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For My Princess: Part 12


Arabella is an inexperienced rider, how will she cope when she joins the hunt for the first time?


Ahead of her she could see someone jumping the stream, but they were not looking forward, far from it, their gaze was fixed downward.

In the couple of seconds it took to reach the stream curiosity took hold.

'I hope it is worth it,' she thought as her horse leaped and she looked down.

"Watch out," someone shouted.



Ooops! Posted the wrong chapter of The Jekyll Legacy

I apologise for my inadvertent posting of the wrong chapter of The Jekyll Legacy, and can only plead extreme fatigue, as I've been out rearranging the garage all day. I managed to toss my brain into the dustbin and have only just ran out and collected it before they hauled it away.

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Dancers Within, Part 3

This is the final part. Thanks for indulging me. Thanks Patricia Allen for proofing. And hopefully it starts on the right chapter!

Chapter 14

There were times when Kyle wished for a little normalcy.

But he had forgotten really what normal was. It seemed like everything was moving way to fast.

His mother filed for divorce from his father. He had no objections.

He still hoped his father would change, but he knew his parents would never get back together.

Olympic Closing Ceremony

What an incrdible Olympics it has been. Well done to our neighbours in the UK for putting on such an event of that scale! Plus you had Russell Brand singing I Am The Walrus and Imagine by a huge choir, need i say more? It was all amazing and i'm gonna miss not having something to watch every day! Go on Katie Taylor!

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The coolest guy I know.

This post is about the closest friend I have in the world FO. I have known him for about seventeen years; we have been through a lot together and always stuck with each other. No one in my life knows about me but last night that changed. I don’t have to tell you folks that depression is a mighty powerful thing, the only outlet I have in my life to be me is this wonderful site and the friends I have made here. I had been getting less and less sleep because of nightmares and depression along with the day(ugh)job being a bitch. I have been debating telling FO for awhile.

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Bears Know Best - Part 25

Bears Know Best

Part 25 of 28
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann

Thirteen year-old Taylor Landt’s step-mother believes that he should be the next great football player for the high school he’ll be attending in the fall. Having a dad who is an accomplished professional linebacker, and growing up surrounded by professional football coaches and players should all but guarantee his ability to dominate on the field. Unfortunately he hates playing football, and knows his height and build will never allow him to be successful at the sport. Faced with an obsessive step-mother who ignores his obvious talents in other areas but instead thinks he is a blight on his father’s reputation, Taylor does the unthinkable and moves to Ohio to live with his mother who abandoned their family and left him with his father eight years ago.

Soon after his arrival, Taylor discovers there’s more to his inability to follow in his fathers’ footsteps than just his height. Will it be possible for him to make friends in a new town in the middle of nowhere outside the shadow of his dad's fame? Will Taylor be able to finally make peace with his mother who abandoned them all those years ago? And how long can he keep his secrets to himself?

Leavers dance

Tiffany did this TV caption and I extended the story
skimpy 9.jpg

This a picture of going to the leaver ball at the beginning of last month. That was after the last exams and was a significant day in my life for many reasons. Let me tell you a little about myself and how I came to look so pretty.

Jersey Boys

This is from OZ Land - Brisbane Queensland Australia: Just came back from a stage play based on the The Four Seasons-Frankie Vallie - The Jersey Boys.

What a great night!

Sherry, Big Girls Don't Cry, Walk Like a Man and lots more.

Did you know, that the BGees (from Brisbane) sent Frankie the music sound track for the movie 'Grease', and he (FV) wrote the words for the song!

If you want a great night out please consider if you like 1960's music, I know I do!

Rock & Roll, Twist, Jive, Limbo, Yes!


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hormone question

I recently (a little more than two weeks ago) started taking 1mg of Estradiol. (Evidently my body knew something was up in advance so my hormone levels weren't that far off to what they should be for transitioning). I notice lately that I've been having headaches. Not really headaches, but cerebral discomfort. Is this normal? I was thinking maybe with brain chemistry changing and all. I'm not in any pain, just concerned.

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fighting depression

The worst thing about having depression is that it tends to sap your energy, making it harder to do the kind of things that would relieve it. Like right now all I want to do is curl up on my bed with my dog and cry and feel sorry for myself about my computer, even though that would probably be the worst thing I could do.

I'll keep fighting the good fight, but its times like these that make me wish more of "team Dorothy" lived close enough to come give me a real life hug.

Ah, well.

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Wild Magic 48

I realize it has been a while since I posted. I have a chapter that should have been this
one, but it just won’t come out right. In the meantime, here’s a little bit of fluff that popped in my head yesterday. I’m really sorry it has taken so long, I’m just too fussy I guess!

Nice number

Some authors play down the number of kudos they receive - they're not important or indicate anything.

I disagree, I enjoy everyone of them that you the readers give my efforts and just now they reached the magical figure of 77777.

Thank you to all of you who contributed.


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Bears Know Best - Part 24

Bears Know Best

Part 24 of 28
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann

Thirteen year-old Taylor Landt’s step-mother believes that he should be the next great football player for the high school he’ll be attending in the fall. Having a dad who is an accomplished professional linebacker, and growing up surrounded by professional football coaches and players should all but guarantee his ability to dominate on the field. Unfortunately he hates playing football, and knows his height and build will never allow him to be successful at the sport. Faced with an obsessive step-mother who ignores his obvious talents in other areas but instead thinks he is a blight on his father’s reputation, Taylor does the unthinkable and moves to Ohio to live with his mother who abandoned their family and left him with his father eight years ago.

Soon after his arrival, Taylor discovers there’s more to his inability to follow in his fathers’ footsteps than just his height. Will it be possible for him to make friends in a new town in the middle of nowhere outside the shadow of his dad's fame? Will Taylor be able to finally make peace with his mother who abandoned them all those years ago? And how long can he keep his secrets to himself?

The newest Through the years is up

I want to work on more, but I shall be house and dog sitting. An old home, so guess what fool is taking his scariest video games and movies with him. See how much fun I can have tonight. The next part is only partly done, but I'm not sure if I shall take my computer or my XBox, may just take the Xbox so I don't injure my computer in the travel.

I shall attempt to make the next chapter as quickly as I can

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Feminism Ally

Hi everyone,
today while I surfed around on the net I found this site:

It's about a guy who wants to be a feminism ally and has suggestions for other "dudes" who also want to be a feminism ally.
First I thought it was Satire, but apparently he was serious.

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Betty Smith’s Transgender School

Betty Smith’s Transgender School

The court system has classified me as “Class 31”. Which means my mother has full control over me. I have been in courts many times -- I guess this is like throwing me in jail. The State will pay all costs to have me re-educated, they say. Not sure what that means.

My mother and I just left my doctor where the doctor gave me four shots. I was feeling very relaxed when my Mom told me of my new life because of the Court ruling me “Class 31”.

Anyone Know if Lisa Grey is still around and writing

Anyone Know if Lisa Grey is still around and writing. I just finished rereading her stories and was interested if there was more somewhere. One of my favorites was The Serendipity of Freedom. At the end of one version of the story she had a note "In the conclusion of The Serendipity of Freedom, Valerie and the task force go forth into enemy territory. Will Valerie once again defeat the odds and return home to Miri? Will the Terran Government overwhelm the dissidents, or will liberty and justice prevail? Find out as Valerie's story comes full circle. -- LCG"

just curious

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Dancers Within, Part 2

Part two of three. Thanks again to Patricia for the proofing.

Chapter 9

Dancing professionally, teaching and choreography were never really career goals Kyle had even thought about a few months ago.

His mother threw out things like being a doctor, a lawyer or even an engineer. He had the grades to think about those things in the future. Those were the type of jobs that pulled in “a lot of money”, his mother always said.

A warning about Facebook

I notice that lots of authors on BCTS are also on Facebook and some have friended me. I noticed some funny stuff going on about a month ago and then they said that they wanted each user to use their real name. Then I noticed that I was getting things in my email that were hostile, so I closed both my FB accounts down. I do not plan to return to them, and may open new email accounts if it gets worse.

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light humor

Was eating dinner when this popped into my head...

Congratulations on the birth of your son, son, daughter, daughter, son , daughter, son , daughter. WAAAPP

is your child.

Walter looked up from his computer who just informed him of his wife's delivery.

"Either my wife just gave birth to the worlds record in children or I'm gonna need serious therapy when my kid becomes a teenager."

Giggle couldn't resist *^_^*

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My computer has died

Well, I no longer have a computer. I tend to leave my computer in "sleep" mode because it has some problems with rebooting. Until last night, when a storm managed to knock the system for a loop, and nothing I've been able to do has brought it back. Sorry folks, but that means your not gonna hear from me much.

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Chapter 2 and an update

So here is chapter 2. Enjoy the read. This is where the plot really emerges and gets a bit crazier. Gotta feel for the poor guy.

As for the update, before the latest round of storms to come through I managed to get more writing done. Once the pain fades I should be able to get back to that and finish that chapter up, so hopefully a new Kit and Kin soon for you all, so long as my pain levels remain at good levels.

Well TTFN and TTYL.

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Four down and two to go

Somewhat to my amazement I have just posted the final chapter of my fourth full-length novel. Before I started posting to BC, two and a half years ago, I'd never managed to complete any of the six novels that I’d started writing. I would get so far and then become blocked, and so would start writing something else. I ended up with six partly written novels each one about 35,000 words in length.

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The Gowns - A dream's fulfillment -1B


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The Gowns - A dream's fulfillment

At Drea's suggestion from JessicaC

Jay had a way years earlier kissed Billy as they were wrestling as boys often do but without the kiss.

"What did you do that for, yuck" Billy asked?

"You're the one who said best friends were way better than making over girls who don't understand," replied Jay.

It was truer in Billy's mind than Jay knew. Billy was at least a year and a half older than Jay. He knew his affection for this tender boy was unusual and not understood by many. Jay was ten then and in fourth grade and Billy was in sixth.

Scared of my anger

I was reading a story here, and when the main character remembered being raped, I was a little surprised at my reaction.

I got mad.

I mean really, really mad. Cold fury ready to hurt something, someone.

For just a moment, I was something dangerous before I managed to get it back under control.

I need a place to get rid of this anger safely, because I'm just a little scared of myself at the moment.

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Bears Know Best - Part 23

Bears Know Best

Part 23 of 28
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann

Thirteen year-old Taylor Landt’s step-mother believes that he should be the next great football player for the high school he’ll be attending in the fall. Having a dad who is an accomplished professional linebacker, and growing up surrounded by professional football coaches and players should all but guarantee his ability to dominate on the field. Unfortunately he hates playing football, and knows his height and build will never allow him to be successful at the sport. Faced with an obsessive step-mother who ignores his obvious talents in other areas but instead thinks he is a blight on his father’s reputation, Taylor does the unthinkable and moves to Ohio to live with his mother who abandoned their family and left him with his father eight years ago.

Soon after his arrival, Taylor discovers there’s more to his inability to follow in his fathers’ footsteps than just his height. Will it be possible for him to make friends in a new town in the middle of nowhere outside the shadow of his dad's fame? Will Taylor be able to finally make peace with his mother who abandoned them all those years ago? And how long can he keep his secrets to himself?


Does anyone have any info on what may have happened to Demonoid? For a couple of days, when I tried to get to the site, I got server busy screens, no matter the time I tried to access. Then I got 404 errors, then I got other ad websites, now all I get is the standard can't find it page. I wonder if the Feds or allies finally got to them.

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CastleFest 2012

So... I went all out for this years castlefest, and I have to say I'm more then pleased with the results :)

For those who are wondering, Castlefest is a fantasy /Steampunk festival here in the Netherlands.


edited to include the second pic.. something went wrong there

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Path Back Home

This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *31* Pointed Attack

Chapter *8.31*


Chapter *8.31*

Pointed Attack

That was something that even I thought was outside the box when Dad suggested it last night, it was certainly not a move that the rest of the race foresaw. The road curled around to the right and up, not hugely steep but no stroll either. Apparently we were following the ‘Deutches LimestraáŸe', whatever that is, we passed some tower thing then the road swung sharply left and the climb took on more urgency.

Bobbie C....Yippee!

Just a quick update: Bobbie sends her regards, and might even blog very soon after this post. She's been spending much more time overseas for her job, including a lot of travel to other locations besides her home base. Much of her responsibility with her company has changed focus and even increased, so she's been very busy. She wants you to know she misses everyone and hopes to write here soon, as well as continue to add to Danny's story as well.

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No Matter What - Epilogue

No Matter What - Epilogue

Authors note: This is kind of a follow up to No Matter What. I strongly suggest you read the first part if you want to understand any of this.

Sarah opened the fridge and put the leftover cake away.

“What a party!” she exclaimed to the rest of the group who were helping her clean TAN’s new meeting space.

“I’ll say,” Jose laughed. “Who would have thought that a tiny group of me, Tony, and Amanda would get so popular?”

“Well it helped when PFLAG started referring people to us,” Dorothy added.

The six of the seven people who had stayed to clean up sat down in the lounge area.

“I remember my first meeting,” Dorothy pondered. “It felt like a group of old friends just hanging out at Jose’s house.”

A gain out of a loss

I had a bit of a frustrating experience yesterday, but as a result I managed to make some progress in dealing with my tendency to have negative self-talk.

What happened was this: I got ready to go to work last night, and somehow managed to lose my keys just before I was set to go. A frantic search with my mom turned up nothing, leaving us both frustrated and upset, but finally there was nothing I could do but take my spare keys and head out.

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