For about a week, the internet has been quite wonkie. Chrome seems to have the influenza, and I've had to resort to IE7 to watch any movies. All this happened relatively suddenly. Is anyone else having issues?
I have been thinking of converting over to Linux but I have lots of classes to do first.
I have a Mac
and, last night (2200 BST in the UK) everything was running slow. It got to the stage where I was watching something on the BBC and it stopped due to 'insufficient bandwidth'.
I gave up and went to bed!
Other than that incident, no trouble.
Mac OS
The Mac OS is effectivly Linux, it is BSD Unix with a history of over 20 years so stwiching to linux would have no effect. Most likely somebody(s) in your neighborhood was being a "bandwidth hog" and overloaded the network segment. I would suggest Mozilla Firefox as your prefered Web browser
May the Peace and Happiness of The Goddess keep and protect you
Granny Lee
I have used windows senice 3.1 os a friend gave me a mack book and now i see windows as a dog with bricks tied to its head. Lots of free software I love. I will never use any Microsoft program agin.... Its so bad a few people have made hackentosh which is apple os on ant intel lap top... I am not saying apples perfect But it the best going at this point.. Thats just what i think, my computer is my life and connection with the outside world I am homeless and have no cell , cannot afford problems...also i dont have to worry about anti virus programs... From my end in Illinois i have no problem with google even google .se but i use safari you could try that. One more ting Crome uses a lit of memory so the catch could be full. try c cleaner its free and works to get rid of excess stuff..
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Mac OS
I don't mind Mac OS... What gets me is that you end up spending about triple the price of a windows computer with similiar specs. I'll stick with my Win 7/Linux Mint Dual boot and save myself the money.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Well I use my Android mobile
Well I use my Android mobile device for internet day to day. Mostly because I am at work and we have a closed intranet. I have had a few hiccups in the past few weeks but that was due I think to the mobile network I'm on. When at home I too use a Mac running Firefox as my browser and have not noticed anything of late.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
If your browser is acting up...
I'd clear your Internet browsing history (on chrome) and run a virus and spyware scan. Your description of the problem doesn't tell me much, but there many reasons Chrome might be acting up.
Linux isn't for the faint of heart. It's not as user friendly as Windows and there is a higher learning curve. In recent years it's gotten easier, but I would only recommend Linux for moderate to advanced Windows users.
I run a dual boot between Linux and Windows 7 and the only reason I even keep windows is so I can use Netflix.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Trouble in the Internet dimension
Try downloading Mozilla. It is what I use.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Ummm, okay,
like chrome sukZ almost aZ much as mozilla. try firefox. my friend Burl seZ itZ the best!!!
Firefox is Mozilla...
Have a delightfully devious day,