purpose is a good one.

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Update of current work

Just so you are all aware, I am working on Chapter 7 of K&K as well as I am 797 words into chapter 44 of 300 Rains. So, there will be an update of that story as well in the near future, as things go along. By and large I am feeling alright, with nothing seriously impacting my typing ability. Sure, I can't walk much but that is in favor of the whole writing thing. :)

Once I am done with the writing and editing I will get those stories out to you, as well as the updates on Transitioning Home. It should be fun and plenty of reading for all of you.

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Beta Readers (or editor)?

I recently posted a story I had written a couple of years ago. I've been writing part two (probably of three) and am wondering if there are a couple of people who might be willing to give what I've written a read and offer suggestions/comments. I'm not completely done, but I imagine it will be done tonight or tomorrow (part two, that is).

It's current'y about 6300 words, and needs a few more pages to finish up, if that matters.

Anyway, I thought I would put the word out now so that I'll have the addresses once I'm ready to get some feedback, in case there is interest.


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Why was my blog removed?

Every once in a while quotation marks and apostrophes seem to do this to stories. I was just curious as to why this happens. Sometimes, it gets cured. This is from the latest episode of Bike.

"á¢â‚¬Å“I thought that was only when I did the cookingá¢â‚¬”talking of which itá¢â‚¬â„¢s Davidá¢â‚¬â„¢s day off, so I suppose I suppose Iá¢â‚¬â„¢d better see whatá¢â‚¬â„¢s in the fridge.á¢â‚¬ " This was from the latest episode of bike.

It's fixed now. Just wondering. That's all.

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50,000 words

50,000 Words

Well I took a look at my current word count on the third story in the Ragnarok Rising Trilogy 'Destiny' today and I realized something. I have over 50,000 words which makes it my longest tg story yet. Hunger pangs is somewhere around, 38,000 words, Incompatible is around 27,000 words and the revised version of Transfigured is about 16,000 words.

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Princess and the Jock rewrite

after a busy summer of fun, I'm starting to get back to writing. This is hard after an eight month absense.

I am reworking/rewriting Princess and the Jock. I'm going to try something new with it since a majority of you hated what I was doing with it last time. of course you may not like it this time either, we'll see.

It may be a while before I post any of it because I want to get at least a dozen chapters written before I begin posting.

Just wanted you all to know that I haven't forgotten the Saga of Erika. ; )


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Neuroscience, Guilt and Innocence

I listened to "Science Friday" (USA-NPR) last friday; on the program was a neuroscientist talking about his research and a new book of his. There was a link to his article in the 2011 Ideas section of the Atlantic Monthly. I read the article, mainly about his 2011 book, and was impressed.

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getting stronger, just in time

I feel like I'm slowly getting stronger again, and its a good thing. I might need the extra energy the next two weeks as I'm going to a new store to help get it set up. Being with strange people, wondering how well I'm passing, trying to work in an unfamiliar store - it could be very interesting ....

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Sarah Carerra - 3.23 - The Death of Insanity

After marking down attendance for the day Mr. Benson turned my life upside down. He did the one thing that he agreed he wouldn't do in this class.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.23 - The Death of Insanity
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: August 27, 2012

And the father of the year award goes to...

I found an interesting article about a father who started wearing skirts and dresses to support his son's desire to wear them.

Now if that father isn't great to be secure enough in his own masculinity to do this, I don't know who is.

grtz & hugs,

Sarah xxx

ps: but all in all, I do hope my father won't start wearing dresses to support me :p Everyone would think he's pregnant! At his age! :o

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God Bless the Child on Kindle

I think I got the formatting right and am now offering God Bless the Child on Kindle(edited and reworked a little). For those of you who would like to help, buy a copy or at least leave a glowing review. I am offering it for 5.99, though that might be a bit pricey. I need to know where else I can offer the book. I lost all my bookmarks for ebook pubs. I am hoping someone discovers what I wrote and maybe I can go somewhere.


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A recovered memory

Well, one thing has come out of the massive number of flashbacks I'd been dealing with the last couple of days - a recovered memory of some of what happened.

But now, the big question, what the heck do I do with this piece of information?

And where do I go from here?

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Through the years: Two against the world part 20

“Good. It's good to know someone has your back in a fight. It's also nice that you made sure your friends got to safety. That's the sign of a good person, willing to put themselves in danger to help others.” Ivan said. “Now about your Grandmother. Was she okay with you as Tracy?”

“I don't know.” Tracy said. She shrugged and shook her head. “She wouldn't listen She kept saying I should see a new therapist and go to church and stop wearing the clothes, but Grandpa, her husband, said I was always this way. He recalled me as a kid in Wyoming when we visited and said I was girly then.”

“And obviously your Grandmother has come to terms?”

Tracy nodded again. “Yeah. She came in Sunday night and woke me up to say she was sorry for being a big mean person and she loved me. The next morning she helped me with breakfast and asked to come down here with Mom and me.”


Edited by Djkauf

Her first day away from Oroville. The fun of setting up a new life begins.



About a year ago, I posted my first story in the Comics Retcon Universe titled Magnetic Personality. Now, after a year or so of writing, I proudly present the next chapter in the Adventures of Lorna Dane. Have fun Everyone!
Moongoddess at Large

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Kit and Kin 6

Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravenscrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravenscrest.

Big Wind

We are going to get a hurricane in Florida in the next 2 days , they say it will go west of the stae till the northern panhandle. The Repulican convention is this week and this has been thier fear since they started to plan the event and the convention center is in the flood zone A as it is only about 200 feet or so from the water at 4ft elevation and they are exspecting a 5ft storm surge (how well can you swim). I will post after the storm passes and let you know how we make out, all depends on how far off shore it will stay

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Sorry no bike tonight

Sorry nodded off in the chair and it's too late now. I also have a visitor and will be out tomorrow evening listening to a concert by the Cologne chamber philhamonia. No, I'm not off to Germany, they're coming here to Dorchester.

I'm off to bed, normal service will be resumed when I wake up, I hope (yawns).


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anyone willing to turn a file into an e-book

I recently got my copy of God Bless the Child back and would really like to offer it as an e-book. Is there anyone willing to convert the doc file into the ebook formats so I can make it available. I would appreciate it.

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Neil Armstrong dies

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Alas Neil will be taking no more small steps anywhere. He died earlier today at the age of 82, apparently from complications following heart surgery three weeks ago.

Source: NBC News.

Obituary (BBC News)

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Most totally rotten evilest day of the year.... No REALLY !

On this day in 1930 Sir Thomas Sean Connery was born.


He wasn't SIR in those days.

This is also Tim Burton, the film director's birthday and that of Ivan the Terrible.

AND in 1961 Billy Ray Cyrus... and my EVIL BLOND SISTER TM were both born.

Damn it. I could have been Hannah Montanna's uncle!


And mom and dad said I was getting a baby brother or sister.

Like I had a choice?

John in Wauwatosa

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A NFL 49ers story-film of on TG and others

The 49ers became the first NFL team to film an “It Gets Better” video in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender teens. Go to this address to see what they have to say:

Interesting! Richard

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...and we danced

I started my 'career' here with a story about a painfully shy transwoman finding love and life in a festival at Shrewsbury. She was engaged there, took her friends there, saw their own love break out from fear and misunderstanding...and it is this weekend.

There is a leave ban on. I have just finished work, and I was refused time off for the one shift I needed. The train companies also had a bike ban on, which they dropped on August 17th. I should be there, but I can't be. Next year....

[hint to self: shorter skirt next year. Wet grass...]

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