No Good Deed

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No good deed goes unpunished as they say.

So, I put up chapter #98 and almost immediately decide that I have made a mistake. Unfortunately, I had a trip to the US to organize, and my readers have already supplied many comments... enter the rewrite from chaos.

When I get back from the US, having already started #99, I decide that #98 is not good enough and needs to be split into two. Most of #98 concerns the journey from Teldor to Dekarran and what happens that evening, the events of the following day were compressed down to three end sections. I decide to split them off from #98 and make them the new #99, moving the old #99 to #100. With me so far?

As I mentioned there were already a host of comments to #98 but these in the main concerned firearms and related material. If I just updated #98 with the new, slightly truncated version, these would become meaningless in context, so I looked for a way to preserve them in the right place.

I got it! Renumber #98 to #99, create a new #98 with the truncated journey and then update #99 with the next day's events. Easy, right?

Nope. Now I have two #98's in the right hand column, BCTS thinks #98 is the newest chapter (technically, it is, I guess) and won't tell me what are the new comments to #99, even though it knows they are there.

I'm sorry to have caused this chaos and confusion. I'm sure that things will eventually be straightened out but BCTS is still fragile at the moment and I don't want to make extra work for the elves.

I think I'll just go back to writing stories.



Dumb Computers

Never ever try to outsmart a dumb computer! It will tie you in knots and leave you scratching your nose with your toes. We knew what you were trying to do and approved wholeheartedly.

I thought you had already visited this side of the pond.


Been there, did that

Penny Lane's picture

Yes. Went to the US and have safely returned. Sorry, I used the wrong part of speech. Fixed.


Been there

Now that everything is sorted, we can get down to R, D and P.


The old 98

erin's picture

The old 98 in the outline is a ghost and is actually pointed at the new 99, which I've changed the date stamp on it to make it the newest post.

I'll de-ghost the outline after we get things settled with the new servers.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Penny Lane's picture

No wonder everybody was confused!

Thanks, Erin. And I'm glad to see the whole thing was fixed (seemingly) by updating a date stamp.


Thanks Penny

I found the new 99 just fine yesterday using the link at the bottom of 98. I thought both the revised 98 and the new 99 were very good and a significant improvement over the the original 98. I appreciate your effort, and I'm glad to hear that the next chapter is well along.

Thanks to Erin and crew. They always do a great job fixing up the items that go astray on the site for whatever reason.

Herding cats

Keeping track of things, around here, must be like trying to herd cats or is it felts. You ride all day and don't move a mile down the road.


I know the feeling about losing plots ...

The problem is when a story becomes very long we all lose track of plots, names, places. events etc. I fully appreciate your conundrums. My solution (well partial solution cos' it doesn't always work,) is to leave the chapter festering on my computer for a few days then go back to it. Yes I've got names wrong on several occasions, fortunately there are some hawk-eyes readers on BC who have spotted the blunders.

If I haven't already said it, welcome back from NY.

