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The Angry Mermaid 106 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 106

Having put the Vikings to flight Drustina goes in search of her partner Carl the Saxon. After finding him,she learns of the Maigue Abbey treasures being stolen and is successful in recovering them.
Then she learns about 'The Book of Brendan' and resolves to have a closer search to see if the books pages can be recovered.

St Brendan the navigator.png

St Brendan is reputed to have crossed the Atlantic before the Vikings.

Havens Salvation 2-3

I have just posted the next segment of Havens Salvation. I am hoping that this is an original story not based on any others work. It is hard to know for sure beings I have read so many stories both here and in other circles but a extensive check of my memory I can not find any thing like this elsewhere.
I am trying to bring the characters alive for my audience giving the people you read about warm flesh and blood reactions to there environment and to each other. You my audience will be the final judge of that.

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Havens Salvation Chapter 2-3 Decisions


Ann McLaren when James meet her at Hadrian's wall..

Havens Salvation

Chapter 2


Copyright 2014
Misha Nova

Editorial salvation by djkauf

Creative Consultancy by

Bailey Summers,

My wonderful, funny, insightful and talented girls [ Anna 12y] and[Crystal 9y]

Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson [ my mother who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life. ]

Teha Kendi Actress Playwright Director Screen writer. Mother Best Friend, Wife, and the first person to give my writing a good review.

With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience.


After breakfast we crossed the highway from the Cafe, to take a look at the closed Chamber of Commerce building. There were a few old brochures about attractions. We found one that was five years old with a map of the township.

Katie and Arin move on

I was saddened to read that the famous se-change couple Katie Hill and Arin Andrews had parted. It was a wonderful story whilst it lasted of a boy who became a beautiful young woman and a pretty girl who became a handsome young guy. Having said that they are young and it shows how Katie has blossomed and is now very content and living as normal a life in university as other students. I often feel the younger generation is more accepting of situations and I hope Katie finds happiness and future success since she was very brave.

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A different take on SRS

My wife of 47 years is currently fighting a re-occurance of malignant melanoma, which has metastasized to her brain. In order to combat it the Drs are going to try Brain Surgery. Thru all the discussion etc. they frequently referred to the procedure as SRS surgery. When we got home, wanting to know more about it, she Google d SRS, and was very amused to find that the only references to that she could find were to Sexual Reassignment Surgery, which she does not think she is a candidate for. She finally found it on a medical reference web site as Stereotaxic Radio-graphic Surgery.

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The Angry Mermaid 105 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 105

After much preparation and planning, Drustina finally arrives at the scene of the main battle whilst it is in full flow. Her trebuchet proves to be the winning formulae and as the evening shadows are beginning to lengthen, she saves the day for the Hibernian defenders of Limerick.

The following day, whilst searching for her husband and battle companion, she is told of the missing treasures stolen from the Maigue Abbey. She reluctantly agrees to help the monk find the treasure and her good deed earns her and her men an unexpected reward.

Informal poll - which Op Rescue story was your favorite?

I know the reaction to Op Rescue: In Plain Sight has been very significant (judging by comments and kudos). That makes me wonder if the audience as a whole considers this better than, on par with, or less than Op Rescue: New Co-Ed. The main reason I ask is that while New Co-Ed has a lot of hits, it has few kudos. That makes me wonder if it was as good as my latest effort, or worse. Or is it an artifact of posting a link to a PDF file (as opposed to a 450+ page story in the form!) so the kudo button wasn't accessible? Was it because New Co-Ed was too long for most people's tastes?

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I'm going slightly mad.

So I sent in a story to amazon...4 weeks ago. No response yet other than the automated response letting me know they got the submission. I know supposedly they have 2 more weeks or so to go before I'm supposed to worry, but I can't help myself.

To add to this, a fan recently edited RiH 10. The editing job was very well done, very professional and I in no way mean to imply that I don't appreciate it. However the editing did make
clear the astonishing number of grammatical flaws inherent within my writing style... flaws I'm positive the story I submitted a month ago shares.

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Christmas Fairy Queen

I read a story by Robyn Hoode over on TG Storytime called "Christmas Fairy Queen" which she claims to be not sufficiently good to be posted here. She's wrong and needs to be shown the error of her ways. This is definitely a BC level story. Let's raise a little bit of Cain here ladies,


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Problem with the Home Page after logging in

I have now tried in Firefox and IE, but once I log in, the home page no longer shows the options under a heading of my user name. You know the list saying Home, Add A Story, Category Browser, Forums etc etc etc ending with Log Out.

I have to select my name from the list of who's online, or from the authors list, before I get the panel.

Just sayin'



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Saw an interesting commercial

Just saw an interesting commercial. It was regarding a drug proscribed for several mental conditions like ADD, and apparently it had the side effect of growing breasts on men. Why do I feel like this could be a story here?

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