Sorry about my earlier posts. I think I overreacted just a tad. As a person who wears her heart on her sleeve I take things personally more than I ought.
I think I'm going to take a step back and regroup though. My old roommate made a point and it is valid, I end one story and immediately start on the next. I might not be typing, but I'm planning and dreaming and scheming out ways to write something worthwhile. Problem with that, I never sit back and just relax and recharge.
Sometimes I do feel as if I'm in a niche no one wants filled. But I do have to stay true to my visions and hope that I reach just that one who really needs to hear what I have to say. Also I have this fear that if I quit, my muse will leave and when I want to continue she won't come back.
For now I just need to lick my wounds. Some things really set me off and that is either being told my work is crap or an accusation that I'm a pedophile and I had both seemingly at once. I am also too damn competitive for my own good. So I will just relax a bit, maybe read over some of my works that I've forgotten, and catch up on naps.
Thanks for the swift kick in the ass for all of those who sent it.
It's okay
Just remember this, a critique of your writing is NOT a critique of YOU.
I have always believed that ultimately we write stories we want to read because we can't find enough of them out in the world. It goes deeper than that, of course, but I think that's a good one line summary of how I feel about it. So, in other words, we write for ourselves. Keep that in mind, hon. Thick skins are hard to come by. Most writers (at least the ones I know personally) connect to their writing on an emotional level. Which helps create emotionally meaningful stories. That's where the thin skin comes in. We put the emotions into our stories, and it makes a little soft spot in us where they are concerned. Just remember that first thing I said: Critiques of your writing are not critiques of You.
~And so it goes...
I have started several stories of yours but drop them after a couple of chapters. It seems you start writing minutia instead of the story. Let your readers provide the filler to your presentation of the main story line. That’s why I love to read. I can’t be held prisoner and can go anywhere I want as long as the story goes there.
Nasty nicknames
Actually being called a pedophile is nice compared to what I was called when I was 18. Pedophile at least means you love children.
I was called evil demon, crazy child molester, worthless bastard, dickweed, sick cunt and that I will go to hell for the fantasies I had. Which made me wonder, why would these crasy Bible-thumpers be going into and erotica side in first place? Did they enjoy going to places they're not welcomed or were they born as trolls.
Anyway, anyone needs a break once in awhile. Glad you realize it before things got worse. All the best.
Some name calling hurts
Calling someone a Pedophile in this day and age is enough for some people to take the law into their own hands and do nasty things to those on the receiving end of the name calling. Therefore being called one is really no fun at all. In olden days you might be tarred and feathered. These days.... I don't need to say more.
I'm with Katie on this and that I can only imagine how much it hurt her to be called that.
Back to the subject of writing.
A couple of years ago, I totally lost the inclination to write. IT was nearly nine months before I got the muse again. At first, I worried about it but after a while, I got on with life and enjoyed things.
Then without notics, it hit me again and I started writing again.
At the moment, I have three or four ideas rattling around in my head. Nothing on paper yet but maybe one day soon... my next blockbuster story will start be put down on paper (or computer).
I have an 11 hour flight on Thursday. That means that I'll have a lot of time to dream of plot lines.
love the minutia
stephen king the edding's ane rice dude that writers the imager stuff
brain spasm cant remember all paint vivid pictures with words using minutia you do this for me as for the pedo bear stuff what a bunch of morons
so please yourself and you please certain readers like me what with my missing punctuation intentional I do read an ungodly amount roughly 300 pages an hour you are a sweet splash of sun spring or sometimes august in texas damn love it
Remember a niche is a niche. And I personally think it is a rather in demand niche, significant, though maybe not so huge. You sell stuff, right? You do get positive comments, you have had some serious positive reviews, there are people who like your writing, right? So then so what if there are those who do not get your niche, that goes for any other niche. Write for your self, you have things to say, and write for those who like your writing, plus those who may be swayed by it. And ignore or at least don't worry about those whose niche is its to dislike your niche. Just worry about the niche of those who you touch and do reach. It is a very good niche! And a niche that need every writer that fills it's void.
~Hypatia >i< ..:::