The Most Extreme Punishment Chapter 04

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On the first day of school, Genesis rode with Ramona to school. Unlike Genesis, Ramona had her own car that her mother had helped pay for. Genesis had never thought she'd be riding in the school bully's car, but here she was now.

"Listen," Ramona said as they pulled into the school's parking lot, "My mom told me she and your dad signed you up for the cheerleading squad-"

"Yes, I know," said Genesis. "First practice is after school today, right?"

"Right," said Ramona. She parked the car, then inhaled deeply before speaking again. "Genesis, this is my last year of being a cheerleader. For the last three years, I've been working hard on the cheerleading squad, and I've gone to every regional cheer competition, but I've never won once. This year is my last chance. Especially because I'm the team captain this time."

"And why are you telling me?"

"Because if I had my way, you wouldn't have signed up for the cheerleading squad," Ramona answered.

Genesis glared at Ramona. "I didn't want to sign up, either," she said icily. "My dad-and your mom-made me do it."

"I know," said Ramona. "So please, please, please don't fuck this up. If I don't win the regionals this year, then I might not be able to keep cheerleading in college."

"Don't be stupid," said Genesis. "You don't have to win regionals-"

"It'll look much better on my record if I do," said Ramona. "And I lose because of you..." She let the threat hang in the air.

Fuck you, Ramona, Genesis thought.


Genesis sulked through the hallway that led to her Homeroom class. Going back to school was already hard enough without knowing she'd have to endure cheer practice with her bitch of a stepsister. Everything looked the same as it did before-the classroom doors, the lockers, the bathrooms, everything. Genesis even recognized many of the same students and teachers. But since she was a girl now, and everyone remembered her as such, she couldn't look at it the same way again. It was like everyone else had watched a movie with an actress playing Genesis' part, doing things she wouldn't have done, and now Genesis was put in that actress' place.

Fortunately, Genesis' spirits were lifted when she got to her Homeroom class. There, she saw that her Homeroom teacher was Mr. Aaron, who she'd had English with last year and the year before that. Mr. Aaron wasn't just a good teacher-he was a really gool guy to boot. Gene had once declared Mr. Aaron his all-time favorite teacher. Likewise, Mr. Aaron seemed to take a liking to Gene.

Much to Genesis' delight, she'd apparently gotten on well with Mr. Aaron in this new "timeline" as well. "Good morning, Miss Rookwood," Mr. Aaron said with a smile when he saw Genesis.

"Hi Mr. Aaron," said Genesis.

"How was your summer?"

Genesis' smile disappeared. "Not good," she answered.

"Why? What happened?"

"My dad married Ramona Dunby's mom," said Genesis.

"Ooh," Mr. Aaron cringed. He'd been aware of Gene's rivalry with Ramona, and Gene had kept him filled in on Reginald's courtship with Paulette. "I'll bet that's rough."

"It is," said Genesis. "And what's even worse is that they made me sign up for the cheerleading squad."

Mr. Aaron nodded. "You've never been very interested in cheerleading, have you?" he said.

"Nope," Genesis answered. "But my dad and stepmom think that if I'm on the cheerleading squad with Ramona, then we might be able to work out our differences. But to be honest with you, I don't think that's gonna happen."

"Yeah, Ramona Dunby, she's...something else," said Mr. Aaron.

"Plus, I've never been a cheerleader before," said Genesis. "I don't know if I'll be any good."

"Don't worry," said Mr. Aaron. "I've graded your assignments for two years. I know how hardworking you are. If you put your mind to it, you can be a good cheerleader."

Genesis smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Aaron," she said.


Cheerleading practice was held in the gym after Sixth Period had ended. Genesis left her textbooks and binders in her locker and then made for the gym. She was nearing the end of the hallway when she was ambushed. "Hey," said a familiar voice. Genesis turned, and when she saw who it was, her heart stopped. It was her old friend Wallace Mendoza. When Genesis was Gene, Wallace was his best friend. The two of them had bonded over video games and TV shows they liked, but they'd also chased a lot of girls together. But, unlike Gene, Wallace had actually succeeded in getting girls to sleep with him. None of them had been happy about it, but he'd seduced them into it.

Under different circumstances, Genesis would've been happy to see an old friend. But she didn't like the way Wallace was looking at her. "Hey, Busty," he said, ogling Genesis' large boobs.

"My name's not Busty," said Genesis.

"Oh, I know," said Wallace. "I'm just teasing you."

Genesis' cheeks went red. As Gene, she'd said that exact thing to girls he was hitting on.

"You know, I think we had First Period together," Wallace went on. "You had Calculus with Mrs. Underwood, is that right?"

"No," Genesis lied.

"Nah, I recognized you in the class," said Wallace. "I wanted to talk to you, but I never got the chance."

"That's great," said Genesis. "Look, I've got to be somewhere right now, so..."

"Oh, by all means, go," said Wallace, "But maybe you and I can go out later." He winked suggestively.

Genesis got out of there in a flash.

So this is what Mirna meant, Genesis thought as she went to the gym. She wanted me to experience firsthand what it felt like when I tried to get girls to have sex with me. What disturbed her even more was that Wallace had said many of the same things Gene had said when trying to seduce girls. Now that Genesis was the butt of such hit her in a way nothing else could. Not only did she feel humiliated, but also, for the first time, she was starting to feel ashamed of herself. It might've been the most traumatic moment of her life.

"Whatever," Genesis told herself, trying to break out of her funk. "I'm going to cheerleading practice now. Maybe that'll get my mind off it."

To be continued...

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Shoe on the other foot

Jamie Lee's picture

Nothing drives a lesson home better than going through the exact situation the lesson was meant to teach.

That one instance with Wallace drove the message home good and loud. And he reacted both as the girl he is now and because it was the point Mirna was making him face by changing him.

Others have feelings too.