This spring or summer I want to go camping in the Oregon Outback and have found a place that is at least 40 miles from any urban lighting, on a plateau of some 5000 feet, in isolated solitude. In my youth, I loved amateur astronomy, and once had a small reflector, so plan to resume that hobby once again.
In the mean time, I must find ways to prevent any lights from coming on in my car, or cover them in red cellophane. Any camp lights I have must be red also.
Since I plan to be alone, safety will be a concern, so I will be frequenting used clothing stores to find men's pants and shirts. I'll have a crew cut and work on lowering my voice once again. I won't say what other preparations I shall undertake in the interest of not offending some of you. I can grow a surprising white beard in about 5 days. Along with the crew cut, I plan to find a hat that says something about surviving Cancer. This is a backup plan in case someone sees through my representation of a man. This sounds exciting. :)
I've found a small, wide field telescope to take and plan to sit out in the dark, listening to "Spem in Alium" at the loudest setting my stereo will withstand, as I watch the heavens progress across the sky.
This two weeks impersonating a man, I hope will once and for all settle that question. Now being XXY lays the foundation for a variety of personas. XXY folk are really fascinating because we run the gamut from being extremely feminine to being oh so adorably masculine. One I saw online is the penultimate "pretty boy".
It is increasingly clear that the gender binary is pure bull shit. I wonder how long it will take society to digest that?
Welcome to the club Gwen.
You are dead right about the false premise of the 'gender binary'. Long ago I came to my own private and secret conclusion that 'there were more than two genders'. Never mentioned it to anybody though, too dangerous, too contentious.
These days however, things are much easier.
What annoys me is that the medical profession have known for decades that gender is not binary but they have let their cultural prejudices overrule their science and their oath. XX, XY, XYY, XXY, XXXY and so on, doctors have known for decades! Society still has issues with it.
Good luck on your Oregon trail, watch out for bears, wolves, and whatever other dangers there are out there.
Well be careful about all this
With all due respect, there are ways of being assertive and strong and have people respect you and still be a woman. As for these kinds of adventures, take along a friend if necessary.
Also be careful as you may now come across as a butch lesbian and may run into a homophobe.
Good luck.
I used to do quite a lot of remote camping, mostly for fly-fishing. It can be risky but frankly I always had one friend with me. As we say 'out west', "God may have created men (and women) but Sam Colt made us all equal.
Enjoy your trip,
Being an old timey camper myself, please let me offer this small tidbit of what I like to call common sense; When camping alone in an extreme wilderness area such as you just described I highly recommend you carry at least a .357 Magnum hand gun or if you can get a .44 Magnum. sounds radical I know, but honestly , Bears are a real threat out there, not to mention idiotic humans. I would rather have it and not need it than need it & not have it. Please take care and be safe out there, there are folks here who do care for you
I wanted to avoid gun talk.
I don't talk about these things much but do have some hidden talents. :) In the woods I'll carry a .38 SP, and may take a 30-06. Forgot about the bears, though I have seldom seen them. They did plant a colony of Wolves out there a few years ago, but I doubt that they will approach me. I'll keep the food in the trunk and covered.
I'll be on a plateau North of Enterprise, Oregon that is deeply cut by breaks that go down to the Imnaha, and Snake Rivers. Where I will be is pretty bald, except stands of Ponderosa Pine down in the breaks. I think they classify this as arid, semi-desert. I think the bears, wolves and such will be down in the breaks, though some of the ranchers have cattle and sheep in the area.
In the last 20 miles into the area, the road passes 3 or 4 houses without electricity. I do not know if they have generators or just do without. Though they likely have propane fired refrigeration that uses the Ammonia cycle. These should be interesting people. :)
Gender Binary
Binary only gives you two options 1 @ 0.
Did you know in octal you have 8 chances!
2`0 = 1, 2`1 = 2, 2`2 = 4.
000 = 0, 001 = 1 010 = 2, 011 = 3, 100 = 4, 101 = 5, 110 = 6, 111 = 7, 8 chances!
So 'Gender Octal' is better than 'Gender Binary'.
eg. xxx, xxy xyx, yyy etc.
You may ask what the F--- has this got to do with camping, answer nothing.
I would suggest that you take a big dog!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)