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Unspecified Blood Infection 2024/09/29 - 4:20pm
The Dagger of Heaven at the End of Time -15- by SammyC on Patreon 2024/09/29 - 4:17pm
Last hurrah 2024/09/29 - 1:29pm
Second Spirit -5- by Melanie Brown on Patreon 2024/09/29 - 12:01am
Will and Harper 2024/09/28 - 9:27am
Web archives 2024/09/28 - 1:36am
Current Participants in our Contests 2024/09/27 - 6:23pm
Deep thoughts at the swimming pool. 2024/09/27 - 2:29pm
How To Cope With [Gender] Dysphoria 2024/09/27 - 9:21am
Julio and Roomiette by Erin Halfelven on Patreon 2024/09/26 - 9:19pm
Rethinking strategies in a relationship that changes 2024/09/26 - 6:08pm
Transgender Suicide is up Seventy Percent 2024/09/26 - 5:10pm
support 2024/09/26 - 10:20am
Just Be Aware 2024/09/26 - 6:17am
It's not my place to tell people what to do 2024/09/26 - 4:23am
TG Forum Needs Our Help 2024/09/25 - 2:50pm
A very unBruish Bru story coming up 2024/09/25 - 2:41pm
Funding this site 2024/09/25 - 5:25am
More bills due, more funds needed 2024/09/25 - 12:40am
BigCloset TopShelf's October 2024 All Hallow Eve's Story Contest 2024/09/23 - 9:30am
The 2024 AACD Caption Story Contest: Voting Begins Soon! 2024/09/23 - 4:03am
Space and Time for Romance #2 - My New Anthology on Amazon 2024/03/31 - 3:34pm
BC Funds and the Hatbox 2022/02/17 - 3:30pm
How to Process Removing Hate Reviews from your Amazon Published Works 2021/11/11 - 8:39am
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Everybody Wins! 2015 Summer Vacation Getaway Contest Results 2015/07/02 - 7:16am
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Edeyn 2013/09/30 - 6:57am
BigCloset TopShelf's 2012 Reconciliation Story Contest Winners 2012/11/29 - 11:41pm
BigCloset December 2011 Christmas Spirit Contest Voting 2012/01/12 - 6:59pm
BCTS Summer Romance 2011 Contest Results 2011/11/30 - 5:11am
BigCloset TopShelf's October 2011 TG Terror Contest Results 2011/11/07 - 7:39am
TopShelf's December 2010 Santa's Helper Story Contest Results 2011/01/01 - 7:47am
TopShelf's December 2009 Christmas Holidays Contest Results 2010/12/30 - 5:20pm
TopShelf's December 2010 Santa's Helper Story Contest 2010/11/25 - 9:22am
TopShelf's October 2010 All Hallows Eve Contest Results! 2010/11/16 - 6:41am
TopShelf's Summer Romance 2010 Contest Results 2010/07/30 - 3:22pm
October TG Terror Contest Winners 2009/11/30 - 7:44am
Topshelf's Summer Romance 2008 Story Contest Winners 2008/08/28 - 3:54am
Topshelf's Summer Romance 2008 Story Contest 2008/06/24 - 3:05am
BigCloset Retro-Classic Stories 2004/08/11 - 4:16am
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

Princess Warrior by Melanie Brown on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


John was pissed that he died on the beach at Normandy.

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It was June 6, 1944 and to say Private John Burton was unhappy would be an understatement. Even though he had heard General Eisenhower's speech on the radio, he really wanted to be elsewhere. Not that he wasn't a red-blooded American and not that he didn't grasp the importance of the mission. It's just that he was convinced there was a German bullet with his name on it. It was a feeling he just couldn't shake. All the trouble his parents went through to raise him, scolding him into good behavior, getting onto him to make good grades. And then all the money and effort Uncle Sam went through to prepare and train him for this exact moment, everything his life was moving towards would come to a wasted end on a beach in France he'd never heard of. He just knew it. And he was mightily annoyed about it.

Being annoyed couldn't describe how John felt when not even ten feet from the landing craft onto the sands of the beach before being cut down by German machine gun fire. Talk about being angry as he fell onto the sand...

And then even more angry when he woke up in another time and place as a naked teen girl...

Princess Warrior
On Kindle!
by Melanie Brown

Jo(si)e -4- Working as Jo

After sleeping on it, Joey's mind had not changed, he was going to become Jo for as long as the project at the archaeological dig went on, but needed to act quickly to ‘bite the bullet’ before he changed his mind.

The Angels: Rodeo Tour Chap. 6

Virginia Horse Center, Lexington, Va.:
“Man, this place is unbelievable.” Debbie and Juni were loving the horse center.

“And the good thing about it is we don’t have to judge anything.” Angela was glad they didn’t have to do anything this time except sing.

Cassady and Jessie were standing next to each other and looking around. They spot a teenage girl dressed in western gear helping a bunch of other teenagers with a bunch of horses. Cassady and Jessie watch as the long, strawberry blond-haired girl leads several horses out of a horse trailer.

Such a Show Off

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Such a Show Off
By Sabrina G. Langton

Author's Note: Not really a story, just something that is a-happenin'. Just something that is keeping me up at night. Just figured I should tell someone...



I feel the need to show myself off all of a sudden.

I bought three items in the last month that are trying desperately to change my life.

Smart House AI in Another World, part 4 of 9

“I’m sorry, your daddy needs me to help with something,” I told Durom. “We’ll have to continue the story tomorrow night.”


“But I need to know what happened to Bilbo,” he said plaintively. “Did the trolls catch him?”

Emerald Princess - Chapter 34 - Babysat

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Emerald Princess

Chapter 34: Babysat
by Sofia Hammerstein


Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 33

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 33
My First Morning as a Cat Girl

I woke up to someone growling.

New instincts made me leap to my feet, which proved to be a mistake. I somehow jumped too far and slammed face first into the wall. I stood there, plastered to the cold stone for a moment, then fell backwards back onto the floor.

Fighting The System

Hope High School, Hope, Arkansas:
“Jackie West, why aren’t you dressed out for gym?” Coach Rivera looks at Jackie as he sits against the wall.

He had been warned about Jackie West being added to his class and that Jackie was a transgender girl. He didn’t need the headache and felt all transgender students like Jackie West should be sent to special schools instead of letting them attend regular schools with typical students.

Metempsychosis Apotheosis - 10

When Robert’s wife’s body is stolen, Robert must discover where and who she is and get her body back. But can he succeed when Exmuritious Forrester, the CEO and owner of Transmigration Studios, decides to stop him? Who can Robert trust, when anyone could be anyone?
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The Redemption of Jamie Sarah Potter (1)

The Redemption of Jamie Sarah Potter

I took a deep breath as I knelt down in front of the altar of St. Mary's Episcopal Church. Mass was due to start in thirty minutes. And Fr. Bell was now hearing confessions. Now, normally I don't go to confession, I find it silly, a waste of time, and sometimes down right degrading. Like why am I going to wreck my brain looking for a 'sin' to confess to a forty something year old man hiding behind a wooden screen? But there was something on my mind.

Assimilate This! (2 of 5: Borg)

The moment that tractor beam hit our little ship we knew our fate was sealed. My moms and I had been abducted by the most feared beings in the galaxy, merciless creatures who saw us as nothing more than raw materials for their quest to turn everybody, everywhere into what they were. The drones ignored my screams as they replaced my left eye with a more efficient visual apparatus, then replaced other parts of me with tools suited to the tasks I had been assigned to perform. Wires snaked into my brain, and when my mind was linked to the collective I wasn't me anymore. I was no longer anyone.

But I'll say one thing for being turned into a Borg, it did eliminate my gender dysphoria for more than years. When you're nothing but a component with the designation 13-of-13 gender identity is irrelevant...


A story in the STAR TREK universe
Laika Pupkino ~ 2023


Necromancer Unmanned: Chapter 31

Necromancer Unmanned
Chapter 31
The Wider World

City of Doko
Alkebulan Continent
Grand General Ekon

Staring out over the city of Doko, the largest city on the sandy northern coast of Alkebulan, Grand General Ekon Bankole watched the fleet of armoured ships steam out of the harbour. Even after two years of watching them move without sails, he was amazed at the wondrous ships. Who would have dreamed that steam engines could work such miracles.

The Faerie Blade: Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Kaelyn in the Capital

Kaelyn was just trying to fill her belly, but she got a lot more than she bargained for when she decided to save the life of a Faerie.


“How many dances are there?” I asked as our body sheathed the blade once again.

Freedom of Naethari: Chapter 4



Chapter 4: Misdirection

Naiya and her fellow Naethari have killed Edward Pierce and gained their freedom, but there are others who want the Naethari for their own ends. Can they keep their hard-won freedom?


I walked up to the counter and smiled at the guy who was there flipping through a car magazine as I said, “Hi, I’m here to see Sandro, Jack sent me.”

Emerald Princess - Chapter 33 - Traps

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Emerald Princess

Chapter 33: Traps
by Sofia Hammerstein


Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.

Gaby Book 25 ~ Only Five Minutes ~ Chapter *22*

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Book 25
Only Five Minutes

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2019 Madeline Bell

After all the excitement of the last few weeks culminating in the trip to Austria, surely Gaby can get back to some sort of 'normal'?

Well it wouldn't be Gaby if it was that simple would it?


See You on the Other Side (Part 1)

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See You on the Other Side
(Part 1)
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's note: Here is an extra long story. It's about friendship, love, sex and Brooklyn. It makes me cry when I read it, when I need it, I hope YOU Like it...


'I believe when I fall in love, with you it will be forever'


I loved the walk from the market. Listening to the music in my head.

The Light Between - Part 6

The Light Between

The Light Between (Part 6 of 8)

by Erisian

Book 5


If you have yet to read the saga - the tale starts here:

Into The Light

Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 21 - Limits


The nice thing about being friends with someone who just became ridiculously wealthy is a decision such as “let’s go to Jerusalem” is easily turned into a phone call to dispatch some assistant into booking flights, hotel, and ride to the airport.

You then get to sit back, enjoy a cup of tea (or coffee), and wait for details of the itinerary to magically appear.

Okay, so Isaiah stayed on the line so he could approve the hotel and also relay the required information from my passport. Delegation was never really his strong-point.

Emerald Princess - Chapter 32 - Oops

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Emerald Princess

Chapter 32: Oops
by Sofia Hammerstein


Eighteen-year-old Nicholas Hammerstein is at the cusp of finishing high school in his hometown of Los Alamos, NM. He has a seemingly ideal life and is blessed with loving parents, a cute baby sister, and great friends. Nicholas is a gifted student and martial artist who has dreams of leaving for college at the end of his senior year. But, living in a world of Emergent humans, he will soon find his life turned upside down as his life and the fate of a kingdom hang in the balance. His future and theirs will be determined by how he navigates the drastic changes in his body and the magical and superpowered Mergent population he joins.


More DopplerPress

Masks 19 - Keeping the Peace - A Disturbance of the Peace on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


The world turned upside down!? Famous superheroine accused of murder! Lawrence Hawthorne and his lovely, talented, and dangerous assistant/bodyguard, Sally, must use their skills, powers and experience to track down and stop the real murderers (and the people who hired them) before a mysterious doomsday weapon can be unleashed.

All this amid a backstory of alien invasions, political, corruption, and corporate wrongdoing at the highest levels.

This latest in Rodford Edmiston's intriguing Masks saga combines science fiction, superheroes, swords, noir detectives, cyber sleuthing, and transgender shapeshifting with intricate plotting and tense action!

Keeping the Peace
Masks 19 - A Disturbance in the Peace
By Rodford Edmiston
Buy on Kindle

Swifter, Higher, Stronger on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


When Tony's attempt to follow in his father's footsteps on the football field comes to nothing he gives his undivided attention to a different sport - gymnastics.

His unorthodox training leaves judges bemused but coaches impressed enough to give him an opportunity. With the Olympics in his sights a twist of fate has him seeing things from a whole new perspective, one that will affect the rest of his life.

Book Cover artwork for Swifter Higher Stronger rendered as virtual Paperback and Tablet editions - Cover art is girl, doing a gymnastics move, on her toes, with one arm in the air, and the wording Swifter Higher Stronger at an angle on a black background slightly overlapping the girl

Pretty, Please by Jo Dora Webster on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


"Granny, Granny, please tell us a story! Pretty please, Granny!" said nine year old Linda as she sat on the floor with her twin sister Julia.

They had on matching sky blue blouses and navy blue skorts which each had embroidered a red rose with green stem and leaves as well as the first initial of their name. They both looked precious in their white knee socks and black Mary Jane's. Each of them looked intently at me with their deep blue eyes, resisting the temptation to twirl their long blonde hair in their fingers, since they loved my stories.

Before I could answer, Julia burst out, "Tell us a new one, Granny! Pretty, please!"

pretty please cover
Pretty, Please
by Jo Dora Webster
Buy on Kindle

A tale of adventure, love and magic!

Eve by Melanie Brown on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Eve, born Evan Nichols, lived a lie for 28 years before finally deciding to do something about it. She knew becoming a woman would cause pain and emotional distress, but you can't prepare for everything...especially not romance.

Eve on KIndle


by Melanie Brown

Click to buy now on Kindle!

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