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For Tiffany, things would never be the same again after she entered the hallowed portals of St Vlad’s; but before that, other strange things happened…

I Didn’t See That Coming!
By Susan Brown
Pupils at St Vlad’s will receive an unrivaled education covering initially all the basics of the Unseen World together with a thorough grounding in all aspects of the Norm World educational needs.
I looked at the glossy brochure with distaste and wondered why it had to happen to me?
Here I was, a 12 year old ex boy who had recently found out that under my boyish exterior lurked the body of a girl.
It didn’t matter that I had been brought up as a boy in a coven…I mean family of witches.
Dad, a warlock, couldn’t take the strain of living amongst all that wizardry and witchcraft and on a scale of 1 to 10 he hovered between 1 and 2 on the magical ability scale.
This lack of magical power was, to say the least, a bit of a downer for my dad and in the end, after fathering three girls and a reject like me, he upped and left us, chasing the pot at the end of the rainbow. Last we heard, he was in Ireland and had gotten closely involved with a leprechaun gang. The less said about that, the better.
So it was Mum, me and my three evil sisters, Demelza and Griselda, the twins aged 15 and a bit and not forgetting Hyacinth, the elder sister at 16 and a pain in the ar…backside.
I was called Tom, or Thomas when I had been naughty, but now, after developing tits all over the place, a bum that sort of exploded outwards and mood swings like you would never believe I could never be called Tom.
I was, after all the boring tests and the extraction of enough blood to feed several vamps for weeks, declared to be a girl, complete with internal plumbing named, for my sins, Tiffany. My boy bits, such as they were, were considered to be useless and surplus to requirements and I had several operations which ended in my having an innie rather than an outie. In short, I was now a girl and therefore by extension a witch rather than a warlock.
Needless to say, this was all a bit much for a boy who, up to recently anyway, had hung around with other boys (or tried to until being chased off); farted, picked my nose, wrote my name in the snow (badly, because I only had a shriveled wee-willie-winky), and generally enjoyed boyish pursuits which had little to do with the magic community.
Who was I kidding, I was useless at sport, other boys thought I wasn’t much of a boy and girls just looked at me, pointed and giggled for some reason.
So I was a boy, but not much of one and that made me sad, as I desperately wanted to be like my dad (before he upped and left us, that is).
You see, warlocks have only the fraction of the ability of witches. Witchcraft is a girl thing. The males have always been the providers, the workers, the backup and support of their family and community. Witches have always been the ones to do the magic and living in a town like ours with all manner of the unseen, like vampires, werewolves, ghosts, poltergeists and all other un-normal types, the women were the ones to protect and be creative.
It was always thought, before my gender discovery thing, that I was an oddball. I had more magic in me than was normal for a boy. I could levitate, do simple spells like doing the washing up and mowing the lawn with just a twitch of a finger (wands went out with the steam engine). So I was marked down as being a bit out of the ordinary.
Mum said I would grow out of it and eventually become a normal boy, but it never happened and as I grew older and my friends, the few that I had that that is, all thought that I was a bit strange. Even my best friend, Celestine (Celli for short) who also just happens to be a vampire, thought that I was weird; and here was a girl who liked drinking blood and doing the bat thing!
Okay, I did take my dolly, Daisy to bed with me from a very young age and I was never into the he man type pursuits and preferred reading a book to getting myself all yuckie playing rugby, football (soccer) or cricket. Maybe I liked dressing nicely, changing my underpants at least once every other day and actually showering regularly twice a week, but that didn’t make me a clean freak did it?
I blamed myself for Dad leaving us. We were the only men in the family and I think that he was trying to make a man out of me and after finding out that I was less of a man than anyone he could think of, he upped and went.
Shortly after he left, Mum sat me down and had a long talk with me and told me in no uncertain terms that it was Dad’s problem not mine. I sort accepted what she said but had a sneaky feeling that I was the straw that broke the camels back as far as he was concerned.
I looked at the pictures in the school brochure of happy, carefree pupils in a friendly, safe environment and wondered if they were all actors as my sisters never looked that happy going to school.
St Vlad’s have all the facilities needed to instruct, inform and bring out the best in the young ladies and gentlemen that join us. Whether your child is a witch, vampire, werewolf, ghost or any of the myriad life (and death) forms that need special care, tuition and nurturing, we at St Vlad’s pride ourselves that pupils leaving us can go out in the world and make a real difference to society.
Looking up staring out of the window, I recalled the interview that I had with the head mistress of St Vlad’s just the previous week.
I had only been to St Vlad’s once before, when I had to tag along to a parents evening the previous year. So it was a bit of an eye opener when I had to go to the school for my meeting with the Head Mistress.
The school, which was on the outskirts of the town, from the exterior looked a bit like a run down factory. But as you went through the big solid metal gates, things were a bit different.
It had been explained to me that the whole school had a Chameleon Charm on it so that it blended with the surrounding area. But once through those gates, where no norm was allowed or be able to go through, the true school was revealed in all its glory and it was like stepping through to another universe.
The main St Vlad’s building was nothing like anything else that I had ever seen. Think of a cross between the Palace of Versailles and Windsor Castle and then you might get close.
The grounds were fantastic with orchards, glades, a river that flowed through it and a huge lake full of swans ducks and other water loving type birds Off to the left were playing fields where some girls looked as if they were playing a form of netball that involved grievous bodily harm.
I looked up and above me, dotted about all over the sky near and far were children and bats flying about in formation and I am sure that I fleetingly caught sight of a few ghosts and the occasional fairy. There were also adults who appeared to be in charge, but if this was some sort of lesson, it looked a bit chaotic.
I hadn’t time to look at much more as, embarrassingly, my mum took my hand and said, ‘come along Tiffany or we’ll be late.’
A few minutes later I was sitting in the head mistress’s study and being quizzed by her.
Miss Isabel Sidegraves looked a bit like anyone’s granny. She was thin, with her grey hair tied up in a bun and wore half moon glasses. She held herself erect in her chair and although she smiled gently at me, I could sense that beneath her gentle exterior was a person that I wouldn’t like to cross.
‘Tiffany, you seem to have coped with your changes rather well. You look as pretty as a picture and I do not know why anybody ever thought that you were a boy. I think that you will like it here at the school. Looking at the results of the test paper I sent you, you should be in the mid grade stream for your year. You are a very bright young lady and should fit in nicely just as your sisters have. When you do come, you will be assessed for your magical abilities and then we can tailor your studies accordingly.’
I blushed to my roots at those kindly comments, but I wasn’t sure about the bit about never being a boy.
She continued by explaining about the school.
Evidently, apart from the stunning scenery and setting, St Vlad’s wasn’t a normal school, how could it be when there were such a variety of pupils there. St Vlad’s was originally built to be the premier school for vampires, but some years ago, it expanded to include many different types of pupils. In addition to vamps, the school now catered for witches, warlocks, werewolves, goblins, fairies and ethereal beings like ghosts.
St Vlad’s was split into three sections, one being for boys another girls and a third, catered for kids who were neither boy or girl, or kids that hadn’t been classified, gender wise; also those who hadn’t made up their minds or were in some sort of transition state.
On both the boy, girl and other sides of the school, there were different houses depending on what you were, witch, vampire or whatever. That meant pupils could concentrate on learning all they could in say, witchcraft or vampirism.
However, the school was very keen on inter-species integration and pupils were encouraged to seek out and make friends with anyone and not just their own kind.
She went on a bit more about the school and then gave me a brochure and lists regarding uniforms, course books and a long list of school rules. And then we were ushered out of her presence.
I came back to the present as I scratched a nipple under the blouse and bra that I was now forced to wear. Well forced is a strong term. Pinkie and Perky were a bit tender and as they gradually expanded like out of control balloons, I had to hold them down a bit otherwise they jiggled about in an alarming manner and they got rather sore. Mum said that I was an A cup, which, according to my evil twin sisters is absolutely nothing to write home about, but to me they seemed huge and almost had a life of their own.
I was about to turn another page of the brochure when I heard an unpleasant voice.
‘Ooh is that about St’V’s?’ asked Demelza, grabbing the glossy brochure.
‘Here, give me that!’ I demanded.
She sat opposite me a flipped through it.
‘What a load of rubbish. It’s nothing like that. They torture new kids, boil them in oil, set spells on them and generally make life hell.’
‘You are a liar. They didn’t do that to you?’
‘Who says?’
‘I say. I don’t see any scars on you.’
‘Yes, well, they fixed me up and everything before I came home.’
‘I don’t believe you.’ I retorted.
As usual, Dem changed the subject mid-rant.
‘Who did your hair and look at your skirt, it’s all creased. Don’t you know how to look after yourself? Goodness knows how you are going to get on when Mummy finally lets you wear makeup.’
‘Makeup, no way, that’s for girls!’
‘And you are?’
‘A girl.’
‘Oh, right…well anyway, I will be a tomboy then.’
I had decided. I would put my Mary Jane shod foot down and not be so…girlie.
‘No chance,’ she replied with derision. ‘You know what the ‘rent thinks about the way a girl should dress.’
I stopped at that. It was true, Mum and all the parents in our community were well into the Stepford style of dressing. Pretty skirts, blouses and dresses in…jeans, t-shirts and normal clothing out.
Oh to be a boy again. Mind you even the boys were never allowed to dress too sloppy and only did so when they thought that they could get away with it. All right, I secretly liked looking smart and wasn’t into the ripped t-shirt and jeans look, but it was the principal of the thing…
I got up.
‘I’m going out,’ I declared to anyone who would listen, which at that point seemed to be nobody.
Mum was knitting something obscene and shapeless and looked a bit like a pullover for a giraffe with three legs; Dem was flicking through the St Vlad’s brochure and was chuckling evilly. Grezelda was upstairs doing her extra charms homework, given to her by one of her teachers who had been cheeked. Hyacinth was out with her boyfiend…I mean boyfriend, Casper, who with a name like that should have been a friendly ghost, but was, in fact an A class prat of a junior warlock who liked flexing his muscles a lot and using words of one syllable.
I sighed, being the youngest wasn’t a job that I enjoyed and now that I had been made into a girl, I was feeling even more put upon and miffed.
I knew where my best friend, Celestine would be at this time of the day and I went to the cemetery.
She had this place where she liked to hang out…a crypt, I know, normal people don’t do things like that, but she was a vamp and that’s what vamps like to do. Not my cup of tea; but when you have a circle of friends that numbered one, beggars can’t be choosers.
It was a bit chilly outside and I was glad that I was wearing tights under my skirt. I paused at that thought and shuddered. I was beginning to get used to wearing clothes that were somewhat un-boy like and it was a bit freaky to say the least.
I went down the path, along the road into the town, past the shops, police station, and junior school for the norms and into the churchyard, which was across the lane from the church.
It was a well-kept churchyard with shortly cut grass between the various gravestones. Over to the side were several large posh looking buildings; these were the crypts adorned with lots of stonework carvings, effigies and statues…you know cherubs, angels and stuff like that.
Anyway, the last crypt on the left was the one where she normally hung out and I knocked on the door and the pushed it open. The door creaked like it always did and I went into the gloomy interior.
‘Celli, are you there?’ I asked my voice echoing in the small chamber. A few rays of sunlight splashed against the floor and a wall but I did the finger waving thing that made a globe of milky white light hover in the corner and cast a soft glow around the crypt.
Hearing a fluttering sound, I looked up and there she was, hanging upside down in bat mode. Some people say that bats all look the same, but I recognised my friend instinctively.
She shook herself. Spread her wings and let go of the beam. There was a whooshing noise and then a flash and there she was standing in front of me in human form, yawning so widely that I could see her tonsils.
I coughed; the place was a bit dusty and cobwebbyfied.
‘There you are,’ I said after getting my breath back.
She was into white, as a lot of vamp girls were (the virgin bride look was in that year). Her long white dress went well with her jet black hair and dark red eyes. Our friendship was rather frowned upon when I was considered to be a boy. Girl vampires had a bit of a reputation in the neck-biting department and although witches are said to be immune from the consequences of blood extraction, old prejudices are hard to shift.
Celli would never bite my neck. She might have a snack or two on her parents and others when they weren’t looking, but it just wasn’t done between BFF’s.
She was a surprised as me when I was diagnosed and de-boyed as my sister called my transformation from boyhood to sillygirlhood. But being cool and unflappable (unless she was flying), Celli took my transmogrification as she liked to call it, in her stride.
As she once said, ‘you were always a bit girly, now we know why.’
Back to the Bat Cave—sorry crypt.
‘Wosup?’ she asked.
‘Sister problems.’
‘Tell me about it.’
And I did.
Celli went to St V’s so she knew what was what in that place.
‘Demelza’s talking rubbish. St V’s is cool and I like it there. Some people don’t fit in, but that’s their prob. Demelza is an idiot and she doesn’t like school, that’s why she always has a down on it, like. I can’t tell you exactly what goes on there, apart from what you’ve already been told; but trust me, it’s great. You know that your sister can’t tell you the whole truth about the school and what goes on, or she’d be turned into a pillar of salt, a Big Mac or something else unsavory.’
Her words made me feel a bit better. For Celestine to show some enthusiasm about the school gave me a warm feeling in my tummy. Maybe it wasn’t all doom and gloom after all. In the past, all Mum ever said about the school was, ‘wait and see’ and my visit to the school to see Miss Whatshername didn’t exactly fill me with confidence that I would fit in and be the star pupil or at least teachers pet.
‘Of course we won’t be in the same classes as I am a year above the one you will be put in, so we won’t see each other quite as much as we could if we were the same age.’
This was grossly unfair. Celli was just 5 weeks older than me, but because of a trick of birth and cut off points she was educationally speaking a year older than me.
‘It’s not fair,’ I said.
‘No it isn’t.’
She looked thoughtful.
‘Look,’ she said, ‘we are BFF’s aren’t we?’
‘Well, now you are a girl we can do the blood thing.’
‘Blood thing?’ I asked wondering what in the Name of Diana she was talking about.
‘Yea. Look, when girls are really, really best friends with another girl, they do the blood thing.’
‘What’s this blood thing then?’ I asked, all curious like.
She looked around to make sure that there was no one alive or not so alive listening in and then she stepped closer and started to whisper.
‘Blood sisters.’
‘What’s that?’
‘A tiny pin prick in both our thumbs and then we press them together and your blood and mine sort of mingles. We are then blood sisters, tied together by blood. Even if we aren’t together, we will still have a special bond.’
‘I thought that you aren’t supposed to do that sort of thing.’
‘It’s cool and cos you are a witch now, there aren’t any after effects that norms occasionally have.’
‘Like turning into blood sucking zombies?’
‘Nah, that’s like, old wives tales. Sometimes they loose their memory for a bit, become sort of allergic to garlic and mirrors and maybe don’t like sunlight much, but apart from that, not a lot happens. Witches are immune, that is a medical fact.’
In the far reaches of my mind I had heard that too, so not being a norm had some advantages. I kind of thought that it might be cool to be a blood sister to a vampire, None of my sisters could boast that and I would be the envy of my new school and maybe part of the ‘in’ set.
‘All right,’ said impulsively, ‘let’s do it.’
Then we found that we didn’t have a pin between us.
‘Never mind, I have sharp teeth…’
She did that thing with her teeth ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬…lateral incisors, not those cuspids that you see in a lot of corny films, and they grew out and down from under her blood red lips. I had seen her do this loads of times, so I wasn’t freaked out about it.
‘Right,’ she said with the slight lisp that she had in vamp, blood sucking mode, ‘letsth’s do it.’
With that, she pressed her thumb up against her razor sharp tooth drew blood, then took my thumb and did the same. Funnily enough I didn’t even feel the prick but a small bead of blood appeared on my thumb.
Her teeth did its retraction thingy and she was back to normal.
Then we pressed our thumbs together and she said, ‘I pledge to be your sister forevermore.’
‘I pledge to be your sister forevermore.’ I parroted and then we sort of hugged and it was done.
The church clock struck six.
‘I have to go.’ I said, ‘mum wants me to do a fitting for the school uniform. See you tomorrow?’
‘Yea, last day before back to school. At least you will be there, sis.’
I liked the sound of that. I would prefer Celli to be my sister a lot more that the ones I had already. We hugged again and then I left and Celli carried on with her bat-nap.
I arrived home a while later and was bullied into helping mum with the tea. Tea in our house was normally some sort of salad. If I were a rabbit I would have enjoyed salads but being a growing boy, now girl, I would have preferred something involving a large number of calories, fat and sugar. I just wished that she didn’t force me into a frilly apron every time I helped in the kitchen; it was heavily femiville and did nothing for my street cred.
After my indigestible tea, I was forced into the school uniform and after ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’ about how pretty I looked, Mum got her measure out to make sure that the hem of the skirt was no more than an inch above my knees. This was an improvement over just a few years before when girls at the school were forced to wear skirts that went down to mid calf.
I would have preferred trousers, but girls at St Vlad’s were ‘considered to be young ladies and that they should dress accordingly.’
After being prodded, pulled about, stuck by more than a few pins and generally being messed about with, mum was finally satisfied.
I had a bit of a headache and felt tired so I just told Mum that I was going to have an early night and went up to my bedroom. Mum had looked at me strangely but just shrugged and said something about ‘nerves.’
My twin evil sisters were not about, probably brewing up some nasty concoction down in the basement and elder sister dear was still probably lip-locking her dorky boyfriend, so for once I missed out on the snide comments that I would normally have by stating that I was having an early night.
I sniffed and coughed, wondering if I was coming down with a cold or maybe treble pneumonia. Wearing skirts do nothing to keep your temperature normal and I wondered for the umpteenth time who invented them? Probably some sick, depraved pervert of a man who liked looking up women’s skirts, I thought.
I achingly made my way upstairs and wasn’t even phased out by our resident poltergeist, Arnold’s attempts to trip me up. We had tried to get rid of him, but just like a bad penny, he kept turning up. Mum said that he was a long deceased relative of our dad, who just wouldn’t admit that he was dead and move on.
After what seemed like hours, I reached my room and closed the door behind me. At least the room had an ensuite, so I was able take a quick shower, as I was a bit dusty from the crypt.
After the shower, I was feeling a bit more like myself, but still not quite all there. I had considered going back downstairs, but I didn’t want to run into sister crap, so I just put on my Hello Kitty (pink) nightie and went to bed. Switching off the bedside light, I sighed and fell asleep almost immediately.
The hall clock struck 12 and my eyes snapped open. I was feeling hungry and I remembered that I had not eaten much that night. Correction I had eaten nothing since tea-time and had missed out on supper as I had gone to bed early, so I was feeling not just hungry, but ravenous.
I got up out of bed, brushing out the hair from my eyes.
‘That’s funny,’ I thought, ‘my hair seems somehow longer and Pinkie and Perky feel a bit bigger,’
I shrugged, still a bit sleepy.
‘At least my cold seems to have gone. It must have been my imagination, mind you I was sniffy earlier and full of aches and pains,’
I didn’t bother putting the light on as the moonlight was coming strongly through my bedroom window in fact it seemed a bit over-bright.
I slipped my Hello Kitty slippers (pink) on and left my bedroom.
I wasn’t feeling the cold much, in fact I was rather warm, so I didn’t bother with my robe. I had this intense feeling of hunger that was a bit strange. Also out in the hall, there were no windows for the moonlight to come in, but I could see quite clearly. I heard a scurrying noise and looking at the other end of the hall, I saw a tiny mouse. The little thing squeaked and I could hear it quite clearly. He or she took one look at me and disappeared through a small crack in the skirting board.
My senses seemed to be heightened, what with my sight and hearing improvements. Maybe this was another manifestation of my witch senses, although I couldn’t remember Mum or the hated sisters saying that they had such abilities.
Maybe I would find out more about things when I went to St Vlad’s on Monday morning?
I had a strange feeling in my tummy and I was getting more and more ravenous.
Then I could smell something.
At first I wasn’t sure what it was and I tried to ignore it. I could hear breathing coming from the various bedrooms around me. Mum was snoring slightly and I could also hear and recognise the heavy breathing of my three sisters in their respective bedrooms.
Without thinking, I silently opened the door nearest to me and there was Griselda asleep in her bed. The smell was stronger now. What was it?
I silently moved over to the bed and could see as clearly as if it way daytime. She was lying on her back in a white cotton nightdress, with her neck clearly visible. My vision seemed to turn slightly pink then red and I could actually see the blood in her veins and arteries of her neck throbbing slightly in tune with her heartbeat, which sounded like the slow beat of a drum.
I knew then what the smell was.
My breath quickened and I knew without thinking what I had to do. I was on autopilot.
Two of my teeth started getting longer and I paid no attention to it as at the time I only had eyes for that neck and the fact that I desperately needed to feed.
I bent down over her.
My breath quickened and I moaned slightly.
My lips parted and I opened my mouth. The blood was so inviting and I needed to drink…
She opened her eyes and then screamed.
It was all a bit confusing after that. In moments the room seemed to be full of people shouting. I had closed my eyes as soon as the light was switched on. My hunger and thirst seemed to be taking me over and I couldn’t think of anything other that sating my ravenous appetite. Somehow I sensed that the bedroom window was open and without thinking I went over to it and jumped out.
There were screams behind in the bedroom and I just waited for me to hit the ground hard and have my body break into several sickening and gory bits...
Only I didn’t hit the ground. My arms were flapping about and I was feeling a bit strange to put it mildly. I opened my eyes and gasped. I was flying!
I screamed, only it wasn’t a scream, more like a clicking sound. Then I saw or rather sensed something move on the lawn, it was a rabbit. Without even thinking about it, all fear left me and I dive bombed the rabbit and sunk my teeth into it’s neck. It was strange as I was now smaller than the rabbit and had little claws that hung on to the fur but it didn’t seem to matter very much. Somehow the poor bunny went quiet as the blood from the wound was eagerly lapped up.
It was all automatic and until I had finished feeding, I thought of little else other than assuaging my hunger.
When I had finished, I flapped my wings and was away from there, leaving the rabbit looking a little confused and maybe a bit punch drunk.
I soared up in the air towards the huge moon and felt a freedom and exhilaration that I had never known before. It was all so natural. I was flying through the air and it felt so right. I did a loop-de-loop then an upwards spiral. There was a moth flying about fifty feet below me and I swooped down, caught it mid air and swallowed it in one quick easy move. Funnily enough, it tasted quite nice, if a bit salty.
Then I remembered who I was…
Somehow I came down to the ground and as I touched the grass of the lawn, I changed back into a girl.
A girl, that is, in a Hello Kitty nightie and slippers (pink) .
It all came flooding back. I had changed somehow from, if I say so myself, a pretty and loveable witch and into something else, lets face it, a vampire and then I had wanted to drink the blood of my sister. All right, she wasn’t the best person or sister in the world. In fact, it was a close run thing as to which sister I hated the most, but still, sucking on someone’s neck wasn’t the done thing, even in the best of circles and if it was a close relative, I kind of thought that it was a bit OTT.
As my befuddled brain kicked itself back into gear, I was starting to feel a bit freaked out about what had just happened. In fact I was totally freaked out.
It wasn’t enough to discover that I had lived my life as a girl under wraps, then I was girliefied by the doctors and to say that that was painful would be an understatement. They gave me a number of things called dilators and I had to…
Enough of that. Okay I was a proper bona fide, card carrying witch. I had now meta…meterm, mortermif…erm, changed into a…what?
I was a witch right?
Witches aren’t vampires. It was the law of nature.
At my school when I was in boy mode, we all had a laugh when in biology the harassed teacher told us about the birds, bees, witches and warlocks, vampire/bats and other things that were un-normal. There was no mention or suggestion of vampires and witches, erm coexisting in the same body. So why had I gone all weird, tried to take a bite out of sister dear to suck her dry and then changed into a bat and did things that bats do?
I was becoming more aware of my surroundings as the full import of what I had done made me realise that the effluent was about to hit the fan. I was still in the garden and looking down at myself, I saw that I was at least dressed in my nightie and slippers and my sight had lost that red thing. Also my hearing seemed back to normal.
It would have been acutely embarrassing if when I metam…erm, changed back into a human, I was naked, but thankfully it didn’t seem to work like that. When I did change back, the clothes that I was wearing before somehow came back with me.
I began to wonder if it was all a one off thing. Maybe it wouldn’t happen again. It was a full moon; it might have something to do with that.
My Auntie Betty was a bit loopy in the full moon and thought that she was a teapot. She was cured of that by everyone making sure that she was tucked up in bed and heavily sedated when the full moon was about.
But what if…
I shivered and put the ‘what if’s’ on hold. I was tired, cold and just wanted to go to bed.
I looked up at the house and in the hope that everyone had laughed it off and gone back to bed. But that hope was quickly dashed as the house was lit up like a Christmas tree and in the drive were several cars. It looked like the coven were having an impromptu meeting and I didn’t need to guess about what or rather who.
I looked up at my window. The tree outside was handy, as I could climb up it and get into my room. I had used that exit/entrance a few times in the past when I needed to avoid Mum’s uncanny radar and it was worth a try. My bedroom light was out, so I might be able to get back into bed, pretend I was asleep and then if anyone came in, I could say that it had nothing to do with me and even if it had been me, I could have been sleepwalking.
It seemed like I had a plan.
The fact that I went ahead and did just that; just shows how stupid I was.
I proceeded to climb the tree and that wasn’t easy. Did I mention that I was only wearing Hello Kitty slippers and a draughty nightie (pink)?
I now have to explain something. I have a cat. Her name is Willow and she is my familiar. She is black and sleek with a lovely silky coat and she is supposed to connect with me on many different levels.
Up until before my change to witchhood, she had not done much with me and had just been a friendly face amongst a see of angst, but now I was a witch, we seemed more in tune with each other’s vibes. This normally meant that I could sense if she was hungry or wanted to use the potty, so it was a bit of a one-way thing but I had high hopes of a more balance relationship in the future.
As I attempted to climb delicately and quietly into the bedroom she was on the bed and washing her undercarriage ¬ ¬—a bit gross, but whatever floats her boat. She looked up as I stepped into the room and I thought I sensed that she was glad to see me but was a bit puzzled about my appearance in the moonlit room.
I think that I did look a bit different now, what with the longer hair, which on reflection was now black rather than dirty blond, and blown up breasts (I found out later that I had gone from an A to a B cup).
She sort of purred, then her eyes narrowed and then, she meowed loudly, so loudly that the mirror on the wall shook.
The door opened with a crash and there was Mum looking like she was a wee bit annoyed…strike that…incandescent with rage.
The trouble was that I was getting hungry again and Mum’s neck looked very inviting for some reason. I could hear a hissing cat in the background but I was focused on Mum.
My breathing started to get labored and my heart was beating loudly.
I was looking at Mum through a red haze and the blood vessels on her neck were clearly visible and rather inviting.
I could feel two sharp teeth slide past my top lip and I went towards Mum…
To be continued…
Please note that no rabbits or other furry animals were permanently harmed in the writing of this story and it was written on a clean, environmentally friendly, ridiculously expensive, over hyped and over priced Apple iMac.

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So something is not normal here.. grin !!! SPOILERS !!!!!
Witches are supposedly immune to vampirism and humans unless changed get weird effects sometimes but do not become vampires.
So WHAT happened?
Though I wonder. Tiffany was intersexed and her runaway dad a minor talent as a warlock.
Part mundane bloodline so vampire blood could affect her to a degree?
Or is the magic talent in her so great and untrained that when she said how unfair it was, being only five weeks apart in age that they were in different grades did she subconously start a spell to make her and her vampire BFF more alike, even perhaps twins? IE she now an undead or a bit of a hybrid?
The sudden breast growth and changes to her hair AND that she has all the vampire powers of her friend hint at that.
Hum, is her friend changed, IE now part witch/part human again?
And who changed Ceili into a vampire? And why?
Neat little tale. Hope to hear more about the other former boy now witch prodigy you created last year.
Sweet series these St Vlad tales.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Give Us A Suck
What's a little blood between friends....or family? Tiffany may end up being related to Buffy as well as Celli. And what will happen to Mum?
Ok, that was...
Different. I don't know a lot about the unseen world, so guess I'll just wait and see what's next. (Hugs) Taarpa
I Didn’t See That Coming!
I Bet she didn't!
Like she wasn't different enough already.
Let's hope little Tiff can cope well with different.
Witch, 'Girlified' And now a Vampire.
Well I got a feeling it's going to be an interesting life for her.
I Didn’t See That Coming!
That witch on the broom is adorable. I wonder if her Mum and/or sisters spelled her rom boy to girl.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Now this is a toothy problem.
Good heavens, I do hope that Mum can get her sorted. This looks to be a fun tale.
This is a great funny start and I can't wait for the next chapter.
The animations are wonderful , how did you do them ?
you can find these free animated .gif's online
by typing into Google "free anime girl .gif's Halloween" and you will see a whole list of websites that have them. You can choose a different holiday to get different types too.
Pinkie and Perky
Love it, cute pic too
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
You seldom see.
The thing that bites you. But this is realy out from some inter-dimensional fields neither left or right. Just a weird one that opens up swallowing all with in its reach. I hope that mom gets her act together within the next 2 or 3 seconds so she can stop a mess from happening. Her child is not responsible for there actions so grinding her into the ground is not a solution.
I am hoping that a leader from the Vampire union and the BFF senses something is off and comes a running to sort this mess out before someone louses there head.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Yay! More St. Vlad's!
Huzzah! More St. Vlad's, what joy! Can't wait to read more, to see how Tiffany deals with Vampification, and if she still has any witcheryness. Betcha Celli gets in trouble, too, 'cause it's all her fault. Hopefully we won't have to wait until next Halloween for the continuation, hint hint.
John Robert Mead
Well, it's been two and a
Well, it's been two and a half years since this part of the story was posted - any part two coming along? Hoping that you're still around and writing.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.