The Change

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I knew it was going to be my lucky night.

I saw her through the smoke, flashing strobe lights and heaving bodies on
the Disco floor. She was sitting alone; just like a cherry waiting to be


The Change


Susan Brown

I knew it was going to be my lucky night.

I saw her through the smoke, flashing strobe lights and heaving bodies on
the Disco floor. She was sitting alone; just like a cherry waiting to be

She was gorgeous. Tall, slim, blond hair and a face, ooh that face, straight
out of a beauty magazine.

My date had blown me out. Just because I suggested going back to her
place for some fun. Ah well easy cum easy go. This chick was a hundred
times better than the tart that had dumped me.

I'm an expert on women. The ones that I go out with all want the same as
me; sex without ties. I give them a good night; you know wham bam
thank you Ma'am, and then on to the next conquest. I didn't want to be
tied down. I wanted to be a free agent, spreading my horny seed wherever
I want. OK some tried to get serious but I never gave my address or any
phone number, as it saved complications.

Anyway, there she was sitting there just waiting for a lay, and I was going
to be it. God, she was a lucky girl!

I pushed my way through the crowds over to her table and said, 'Fancy a

She looked me up and down and then said, ' No thanks, I'm waiting for a

She obviously needed glasses or something. How could she resist me!

'Been waiting for him long?' I asked.

She looked at her watch, 'About 30 minutes'

'He's not going to turn up. How about I get you a drink and if he comes,
I'll disappear. OK?'

She looked at me again from the top of my blond hair to the tip of my
toes, sighed and said, 'OK you can buy me one drink, but if Danny shows
up, you must promise to go.'

She still didn't seem that enthusiastic, but I had a way with girls and I
soon had her laughing, drinking and dancing. I told you that I'm good.

The evening passed away pleasantly. As expected, she was putty in my
hands, after I had given her enough drinks and whispered enough sweet
nothings into her delicate little ear.

It was about 2 in the morning after having a nice smoochy dance that she
said, 'I'm getting tired, honey. I need to go home, can you take me?'

I didn't need a second invitation. I got a taxi and we were soon outside
her house. It was a very quiet area with houses well spread out. The
properties were expensive and she must have been well off to live here.

I paid the taxi driver and she unlocked the door and went in, with me
close behind. I didn't want any, 'Thanks for the nice evening and
goodbye.' scenarios.

The place was expensive and tastefully decorated. She took me into a
large room with books lining the walls, deep armchairs dotted around and
a cheerful fireplace with logs burning and crackling in the grate.

'You have a great place here, honey'. I said looking around.

'Yes, it was Mums' house and I inherited it when she died. What would
you like to drink?'

'Whisky and soda please honey. Where's your bedroom?' I can be very
direct when I'm feeling horny and to be honest, my prick was dancing a
samba downstairs.

'She laughed and said, 'Later sweetie, later.'

She went over to the bar in the corner and mixed two drinks. I sat on the
sofa and she the came over and handed me my drink.

'There you are honey, I hope it's OK'.

I took a sip and could feel the liquor sliding gently into my stomach.
'Mm,' I said. 'Great scotch'.

She looked at me with obvious passion in her eyes and said, 'Drink up
quickly honey, I can't wait to have you.'

I didn't need a second invitation, so I gulped my drink down and in no
time she was leading me to her bedroom. I must have drunk the scotch a
bit too quickly because I was feeling a bit light headed, but in no time we
were on her king sized bed with black satin sheets, kissing and groping at
each other like there was no tomorrow.

'Take your clothes off honey while I go to the bathroom'. She said.

I wasted no time getting undressed; although I did still feel the effects of
the drink and this was slowing me down somewhat. I lay down on the
cool satin sheets and started yawning. I couldn't stay awake. My eyes
started to close. I was feeling very tired and relaxed. I heard a sound. She
was coming back into the room. I tried lifting my head but couldn't. She
stood over me, looking down. She seemed fuzzy around the edges. I
couldn't focus my eyes and I kept on wanting to close them. I was feeling
seriously weird!

'Are you sleepy honey? Never mind, we can wait until tomorrow. We
have plenty of time.'

I saw her smiling as I finally fell into oblivion and knew no more.

Chapter 2

I woke up slowly, not realising where I was. My eyes opened reluctantly
and I saw that it was still night time and the room was softly lit by a lamp
over in the corner.

I went to get up and found, to my horror that my arms and legs were
chained to the bed and in addition to this, my chest was strapped down as

A clear liquid was suspended in a bag on a hook above the bed and the
tube came down, went under a bandage and into my left arm. I could feel
the needle in me but it wasn't hurting.

I was confused. Was I ill? Is that why I passed out? Why was I chained to
the bed?

I raised my head and looked down my body I seemed to be wearing some
sort of white satin nightdress and nothing else.

I also had the most enormous hard on. My prick was rock hard and
throbbing under the diaphanous satin material.

Just then she walked in, wearing a Doctors white coat and nothing else.

'Hello honey, feeling better.'

'What the fuck is going on!'

'Don't worry honey, I'm a doctor, you are safe with me. You haven't been
well but you are going to get better.'

'What's wrong with me.'

'All in good time honey,'

She walked over to me, reached above the bed, picked up a thermometer
and put it in my mouth.

She then checked the drip and took the thermometer out.

'That's fine Honey, you are getting along OK.'

'Please tell me what's wrong with me.'

She looked at me thoughtfully and then said, 'Well honey, you have been
ill and while you were under I took a few tests. It appears that you have
far to many male hormones in you and this makes you aggressive and
unstable. Men who are like that are a danger to society and to themselves.
As a matter of interest, you went out with my sister a while back, her
name is Sharon, remember?'

I shook my head, confused at what she was saying and what the hell was
going on.

'Of course, you never ask their names do you. You don't even know mine.
It's Phillipa. Nice name isn't it. I know yours of course, it's Paul Roberts;
boring name, isn't it. I know, I think I'll call you Paula, now that's a nice
name don't you think? Paula Roberts, nice ring to it.

'It's a girls name,' I said, 'My name is Paul not Paula.'

'Never mind that now, Paula, you will get used to it. Now one of the
things we need to do is get rid of some of those nasty male hormones to
make you more stable and nice.'

With that, she put on a pair of rubber gloves, pulled up my nightie, put a
condom on my engorged penis and proceeded to jack me off. In no time I
had an orgasm which was, to say the least, incredibly intense nd left me

'Feeling better now honey? OK you just lie there and I'll help you get rid
some more of that nasty semen; its better out than in you know! Once
your levels have gone down enough, we can get you started on the
hormone treatment.'

She undid the strap around my middle. I didn't have the strength to move.
She then took off the chains around my ankles. My legs were like lead. I
felt as weak as a kitten. In fact a weak kitten could have beaten me up and
I would have just done nothing to stop it. In short, I was knackered.

She reached down beneath the bed and pulled something out. It was a butt
plug, an enormous pink one with ridges all the way down it. It had a
button on the end and a switch. My eyes were staring out of my head
when I saw this huge thing.

'No, you can't. Have pity on me!'

'Like you pitied my sister and all the other unfortunates that you have had
sex with?'

I struggled but could hardly move.

'Don't thresh about Paula, you can't go anywhere and I have control over
your body through your drip. You feel weak but you have enhanced
feelings of pain and pleasure. It's wonderful what drugs are available
now, don't you think? You need to find your inner self and fully explore
your needs and desires. I am here to help you and make you a better
person. Now if you don't be good I will gag you. Do you want that?'

I shook my head, as I couldn't speak. I just started shaking uncontrollably
as she lifted me slightly, opened my legs and pushed the now lubricated
butt plug in slowly, as far as it would go. I gasped with pain, my eyes
watered and I started to struggle, but I was too weak.

She did something that I couldn't see to the butt plug and it started to
shake move and vibrate in me. I could feel every movement and it hurt!

I screamed but Paula took no notice a she carried on, trying to get me to
cum again.

She started to stroke my legs and groin. She then licked around my
painful tool until, unbelievably, it started to get big again. It was so sore
but it got bigger and bigger. I couldn't contain myself. The pain from my
rear end was unbelievable.

'Paula honey, just relax, if you're tense it will hurt.

I tried to relax but it was so hard. In the end I did let my buttock muscles
relax, and hey, it felt better. I relaxed a bit more and then the strangest
thing happened; although I was sore, I began to enjoy the strange
writhing thing inside of me. Was this what it was like for a girl?

Paula was busy whilst all this was going on. She once again started to
jack off my now engorged penis and in an incredibly short time, I came
with an intensity that surpassed anything I had ever experienced before.

'See what it's like to be used? How does it feel to be on the receiving

My body arched again and again. Wave upon wave of shear pain and
pleasure washed over me until I blacked out after the most intense orgasm
I had ever encountered.

Chapter 3

When I woke up, I could see daylight through the curtains.

I was still in bed but with the covers over me and I gradually awoke from
my sex-induced sleep.

I was worn out and so weak that I couldn't move.

'Hello sleepyhead, how do you feel?'


'That's normal.' Phillipa said. 'You will be pleased to know that your
treatment has continued while you were asleep. Would you like to see
what we have done for you?'

I nodded reluctantly. My heart was beating faster and I started to sweat.
What had this evil bitch done now to compound my misery!

She pulled down the sheet that was covering me and I saw that I was now

wearing a pink nightie with bows on. That didn't attract my attention so
much, but the bumps underneath did! I had breasts! Not very big, but
definitely female breasts.

She pulled up my nightie so that I could see what she had done.

'Aren't they pretty? I used nice silicon implants and they suit your lovely
slim figure. Don't you think?'

I looked at the breasts and saw that my body had been shaved of hair. I
couldn't understand why she was doing all this to me. I was weak, so very
weak and I started to cry. I never cry, it's not manly, but I cried the tears
of the weak and oppressed. I sobbed at the injustice of being turned into
this woman's plaything and not having any control over my body. I was
still chained by my hands and I could not move. I saw that a thin tube had
been put into my penis, so that I even had the indignity of having my
bladder controlled for me.

'Oh honey you're upset. I can't have that. I want you to be happy, Just lie
here for a while and listen to this tape. You might feel a bit sleepy, that's
OK, don't fight it. I will see you later'.

She slipped some earphones over my ears, did something to my drip bag
and left the room.

I couldn't help myself. My eyes felt heavy and I was so sleepy. I heard
through the earphones some peaceful classical music and then a woman's
voice; I'm sure it was Phillipa's.

It kept repeating the same things over and over. 'I want to be a girl. I need
to be girl. I feel like a girl. I am a girl. Men are bad. Men can hurt me. I
hate men. I want to be a girl. I will be a girl. I like Phillipa, I love
Phillipa, She is wonderful, She is helping me.'

Over and over until I drifted into sleep, dreaming of being a girl despite

I woke up with a blinding headache and a sore throat. My nipples ached
and I felt like death warmed up.

'Hi honey, how are you today?'

'Sick,' I croaked out in a strangely high-pitched voice.

'You will feel better soon sweetie. Do you like your new voice? It sounds
a bit rough at the moment, but it will get better shortly'.

She messed about with my temperature and blood pressure, putting the
details down on a board.

I knew that she had been doing things with my body. But I didn't mind,
Phillipa was my friend she would help me get better.

I noticed that I didn't have chains on me anymore and I stretched as much
as I could with the drip still in my arm.

'I know I can trust you now Paula, so I have taken all your restraints off.
Here drink this, it will make your sore throat go away.'

I drank the pink liquid and immediately felt better. I said, 'Thank you,'

My voice was that of a girl!

I gasped, 'What have you done Phillipa?'

We have been able to change your voice and also get rid of that lumpy
adams apple. Do you like your voice? I think it sounds sweet. I have also
taken the liberty of making your face a bit more feminine. I have removed
all your unwanted hair shaped your eyebrows and made your lips more
sensual. You are now getting to look like the nice girl you want to be.'

I heard all of this in a daze. I felt like I two different people in the same
body. One part of me hated what was happening but another part was
thrilled at the thought of being a woman. I loved Phillipa with all my
heart and yet I hated her for what she was doing for me. I was confused
and couldn't understand what was happening.

I started to cry; I truthfully don't know if it was tears of happiness or pain.

Phillipa cuddled me and caressed me until I stopped crying. She was
really nice and it was comforting to know that she was there to help me.

'Feel better honey?'

'Yes Phillipa, but why do I feel so tired all the time?'

'Its because your body is changing and going through a metamorphosis.
You are like a caterpillar, which will very soon change into a butterfly,
but until that happens, you will need all the sleep you can get.

She plumped up my pillows and lay my head down saying, 'now I am
going to put your headphones on again, they will help you sleep, good
night honey'.

She kissed me and left the room, turning off the light as she went.

I could here the music coming from my headphones and then the lovely
voice of Phillipa as she said ''I want to be a girl. I need to be girl. I feel
like a girl. I am a girl. Men are bad. Men can hurt me. I hate men. I want
to be girl. I will be a girl. I like Phillipa, I love Phillipa, She is wonderful,
She is helping me…'

Chapter 4

'Wake up Paula,'

Phillipa was shaking me gently. I opened my eyes to see the lovely face
lying beside me and smiling at me.

'How do you feel?'

'Great,' I said happily. It was nice to have her in bed with me.

She was wearing a see through nightie, which left nothing to the
imagination and she looked sexy and lovely.

I did feel great, I don't know how long I had been asleep but I knew that I
felt better, much better. I looked down at my body eager to see what had
been done to me while I was asleep.

I was wearing a pink satin baby doll nightie with matching panties. The
shape of my body was definitely feminine and I curved where a woman
curved. My legs were shapely and completely free of hair. The only thing
that didn't look right was the bulge where my cock and balls were. I
frowned. 'What's wrong Honey?' said Phillipa anxiously.

I pointed to my manhood, a reminder of all the things I now detested.

'Its OK honey, with all the hormones that you have had, it's not much use
for anything now. Just say the word and I will make sure it goes away
forever. It has to be your decision. I won't get rid of it without your
permission. Once you have had the operation, there is no turning back.'

I suddenly felt confused and disorientated.

'Don't decide now, let's have some breakfast.'

She got up and then helped me to get up as well. I was very shaky. She
unhooked my drip and took the needle out. I was pleased that the tube
that had been in my penis had been removed while I was asleep. That was
one pain that I had been able to avoid!

'You won't need the drip anymore, just some pills to help maintain what
you have already achieved.'

She took me by the hand and led me into the dining room, where food
was already on the table.

I loved the weight of my breasts as they gently moved as I walked. The
sensual feeling of my nightdress against my smooth hairless body was a

I found that I was very hungry and I ate ravenously, with Phillipa looking
on with an amused look on her face.

Once I had finished, Phillipa said, 'Well Paula, I think you now need to
see what a woman does to get herself pretty. Would you like to put on
some nice clothes?'

'Yes please.'

She walked me into another bedroom. I was still very week and I needed
to lean heavily on Phillipa's arm. One side of the room was taken up with
rack upon rack of clothes in all the colours of the rainbow. The opposite
wall was just a huge mirror from floor to ceiling. There were two deep
chairs and in the middle of the room and a big circular bed covered with
satin and lace over in the corner.

'Now lets see what will be nice for you. First things first, lets have a

We took our nighties' off and walked over to a door that opened into a
sumptuous marble bathroom, with a plunge bath and shower. Phillipa
led me over to the shower and we got in together.

She turned on the shower and we felt the lovely warm water cascading
down our bodies.

I loved the closeness of Phillipa, I saw the wonderful shape of her body,
her lovely wet face, her pert little breasts and lovely crack with a nice
covering of blond hair.

I touched her breast and felt it harden immediately. I stroked her butt and
loved the feeling. I could not do anything about it because my cock was
almost non existent. I wanted her but had nothing. She groaned and I got
upset because I wanted to show how much I loved her but couldn't do
anything about it!

'I want you Phillipa but I can't have you.'

'Wait there honey.'

With that she left the shower and then came back in a few moments. She
had a long white dildo. She strapped it on me and it stuck out in front of
me. Now I could give pleasure to my Phillipa. But she also brought in a
butt vibrator for me! I guided the head of the dildo into Phillipa's warm
juicy crack. She shuddered while I did this and grabbed me close. As I
opened my legs she put the vibrator into my moist hole.

She switched the vibrator on and then, within seconds, we were riding on
wave upon wave of unbridled passion.

The warm water was still flowing over us, increasing our sensuality and
we hit peaks of passion previously unknown to me. My prick was still
small and weak but I orgasmed again and again in time with my darling
Phillipa. Small drips of cum fell off the end of my shrivelled penis onto
the wet floor and were washed away. We had our tongues down each
other's throats and we explored every erotic region as we kept reaching
heights of ecstasy.

We finally finished and dried each other off.

We put our nighties' back on and lay in complete exhaustion on the big
round bed.

I must have fallen asleep because when I awoke Phillipa was gone.

There was a note on the pillow.

Paula Honey,

I could see that you were very tired, so we will put off the fashion parade
until later.

I have had to go out for a while. I will be back soon, so why don't you try
on some clothes and makeup, just to give you some practice?

Love Phillipa.

Chapter 5

I got up, still feeling warm and happy from our wonderful lovemaking.
My rear end was a bit sore but I didn't mind as it reminded me of our

I walked over to the closets and looked at all the fantastic clothes in there.

I didn't think about leaving. I know I could have left if I wanted, but I no
longer needed to leave. I wasn't Paul anymore. He seemed like a bad
dream to me now. I loved being Paula and I wanted to be her forever. I
also loved Phillipa with a passion that I had never experienced before
with anyone else.

I decided to see what I could find in the way of panties and bras. I walked
over to a chest of drawers and opened them up. There were panties, bras,
slips, tights, stockings and suspenders. Everything a girl could dream of
in all shapes and colours.

I found a pretty black satin bra, panties and garter set. They fitted like
they were made for me. I loved the sensual feeling of the satin and lace as
the lingerie hugged the contours of my body. The bra supported the
weight of my breasts and felt incredibly luxurious.

I then found some sheer nylons, also black, which I slid up my hairless
and smooth legs. I attached the nylons to the lacy garters; my hands were
trembling with excitement. When I was finished, I looked and felt great
and very sexy indeed!

I went over to the dressing table. There were lots of different types of
makeup to help make me look beautiful.

I had often watched girls put on makeup; it fascinated me how a face
could change with just a few strokes of lipstick and other things.

I found some foundation and dabbed it on. I smoothed it over my face,
not forgetting my neck. I then put on some mascara. My eyelashes looked
lovely and thick. Then it was time for the eyeliner. This made my eyes
look big and innocent. I brushed some bronzing powder over my face and
then carefully applied the lipstick and then finished it off with some shiny
lip-gloss. I got that wrong a couple of times and started over, but in the
end I got the luscious full lipped affect that I wanted and was stunned at
the change in my face. I was beautiful!

I picked up a bottle of nail varnish that closely matched my lip-gloss and
I carefully put it on. I had to be careful, as my hands were still a bit
shaky; however I was soon finished and I cleaned up the small amount
that had strayed onto my fingers. Once dried, the overall effect was just
what I wanted. A classic look of a glamorous young woman.

I wanted to smell nice as well as look nice, so I picked up a bottle of
perfume and dabbed it behind my ears and on my wrists.

I don't know how long I had been at Phillipa's house as time had no
meaning for me now, but I did notice that my hair was now down to my
shoulders and looked very soft and feminine. I brushed my hair so that it
shone. I must admit, that it looked beautiful.

I went over to the closet and picked out several dresses that I thought
might suit me. I tried them all on, but kept coming back to a little black
number that looked great. I put it on and I thought that it was the best
thing that I had ever worn. The only problem was that I had a bulge in the
front that spoiled the line of the dress. I was beginning to hate that
growth. I wished that I could be rid of it.

Just then Phillipa came in.

I turned round and she gasped as she said, 'Paula, is that you?'

'Yes darling, what do you think?'

'You look stunning!'

She came over and gave me a big hug and a kiss. 'I didn't recognise you. I
didn't think you could look so beautiful. Turn around so that I can see all
of you.'

I did a twirl, squealing with delight as I did so.

'Oh Paula, you look like a real girl now. How do you feel?'

'Like a million dollars,' I laughed, 'but I have one problem, look.' I
pointed to the bulge between my legs.

'Hang on a minute,' said Phillipa who went over to a drawer and pulled
out a wide belt with straps on it. Lift your dress up and open your legs

I did as I was told.

She put the belt on me, it was tight and was wide enough to cover my
scrotum and tiny penis. She put the straps under my groin and attached it
to the back. I pulled down my dress and smoothed it down over my now
shapely thighs. Any sign of my manhood had now disappeared. It felt a
bit uncomfortable but it looked great. I would do anything now to be a

Phillipa brought over some shoes with a 3-inch heel.

'Try these on Honey.'

I slid my stockinged feet in the black shiny shoes. They fitted like a

'Now try walking in them.'

I stood up and tried to walk I nearly lost my balance, but darling Phillipa
was there to help me. After a few minutes, I could walk by myself. I had
to walk with a slight sway in my hips and once I got the hang of it, I
thought that it was the most natural way to walk.

After walking about for 10 minutes my calves began to ache. Phillipa saw
this and changed my shoes for ones with a lower heal. They were more
comfortable, but not so sexy!

Phillipa gave me a gold bangle bracelet, some rings and a lovely gold
chain with a heart locket and then helped me put them on. She also had
some earrings for me, but my ears hadn't been pierced ears yet.

'Would you like me to do it for you?'

'I would love to wear those pretty earrings,' I said enthusiastically.

'Lets have some lunch, and I'll do it after for you,' said Phillipa.

We went into the kitchen where I found that a salad had been prepared
and was waiting for us.

We ate in companionable silence. It was nice to be with a girl who I
didn't need to make conversation with. Just being with each other was the
only thing I wanted. No small talk was necessary.

Also I was getting used to my new body and the way I could feel the soft,
silky clinginess of my lovely clothes. The sight of my nail varnished
hands and the soft caress of the sheer stockings all made me feel very
feminine. Paul was a long way away now. I didn't want him back.

'What are you thinking Honey?' said Phillipa.

'Oh, how I was when I was Paul. What a shit he was. I can't imagine
being him anymore. I feel that I am a new person.'

I could see a small tear appear in the corner of her eye and she looked

'What's wrong Phillipa?'

'Oh nothing, don't worry about me. I'm just being silly and girly.'

I was still concerned, but didn't say any more. We finished our meal and
then Phillipa led me into another room.

'This is my surgery,' said Phillipa, 'I don't use it much any more because I
have a new one in the town centre.'

She walked over to a cabinet took out an appliance that looked a bit like a
staple gun.

'Come and sit over here Honey and I'll do your ears.'

I sat in the deep leather chair, as Phillipa sprayed something cold on my
left earlobe. My ear went numb and Phillipa put the gun against it and I
heard a snap sound and felt a little pick of pain. It went away quickly and
in no time Phillipa repeated the procedure on the other ear.

I looked in a mirror and saw the lovely diamond gold studs in my ears. I
was getting to look more and more like a woman and I loved it.

Just then I yawned, I was feeling very tired after all that had happened to
me. Phillipa saw that I needed to rest so she led me back to the bedroom
with the large circular bed and helped me get undressed. She also helped
me take off my makeup. I didn't want to take it off but Phillipa said that
you should never go to bed with makeup on, if you can help it.

I chose a long pink satin nightdress and as it slid over my smooth
shoulders, I felt so lovely and like a real woman.

I was now so tired that Phillipa had to help me get into bed. She leant
over me and kissed me on the forehead.

'Have some sleep now Honey. I need to go to work. Just take these pills.
Now I'll just put these earphones on you so you can listen to the nice
music. It will help you sleep. When I get back, I'll wake you up.'

As she walked to the door, I was going to say something but couldn't
think very clearly. I was just too tired. I listened to the soothing music
and then I heard Phillipa lovely voice. I listened for a bit, but I was too
tired and I fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 6

I awoke to a feeling of deep happiness. Phillipa was in bed with me and
was naked. She was kissing me all over, getting me aroused. What a way
to get woken up!

I started to return her kisses and we entwined ourselves in a lover's
embrace. She had put on a two-headed strap dildo; one end of which was
in her crack. She asked me to turn over.

I gladly went onto my stomach and I felt something slippery being
applied to my anus. The next thing I felt was the cool dildo entering the
moist crack of my butt.

She gently pushed it in and out, gradually getting faster and faster. I was
getting hotter and hotter until I orgasmed like never before. I thought the
last time was like being in heaven, but this time it was so intense, that I
screamed with pleasure. My body was wracked in wave after wave of
ecstatic and erotic pleasure. It had never been like this as a man. It was
mind numbing. My whole body was affected, except, of course, my penis,
which did not seem to get erect like it used to.

After what seemed like a century we stopped for a rest. We lay together,
hot, sweaty and loving. We were panting as if we had run a marathon; we
had I suppose - a sexual marathon!

In spite off all the things that had happened to me, I still felt that there
was something missing. I couldn't tie it down. I felt a void in me that I
couldn't get rid of. Something was wrong. I looked at my body and it was
lovely. I knew my face was now a girl's face. I could walk down the road
and no one would think I wasn't a woman.

I turned over and as I did I felt my scrotum and penis move. My penis
had, by now, nearly disappeared into my body. It was weak useless and of
no use to me in my new life. I wanted to cut it off and get rid of it like
you would remove an unwanted growth.

I turned back to Phillipa and said gently, 'Are you awake?'

'Yes honey,'

'How can I get rid of what left of my manhood?'

Phillipa sat up and said, 'You know what you are saying, don't you? You
are asking me to get rid of the only thing left that makes you a man. Once
it's gone you can't have it back.'

'I know, but I'm so happy being a girl and I want to be one forever, not a
hairy man, with no manners and an attitude of a pig. Please, please do it
for me!'

Phillipa looked at me for a few moments. She looked like she was going
to say something. She then looked over at the wall, where I knew was a

photo of her sister and then seemed to come to a decision.

'OK Honey if that's what you really want. I'll do it for you. You must not
eat for 24 Hours so it will be OK to do it about this time tomorrow. Stay
here, I won't be a minute'

She got up and went out, coming back with a glass of clear blue liquid.

'Drink this Honey, you need to get as much rest as possible.'

I drank down the sweet liquid and lay back on the bed. My eyes closed
suddenly and I felt myself drift off to the sound of the classical music.

Chapter 7

I woke up gradually, coming out of a very deep sleep.

I felt dizzy and a bit sick. I didn't want to open my eyes because I could
see a strong light through my eyelids.

I lifted my hand up to my eyes as I cracked them open a fraction. They
were gummy and sticky, so I rubbed them until I was able to open them
without hurting.

At first I didn't know where I was. I knew I was in bed, that was obvious,
but for the life of me I couldn't remember where I was.

I shut my eyes and tried to think. Then it came to me. I was in Phillipa's
house. I must be in the bedroom. I opened my eyes and looked around for
my darling Phillipa.

Something was wrong, this wasn't Phillipa's bedroom. This was my own
bedroom in my apartment. I tensed up. What the hell was going on here.

I sat bolt upright and screamed. I had terrible pains from my groin area. I
immediately pulled the sheet off of me and saw what she had done. I
looked down and saw that I was wearing a pale blue nightie. There was
no bulge in my groin.

I lifted up the nightdress slowly and saw that my prick and scrotum were
gone! She had made me into a woman. The pain got worse as I tensed up
and it was so painful that I blacked out.

When I came too again, the pain was just a nagging throb. I tried to get
up, but it made me feel dizzy, so I lay back down and turned over.

I heard the crinkle of paper from under the pillow and saw it was a letter
with Paul written on the envelope.

I sat up carefully and opened the letter. It said:

Hello Paul,

Recognise where you are?
Yes back in that brothel that you call home.
You may be wondering why you are there and where I am.
Well here's a little story:

Once upon a time there was a nice young virgin girl.

She went to a disco in the centre of town with her elder sister. It was a big
noisy disco with lots of people. The girl got separated from her sister
somehow and she met up with a man.

The man tried it on with her and she got sucked in, He took her to bed in
some seedy motel room. He then had sex with her. The next morning he
was gone.

He had made her pregnant and he never knew it. She tried to find the
man, to let him know what was going on, but she only had a name and a
description. The slime ball had vanished.

Seven months later she went into premature labour. There were
complications and she died together with the unborn infant.

That was two years ago.

Since then the elder sister tried to find that man. She had an investigator
find him and let her know about what he was like and what his
movements were. It took a while but she had plenty of money. It was
worth it. The man was finally tracked down and she made first contact
with him in a disco that he often frequented, looking for easy sex.

Well you know the rest Paul. You were the slime ball and I was the sister.

I decided to put you in a position whereby I would have complete power
over you. I used drugs, sex and suggestion tapes over a number of months
to condition you into wanting to be a girl. I made you love me as you
loved no other. I wanted you to be a woman who would be the subject of
men's desires. I wanted you to feel the pain and suffering of male abuse.
To be humiliated and treated as just a sex object.

Finally, you begged me to remove your manhood. I did it so you could
not turn back into the animal you used to be. You have been kept under
sedation until most of the healing has been completed. I did not want you
to go through the pain that you were once willing to give others. I have
compassion even if you don't.

I have more mercy than you do. I am a woman and I am normally gentle
and kind. Being a doctor, I save lives, not ruin them. So after your final
operation I decided to just return you to your home and leave you to make
your own way in the world as a female. Perhaps you will rise to the
occasion. Perhaps you will sink into the gutter. Only you can decide
which it is to be. All this is a small price to pay for what you did to my
darling sister.

I have put the name, address and phone number of a Doctor on the back
of this letter. She will help you with your postoperative treatment. In the
interim, the blue pills on the bedside cabinet are painkillers and the white
ones are hormones. You should take them, but have no interest whether
you do or don't. I have also left you some things in a case for you to use
or not. It's up to you.


PS Don't try to find me I have moved.

Chapter 8

I lay on the bed not moving.

I tried to cry but the tears would not come. I didn't know the girl I had
made pregnant. I didn't know that she died with the baby. I just didn't!

I looked back on my life and saw that I was just a selfish bastard. Taking
girls for my own pleasure not knowing or caring that I might leave a trail
of destruction behind me.

I went through every emotion, anger, remorse, fear, and pain until finally
I accepted the fact that I was now no longer Paul, a lecherous bastard
with no thought of anyone but himself, but a woman. A woman with finer
feelings and the ability to love and be loved and a woman with
compassion. I couldn't change the past but I can make a go of the future
and that is what I decided to do.

I took some painkillers and hormones. I then rang the Doctor who
evidently was expecting a call. I made an appointment for an hour's time.

I got up shakily and went for a shower. I washed Paul out of my body
under that shower and I was cleaner in body and mind when I came out.

I went to the toilet, it was very painful but the pain was nothing to my
feelings of remorse for the dead girl and the baby that I would never see.

I found the case in the bedroom. I opened it and saw that it was full of
women's clothes, makeup, shoes and a small case with some jewellery in
it. I took everything out and found some things to throw on. I had no
thought of looking sexy or glamorous, I just got dressed in a silk blouse,
knee length frock and tights.

I put on some shoes with low heels and distractedly put on some makeup.
After brushing my hair I looked presentable.

I went to see the doctor, who examined me minutely gave me some more
pills and something to keep my new vagina open and lubricated with.

I asked her if she knew Phillipa, she said that she did and she would not
tell me where she was. She seemed distant and somewhat hostile, so I
didn't press her for more information. I made arrangements to visit every
week and left.

I sat on a bench in a local park for ages, trying to decide what to do with
my life. I was Paula now: I couldn't go back to the office as Paula. I was
an architect working in a large company. I could not face the ridicule of
my showing up at my male orientated workplace with my enforced
change of circumstances. I had to get another job I supposed. My savings
would soon run out without a decent job.

Then my mind returned to Phillipa. I knew that my love for her was
artificial and manipulated, but I still loved her. I could understand her
anger towards me and I had to accept that I would never see her again. I
had to try somehow to forget her.

Life went on for me, if you could call it a life. I didn't have the
confidence to try for another architects job and anyway, all my papers
said I was a male and I needed to change my identity. Not easy to do
without money.

I got a job in a bar as a waitress; as they didn't ask too many questions
about my past. I had decided for the sake of my sanity to forget my
previous life and try to move on.

I moved to a cheaper place to live, as my old apartment was very
expensive. My new place was a rundown dump, but it was all I could

Times were hard for me and the job involved long hours, not many tips
and the continual harassment of men who had big ideas about themselves.
Now I knew what things were like from the female perspective. I met
countless Pauls in my job and I could not believe that I used to be like

Every night when I got home stinking of bear and stale cigarettes, I had to
have a shower to cleanse myself of my days labour. My body was by now
free of pain but my mind wasn't. I felt so guilty about Sharon and the
baby. I truly believed that had I known about the pregnancy, I would have
helped her somehow. I may have been a slime ball where girls were
concerned, but I know that I would have done something to help her, had
I known.

I kept to myself and made no real friends. I didn't fancy men and still
preferred the company of women. But I was now shy, withdrawn and not
up to any sort of social scene, even if I could afford it. I was slowly
saving up some money to try to move to a better place, but it took time. I
had written to the authorities regarding my change of sex but red tape
meant that I would have to wait for the powers to be to notice me before I
would be officially classed as a woman. I had changed my name to Paula
and at least I now had a drivers licence with my new name and photo on
it. The funny thing was, I couldn't afford a car with my new licence. I had
to sell my old one to pay for the deposit on my 'new' apartment.

One day after work, I walked to the local park and sat on a bench. It had
been a pig of a day and my bottom was still sore from the groping of the
so-called male clientele.

A man walked by and said, 'Hi sweetie, want some fun?'

I ignored him and he luckily went away.

A few minutes later, he came up to me again and said, 'What's wrong
Sweetie, you look upset.'

'Please leave me alone.'

He put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'Is that a nice way to speak to
someone who's trying to help you?'

He twisted me around, put his hand over my mouth and pushed me into
some thick bushes.

I struggled as hard as I could but I was weak and couldn't put up much of
a struggle. He roughly pulled open my blouse and ripped off my bra,
exposing my breasts. He then opened my legs and pulled my panties
down. I could hear them rip and tear apart in his rough hands.

'If you scream or say a word I will kill you bitch.'

I was so frightened I just nodded.

He pulled his trousers around is ankles and lay heavily on top of me. I
waited for the pain of his entering me when suddenly the bushes were
pushed aside and another man flew at my attacker. I didn't think, I just
got up and ran as fast as I could to get away.

I ran and ran until I was out of breath.

I cried bitterly, feeling dirty from the violation of my body. Depression
and despair rose like a black tide over me.

There was a bridge over the river. I watched the water rushing past under
the bridge and out to the sea. Someone had tried to rape me. A man was
able to treat me like a piece of meat. Was that like me when I was Paul?

I had never raped anyone in my life, but I had done nothing to be proud
about in my dealings with women. I knew that I would never get over my
guilt as long as I lived. I had ruined too many lives for that. I saw that the
only way of ridding myself of this torment was to end it all. I looked up
and saw the fine clouds slowly crossing the sky. There were birds flying
high in the blue air. They seemed free from all the worries and guilt that
we humans have. They don't worry about right or wrong. They don't
need to think where the next penny comes from. They were free to fly as
high as they wanted and not worry about anything except where the next
piece of food comes from. I wished with all my heart that I could lead
such a simple life, but like all humans, rich or poor, nice or evil, we carry
baggage and sometimes that baggage is too heavy to carry.

Without thinking I climbed over the low rail of the bridge and jumped.

The water was icy cold and I gasped as I hit, drawing in the salty water to
my lungs. I went deeper and deeper and finally, I thankfully knew no

Chapter 9

I woke up and was promptly and violently sick. A nurse was standing
over me with a dish, making sure that I didn't puke onto the nice clean
hospital floor.

'About time you woke up dear,' said the elderly nurse kindly. 'How do
you feel?'

'Like I want to die.'

'Don't be silly; a young girl like you with all your life before you? Now
lie down again and I'll call the Doctor.'

She left me alone in that cheerless hospital room, with me wearing a
paper gown and nothing else. The antiseptic smell of hospitals always
made me sick and I heaved up some more water and other stuff into the

I lay back exhausted from my efforts and was very sorry that someone
had fished me out of the river before I died.

I didn't want to be here, I wanted it to be over. No more pain or sorrow.
Next time I would make sure no one was around.

I fell asleep again.

'Wake up Paula,'

My eyes snapped open at the sound of that familiar voice. It was Phillipa!

She was smiling at me. Why and what the hell was she doing here?

'How are you feeling Honey?'

'Confused, why are you here?'

'I work here sometimes. I was here when they brought you in here
yesterday. Why did you try to kill yourself?'

'You know why more than anyone.'

'Tell me, I want to hear it from your own lips.'

The floodgates opened. I told her tearfully about the guilt that I had for
what I had done and the fact that I felt worthless and not deserving of life
when I had been responsible for the taking of other lives. I rambled on
about how I was no longer interested in living and how sorry I was when
I woke up in the hospital.

Phillipa smiled at me, held my hand and said, 'That is what I wanted to
hear. You are sorry for what has happened. I believe in forgiveness. At
first when I had you in my house and was drugging you and changing you
into a woman, I just wanted revenge. I saw you as a loud mouthed, self
opinionated pig with no thought for anyone but yourself. Gradually in
spite of myself I saw changes in you that I liked. I fought against it and
repressed my softer feelings. Once I completed your transformation to
girlhood I had intended to dump you in the street without a stitch of
clothing; but I relented and returned you to your own home. I then felt
guilty, I saw you for what you are now. A vulnerable girl, a bit like my
sister really, unable to cope in a man's world. I had you followed by my
private detective. You were lucky really as this was the last day that he
was scheduled to keep an eye on you. He was following you at a distance
and he didn't see the man until it was too late. He rushed in as soon as he
could and by the time he had the man secured, you had gone. He ran
along the riverbank and saw you jump in. He was only just in time to save
your life.'

I listened to all of this, not knowing how to feel. I was confused and
didn't know what to say.

'Listen Paula, I know that we have both suffered in this. I also know that
you are not all to blame for what happened to my sister. I took her to the
disco and I lost her. So we must both share some of the responsibility.'

I found my voice and said, 'Phillipa, you know that I love you. I know
you will say that it's the drugs and the tapes that have made me love you
but I haven't had them for a while now and I still love you.'

Phillipa looked at me, tears welling in her eyes.

'Paula, I have to think about this. My feelings are all confused. I believe I
love you to. Especially after what's happened. I thought that I could
forget you when I left you in your apartment, but ever since I haven't
been able to get you out of my mind. When I saw you asleep after you
were brought to the hospital, I had feelings that I thought I would never
have again. I can't forget the past .I don't even know how I feel about
myself let alone you. There are things about me that you don't know
about. You may change your mind about me when you know all of my

She stopped and wiped her tears away.

'Look Paula, we can't talk here. The doctors say that you are OK to leave
this aftenoon as long as you feel up to it. Can we meet somewhere
neutral, like a restaurant or something tonight?'

'Yes, Phillipa I would like that, do you know The Bistro?'

'Yes, it's quiet there during the week; shall we meet at about 8 o'clock?'

I nodded, not daring to say anything else, in case she changed her mind.

With that Phillipa left quickly.

I found my clothes in a cupboard; they had been dried and cleaned for
me. The nurse called me a cab and in no time I was home.

I didn't expect to ever see my home again; it's surprising how things

I had three hours before my meeting with Phillipa. I knew more than
anything else in my life that this date was going to be my only chance to
make things better for both Phillipa and me. I was determined to look my
best and I started, right that minute, to do myself justice. I had no more
thoughts of suicide I had just needed to make myself as attractive as
possible for my Phillipa.

Chapter 10

I got undressed and had a bubble bath. Washing all the smells of the
hospital out of my skin. I relaxed in the luxury of the scented foam. I then
washed my hair and added some conditioner. I felt and smelt nice and

After carefully drying my fine blond hair, I put on a negligee and went
over my closet, where I kept my meagre collection of clothes. There were
seven dresses, a number of skirts and blouses, some underwear, shoes and
a pale blue jacket.

I found it difficult to decide what to wear that would please Phillipa.

I took off the negligee, letting it slide off my body and fall to the ground.

I didn't bother with bra and panties yet; I just tried on all of the clothes
using various combinations for different effect.

I kept coming back to a cream silk dress that went down to mid calf. It
flowed as I moved and felt very sexy. It had a high neck with lace trim. It
set my face off to the best advantage.

I took the dress off and put on a cream lace bra. I still marvelled at the
feel of my breasts, and the comfort and support of the fine bra.

I found some fine mesh, stay up stockings and rolled them carefully up
my leg. I loved the sensual feeling they gave me.

I then put on some French satin knickers, the same colour as the bra. I
slipped them up my smooth legs and loved the sensual feel of them.

I put on my negligee again and went over to the table to put some makeup

I stared with the foundation cream and smoothed it over my face and

Once that was done I concentrated on my eyes.

I used pale pink eye shadow on my lids. I then carefully used the eyeliner
to accentuate the look of my blue eyes.

Next I put on some Max Factor mascara, being careful not to put on too

The overall effect was to make my eyes look wide and innocent.

I then picked up some pink blusher and dabbed it on each cheek. I
carefully blended it in to give me a slightly blushed look.

Once I was happy with the look I was trying to achieve, I concentrated on
my lips. I found some pink lip liner and I carefully traced the shape of my
lips, going slightly outside the line of the lips to give myself a fuller look.

I then carefully put on some pink lipstick and used a tissue to get rid of
the excess. Finally I brushed on some lip-gloss to finish.

As a final touch, I brushed some bronze powder lightly over my face to
give me that light tanned look.

Although I was still a novice at putting on makeup, I think I did a fairly
good job. Even though I say it myself; I looked very pretty and was
pleased with the results.

I still had an hour to go before I left, and I spent the time painting my
nails pink to match my lip-gloss.

When I was happy with the results, I took off my negligee and put on a
silk slip, marvelling at the cool smoothness as it fell over my unresisting

Finally I slipped on my lovely cream dress. It looked and felt wonderful;
flowing over my body as I moved and making me feel like a million

I then placed my heart necklace around my neck, a few rings on my
fingers and a bracelet on my wrist and was nearly done.

I put my shoes on as I heard the doorbell. It was the taxi and it was time
to go.

'Won't be a minute,' I shouted out of the window. I took a final look at
myself in the full-length mirror. I was pleased with ht I saw. I could not
have done better than this if I had tried for a million years; I looked like a
young beautiful woman that would not have looked out of place on the
front of a magazine. If I were still Paul, I would have done anything to
take this beauty out.

I picked up my jacket, put it on and walked out for my meeting with
Phillipa. My heart was pounding with a strange combination of anxiety
and anticipation over what was to come.

Chapter 11

The restaurant was quiet as I was led over to a secluded table in the

Phillipa wasn't there yet; I was a bit early on purpose, as I wanted to
compose myself.

My heart was beating so loudly that I was sure that others would hear it. I
was glad that I had put on some deodorant, as I had started to perspire. I
laughed at myself then, thinking that while Paul would sweat, Paula

Just then I saw Phillipa being brought to my table.

'Hello Paula,' said Phillipa rather nervously.

'Hello Phillipa, you look lovely,'

'So do you; your beautiful!'

Phillipa looked stunning in a red satin, Chinese cheongsam with a split up
the side.

She sat down as the waiter came over to ask for our order. We didn't want
to be disturbed, so just asked for the house special and a bottle of white

We said very little while we ate our meal. It was an unspoken agreement
that we would finish before we spoke of more important things.

Finally, when the table had been cleared, we were able to discuss our

'Phillipa, I do love you. I know that it is hard to believe but despite all
that has happened, I love you and want to be with you forever.'

I looked at Phillipa as she struggled to tell me what she thought. My heart
was doing handstands and I was trembling. Would she reject me? I think
if she did, I don't think that I would want to live anymore and I would
finish the job that I had started in the river a short while ago.

'Paula, when you hear about me, you may want to change your mind
about me; no don't interrupt, I want to tell you now while I still have the

She stopped for a moment and sipped her coffee.

'I am not what I seem. I was born a boy. My name was Phillip Ross. I
was not a normal kid. I didn't like playing with boys, only girls. From an
early age, I started to wear my Mum's clothes when she wasn't around. I
loved the feminine look and even when I was 10 I knew that I should
have been born a girl. I was a girl trapped in a boy's body. My Mum
caught me wearing her clothes when I was 13. My Dad had left us, so she
couldn't turn to him for help. She was upset and hurt and shouted at me
never to do it again. I tried to explain but she wouldn't listen… It's like a
drug if you feel that you are a girl and you only feel happy wearing girls
clothes and doing what they do No end of rows with parents can change
the way you are, even if you wanted and I didn't.'

She took another sip of coffee and then continued. 'When I was 16 and
my Sister was 14 my Mum had to go and visit a sick relative. She took
my Sister with her and left the house in my hands. You can guess what
happened, I spent three of the happiest days of my life putting on all of
my Mums clothes, wearing them around the house and going to bed
wearing her nightdresses. I put on make up, found an old wig that she
used to wear, padded her bras with stockings; everything to make me
look a girl. I loved it. I revelled in it and never wanted it to end. I went to
bed one night wearing a long, flowing, pink satin nightdress, full makeup
and the wig. It felt so comfortable, so right, so me. I went to sleep
dreaming of being a girl. Next morning I woke up to see Mom sitting at
the end of the bed looking at me! I didn't say anything; I just burst into
tears. I had been caught out and my Mum would never forgive me for
this. The next thing I knew she was cuddling me and holding me tight.
She told me that everything would be OK. When I quietened down a bit
she told me that when she caught me last time, she had asked advice from
our Doctor. He passed her on to a support group for TV's and TG's. She
had learned a lot from them about many kids who go through a dressing
phase and grow out of it. Some kids don't though and they need special
care and attention. Mum had guessed that I was still dressing and had
noticed that the clothes in her drawers were not exactly as she had left
them. To cut a very long story short, Mum agreed that I could wear girls'
clothes as long as I did it in the house. My sister was told and accepted it
without a problem. When I was 18 I had a sex change and went to med.
School. The rest you know.'

She looked down at her coffee, not looking at me, obviously wondering at
my reaction to her news. I was so relieved, so this was her secret!

I took her hand and said, 'Don't be guilty or ashamed of the past, you are
a girl now and not a boy. I have done so much in my life to make me
ashamed. What you have done is to follow your natural destiny of being a
girl. You are now a woman, a beautiful woman. You have given me the
same gift, for which I am eternally grateful. I was so unhappy as a man,
drifting from town to town, never holding down a job, and leaving a
string of unhappy women behind me. I still love you and I want you to be
with me forever. I cannot live without you. Please, please don't reject me.'

I was crying now, tears of sadness and the possibility that I might still be
rejected by the one I loved.

Phillipa looked up at me, her eyes still moist, smiled and said simply, 'I
love you.'

Chapter 12

We decided to go back to her place and in no time at all we were in bed
together. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. We showered each
other with kisses. She strapped on a double-headed dildo and she inserted
the lubricated ends into both of us and we rode each other to exhaustion.
All our pent up fears and worries went away as we made love repeatedly.

Things moved quickly after that wonderful night and I moved in
permanently with Phillipa. I managed to get new job in a firm of
architects and my life was finally getting to be much better than before.

We had talked about what permanent arrangements we would make. We
both wanted to show each other how we were in love.

'Lets get married,' I said suddenly over the breakfast table.

'What a great idea.'

Phillipa had some contacts in the transgender scene. We contacted a few
TG groups and after looking carefully at our choices, one our friends
suggested a small chapel in the middle of the countryside that was TV
and TG friendly. We spoke to the lady Pastor, who said she would be
happy to marry us.

It was bad luck to see each other in our wedding dresses so I bought mine
in one shop whilst Phillipa used another.

I had everything ready for the big day and couldn't wait for it.

We agreed, just for the night before the wedding, that we would sleep at
the opposite ends of the house.

The alarm rang at 7.00am and I was up and showering before 7.05. I had
my breakfast, in my nightie with a friend of ours, Julie, another TS who
was staying to help me get ready. I then got myself prepared for my big

I know that Phillipa also had one of our TS friends staying with her,
Susan so I had no worries about her. The only problem was that I was
trying desperately not to run into Phillipa before the wedding ceremony
to avoid bad luck. We have had enough of that to last a lifetime!

The wedding was at 12.00 and the car was picking up Julie and me at
11.00. I had no time to loose.

I was to wear a lovely classic full length white silk and satin bridal gown
with lace trimming. I had a fine long veil as well. I could not wait to put
everything on.

However, first Julie put my hair up. She then helped to put on my
favourite makeup of foundation blusher, eye shadow, eyeliner and
mascara. She made sure my lips were just the right shape and colour
before finishing off with the lip-gloss; which was just the right shade of
pink. Of course she painted my nails the matching colour and the overall
effect was exactly right for a blushing bride.

I put on a white silk bra and the briefest of white satin panties, I slipped
up the sheer white stockings, loving the way the hugged my legs, and
attached them to my white lacy suspenders.

It was now time for me to put on my lovely dress. Julie helped me to step
into the cool silk dress. It slid over my shoulders and was done up at the
back by many little diamond buttons. The dress was gathered at the waist
and fanned out over my legs. It had several layers of petticoat to make the
dress fuller. I stepped into my white shoes and then finally Julie helped
me to place the veil over my face. The veil was held on by a diamond
tiara, a present from Phillipa.

I was now ready. I looked in the mirror through my veil and saw a fairy
princess and that princess was me!

The cars arrived at the chapel at the same time. Phillipa and I saw each
other at the chapel door. She was wearing white silk wedding dress with a
net overlay covered in white silk flowers. A tiara that I had given her a
few days before, held on her veil. She looked so beautiful that it was all I
could do to prevent myself from crying and ruining my makeup.

We walked down the isle arm in arm to the sound of the wedding march.
Julie and Susan, our brides maids dressed in pink satin and both looking
gorgeous, followed behind holding our trains. I loved the swish of the
dress against my body and the light touch of the veil against my face.
This was the true feeling of womanhood that I had waited for and I was
more feminine than I had ever felt before.

A few minutes later we were married, promising each other to stay
faithful until death us do part. We lifted our veils and kissed each other
fully on the lips. I could taste Phillipa's lipstick as we French kissed in
front of the whole congregation. We reluctantly stopped after a few
seconds, but looking into Phillipa's eyes, I could see that she was feeling
as randy as me!

Our friends threw confetti over us as we ran to the white Rolls Royce,
taking us to our honeymoon hotel.

We arrived at the hotel and waited for all our guests to arrive. We both
welcomed them as they arrived and we then had a wonderful time being
kissed and complimented on our dresses and how lucky we were to have
found each other.

The next few hours went very quickly, and the meal, speeches, dancing
and many happy faces showed that everyone was having a good time.

Eventually after saying goodbye to everyone. We went up to the
penthouse bridal suite. It was lovely, all pink and white, flowers
everywhere and a bottle of champagne waiting for us.

The bed was huge soft and covered in satin. It was a bed made for love
and we wasted no time in testing it out.

We kissed and cuddled each other standing by the bed. We then slowly
undressed each other. We took of each other's veil and tiara. Then I
turned around as Phillipa slowly undid my dress from the back. It fell to
the floor and I stepped out of it. Turning back to her I returned the favour.
Her dress slipped off of her lovely shoulders. We were now getting so
excited that we pulled off our bras, panties, suspender belts and stockings
as quickly as possible and then, in moments, we were naked and in each
others arms.

We lay on the bed, Phillipa was on top of me and she kissed, cuddled and
caressed me. Phillipa then reluctantly got up, went over to her case and
took out a strap on double dildo, two butt vibrators and some lubricating

I helped her lubricate the dildo and vibrators. I then watched as she
strapped on the dildo, carefully inserting one end of the dildo into her

'Lift up your bottom ad open your legs wide,Honey.'

I did as I was told and she carefully slid the vibrator into my anus. It hurt
a little bit as it went in I was told to relax and it felt much better. She then
put 2 pillows under my bottom with a small gap to accommodate that
base of the vibrator.

'Now lie on your back, and open your legs Darling, I promise I won't hurt
you; I want you to remember the pleasure of this always.'

I lay back carefully onto the pillows, making sure not to dislodge the
vibrator and opened my legs I would trust my dear Phillipa with my life.

She then pushed the other vibrator into her anal passage, shuddering with
pleasure as she did it.

She carefully put the head of the dildo into my new crack and pushed it
deep inside of me. The feeling was smooth and cool; filling me up inside.
I shuddered, not with pain but pleasure. She reached back and switched
on her vibrator and then did the same for me. I nearly came straight away
but controlled myself as much as I could under the circumstances.

She started to push the dildo in and out in and out slowly at first but as
she got excited, she went faster and faster. My new vagina relaxed and
stretched to accommodate the dildo and I felt myself starting to climax.
The vibrations that I was feeling from my anus combined with the
fantastic stimulation I was getting from my vagina all made me nearly
black out with shear ecstasy. I had never felt like this before. It was so

Suddenly I climaxed, my body went into multiple spasms. I screamed
with joy and pleasure as I came again and again. Phillipa's orgasm's
coincided with mine and we were writhing in ecstasy and screaming with
pleasure for many minutes.

My body arched for the final time and we finally lay in each other's arms.
Phillipa was so exhausted she fell asleep almost immediately.

I lay awake for a few minutes thinking about my life and where I was
now. I had found happiness where I didn't deserve it, with a girl that
loved me enough to want to spend the rest of her life with me. I had had
sex that many people never even dreamed of. I was contented and in the
arms of my only true love. I was never a lucky man, but yes, now I am
the luckiest woman in the world and I intend to make my marriage to
Phillipa the happiest ever.


 © Susan Brown 1999 & 2005


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