Susan Brown
Michael went into the bathroom and had a wee. After sprinkling everywhere except down the toilet, he dried the floor tiles with some toilet roll, mumbling to himself that it ‘wasn’t fair!’
When he finished that task he notice that he had managed to get his trousers wet.
‘Oh no!’ he exclaimed.
Once again, mumbling a bit louder that ‘it wasn’t fair,’ he took the trousers off and opened the washing basket so he could throw them in.
Then he saw something that drew his attention, nestling at the bottom the basket.
A pair of shiny satin panties.
‘Oooh! He exclaimed.
Being 10 years old and somewhat curious in nature, the boy made sure that the door was closed and took the panties out. Looking at them, he thought that he liked the silkiness, so taking off his own y fronts; he slipped them up his legs. They felt so nice. He had watched a few daytime shows where men came on dressed as women and to be honest, he laughed at them. He wasn’t laughing now, as he instantly knew that he was meant to wear women’s clothes forever.
He was a small, pretty child, bullied at school and not liked by other boys, not helped, of course by his long blond hair and gentle ways. He only played with girls and only those that didn’t go in for rough and tumble, so he was very much in touch with his gentler side.
His father had run off with his secretary two years before; so it was just, Michael, his mum and elder sister, Tricia living at home.
Just the, the door was opened and there was his horrid, bullying sister standing there, her jaw dropping as she saw what Michael was wearing.
‘MUM!’ she shouted as Michael tried to hide what he was wearing.
Mum came clomping up the stairs, anxious at the tone of her only daughter.
She too could not believe what she saw.
‘Michael why are you wearing those panties?’
‘Mummy.’ He said, not wondering why all of a sudden he had called his mother mummy instead of mum, ‘I am really a girl.’
She, as we must now call her, didn’t know why she said that, but it seemed just right.
‘I can see that dear, with your long blond hair, girlish body and those panties, you can only be a girl.’
‘Yes,’ chipped in his sister, ‘you make a lovely girl and it’s much nicer than being a nasty boy. We can go shopping, talk about girlie things and be ever so close, now.’
‘Lets get you dressed.’ Said practical Mummy.
In no time, Michelle, as she was now to be called, was dressed in one of her sisters dresses and admiring herself in the mirror. She was so obviously a girl now and no one could possibly recognise her when she went to school the next day to re enrol as a girl.
Mummy had wasted no time and had already spoken to the head mistress of the school and three psychiatrists, who all stated on the phone that it definitely sounded like Michelle was truly a girl and suggested several drugs to stop her changing into a boy, subject to a 10 minute consultation to approve the prescription and a fee of £500.
‘First thing tomorrow, before you go to school’ said Mummy, ‘we must go to the shopping centre and get you a full wardrobe. The head mistress wants to see you at lunch time; that gives us plenty of time; mind you, we really need to go to the salon and give you a complete makeover, but that will have to wait, I suppose. We can also see the psychiatrists on the way as they have all agreed to see you urgently.
For some reason, Michele helped mummy and Tricia to make the tea then wash up. As a boy, Michael had never wanted to help or had been asked; now as a girl, it came natural to do these things with a song and a smile on her face.
After doing the chores, the three girls got undressed and watched a girlie DVD till bedtime. Michelle loved the feel of her long nightie and it made her feel very feminine as she walked up the stairs to bed.
Later, as she was in bed, holding the doll, thoughtfully loaned to her by her now angelic sister, Michelle thought how lucky she was to be a girl and looked forward to her feminine future, sure in the knowledge that no one would be able to extract the Michael out of Michelle.
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He puts on a pair of panties and has long hair so everyone decides he's a girl no question?
Is this a joke story? I've read some of your other stories, like Orphan and Working girl, and they were really good, so am I missing something here?
Melanie E.
It was a short story
NO. This was a short story so details were glossed over but she also discribed a gentle nature and how she liked girls better, and playing with girls. It was michael that said he was a girl his mom was just agreeing. she took the boy to see psychiatrists, three of them.
The details were glossed over but i can understand.
Magical underclothing?
Someone pulled a fast one here huh... Or, has she been a girl all along, and thus standing up to use the facilities was guaranteed to get things wet everywhere?
Very different from your usual. :-)
Cute little flashish story
Boy Sue, you really wrote a cute one there. Has that flashish feel to it but very cute.
Mein Gott Sue!
What kind of Freaking Panties were those!
That was the equivelant of stepping into a phone-
booth for a boob job. I have no idea what happened
there; but I guess you can't argue with the result.
What was that cartoon in the 70's? The one minute
bedtime story? You watched that a lot, didn't you?
Haven't see a change so fast, since the French generals
realized that the Germans had Blitzkreiged right around
them through the low country, and they all needed to
change their panties right away!
For sale, French Army rifle, dropped only once ...
How did the French defend Paris?
I don't know.
Neither do they, it's never been done.
Enough French bashing, for now.
This was the *Superman in the phone booth* of TG transformations but I loved it as it was subtily over-the-top. The mean older sister turned loving sister in a *flash* of panties, pun intended and these lines cracked me up, Susan ...
Mummy had wasted no time and had already spoken to the head mistress of the school and three psychiatrists, who all stated on the phone that it definitely sounded like Michelle was truly a girl and suggested several drugs to stop her changing into a boy, subject to a 10 minute consultation to approve the prescription and a fee of £500.
I italizied the funniest bits.
You're wacky.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
A Very Cute Story Sue
You have in this simple story, covered everything needed.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Extracting the Michael
Or as we often say on this side of the pond, "Taking the Mick." And I think that Sue was doing that!
It is either a spoof - immediate total acceptance, the stuff of dreams - or where can I get magic panties? They would be worth a fortune.
Good fun, though. I thought it would end with 'and then he woke up.'
Other than to say I liked it
I'm left scratching my head as to how to put to words what I'm thinking.Lol Amy
ok wow who did what were ya just dont get to be a girl buy puting on your sister panties but ok ,have a good one and ill see you on the flip side [email protected]
mr charlles r purcell
verry good story i wood love to see a lot more of this all i can say is wow verry good thanks for shareing
Thanks for all the kind comments.
I had half an hour to spare so I just let my fingers do the walking on the keyboard.
For those of you still puzzled by my warped mind, the answer is in the last paragraph.
What About...
...those of us still puzzled by the last paragraph?
The closest I'm coming were from some hints in the first paragraph, about lack of aim...
¿Michael, an anatomical female, (indentifying as)/(striving to be) a boy, and then suddenly giving it up and changing back to the home team, a reaction to a combination of hygenic disappointment and seduction by a bit of satin?
Actually, if that's the plot, then the first scene is completely hilarious! OTOH, the line about the consultant and prescription... I'm having trouble fitting that into my little theory about the 10-year-old ftmtf. An intersexed child with atypical genitals, getting to choose his/her gender?
A Masterpiece of Brevity !
Dear Susan,
I loved this tale, brief though it was.
Now, here is a new challenge for you:
Tell a similar tale, in a Haiku !
Essence of TG, The Distillers Guide, very nice Sue.
All I want to know is...
Where might I be getting a pair of those magic panties, luv?
Actually I think we missed the obvious here...
... it was Panty therapy.
It's obvious that Michael(really Michelle) was a girl all along. The whole spraying of the toilet,even though not uncommon in males, was almost inevitable in this case. His/her gentle, girlish ways, his overly slight build... the fact that his wee willy wonka was never mentioned...
And the continual "it's not fair, it's not fair" simply were cries for help.
He/she was, to put a fine point on it, suffering a form of PTSD from the sudden departure of dad from his/her life, and actually began believing she was a boy.
Ergo the sudden shock when putting on panties. It reminded him/her of what had been lost in the change. The fact that he was discovered by his sister(who was relieved to have her sister back) and mom(who was glad the delusion was over) simply was serendipity and fate.
Now, with the help of concerned, efficient, speedy and greedy authorities, Michael could become Michelle, the girl he already was...
That's my theory, anyway, and with tongue planted firmly in cheek, I'm sticking by it!
You might have hit the nail on the head there, Norwalker !
I'm wondering whether this might not be The Answer to all the problems the UK is having with its "economy" (such as it is - I am not sure the right word for it is "economy" at all, since we seem to have been economical only with the truth, but certainly not with how we chucked all our money about with little or nothing to show for it all!)
There was a very important and these days somewhat underestimated Poet and Philosopher in England, called Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, responsible for the Tale of the Ancient Mariner, and Kubla Kahn, among other masterpieces.
Not remembered much anymore these days, but he also invented a new way of organizing and running a country, which he called Pantisocracy.
I know it is a play on words, but I also think we should maybe try it out. It can't be any worse than what we currently have.
A Panty Flash?
A Panty Flash?
-- Daphne Xu