At one time I only believe that fan fiction was a distraction. It would muddy up the story and the plot. Then I learn to enjoy it for what it was and now love it. Its a twist to the authors main idea and a compliment to the original good story idea.
The main thing that comes out fan fiction are the amazing authors. Some who are very accomplish. I find if I like their writing. I look up the author name and see if they have written anything else. I might never had read their other stories or known who they were. Its amazing how many authors have written in these different worlds and have added so much. hugs Jackie Anna
We All Have To Start Somewhere
Anything that encourages people to write creatively has to be applauded. We all have to start somewhere.
some is really really good, some really bad, and some you wonder if the person even read the original material.
I've written
several short stories and three novel length fanfics using Maddy Bell's Gaby characters. Melanie invited me to write some using her PFH characters, so I'm quite in favour of them, but I still write more of my own stuff.
Aside from whateley... I'm currently writing one. It's mildly embarassing to say what world it is though; I feel dirty writing it, but can't stop!
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