Susie and Jeffrey Books 1, 2, and 3, Epub and Mobi

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Susie and Jeffrey Books 1, 2, and 3, Epub and Mobi

A download link for epub and mobi versions of chapters 1 to 43.

I've split the original 1 into 1 and 2.

Book 3 is the morning and afternoon of manic Monday. The trip to the bank to deposit their winnings turns into an odyssey. Susie and Jeffrey may wander aimlessly, but the direction the story is taking becomes clear. As they dispatch increasingly dangerous 'monsters', any plot regarding Jeffrey's TG status recedes into the background. However, I've carried on regardless for another 101 chapters with what might have been better posted elsewhere as Susie and Denise.!105


Missing full stops and unpaired quotation marks have been fixed - I hope. I've written a word macro to highlight suspect quotation marks paragraphs and used it to edit all the chapters posted here.

Susie and Jeffrey must have more quotation marks per chapter than any other story, and it's hard to spot mistakes - the eye just glides over them. But when you do see an error, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Armed with my trusty macro, I've tried to exorcise that particular printer's devil.


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Do you really mean it?

101 more chapters?

Lucky me!

Susie (another one)

great stuff

well worth the time

Susie and Jeffrey Books 1, 2, and 3, Epub and Mobi

Unfortunately, I cannot access them under this format as this is not my computer and downloads are not allowed.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Im glad to see some books for

Im glad to see some books for our devices. I would also like to volunteer to convert stories for authors as well. I know how to convert to epub, not sure about mobi but will look into it.

Maybe an epub/mobi section should be opened

Thanks for All That

I've learned a bit about e-readers and file types as a result of these postings.

Thanks so much for making

Thanks so much for making these available! I love the series, and I'm looking forward to the rest in ebook formats.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}