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social skills

Well, last night I worked in an area where another worker was very close, so we kind of kibitzed back and forth as we worked. Halfway through the night, I realized how much better my interactions with people, especially men, have become. Its a little thing, but it feels good.

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Justice in Florida

About a month ago an Air Boat Captain on a tour with a family wanted to show a alligator up close so he held out a fish to feed the Gator with is illegally low and behold the 9 foot gator jump up and showed to tourist how to bite the hand that feeds you. The gator was found and the hand was found but sadly the captain is now called captain hook.This past Friday he was arrested for illegally feeding the gator with a $1000.00 bond ,talk about wierd justice.

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Teenager In Mom's Clothing

I was somewhat surprised to trip over this sex advice column in the Guardian, an entirely respectable daily newspaper in England. It's an old column, from about three years ago, and the columnist doesn't have room to say much, but oh those comments!

I'm curious how folks here would respond to the comments. What do you think of the column and the responses?


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In Some Possible Future

In Some Possible Future

Author's Note: This little piece was mostly done as an assignment by my councilor, so it's not really in my usual style. I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Sam knocked on the doorframe to get his fiance’s attention. “Can you take a break from grading papers to come have dinner?”

“Of course. Just let me finish this one and I’ll be right out.”

A few minutes later, Kylie made her way to the joint kitchen and dining room to find Sam filling a bowl with spaghetti. When he was finished, Kylie filled herself a bowl and the two sat at the table to eat.

“It’s your turn to start,” he reminded her when she sat down. “How was your week?”

Sam and Kylie had been together for nearly a year, and they’d made it a tradition to check in and decompress over dinner every friday night. Without fail, one of them would cook and the two would sit down and talk about their week.


This is what the DSM V will be stating:

Gender Dysphoria (in Adolescents or Adults)**

A. A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender, of at least 6 months duration, as manifested by 2* or more of the following indicators: [2, 3, 4]**

1. a marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and primary and/or secondary sex characteristics (or, in young adolescents, the anticipated secondary sex characteristics) [13, 16]

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two good days, a week apart

I had two very good days over the last week that made my heart sing. The first was at a party a week ago Saturday where i was truly myself in a social situation. i also wore a skirt for the first time. everybody treated me as who i am... not who i was. It felt right and was...

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Becoming Robin Book 1: A Tale of Self-Discovery


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----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
Now Available on Amazon

Becoming Robin Book 1 Cover/Image
Becoming Robin
A Tale of Self-Discovery
By Zoe Taylor

Come follow the story of young Robert Smith

as he discovers the girl she always wanted to be.

“Is this the Smith residence?” A professional-sounding female voice asked.

“Yes ma’am,” I responded as politely as I could to make up for my earlier ‘oops’. “How may I help you?”

“Is this Robert Smith? My name’s Sharon. I’m a 9-1-1 dispatcher.”

I could feel the blood drain from my face. “What’s going on?” I asked, failing miserably at my attempts to contain the panic I felt welling up within already.

Argh! Family Argh!

No one in my life knows about my inside/outside issues, so I guess I'm in hiding. This causes me a lot of anxiety and I tend to overcompensate my male persona. So it really gets me in a big blue funk and I feel even worse when my very narcissistic family members call me to bitch about each other. I am not the one that can fix it all I'm barely holding myself together. I do feel I am treated differently than my sisters I am the only one who still actually has a job, I am adopted, I don't have any children, and I am the oldest.

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Healing a Princess...44 (Nivia)

Healing a Princess...44


by Anistasia Allread

The door to the inn banged open. Rikki’s head snapped towards the sound, his saber leaving its sheath. Sergeant Galyway was half way to his feet when three men in long dark green coats surrounded him. Five more green coated men with swords drawn entered the room as well.
Takar had his sword out and imposed his body like an armored wall between the intruders and the three Princesses.
“Hold!” a voice rang out. “Hold in the name of her Majesty, Queen Sakari!”
Rikki was dumbfounded. The serving maid was white as a ghost and nearly in tears of fright. With Takar blocking her view, Tonya looked up at her Captain for guidance. The bar keep was white, but her eyes flared with danger. Peering around Takar. Rikki could see Sergeant Galyway’s jaw clenched, If he were closer, Rikki bet he could hear him growling at the men surrounding him.
There was no way he could get Tonya up the stairs or out the back quick enough, even if Takar and he were fighting them off.

Home and beauty
This is a truly beautiful programme, though I know many people outside the UK cannot decode it without some trickery.
If ever anyone wanted to see what Steph'n'Geoff or Steve and the Toffs enjoyed, this is it. The farmer (whom I know slightly) has the most wonderful Gog accent, and the TG link is provided by the poet Twm Morys, son of Jan, who was James...

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Bears Know Best - Part 17

Bears Know Best

Part 17 of 28
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann

Thirteen year-old Taylor Landt’s step-mother believes that he should be the next great football player for the high school he’ll be attending in the fall. Having a dad who is an accomplished professional linebacker, and growing up surrounded by professional football coaches and players should all but guarantee his ability to dominate on the field. Unfortunately he hates playing football, and knows his height and build will never allow him to be successful at the sport. Faced with an obsessive step-mother who ignores his obvious talents in other areas but instead thinks he is a blight on his father’s reputation, Taylor does the unthinkable and moves to Ohio to live with his mother who abandoned their family and left him with his father eight years ago.

Soon after his arrival, Taylor discovers there’s more to his inability to follow in his fathers’ footsteps than just his height. Will it be possible for him to make friends in a new town in the middle of nowhere outside the shadow of his dad's fame? Will Taylor be able to finally make peace with his mother who abandoned them all those years ago? And how long can he keep his secrets to himself?

Miss Perfect Part 4

Miss Perfect Part Four
The Serial: Part Four
By Stanman63
Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge
Thanks To Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge For Inspiration
SynopsisI am now the girl that I am a girl .I always wanted to be

Life is Good

As some of you know I broke my arm in April and I am still in a cast , my last rant I said whoa is me BUT I saw a news clip about a guy who swam the Chesapeake Bay who was born with no arms or legs or the girl in Goergia who lost both legs and both hands to the flesh eating virus.
We also can not forget all the boys & girls that are born in the wrong body and deal with that everyday.
The fact that I have a temporary problem doesn't look so bad , I am going to be 64 in October and still have all my hair SO LIFE IS GOOD

To all my family at BCTS - LOVE YA ALL RICHIE2

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I'm only happy when it rains?

The above is based on an old song by a group called Garbage, and its about my general attitude in life. I was mentioning the other day to a friend about how ... easy my transition is going, and she said "What? Did you want it to be harder?"

Then in a conversation with my mom, I mentioned about passing, and she said, "maybe you want more attention, and are sorry people arent noticing you, even if that meant they were mean."

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Needs Verification

I may be wrong about this, but it seems to me if I comment on a story before voting that I am unable to leave kudos. If I vote first, then of course leaving kudos is not a problem. Has anyone else noticed this? The reason I'm saying this is that I just received a very nice comment about a recent story; however, the kudos count hasn't changed. I can't imagine getting such a nice comment without getting kudos.


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Is There An Official Listing Of Caregivers By E.E.Nalley?

Is There An Official Listing Of Caregivers By E.E.Nalley?
By Stanman63

Caregivers By E.E.Nalley has a series of stories posted here, but I see no history of how to read this fine collection. Anybody have an idea/?

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Ok folks for those that might be remotely interested. I am Jenn C (bad pun). I am a Hispanic nerd girl of the highest order. Like a lot of folks here my outside does not match my inside, never has. I have painted my self into a corner with real life and am still hoping one day to sort this out. I have lived in Texas all my life but have managed to move all over the place in it. I have a tendency to nerd out often just whack me on the head and ill stop. I do divide my friends into two categories 1. Those who could have seen Star Wars: A New Hope (original release) in the theater and 2.

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Our furry friends

Just got back from picking my ex's dog up at the vet - she had teeth problems, and needed one taken out. I was so upset I came home and cuddled with my own dog, breathing in that special feeling you get from the love of a pet.

If you have a pet, please remember to treat it better than you have to, because in them is a love and acceptance rarely found in humans - my dog never cared if I wore a skirt or not, which is better than I can say for some people.

Its probably the hormones, but I need a good cry now ...

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Bears Know Best - Part 16

Bears Know Best

Part 16 of 28
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann

Thirteen year-old Taylor Landt’s step-mother believes that he should be the next great football player for the high school he’ll be attending in the fall. Having a dad who is an accomplished professional linebacker, and growing up surrounded by professional football coaches and players should all but guarantee his ability to dominate on the field. Unfortunately he hates playing football, and knows his height and build will never allow him to be successful at the sport. Faced with an obsessive step-mother who ignores his obvious talents in other areas but instead thinks he is a blight on his father’s reputation, Taylor does the unthinkable and moves to Ohio to live with his mother who abandoned their family and left him with his father eight years ago.

Soon after his arrival, Taylor discovers there’s more to his inability to follow in his fathers’ footsteps than just his height. Will it be possible for him to make friends in a new town in the middle of nowhere outside the shadow of his dad's fame? Will Taylor be able to finally make peace with his mother who abandoned them all those years ago? And how long can he keep his secrets to himself?

Musings of a demented mind.

This blog is not really about anything at all, so those who are easily bored can stop reading now. :)

One of my frustrations with fiction writing is that ALL female warriors seem to be required to be nearly naked. This I do not understand, because anyone with breasts can tell you that the girls need to be aggressively supported and protected for a woman to be much of a warrior at all. Not only do they bounce around, but getting hit on one is a real owwie. It is confusing to me where this prejudice comes from on a site where many of us are professing to be women inside. Hmmm.

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Weight / Size

Most of my life, I was thin/skinny/beanpole etc. But just before I found Topshelf -- and maybe part of why I found my way here -- I got severely ill. It was in the late Spring or early Summer (depending on your definition of early June) 2006, and I was probably a size... 6 or 8 in US women's sizes, I forget. But I got deathly ill. There are other things that happened that day, but the practical upshot was I was completely bedridden for about 9 months, and could only make it 15-20 feet at a time for the next couple months after that.

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Beyond Galactic Marshal

I have started writing a sequel to "Galactic Marshal" and hope to start posting in September.

Also, I have put all three parts of "Galactic Marshal" together in one book and it is available on as an ebook for $1.99. It is available as a trade paperback as well.

Thank you for your support.

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Shalimar( Shelly) is in the hospital, surgery is definite

She got the results of the tests and MRI, and is now waiting word for when the surgery will be.

I read all of the comments to her about 20 minutes ago, and she wants me to thank everyone for their thoughts.


(original message)
As many of you know, diabetes has cost her all of her toes over past years.

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Silver River - Chapter 11

Silver River

by Purple Dragon

Jensen is a 12 y.o. kid that goes on a trip with the school. During this trip, and with the support of his friends and family, he'll discover things about himself that he didn't know, and grow up to become a more complete person.

Feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

a day being pampered

Well, I took my bottles in for the refund, and as I often do, I use that as "mad money" to do something nice for myself. Today, I made enough to go get a mani-pedi done, and it was a wonderful experience. Instead of the place in the mall I had tried before, I went to a little place in a strip-mall, and they treated me like a princess from start to finish, including the girl telling me that she almost missed me because she was looking for someone transitioning, and I obviously was a regular girl. (Okay, so it was probably for the tip, but what the heck.)

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Looking for an old story

Hi! I'm working on a sticky block and somehow found myself searching through my memory for a story I once read, but have lost somewhere... I think it's in my amygdala, but I could be lost even there...

The story was about a teenaged boy - trans, at it turns out (!) - hoodwinked into a girl's identity by his cousins, who finds herself a TV (sic) weather girl, and then a reporter, and finally a news anchor, all in one summer.

Does anyone remember this chestnut? Your help would be appreciated.

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Pseudo "Menses".

Well, I am sufficiently certain that I am having a cycle of some sort that I have downloaded an Ap called "My Days" to see if there is any veracity to the idea at all. I've been suspecting this for quite a while, so in two or three months I will know for sure. I placed my start date at the 22nd of July.

This is hard to understand, because there is no cycle to my hormones, so either my brain is having a field day with me or the moon is sending me suggestions.

So, do any of you have similar delusional states?


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The New Girl in My Life (REVISED)

The New Girl in My Life (Revised)
By Jessica C

My name is Jeff but for years now and then I get these compulsions to see myself as a girl. It has become a growing ongoing tension between me and my parents that was supposed to be a thing of the past. It was two weeks before school let out for Christmas break, and I had an urge to be sick at school. I worked myself up to be sick so I could get sent home from school. I had weeks ago found some clothes a friend was throwing out and I had taken them, without anyone knowing but not yet had a chance to try them on.

struggling with shaving

I think I've mentioned before that I struggle with the day-to-day stuff, of which shaving is the most difficult for me.

Having a dark beard on white skin that grows faster than anything is a pain, especially when five-o'clock shadow is probably the easiest "tell" out there, but more permanent solutions are beyond my financial reach, so I dont have any choices.

Sometimes, a girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do.

Ah, well.

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monumental day

SO today I finally started taking hormones... or hormone, depending on your view of things.

The doctor put me on 1mg of estradiol twice a day (so a total of 2mg) and we will adjust when the labs come back. Currently I am not taking a testosterone blocker because the last time I had that checked it was at a 75. I suppose if it got higher I can start that again too. I do notice lately that my libido is way down anyway so maybe my body gave up on it.

At least its a start

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Silver River - Chapter 10

Silver River

by Purple Dragon

Jensen is a 12 y.o. kid that goes on a trip with the school. During this trip, and with the support of his friends and family, he'll discover things about himself that he didn't know, and grow up to become a more complete person.

Feedback is welcomed and encouraged.


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