God Bless the Child now a book book

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Just to let everyone know, God Bless the Child is now available in paperback. It did take forever and a day to get it available from createspace, but that might have been me. I still have no reviews for Growing Up Jenny :( I know I had tons of people read it and would really appreciate a review. My goal is to always get to 10 (I only have 9 on GBTC which is :( ) Anyway, you can view my author page on amazon at http://www.amazon.com/K.T.-Leone/e/B009HL529W/ref=ntt_athr_d... take a gander.

As another update. I am working very hard at producing the next novel. It is still difficult not getting instant feedback when I know it is available if I simply posted as I went. I am really trying to produce something special though and don't want to cheapen it by posting parts of a rough draft. In fact, I have 3k words still to write today, so I better get cracking (I had to get my van fixed and that threw my scheduling all off).


stanman is one of three constants in the universe

Death, Taxes, and Stanman being supportive. Outside of a box of chocolates, what else does a girl need.

Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life