General Audience (pg)

Had a flashback yesterday

Well, on Sunday after church, I had another session with my pastor's wife, and had a flashback during the session. In my flashback, I saw myself during the abuse being photographed by my rapist. A flash from a camera, going off again, and again.

Needless to say, I was a little upset about this.

But thinking about it this morning, I found myself being able to say "Screw my rapist. He doesn't own me. So he took pictures. I don't belong to him."

So maybe this flashback ends up being a step forward.

I can hope so, anyway.

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I'm how old?

Ever since I started my transition I've been very young at heart, in fact if you asked my ex wife she would say, every time, that I act like a thirteen or fourteen year old. I personally blame my second puberty. I'm afraid less, I get more out of life, I have goals, and I'm in touch with the real me. A friend of mine sent me an online test that tests your mental age so I thought I'd see if my ex was right. The test measures things like how emotional and mature you are and such, so it's a mental age test and not an intelligence test.

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Gaby Book 10 Chapter *16* Drew Delivers


Chapter *16*

Drew Delivers

It really isn't that far back to the Peters place from Bern's and given the attack on Helen not so long ago it probably wouldn't be the wisest thing to walk, by myself, at silly o'clock in the morning. Besides my current garb is not exactly warm and there was a distinct cold draught when Julie left a few minutes ago.

Busy Year!

Hi everyone, missed you. Wow I cant believe how far behind i am in my stories, not to mention reading others. Of course going on vacation, work and helping a friend through her illness does eat up ones writing time. Well, ill be posting soon so I hope everyone has a good holiday.

PS Some evil person got me reading Harry Potter fanfic, I cant believe how much of a time sink that's been reading on 600+ stories on fanfic site :)

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Come back soon…Part 8 Finale.

Come back soon…Part 8 Finale.

I think it took three full days for me to calm down really after getting Mar’s letter. I mean I was kind of calm especially after a nice little pill but with everything that I’d been through and that had happened and just built up in my life that letter became a touchstone.

I kept in the envelope but that envelope was with me everywhere…well except the shower.

Did all my fans disappear?

I guess what little fan-base I have has given up on my writing. My last story "Somebody's knockin'" and my latest poem "Lie to me" both are lacking in comments. I know I'm not the wonderful author Tels or Bailey Summers or Drea (or almost anybody you can mention on this site) are, but still ...

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The Three Wise Punks

The Three Wise Punks

Jennifer Sue

Prank Gone Bad:

The three wise punks sat in the hard uncomfortable seats in the office of Lincoln Middle School. All three were fidgeting and worried. They were really in for it this time. The principal really chewed them out and now they sat waiting for their parents to come pick them up. It had been a joke, just a harmless prank. They had no idea that anyone might end up being hurt. Yet there they sat facing possible suspensions, or at best a month of after school detention. It was only the beginning of October... what would the rest of the year be like?

For my loyal readers

I was looking at my account details earlier today and I was shocked to discover that I have gotten over 5000 kudos in the year and a half or so that I have been on BCTS. It came as a bit of a shock to me with as much time as I've had to spend not writing since I started here due to health or computer issues. So I would like to take this time to thank all of my readers who comment, kudo, send me messages, patiently wait for new chapters when RL swallows me up, and generally make me feel like an author rather than a scribbler.

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Interesting song...

Since you've so far got over 70% of the tunes on my infernal acronym quiz without much difficulty (although I've noticed edits have dried up recently (Hint Hint)), I thought I'd search out some more obscure songs for the next iteration.

Among them, I discovered this ever-so-slightly tongue-in-cheek track, which for rather obvious reasons never makes it onto seasonal compilation albums... :)

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Well crap...

So, today I wound up doing something I reaaaaallly hate doing... I cut a rather sizable chunk of my story. In fact, I can honestly say this is the largest single consecutive piece of a story I've ever cut totaling a whopping 15,000+ words which sets me back to a little over 100,000 words. Ouch. It's rather depressing, but unfortunately it had to be done. The story was headed in a direction I did not like and the only way to back out was to take this rather significant hit. There are parts I may be able to reuse, but most of it is a complete wash.

Sorry had to vent...

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Men and Flirting

I have said before that some outfits can improve a man's appearance, and last night at work I got a good example of it. One of my supervisors was wearing a western-style dress shirt that flattered him nicely, and once I finished berating myself for noticing, I decided to give myself a break on the subject.

But it did get me thinking about flirting with men, and having a man flirt with me.

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Seven Years

In two weeks, it will have been seven years since Sephrina recruited me to come to this site. I was a right mess when I got here. Looking at the Calender, it must have been the night that I returned from the hospital because of suicidal ideation, and had just been told that on the next day, Christmas Eve, I was being thrown out and installed in my own apartment, thus ending abruptly a marriage of nearly 40 years. By the time the divorce was final, it would be 40 years, 4 months. What the hell, this was supposed to be for life !

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Stary Stary Night.

There is so much peace in driving out through the desert, but I have never been out there in the winter. Sometimes I see pictures with snow out in the sage brush and wonder how it got there. We used to go out in the desert to camp. I loved looking up at the stars at night. Sometimes I would lay there under the jewel bright heavens and doze. Once in a while I'd wake up and look at the stars and I would notice that the Milky Way had swiveled a little. I remember that sort of like a time lapse movie. The nights when the moon was gone were the best.

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So I went to my regular Thursday dance class today and a two songs in my ankle started feeling really stiff and a bit sore. I tried dancing a couple more songs but it just kept getting worse and I was making mistakes. My teachers usually tell me I'm one of the best in the class and are actually thinking of having me in one of their shows. fourth song in I was making more mistakes because of the pain and discomfort and it was throwing off my balance so I quit for the day.

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Christmas Gift to Me

Christmas Gift to Me

It is a safe time to linger checking out girls toys, and women's clothing, under the guise I am Christmas shopping for someone else... Tonight he will not ever forget the dream...


By Ellie Dauber
(c) 2002

A father uses the Medallion of Zulo to break up the relationship between his daughter and a boy he doesn’t like. And, as you’d expect, things don’t go exactly as planned.

This is an experimental story that alternates between the action of the story and a stream of consciousness by the narrator character. I'll be curious to see what people have to say about it.

What do you think?

Hello everone! I'm of need of some opinions here. My book Heroes of Justice has lingered in the backroom for ages. There're many reasons why, but mostly because of the lack of a cover. Yes, I do know that many has come forward with solutions, but for me it turned into a mountain of frustrations.

Finally, money problems has forced my hand, so ready or not.

This is a cover I've put together that I think looks half-way decent. My question is what do you my three fans think? What might improve it?

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Whatever the future may hold

Some time back I was outed by one of my nephews, a particularly nasty and unthinking individual whose actions have unfortunately caused me multiple issues, not to mention the total polarization of my ex-wife's family. My ex-wife was the only person outside of my therapist and my friends here who actually new that I was transitioning - my plan being to address this with my sons in the spring of 2014. My three sons, who at the time my nephew decided to tell the world were aged 17, 22, and 25, unfortunately found out in a less than optimal fashion.

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Okay, so now I am confused

Well, I had my ultrasound on my foot, and I am more confused as to what's going on than ever. I started to sweat when the technician called someone else to look at my results, and all this other person would tell me was there was a possibility it was "scar tissue" and gave a Latin name which meant nothing to me.

So now I have to wait for a MRI scan, which wont happen until May, and then see the specialist.

Our system is free, but it sure takes a long time to get anything done ...

Ah, well.

What's a life without pain?

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Julina of Blackstone - 011 - The Dinner Date

Julina goes out on her first ever dinner away from home and family

Julina of Blackstone
Her Chronicles

by Julia Phillips

011 — The Dinner Date

Fighting illness and injury.

Since last weekend, that is, the weekend of Dec 1st, I had been fighting an abscess on the back of my shoulder. That Sunday I went into the emergency room to have the abscess lanced and drained, which they did, after some big time pain. I left with a large bandage on my shoulder, and not much else except a couple of pricey prescriptions which I couldn't afford.

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