General Audience (pg)

Almost lost it in church yesterday

Well, I almost lost it in church yesterday. As part of the service, they allowed people to come up to the front, light a candle, and say something they are grateful for. I went up, and thanked the church for their acceptance of me, and barely kept the tears back. Then, after the service I tried to explain what it meant to me that the church treats me like just another woman, and I almost lost it again ...

I am so blessed, yes?

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What Is the Name of this Movie

For more than 40 years my wife and I have been trying to figure out the name of a movie we had seen on late night television in Little Rock in the late 60s.. One of the stations stayed on all night. That was a big thing then. After the last late night show was over, they'd play old movies. This was before we started going together. There was a particular movie that we saw several times. It had a music theme that was built around a piano concerto. It may have been Rachmaninoff or Grieg.

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Nina Kiriki Hoffman's "A Red Heart of Memories" and sequels

Nina Kiriki Hoffman’s sequence of novels A Red Heart of Memories (1999), Past the Size of Dreaming (2001), and A Stir of Bones (2003) may be of interest to this site’s readers for one major transgendered character, who is onstage in Past the Size of Dreaming and A Stir of Bones and appears in flashbacks in in A Red Heart of Memories. Several other characters are more or less atypical in their gender identity and presentation. Hoffman has also written a number of short stories about the characters from these books, some but not all of which are in her short story collection Permeable Borders.

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My idea cupboard is getting bare

Well, after being one of the most prolific writers on here for the last four and a half years, I am facing the real possibility that my ideas cupboard is growing close to bare. Maybe all my brainpower is wrapped in my autobiography, but its possible that outside of a few crumbs that I might be able to bring to life, my days as a writer are numbered ...

If that occurs, I want my friends to know I will continue to contribute in other ways. I will comment and encourage other authors, and I will keep my blog going with whatever is happening in my life.

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Sorry, can't do Bike tonight.

I have a visitor staying and sometimes real life and real people have to take precedence over my imaginary ones. We're going to Bath tomorrow, the city not the ablution, assuming the trains are running.

Normal service will, I hope, be returned tomorrow.



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Counting My Blessings

I guess I didn't visit the site as much as I would have liked recently since life has bee getting in the way. I had to face up to new challenges but as tough as they are they are nothing compared to some I read recently here.
I should count my blessings. So I picked up on the Christmas story I started and hope to get back into the swing of things. So many people here support and encouragement and even a nice thought or a wish or just a touch of kindness.

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Yay! First Review!

I got my first review for my book up at Kindle, 'Heroes of Justice.' It was mostly positive with the reviewer giving me four stars. Apparently despite all the people who have looked it over, mistakes have still persisted. That's annoying since I think at times I can recite the whole book given how many times I've gone over it.

On a humorous note, the review claims to have bought it accidentally because of Amazon's 'One-Click' Button.

However, one review is better than no review!

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I just thought I'd let everyone know that there was a little bit of Trouble when My 2 Uncle's & 5 Aunt's showed up,but when they threatened to kill me My Mother called the cop's on them while My Father & Sister's Boyfriend destracted them.They were arrested for for something but I can't remember what now.It was so funny.Also I'm sorry for not blogging about this sooner,but it turned out that there is another in the Family who is Transgender & that is a Cousin of Mine on My Mother's side of the Family & was disowned last night by Her Parent's,but Taken in by Me.She told Her P

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prayers needed

in need of prayers for my wife. we went to the doctors last week for her appointment they ran some test on her they call on Wednesday found out that she has kidney renal failure of her left kidney a though years ago she had cancer in the same kidney they took a 1/4 of her kidney nope can't do any chemo on her she has diabetes so it won't work

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Google glasses and hot nerds

So I had to go up to walter reed for my endocrinologist appt today. While we where there we decided to chech out the NEX and ended up getting lunch in the NEX food court. Well while I was eating I looked to the table next to me and saw this really hot nerd guy and realized he had google glasses. I was so excited I jumped up and ran over to his table to ask him about them and what hr thought of them. Poor guy almost choked on his food when I ran up to his table practily screamin " OMG, are those google glasses!" He ended up being really cool and let me try them out, it was awesome.

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Christmas in the Workshop

This was originally post over on the Crystal Hall in 2009. I figured it was appropriate to repost here.

You find the Christmas spirit in the oddest places. As Christmas break approached, many devisors and gadgeteers put aside their regular projects to start working on something more seasonally "appropriate".

Julina of Blackstone - 013 - Plotting At Pace

Things start to fall into place as Julina gets more appointments, but things are happening at a far greater speed than anticipated

Julina of Blackstone
Her Chronicles

by Julia Phillips

013 — Plotting At Pace

movies, fashon, and family

So today I spent the day with my 7Y/O cousin. She was a blast to be around. We started the day by making cookies and burning them, she thought that was hilarious, I felt really bad. She then treated me like a life size barbie doll and this is what resulted,

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Taking my leave

I know that there are some who are concerned about me and really care. As I often do, I will be taking my leave from the site for a while. Unless something major happens or I will the Nobel Prize for transgender literature, I will have nothing much to offer for a while. I am going to be starting on my next story sometime in the beginning of January. I plan on making Growing Up Jenny into a paperback as well after a major overhaul.

Just to give you a heads up of what is planned for 2014:

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Christmas time

It is this time of year that makes grumpy old farts like me sit back and remember just what life I all about....Its not about what you did or what you achieved , to me its all about being the kind of person God would like you to be. Those ten commandments were set for a reason. I haven't been an angel about following them and am the first to admit it , But I now want to say this. I am going to try harder in the coming days, those of you I have offended know who you are and I offer the hand of friendship and forgiving to now.

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I have yet to hear anything from my sister and her family for the holidays but at least I might have a job again because the president of the company I had an interview with, has contacted me today on Christmas for a list of references to check with before hiring me. Plus I am in my sixth year in belonging to the website officially and plus two years unofficially.

Happy Holidays to all those here on the website,

Jennifer Boyle

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Of Snow, little girls and Angels: One year later

A look back into the life of Little Lisa, and her new parents, The Reeds.

This is a one shot story, checking in on the events that followed the story Of Snow, little Girls and Angels

While not filled with violence, the Caution is there for the mention of it.

Please note, this was put out before an edit, so I could post something for Christmas. This will be edited later for punctuation and spelling.

I am posting something today

Well, I am still around. I am now working the pets department as a stocker, so when I go home, I am beat and I wanted to put this out a few days ago, but I was so tired. Now that Christmas will be over in a few hours, I have decided to get some things out. The first will be a check up on Lisa from my story Of Snow, little girls and Angels.

I am working on Tracy stuff and I know, people were not into the Halloween stuff, but I will show how things got that bad.

Tempted to put out a Tracy Christmas thing, but it may not be done until tomorrow or the next day.

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