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It was Ellie, sounding a bit weird, all sort of enticing and come and get me...

Fangs Ain’t What They Used To Be
By Susan Brown
Life for me was pretty good. I was lucky, I had loving parents and went to a good school with lots of friends. I wasn’t cool, but I was coolish, not in the premier league of coolness, more Championship in football parlance.
My name is Paul Burrows and I’m fourteen. I am about 5 foot 3 inches tall and I have just had a growth spurt. I play rugger and cricket and I’m pretty good academically; not at the top of the class but normally in the top five, so not only was I coolish, I was semi-nerdish as well.
Our village isn’t very large and I live in one if the newer houses on the outskirts. There had been more than a little bit of friction when the houses were built, as most of the village dates from the seventeenth century. Anyway, they put the new estate behind a brick wall and sort of segregated the new from the old village. People who lived in the old part of the village were called The Oldies, and we of the newer, and in my opinion nicer and more modern estate were termed as the–you guessed it–The Newies.
We had lived in the village since the new houses had been built, five years previously. I liked it there, but there weren’t that many kids my age which was bit of a downer. I did have two friends though and they both lived on the new estate, so we went around in a sort of a mini gang, beating up little old ladies and running a protection racket for dinner money–no not really, we were quite good kids–sometimes. There was me, Tony, and Ellie. We were always in each other’s houses, Tony went to my school and Ellie went to a girl’s school somewhere out of town where she boarded and came home at weekends. All our parents were friends too, which was nice. Altogether living in the village was not bad at all.
It was nearly Hallowe’en. We had stopped trick or treating a couple of years ago, as we considered that it was too babyish. Last year we did nothing and that was a bit boring, so this year we decided to have our own secret Hallowe’en party–well Ellie decided and we went along with her idea. There would only be the three of us and we would go somewhere a bit special.
Brewster Grange was a dilapidated mansion at the top of the hill next to the cemetery. No one had lived there for years and the place was not in a good state of repair. We kids had gone there occasionally the previous summer and had had a nose around, although only downstairs as the place was decidedly creepy. There was a window around the back that wasn’t locked so it was easy to get in and out. It had been up for sale for ten years at least, but evidently no one wanted to buy the place so it was left for the local wildlife to take up residence; wildlife being rodents, birds and such like.
Ellie wanted to go there for our small private Hallowe’en party–mind you she wasn’t scared of anything, that girl. We boys couldn’t or wouldn’t show that we were a bit uncomfortable going there, so we agreed that it would be a great idea, ignoring the fact that it was reputed to be haunted and full of things that went ‘bump in the night’.
I had grown to like Ellie a bit more over the past year and by like I mean like. I was growing up and thought that one day soon, I would ask her out on a date. But, being the shy one I would probably be too scared of rejection to actually ask.
Tony wasn’t interested in girls yet and I thought that it showed a certain amount of immaturity on his part. Mind you, I wasn’t much of a stud muffin myself as I wasn’t very big, somewhat scrawny and had more spots than a leopard combined with a sprinkling of pimples. I had plenty of time though and fully expected to get a muscled and toned body at some time in the near future. I was still in raptures over the fact that I noticed my third pubic hair when in the bath the other day and I had at least two on my chin. I asked dad what the best type of shaver was. For some reason, he laughed!
Ellie was a nice girl, quite shapely with small but well formed boobies, long black hair, incredible deep dark eyes; a cute button nose and she was full of fun and mischief. Her parents were quite cool and didn’t seem too bothered if she stayed out late–they trusted her that much. My parents were of the ‘be home at ten or else you’ll be hanged, drawn and quartered’ type and I know that Tony’s parents were of the same mind: but Ellie’s parents were uber cool about most things and so laid back that they were almost horizontal.
Anyway enough of parents, you all have them so you know how weird they can be sometimes.
The way we planned the Hallowe’en party was very clever, if a bit deceitful. Each of us would tell our parents that we were going to a school friend’s house for the party. Jason Roberts was up for it and he would ensure that if anything was said, we were with him and his mates. I had promised to do his homework for a fortnight and thought it was cheap at the price: he could have asked for a month–sucker!
Our parents trusted us and we weren’t normally that devious, but if they knew what we were up to, they would have stopped us. Well it was trespassing even though Brewster Grange was unoccupied and had been for yonks.
We had instructions to be home by one o’clock- a special dispensation having been wrung out of our parents due to the fact that it was Hallowe’en.
Before I go on, it is spelt Hallowe’en not Halloween because my English teacher told us all in class one day and took half an hour to explain why–I hate teachers who like the sound of their own voices don’t you?
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, the parental units insisted that we were to call a taxi or get one of the parents to pick us up at the end of the party; that from was mine and Tony’s parents that is. Don’t you just hate it when parents say things like that? From what we heard about Ellie’s parents though, they didn’t seem fussed either way–I wished that I had parents like her!
We weren’t too sure how we would work out the getting home part of the evening so we would wait and see what happened, or as Ellie said, ‘we’ll suck it and see. ’
The night of the 31st October arrived eventually and I changed into my well cool costume. We had all agreed to surprise each other, so I had no idea what they were going to wear. As Jason only lived a couple of streets away, we were to walk to our ‘partay’ and as I was the nearest, the others were going to call on me on the way. Luckily, Brewster Grange was in the same direction as Jase’s so we had to pass his pad anyway.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I thought that I looked rather cool in my cape, long false plastic teeth and a deathly pallor, care of some of my mum’s makeup. I had slicked down and brushed back my hair and I think I looked the part. The vampire teeth looked almost like the real thing–well from what I had seen on TV anyway.
The bell went and I answered it. As we gazed at each other, we immediately burst out laughing–we were all vampires! Tony and I obviously being male ones and Ellie, the well cool and extremely sexy female vampire, complete with long flowing robes, she didn’t need a wig as her hair was long and black anyway. Pervy Percy twitched in my pants and I had to cover my embarrassment for a minute. Don’t you just hate it when the flaming stick insect has a mind of its own?
Mum, of course, had to take some photos as it was apparently a Kodak Moment. After posing for a while and making all sort of silly faces, she finally let us go and we went down the path, laughing and jostling each other.
We had some bags with food and drink, together with lots of candles to light the place up a bit. We passed Jason’s house on the way through. Luckily, his parents were having a sort of family Hallowe’en party complete with pumpkin lanterns and it looked well bad. I almost wished that we had gone to Jason’s party, but we had our own agenda. Anyway it looked like our cover story was good, so that was something positive.
As we made our way up the hill, towards the old village, the church and Brewster Grange, I realised that this part must have looked very much the same as when it was first built in the seventeenth century. Some of the roads were cobbled and the houses were really old and somewhat spooky at that time of night, but I was nearly a man and no way would I show that I was a jelly in front of Ellie–ooh, was that poetry?
Jelly–Ellie, get it? Oh never mind!
Anyway, we saw a few people on the streets as we went along and just said hello to whoever we saw. People smiled at us when they saw our costumes and in fact a couple of people were dressed in Hallowe’en stuff too, on the way to their own parties and I wondered if they were going to as wacky a place as we were.
We passed the church and graveyard. It was cold but there was a full moon so we could see our way easily enough. Looking up at the moon through the big old oak tree that rustled in the breeze, I swore that I saw something flit across the sky–a bird or maybe–a bat? Then an owl hooted quite close by and I swear the hairs on the back of my pimply neck came up.
A shiver ran down my spine and out through my cool and neat Nike trainers and I wondered for the umpteenth time whether it would be well cool for me to go running back to Mummy.
The others had grown quiet, maybe thinking that this wasn’t such good idea after all, but being kids, stubborn, proud and never, ever wrong, nobody said anything. For myself, seeing the silent graveyard, church and old house, gave me the willies, but I was saying nothing…
We let ourselves in through the back window and I nearly had the fright of my life when what might have been a bat, dive bombed us, just as I was about to climb in. I almost screamed, but managed to keep it down to a mere ‘eek’.
We had torches and made our way across the kitchen, into a passageway and through the partially open doors into the great hall–silent, dusty and echoing, with its huge open fireplace at one end and broken stained glass window at the other.
There were a few tables and chairs heaped in a corner and we dragged them out and spread our things out.
Then we lit loads of candles, got the CD player going and sat around for a while having some eats and drinks.
Time seemed to be going quite fast as we sang to the songs, danced about and generally had a good time. I managed to have a slow dance with Ellie while I sensed rather than saw Tony making sick motions for some childish reason. I didn’t care, I was having quality time with Ellie and if anything I was getting hornier by the minute. She didn’t seem to mind my being close to her and in fact, I think that she had the hots for me as she kept licking her lips and sniffing my hair.
I wished fleetingly that Tony was somewhere else, like Australia, at the moment as I wanted to show Ellie what an incredible babe magnet I was. So, my voice hadn’t broken yet and my smooth face with occasional pimple and thin body hardly looked masculine, but all that is skin deep. Below this weak looking exterior, a strong virile man lurked somewhere–I’m not sure where, but somewhere.
At ten o’clock the church bell struck and we carried on dancing the night away.
At eleven o’clock the bell struck again and we ate for a second time and then did some more dancing, not so close now as flaming Tony was in the way. I do hate him sometimes, talk about wet blanket–.
At about a quarter to twelve, Ellie sipped her drink and then grimaced. ‘I need the loo,’ She stated.
She then just got up and walked out somewhere. I wondered where she would go and hoped that she wouldn’t trip over on a broken floorboard or something. I missed her already. Percy who had been up and down like a yo-yo all night, twitched in sympathy for me.
Tony was tucking into a sandwich and yawning. It was past his bedtime, poor lamb. He wasn’t like me–a party animal, who could stay up and rave all night–probably. I swear that he had hollow legs, the amount of food he put away and yet he was as thin as a rake.
About that time, I was dying to go to the toilet too and was all but crossing my legs. The only dance I could do at that moment was the pee dance, so I left Tony to his pigging out and jaw breaking yawning and with a torch, I went to find somewhere to relieve myself. I wondered for a bit where Ellie was, but assumed that she didn’t want to be too near in case one of us came across her in an embarrassing position!
I went out into the passage and something told me that I should go upstairs to find a bog.
I was nearly wetting myself as I reached the top of the stairs and I turned left. I went into one of the side rooms and it was a hell of a mess. I just found a corner and had a wee. Judging by the smell in there, rodents and other things had done the same, so I didn’t feel too bad about it. After I finished, I felt a great relief. Mind you, it was bit spooky up there and I wanted to get back to the others and I assumed that Ellie had finished doing her…erm, stuff and was back in the great hall.
I walked down the passageway, my shoes clattering on the bare floorboard. I was feeling a bit chilly and I wanted to get back downstairs where it seemed to be somewhat warmer. Something brushed against my cheek, making me jump, but it was probably a cobweb so I told myself not to be such a Jessie and continued on. As I passed a room, I stopped dead.
‘Paul…oh Paulie, come in here, sweetie.’
It was Ellie, sounding a bit weird, all sort of enticing and come and get me.
As if on a string, I went into the room and there was Ellie. She had found some sort of long couch and she was lying on it looking drop dead gorgeous, with her costume slightly open at the top, where I could just see the crease where her boobies started. Her gorgeous raven hair cascaded over her shoulders and her lips were red and full and very kissable in the flickering seductive candlelight.
‘There you are, honey, come over here. I’ve been waiting for you.’
‘Me?’ I said in what I thought was going to be a manly voice but actually sounded like I had breathed in some helium gas.
‘Yes you, you big hunk,’ she breathed.
She was pulling all my strings and I wanted to be her puppet, so I went over to her. She sat up and motioned for me to sit up close and personal to her. Her perfume was almost overpowering in a good way. Percy started to do a rumba in my Calvin Klein, eBay copy shorts–well, Y-fronts. And as Ellie sort of draped herself around me, I thought that I had died and gone to heaven.
‘Let me take those glasses off, so I can see your lovely eyes.’
So I wear glasses, want to make something of it?
Just then the clock started to strike twelve, the bell beginning to bong loudly, but not as loudly as my heart which was banging like a big base drum. I shivered slightly as Ellie seemed to get bigger and I smaller. I was in a daze and didn’t quite know what was happening. I somehow found myself lying on the couch with Ellie looking down at me. Her eyes looked huge and her red lips full and inviting. She was breathing heavily and was flushed.
I was drawn to her eyes though, as they seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. I relaxed and smiled. She was my best friend, one who I could trust and rely on.
Ellie licked her lips and whispered to me.
‘Do you want to kiss me?’
‘Do I?’ I replied with enthusiasm.
‘There’s nothing to stop you, is there?’
Our lips met. She seemed a bit cold in the lip department and I tried my best to warm her up little. She was the first girl apart from my mum and the occasional aunt that I had ever kissed and mums and especially aunts don’t count.
We both seemed to lose a bit of control because soon we kissing very heavily and it was as if time stood still. I kissed her lips and face and licked and kissed her lovely little ear lobes. Then she started to do the same to me and I was breathing very heavily. She reached down to my neck and then I felt twin pricks of pain…
‘Ooh,’ I thought distractedly, ‘she’s going to give me a love bite.’
My eyes widened and I felt what was like an electric shock go through my body that seemed to go away almost immediately. I couldn’t move and it was as if I was paralysed, although my legs and arms seemed to jerk about a bit. My mouth was sort of up against the flesh of her arm and I felt another stabbing pain and I instinctively bit down on her arm. I could taste her salty blood in my mouth so I had broken her skin with my involuntary bite. She didn’t seem to notice though as she carried on giving me a heavy duty hickie without a break for a KitKat choc bar.
I could see Ellie’s hair and the ceiling above but not much else and could hear a sort of slurpy, sucking sound and a pleasurable moaning from the gorgeous girl as she continued what she doing.
The strange thing was that I wasn’t frightened; I was relaxed but fully aware of what was happening to me. Then slowly at first but with increasing rapidity, I started to feel really strange, as if my body was altering as she continued to suck away at my neck. I was acutely aware that Percy, who had been rock hard when we started our heavy petting, was now shrinking and shrinking and then, I heard an audible plop–or was it a plip– no a definite plop, coming from between my legs, followed by a strange emptiness in my eBay C.K’s.
I was no longer aware of Percival, or my for lack of a better word, my two little walnuts. I just had an extremely weird feeling that some sort of internal Hoover had sucked them inside of me. My chest felt itchy and then I could feel some sort of expansion as my nipples, now incredibly sensitive, brushed up and then pressed against the material of my tasteful black shirt.
My lips started to tingle and my eyebrows, eyes, nose and ears all felt as if things were happening to them in as much as they were being rearranged somehow. I felt a moan come from my throat and it was at a much higher pitch than normal.
Then I felt a momentary stabbing pain as my hips and thighs seemed to change shape…
My hair, normally kept short and neat, began to get in my eyes and I could do nothing about it as I jerked slightly under the puppet-like control of Ellie.
I had had the occasional hand shandy under the bed clothes with a naughty mag nicked from the dentist and I had had certain orgasmic experiences, but if this was what real sex was really like, blimey!
All this was happening while she was “doing things” with my neck. She stopped for a moment and then moved away slightly, looking into my eyes. Her face was just six inches from mine and looked extremely flushed; her mouth was covered in blood. Two of her teeth were long and pointed dripped blood…
She was panting like an animal and her eyes were black, her pupils huge. Somehow, I wasn’t scared, just accepting of what was happening. She frowned and then shrugged and then went back to work on my neck.
Shortly afterwards, I felt a slow fire start to burn in my chest and my mouth; I sensed that two of my teeth were growing longer. Although the room was quite dark–just lit by the occasional candle–my vision began to clear and I could see the room as if it were daylight. All my senses appeared to sharpen as I could hear even the sputtering of a candle as if I was beside it and the moaning sounds from Ellie had increased in volume. Whatever she was doing, she was enjoying it!
My sense of smell was now somehow enhanced and I smelt the blood very strongly…my blood. It somehow made me yearn to taste it myself. The small bite mark on Ellie’s arm had drawn blood and as I now had a small amount of control coming back, I licked and swallowed the small rivulet that had gone down her arm. The taste was indescribable and, to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t have minded a bit more but suddenly felt weak and totally relaxed and of their own volition my eyes closed and I knew no more.
‘Wake up, Paul,’
I opened my eyes slowly and there was Ellie kneeling over me. I was still on the couch.
‘Hello, Ellie,’ I said,’ I had the funniest dream. I dreamed that you and I did something on this couch and my body changed and––’
‘–Never mind that, did you bite my arm?’
‘Did I? I don’t know, it was so dreamy.’
‘You aren’t one of those Transylvestites I read about in The Fang’s Gazette? Not that I mind, all us V’s are cool with that, you have to be, where we come from.’
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about–’
As I talked, I stretched and was aware that things didn’t seem quite right. I felt my hair and then my chest and then between my legs.
‘Why does my voice sound like this and where did all this hair come from and why have I got breasts and what have you done with my wee Percival?’
‘Erm, sorry about that. I seem to have erm, caused you to have a few technical problems. Erm, you stay there and I’ll go and get some help–’
She was off like a shot and I swear that I could hear with my now super-sensitive hearing, the sound of wings flapping down the corridor.
I sat up, immediately aware of the black hair cascading down my shoulders. I rubbed my tongue across my teeth; they all felt like normal except my canines seemed a little sharper.
I knew that I had been changed. Feeling my budding breasts and then between my legs only confirmed what I already knew–I was a girl.
It had not been a dream. Vampires were real and I had been changed from a normal boy to a very abnormal vampire girl. Ellie would go and get some help, I knew she would, after all we had just done, surely we were girlfriend and bo–no, that can’t be right. Well she would find someone and I’ll take a pill and go back to being uber cool Paul again.
It was funny though, I didn’t seem to fancy Ellie much now. I thought of Tony, no doubt downstairs still stuffing his face or more likely asleep. Funny how I took Tony for granted. He was my best mate and yet, that smile and his little slight quirky look and his bottom, he had a very nice, shapely bottom–
I shook off those weird and fanciful thoughts, I wasn’t into boys, I was a ladies’ man; and yet–
I felt a hunger inside, a very deep hunger and yearning for…something and the thought of Tony made me lick my lips.
I got up and noticed immediately how supple I felt and strong. My eyesight was acute, in fact the light coming from the candles were almost too painful to look at. No more nerdy glasses for me! Looking at the long mirror I could see myself, still dressed in the ridiculous fancy dress vampire outfit. Looking closer, I saw the reflection of the new me. I was a quite pretty raven haired girl.
I looked my age–about fourteen–but my looks did not resemble the old me that closely and I think I looked more like my own sister–had I had one, which of course I didn’t.
My face was slim with a button nose, large eyes and pretty, full lips. My breasts weren’t very big and my body shape was feminine but not overly sexy, it was just the overall impression of things to come and that if I wasn’t able to be Paul again, I was going to turn into a beautiful girl.
It was strange that I didn’t feel strange about that–if you know what I mean.
I felt ravenously hungry and rather than wait for Ellie to come back, I left the room and went back downstairs. I was so aware of the lack of male type equipment down below in my nether regions and the slight swing of my small booblettes. I now knew why girls wore bras and wondered vaguely if C.K made them.
My eyesight was incredible and I didn’t need candles to see. I reached the bottom of the stairs and stopped. My breathing was getting a bit heavy for some reason. The clock bell chimed the half hour and I could hear wind outside and the flapping of wings and a steady, quiet thump, thump sound coming from the great hall.
I went in and there was Tony, lying across two chairs, fast asleep, looking very cute and rather delicious. I walked towards him, well it seemed more of a glide really as my feet barely seemed to touch the floor and he was oblivious of me.
I brushed the hair from my eyes as I came closer, unable to stop myself–I was in auto mode.
The thumping sound was coming from Tony and I knew instinctively that what I was hearing was the beat of his heart and something else, a sort of whooshing sound that was the blood going around his body. I started to pant and I could see, almost as if I had some sort of X-Ray vision, the veins and arteries of his neck through his skin as the blood pulsed around his body.
I felt a need, a hunger, a thirst to go to him. My canine teeth grew longer and sharper as my mouth opened, extending past my bottom lip. I experienced a want, an urge, a desire to go to him and take his blood.
I knelt down and assumed the position. His neck was inches from mine and I could see the blood in his neck. Saliva ran down the tips of my sharp needle-pointed extended teeth. I opened my mouth wider and leaned in to engage…
I felt a strong hand on my shoulder and I was pulled away.
‘None of that, young lady.’
I was panting and squirming, my thoughts only on Tony’s blood.
I came back into focus and rubbed my face. The slap was hard and I had landed on the floor. I looked up and in front of me was a woman. She had black hair, was thin, pretty, about my mum’s age and she looked more than slightly miffed.
‘Get a grip, girl,’ she said as she pulled me to my feet as if I weighed nothing.
‘W—w—what?’ I asked intelligently.
The woman who was dressed in long flowing, earthy brown robes frowned and then shrugged.
Out of a pocket, she produced a flask. As I swayed in front of her, my mind was in a whirl. She unscrewed the flask and poured something red into the cup.
‘Drink this,’ she said handing me the warm cup.
It looked disgusting. I knew what it was but I had no control over what I did next. I sipped it and I could taste the salt of the blood and then eagerly, I swallowed the whole lot in one go. As it flowed down my throat and into my stomach, I felt relief, pleasure and satisfaction roll over me all at once and the hunger and thirst that I had, withdrew and then disappeared leaving me relaxed and somehow drained.
‘Syntho-blood, not as nice as the real thing, but good in emergencies and low in calories…’
I was aware of the world coming back into focus and the reality of the situation hit me. Tony was lying as he had been, fast asleep with his mouth open and snoring slightly. I could have––
I wavered slightly; feeling quite upset at what could have happened and then went all hot. I sensed rather than saw the lady as she caught me as I fell in a faint.
I awoke in an old room with high ceilings, hangings, pictures on the wall and a fair smattering of gilt here and there. There were heavy curtains covering the windows and I had no idea whether it was day or night.
I was lying on a four poster bed wearing a lacy, white cotton, long sleeved nightgown that wouldn’t have been out of place in one of those Victorian melodrama’s where people seemed to like the consumptive look. My hair, still jet black, had been braided and fell down over one of my shoulders. I knew instinctively that it hadn’t all been a dream and that I was a girl now–although how and why was decidedly confusing and really hard to believe.
The door opened before I had further time to think and the woman who had slapped me came in and walked to the bed.
‘I am Madame Marishka and I am in charge here. How are you feeling?’
‘That is to be expected.’
‘Where are Tony and Ellie?’
‘Tony is at home, puzzled and wondering what happened last night. He will not be a problem. Ellie however is a problem and will be punished according to our laws. One of them being that she will have to explain herself to her victim.’
Marishka, clapped her hands and the door opened. Ellie walked in. she was wearing what seemed to be school uniform but it was a sort of long, flowing dress, purple in colour with bat emblem over her left chest.
She came over and stood by Marishka, her head bowed.
‘Explain child,’ said Marishka.
‘Sorry, Pauline––’
‘Well you can’t be a Paul now, can you? It’s a temporary name until you choose your own.’
‘Does that mean that I can’t be a boy again?’ I said, my voice quivering slightly.
‘I am afraid not, it is the law and custom–also you would not survive another transformation. Continue, Ellie.’
‘Yea, right, okay. Look, I just wanted to sort of have a bit of a suck. I fancied you, right and then I had the opportunity and took it. I had forgotten to take my vitamin V juice or any like, pills––’
‘–Vitamin V?’
‘Yeah, V, are you deaf? Right, where was I, I hadn’t taken the V, so I had an urge, I had to have a snack somehow and I thought that you wouldn’t be the wiser. Just a nap, then wake up and you are none the wiser. Only it went all wrong and you somehow bit me and sort of drank some of my blood and then it happened.’
‘Are you blind girl? You transformed didn’t you. My blood mingled with yours and then–how is it–hang on I’m trying to remember Miss Sherakova’s vampirology lesson…’
‘Get on with it, Ellie. I haven’t all day.’
‘Sorry Miss. Yeah, right, I remember; when the bite-er and the bite-ee’s blood is mixed, there is a DNA type change and the bit-ee gets changed into a Vamp. One in–I’m not sure how many–gets changed into the same sex as the bite-er that is, if the bite-ee is not the same sex as the bit-er––’
‘Give me strength,’ Marishka said, rolling her eyes upwards; ‘extra vampirology lessons for you, Ellie, I think. What Ellie was trying to say is that when you bit her and she drank of your blood, the blood mixed and you were altered into what you are now, a fully fledged female vampire that has a lot to learn but will have to do so to survive.’
‘I’m a vampire?’ I asked incredulously and somewhat in denial.
‘Well you must have guessed?’ Ellie said, scornfully. ‘Fact one, I sucked the neck off you. Fact two, you lost your wee willie and accessories and they changed into a vag and other girlie bits including non optional extras like in the breast department and fact three, you wanted blood so badly that you were prepared to do a number on your best mate Tony. Conclusive if you ask me.’
‘No one is asking you, Ellie. You and I are going to have a long and painful discussion about your attitude, behaviour and terminology in a few moments. Go up to my rooms and wait outside the door and take that chewing gum out of your mouth.’
‘Yes, headmistress,’ said Ellie who after looking at me and winking slyly, went out of the room.
Madame Marishka sat by the bed and sighed.
‘I am sorry for that. She is a bright girl but like so many in her year, she thinks that she is cleverer than she is.’
‘Is this a school then?’
‘Yes, St Vlad’s Vampire School for Girls.’
‘Where are we–Transylvania?’
‘No dear, Chipping Ongar,’
‘Oh. Erm what will happen to me and what about my parents and school?’
‘D.L.T’s, that’s Damage Limitation Teams, have been activated. You are automatically enrolled here at St Vlad’s and your parents and everyone else think that you have always been a girl.’
‘So, no one knows that I used to be a boy?’
She shook her head sadly.
I felt rather sad at that, but there wasn’t much I could do. I had to try and get on with things.
‘So what about being fried if I go out in the sun?’
‘A myth, but you need good sun blocker.’
‘Stake through the heart?’
‘Painful but you do not die. You can’t be staked, burnt, drowned, poisoned, deep fried or anything else. The only way a vampire dies is if he or she wants to.’
‘Makes your breath smelly.’
‘What about the mirror thing?’
‘Well you can be seen, but you are ever so slightly see-through.’
‘Don’t you start!’
‘Sorry; is there anything else I should know?’
‘Yes, we live forever, near enough and we vampires do not kill our, for want of a better word, prey. We suck blood, they go to sleep and when they wake up, they haven’t a clue as to what has happened. Also there are fringe benefits like improved health and if they are lucky enough to be a parent of a young vampire, their life is extended when they are fed upon.
‘So Ellie?’
‘That’s right, Ellie has the occasional snack on mum and dad, they are as fit as flees and are none the wiser, although they have to be a bit lax regarding our, shall we say, night time activities.’
I stopped for a moment and contemplated the chilling fact that I might have my mum and dad being on my case–forever and then Madame Thingie continued.
‘You will learn a lot through the school, but you won’t grow old. You are lucky really as some of the transformed vampires are a lot older than you. Try being a two hundred and eighty year old bat with the brain of an eighty year old, it can be hard going. No you will always be a teenager and probably end up at about the equivalent age of sixteen.’
‘How old is Ellie?’
‘About a hundred and seventy, I think.’
‘But she looks…’
‘Fourteen, I know and she won’t get much older, but she has a good time and her parents are forever young too.’
‘Yes, wow. Look I have to go and deal with Ellie now. It is customary for the victim to pass sentence on the perpetrator. What would you have me do to Ellie?’
‘Hmm, who does the washing up and scrapes the potatoes around here?’
‘Nice choice; I will go and deal with her now. You have had a lot to take in and one of our vychiatrists will be around later to stir your brains up and help you get over your trauma. I will send Ellie up in a few minutes and she will help you to get dressed and show you around a bit. I hope you like it here. You will spend your weekdays here and your weekends at home. There are lots more to tell you, but a brain can only take in so much. I will see you again tomorrow where we will decide what lessons you need to take.’
I was left alone for a while and to tell you the truth, I was a bit down. Not over the fact that I was a girl and a vampire, I had a feeling that the changes in me included an acceptance with what I had become, but I did rather miss being a boy and felt a void where Wee Percy used to be. I had no idea if my altered equipment–Priscilla?–would be as good, or if I would ever get the chance to use her. Then again, I used to dream about girls like Ellie, but now all I could think of were boys; was that gross?
Some mad woman with a clipboard, white coat and alarmingly frizzy black hair walked in just then.
‘Ah, Pauline–do you want to keep that name? Think about it. I want to see you tomorrow in my office. Oh, you don’t know who I am or where my office is. I am Dr. Hermana Einstein–no relation. I am the resident vychiatrist I look after newbies like you. See you at ten, take these pills, they are vitamin V pills, take two now and two more with meals–room 709, next to the chicken coup.
With that she was gone.
I took the large red pills with water and then got up and went to the window, pulling the curtains back and blinking in the light. The sun on my face felt a bit uncomfortable and then I remembered about the sun block. I would have to get some from somewhere. I looked up and there were small flying things doing all sorts of complicated formations and aerobatics in the sky. They looked a bit like the Red Arrows with the wings and without the coloured smoke, but with my enhanced sight; I could see that they were in fact bats.
‘Like the B.P?’
I nearly jumped out of my skin; Ellie had arrived without my knowing.
‘B.P–what has a disgraced petrochemical company got to do with them?’
‘B.P.–Bat Patrol, doing some training. You’ll love flying lessons!’
‘You mean?’
‘Yep, you get to do the bat thing and fly all over the place. It’s tricky at first, but once you get your wings, there are a lot of things we can get up to.’
‘Has the headmistress told you about your punishment?’
‘Yes, thanks for that. If I ruin my nails, you are going to have to pay to have them fixed. At least I wasn’t sent to the Bat Cave?’
‘Bat Cave? You mean where Batman and Robin hang out? I think I could fancy Robin–’
‘Nah, no good, girlfriend–he’s gay. Look, let’s get you some clothes sorted out for you then I’ll show you everything. You are going to so like it here. There’s a gang of us and we like to do lots of things like…’
She twittered on as she helped me get dressed in the strange uniform of St Vlad’s. I was still confused and a bit scared, but I hoped that I would get over that and begin to enjoy being a schoolgirl at St Vlad’s.
Only time would tell if I would enjoy being a Vampire Girl.

Please leave comments...thanks! ~Sue
My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing and pulling the story into shape.
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Certainly Consistent Enough...
...with "Fancy a Bite"; if anything they seemed too similar. (From the set-up, I thought Ellie and Paul had run into a succubus upstairs, with the pre-hormonal Tony their only hope for escape.)
A different tale on becoming a vampire, Sue
You did another story a few years back ib a sinilar VEIN, -- snicker -- and this one is every bit as cute.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Fangs Ain’t What They Used To Be
A cute horror story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
St Vlad's
Thanks for reading the story. There is a tie in with the two stories, hence the St Vlads reference under the title and at the end.
This is the other story in the St Vlads 'world'.
Sigh. And you would have thought
That a hundred and seventy years is enough to catch at least the gist of all the interspecies interactions and terminology. What a ditz! ^_^
And really, what kind of vampire is that who forgets the first rule of biting - do it on their neck and gag them beforehand. ;)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
This is cool!
I liked it a lot. Will there be more? Do we have to wait for next Hallowe'en?
St. Vlad's sounds interesting. What kind of classes are there? I can only imagine Gym class...
More, please?
Fun Story
I don't know about the other stories in the St Vlad's universe but this one was a lot of fun.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I'm Just Batty for St. Vlad's Stories
This is a cute little Halloween story. It seemed a little similar to Fancy a Bite but it still stands nicely on its own.
Thanks! You got my vote.
- Terry
Thanks for the comments, I
Thanks for the comments, I have put a blog up regarding this story.
The biggest mystery
I loved this story because it starts off in such a credible way, and then, bit by bit, inexplicable things happen.
I'd been wondering whether it was going to turn into one of those "I woke up and it was all a dream," stories, but this was much more satisfying.
Well crafted, enjoyable, and a great Hallowe'en tale.
My only complaint: you didn't explain the biggest mystery. Why is it Hallowe'en and not Halloween?
Love Charlotte
The word Halloween is first attested in the 16th century and represents a Scottish variant of the fuller All-Hallows-Even ("evening"), that is, the night before All Hallows Day. (courtesey of wikipedia.) Thank you Sue.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Mea Culpa
It's all my fault: as a pedantic old hack I felt that the apostrophe was necessary because of the missing "V". As those for whom I edit know, I am a bit of a stickler about punctuation. Forty-five years of earning my living as a writer, journalist, editor and publisher tends to be habit-forming.
Hallowe'en for me too. And I noticed "hanged" and not "hung"---yay for le mot juste! My inner grammer (pun) nazi was purring.
Good for you…
…Cyclist, for noticing "hanged". Meat is "hung" to mature it, but people are hanged. Well, I'll be danged—or should that be dung?
Oh, I don't know...
I didn't think you made THAT many punctuation adjustments... :-)
Dunno Wotcher Whingein' About
A prefectly (sic) good St. Vlads' story. Lots of authors use the same universe or the same setting for their stories, and I don't know why this one should excite comment on those grounds.
This site has fanfics and retcons and Gabys' and Whateleys and...and....and....etcetera.
Worked for me,
‘Where are we–Transylvania?’
It's as if I can hear Miss Millicent Fritton (the great Alistair Sim) replying
‘No dear, Chipping Ongar,’