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Looking for a couple of titles

Two stories this time.

First is a story about a boy that dresses up as a girl, could have been transgendered, and the first chapter had a scene in the halls of the school where the school bully who forcibly kisses her, then the main characters friends taze the bully's buddies. They were on the way to the mall if I recall correctly.

Second story was of a young boy who's sister sneaks out and they (sister and her friends) dress him up as a girl and spread pictures all over school and basically try to ruin his life while thinking they are the ones being wronged

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Hair Styles Help!

Does anyone know hairstyles well?
I'm looking for a medium-long length style that is slightly feminine, but could pass for androgynous and would be appropriate for work.
Also what would I would need to ask for such as perm, ect, and about how much will it cost?

< [external image redacted for failure to load causing problems -- edit] img src="" alt="me" />

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Giving advice

Well, last night I got to work a little early, and there was a teen girl who works as a cashier on the evening shift in the back on a break who decided completely out of the blue that I was just the right person to ask for advice about a boy at school.

I listened, and thought, and then gave her my advice:

Be yourself.

Be awesome, be real, be smart, be goofy, be nerdy, be super feminine or a tomboy when the mood strikes you.

Dont try and impress him.Try and impress yourself.

Dont be afraid to take the first move but be prepared that he could reject you.

Be okay with that.

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New Stories coming

Well, I've been able to write more. I have more chapters of the stories I have been writing coming.

Sgt. Greg of the Sissy Series has a new chapter coming. I got about 35% of it written and just have to keep going.
More Catwoman. I have about 15% of the next Catwoman story coming.
I have more Maid to be a Man with Maid Mia done, it just has to be edited now. It's 100% of Chapter 5, about 15% of Chapter 6.

Other than that, working and doing what I need to.

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Rock n Roll Evangelism

Okay it's a given I wuz a weird kid. Anyway, see I was poking about on various forums I visit and came across this one. It has absolutely nuthin' to do with TG but is pure Rock n Roll in the classic sense. A tribute to Deep Purple Machine Head by a bunch a contemporary guys and this one is the bees knees. That means damn good, okay.

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Gender confused horse.

There was an interesting/comical bit in the Doctor Who episode tonight. The Doctor is in an American town in the late 1800s wild west. At one point he asks to borrow a horse. The horse's owner agrees and goes on to say that the horse's name is Joshua. The Doctor says no it isn't; I speak horse, it's Susan and he wants you to respect his life choises.

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Okay since Shaun.v has already kinda sorta mentioned FreeRIDErs, I'll go ahead and put in my two cents. FreeRIDErs is a series of stories that is currently being posted over at It takes place in the far future on another planet called Zharus which is a type of super-earth. Bigger than Earth but with similar gravity due to lesser density.

It is very much an anime style tale with animal styled powered-armor that uses nanites to help merge the AI armor and human pilot into one form. There are a lot of gender changes in the stories as a whole, although not every story has TG.

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being able to take a compliment

Got a couple of compliments last night at work on my pretty new earrings, and I didnt do what I used to do - deflect them, instead I just thanked the people making them.

Its nice to be complimented, but its even nicer to be able to take a compliment and not immediately think of reasons why it cant be true.

Another step forward, I think.

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Interesting error...

This week I received a letter from my local council containing a rather dry consultation on how to negotiate a cut imposed on them from on high.

However, there was a rather interesting error (corrected in another letter the following day) on their equality questionnaire...

First version

(Helpful hint: look at the first question)

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Whisper FYI

I am not sure how many readers might like or want this, but I added a link to a PDF version of my Whisper story on the Whisper Title Page.

One of these days I will have to find someone willing to draw me a "book cover" since I am reluctant to try using "free" images found on the web.

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Through the years: Two against the world part 22

“I wish she didn't have to go. I wish she could move with me.” Tracy said, leaning her head against the window and just staring blankly at the passing scenery.

“I can bet that she wants the same thing.” Lilian said as they turned into a large sprawling campus. Tracy started looking around and saw several buildings and groups of kids, all ranging from six to eighteen walking around different parts of the campus.


Editing by Djkauf and secondary editing by Stanman63

More of Tracy and family.


Happy Birthday NeeNee!!!

Happy Birthday Renee!

She's one of the nicest people you'll ever want to meet and such a dear. She welcomed me into her heart, and I've been her Li'l Sis 'Drea since I got here! Please join me in wishing her a happy birthday, won't you?

Love you, NeeNee, with all my heart!!!

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Wild Magic 50

Wild Magic 50

Back to school. I’ve never really minded going back, to tell you the truth. Okay, that first day after my change was hard, but the usual back to school stuff? No problem. I get to see friends I haven’t seen in months. I meet my new teachers, see who I’ll be in class with, that kind of thing. In a way, it’s the restart of my social life. This year, though, is different.

Dreams of losing my daughter

Well, last night I was very sick and called it in at work so I could stay home. Now I almost wish I had gone to work instead, because last night I had nasty nightmares of losing my daughter.

In both dreams, she ran ahead of me in circumstances where I couldnt immediately follow, and I was left running around unfamiliar places trying to find her, and failing.

I know its just dreams, but it really shook me up, and the further into this transition I go, the more likely it seems that they will come true in a way.

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Karin Bishop interview on Bending the Bookshelf

My book "Fool Moon" received a review from "Bending the Bookshelf" ( in June. There was some correspondence back and forth and apparently this Monday, September 17th, I'm having an interview, of sorts, to be posted on the main site ( It's a compilation of some Q&A from my emails and I can only hope I don't sound like an egotistical goof.

Well, no more than usual ...


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Paint Shop Pro

Anyone have a copy of Paintshop pro that they no longer need. This is not piracy. I had bought paint shop pro and installed it on my old computer. I have since lost both the computer and the cd (i think i left it in the cd rom drive because it was the last thing i installed or it could've been stolen). I really like using the program to make my cover graphics. If anyone could help. Thanks.

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Overcome with grief

I became estranged from my family on Dec 23, 2004. I don't know whose Idea it was but recently I wrote a letter to my youngest daughter and her husband refused to take delivery, saying she did not want it. I took the loss of the family very hard and some of you will recall that I was hospitalized a half dozen times, tried suicide twice and spent 3 years on some very heavy psych drugs.

The last two years have been the happiest days of my life, until I wrote that letter.

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Another SF Question

Another science fiction question, though this one at least has some TG content.

I own the Ace Double Novel from the 1950s containing Cosmic Checkmate, by Charles DeVet and Katherine McLean. That's Ace's title -- they were always changing titles, probably in hopes of tricking potential buyers who'd already read the stories -- for an expansion of a magazine story or novella called "The Second Game", written by DeVet.

The "complete novels" in Ace's Doubles were often relatively short works; this was one such, coming in around 120 pages. An expanded edition, Second Game (no "the"), was issued in paperback in 1981, which is why I'm writing. Has anyone here read the later version?


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Reconciliation - at least in fiction

I just finished writing a story in which a slightly fictionalized version of me goes back to her hometown to re-connect with the people she left behind, and to lay ghosts to rest.

In the process, as I wrote a scene where she reconciled with her step-father, I felt a weight lift from me, as if I had managed to do the same in real life.

Maybe it was just fiction, but somehow, it felt like I actually accomplished something.

Make of that what you will.

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Retracing My Steps

Retracing My Steps

Author's note: Originally, this was going to be my submission for the reconciliation contest. But I couldn't seem to make it long enough, so it just is what it is. If you like it, make sure you leave a comment!

You can go home again, no matter what the old saying says.

Sometimes, its just a longer trip than others.

And on occasion, you can get lost, especially when you havent been in your home town in decades, which is why I was sitting by the side of a road looking at a map trying to figure out where I needed to go.

Hunger Pangs ebook cover and Ragnarok Rising update

Hunger Pangs eBook Cover

Well, over the last few days I've been compiling my stories into eBook and making them look all nice and 'perdy', but I ran into a bit of snag when creating the eBook for Hunger Pangs. The images I used as the cover here on BCTS just wouldn't work for an ebook well at least not and look good. The dimensions were wrong and they were too small. I really didn't want to recreate the images so I got to thinking and did a redesign of the cover using the existing images and combined them with a new image to make this:

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T. D. Aldoennetti’s Method or Style of Writing

T. D. Aldoennetti’s Method or Style of Writing

Hello Everyone,

As noted in one of my comments to a comment, Denise and I have finally decided the following material should be presented as a blog. Should Erin’s little Elves decide it would better serve the site as a FAQ or forum topic or ???? then they have permission to move it to that venue.

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Pretty Woman

An oldie one movie and song, I saw this movie yesterday on tv, just wanted to share it with all the pretty ladies in this site, isn’t lovely ?


Pretty woman, walking down the street
Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet
Pretty woman, I don’t believe you’re not the truth
No one could look as good as you, mercy


I got a truck load of lemons this month.

Started of with getting a phonecall from my sister that my mom was heading to the ER with hartproblems. Gave us all quiet a scare but although she isn't up and ready to run a marathon, or just go to work,she's doing more or less OK. Only had to stay in the hospital over the weekend for observation and is already nagging again ;) >sad smile<. And I seem partially responsible for it due to the etra stress my workproblems are giving her :(

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Dream - Revised

Authors note-This is a rewrite of one of the very first stories I posted here. I’ve always liked it, but I always felt I could do it better. I hope I have, at least a lttle, without ruining it.

Jesse sat in his antique rocking chair, the one that his Grandfather made for his Grandmother when she had nursed his father by the fireplace. There was a fire in the old stone fireplace, and Jesse relaxed under a blanket, watching the snow storm outside. The snow and the comfortable warmth soon had him drifting off on a nice Sunday afternoon nap.

Still not healthy

I have recently learned my left leg has several blockages in my vascular system. My walking has come to going about twelve feet and then pain up from the heal to the hip and as if it were on fire. I'm scheduled for Surgery in November. When my left leg has healed they are going to operate on my right leg below the graft they put in in April of 2011 . I'm doing as little as possible but I have a riding lawn mower so I have some me time as I ride about my lawn.

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Time to bitch about RL and day(ugh)job. Ignore if you want.

I know employment is a precious thing and I am lucky to even have a job in these trying times (not going in to politics here). In the last six months my employer seems to be doing their best to get rid of me.

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Intersex and A.I.S. documentary for non-Australians

The documentary blogged below, "Orchids: My Intersex Adventure" is not available for streaming outside of Australia, as many have found out. The US cable channel Showtime will be showing it September 17th and 30th, according to their site:

And go to the filmmaker's website for full information about the movie and a trailer that does play outside of Down Under:


Hmm ... "Outside of Down Under" ...story title?

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For Someone Who Asked - An Excerpt From A Teenage Jokera

Actually it's a scene from The Dinky Doos Investigate.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Tell me the best, Susie," Mikey chortled. "Have you been banished to the outer limits?"

"Au contraire, mon petit frère, I've been admitted to the inner sanctum. Behold - dad's newest trainee estate agent - and heir apparent."

"I don't believe you," Mikey spluttered.

"You'd better - I've got the tape measure and evidence to prove it."

"No, you haven't."

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Gaby Book 8 Chapter *36* Westerwald


Chapter *8.36*


The first few kilometres along the Rhein whilst not super fast were quite intense as after the first attack several more riders attempted escapes so we had a bit of a slow go ride. We didn't have a particular game plan today, there's nothing at stake so Dad's giving us a free hand.

“Any ideas?” Roni asked.

Intersex and A.I.S. / Hermaphrodite Story and Family support

I have just watched a story (11th September 2012)on our national ABC Australian network, called -

Orchids: My Intersex Adventure.

I believe this may be of interest to Top Shelf members who relate to A.I.S.

The link is:

It should be there for about a week.


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Kit and Kin 7

Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravenscrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravenscrest.


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