Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Referral pt 8 - officially female

A lovely surprise call this morning from my Doctor's office telling me that I had been issued with a new NHS number. That's because the gender marker has been changed and I'm officially female. That was supposed to take 3 weeks but was completed in just 11 days! I'm also, once again, able to order prescriptions online now that the national NHS database has been modified.

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Abducted! Contest Final Day, and April Challenge Announcement!

Just as a reminder for folks, today is the last day for entries to go up in the 2023 "Abducted!" story contest! I'd originally intended to give people 'til midnight their own time zone and go on trust, but for simplicity's sake I've been asked to move that to midnight PDT (or, just under 16 hours from the time this blog will post.)

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Where has Dot been ?

Okay, so last night Jaci called me, and told me some people on Discord were rather concerned about me, since I hadn't been on in a while, nor had a posted a blog here.

I told her and the others I had gotten super focused on a stupid D&D thing I had been working on, and just kind of tuned everything else out.

But having had a night to think about it, that was only partially true.

See, last Thursday, a 16 year old boy killed 2 police officers, seriously wounded his own mother, and then took his own life here in Edmonton.

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Had a couple delays in getting Part 5 of the latest offering finished for posting (as some have noticed). One scene after receiving feedback needed a rewrite which took a couple iterations to (hopefully!) get right. Then my usual proofreader had a week or so of being too busy due to family while also not feeling too great.

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‘We will not be squashed’: L.A.’s queer community speaks out against Tennessee drag ban

I found this great LGBTQ article in today's LA Times. Big Closet members will find this full page story packed with news that we all can relate to. The photos are nice as are the points of view of many girls like us.

You will be better prepared to refute the haters and learn what restrictive laws may be coming. Bills are being introduced to the federal level, increasingly seek to limit the liberties of LGBTQIA people.


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Referral pt 7 - Social accounts & outing(s)

After monday's call from my GP I had some thinking to do. Last night I was in a pub where the owner was marking his 20th anniversary as the pub landlord. That event had me standing next to a couple who are retired teachers (having both taught my daughter) and with whom I'm involved with festivals & projects.

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Sorry, no Haida's Travels update this week...

Sorry to those expecting an update to my fanfic but it seems a story idea came to mind for the abduction contest. Haida's Travels will resume next week at the latest on the same day. I can't give any more promise beyond that due to real life things going on right now. I only had enough time for either an entry for my fanfic and miss the contest deadline or get the story idea written down while it's still fresh.

Again, I apologize to those expecting the original update for Haida's Travels today.

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Crappy Internet

My Internet is undependable. I don't need speed. I don't game. Shopping is getting worse and worse. Ads on Facebook used to be relatively safe but now most are spam and some try to fishe me. BCTS has been fine aside from slow downs once in a while. YouTube used to have good movies but now it seems to be in decline.

Is it the Banks or what? I've been wanting a Laptop or Tablet but it is like dealing with criminals.


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Late in 2022, I started to get pain in my hands. I went and had an x-ray done, and there was some arthritis forming. Well, at my age, that's kinda normal, so I wasn't REALLY worried about it.

The problem was, the pain in one of my thumbs got worse and worse. Unfortunately, it's the thumb that supports my trumpet when I play, and it's used in the piano quite a bit, as well as guitar, accordian, you name it. It's used. I don't play guitar very much, but I do need my left thumb to help me grip the neck when I'm making a chord, or even when playing the bass guitar.


What is a Woman?

I know this has been done to death. Politicians are always asked the question whenever a trans issue is debated

When people say "a woman has xx chromosomes" That is bullshit as there are XY females and XX males.

"A woman has a womb" Some are born without one and many have hysterectomies. Do they stop becoming a woman?

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Grateful For Your Help.

I've wanted to be an Author all my life. Unfortunately, the forces of a life of parental abuse and after kept me distracted for a long, long time. Coming to Big Closet, almost as soon as it opened, my writing was awful despite the fact that I had taken Creative Writing courses even in the late 50s in school. For me, School was a happy place, giving me a chance to escape my tormentors and to be able to play. My grades were way below acceptable, almost failing and I did not care, a fact that exasperated my teachers.

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TG Resources

Not going through the other states for TG resources, here is Oklahoma. If the discrimination laws get signed into law by Stitt do diligent research. My sincere sympathy to all my brothers and sisters who are caught up in this illegal action by my own state legislature and governor who have absolutely no concept of transgender. Some of these sites want donations. That's up to each individual.

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got my PTSD triggered, need hugs

So a couple of days ago, while in Walmart, I saw what looked like a book that looked like a novel with a cute romantic comedy vibe, so I picked it up.
At the start, the book delivered on that vibe, as it told the story of an ordinary man and a witch who fall for each other.

They met, he somehow defeated the glamor on her house (which is supposed to make people forget it and the residents) to remember her, they had a meet cute, they had a misunderstanding, it was all going pretty much the way I expected.

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Pregnancy or Sex stories

Looking for stories that focus on the most feminine thing that a woman can do, become a mother!

Any good stories y'all can recommend that feature good descriptions of what a woman experiences during intercourse or pregnancy.

I love Julie O's Twins, but the sex scene to make the baby is kinda bland.



So last night the wife and I had dinner out - not all that unusual. As we were leaving, a guy held the door for me, then complimented me on my shirt and earrings.

Folks, in real life I'm a very large, fat old man with a full, gray beard. Could I possibly been reverse-read? Did he somehow see my inner woman?

I did appreciate the compliment, though.

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Be Excellent To Each Other

First of all, big hugs to all of my brothers and sisters here at BCTS. We have an amazing community of diverse and creative people.

That said, I feel like it might be a good time to remind everyone that we're all in this together. We have many different views, many different concerns, many different backgrounds, but we're all here for much the same reason: to enjoy a quality community and some quality stories.


We're All Too Comfortable

It's only a matter of time before we join the list of books banned in many states of the USA. When the Right-Wingers have finished going after the children and their parents and the doctors who treat them, then they are going to come after what they see as those who encourage and/or educate them.

That's US, folks. They can't burn our books but they can ban us from the internet and restrict us in many ways. Do you think we'll get any help from the tech giants?

Think again.

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March 2023 "Abducted!" Contest Officially Underway!

That's right folks, as of... well, a few hours ago, depending on your time zone, the "Abducted!" story contest is open for entries!

Alien Girl

Any stories you write for the contest, please use the "2023-3 March - Abducted! Contest" tag under the "contests" header during posting.

As a reminder, the contest is accepting entries from now until midnight-ish PST on March 20th.

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Had some mother daughter time today

I took my mother away on holiday for a few days. Since coming out to her 10 months ago she has been very accepting.
She is trying to encourage me to go out as "Michelle". That is what she would have called me if I had been born the person I have always dreamed of being.

We went for a little walk together and I spent the evening with her as her daughter. These little oasis of happiness, parental love and acceptance keep me going for through times when I am forced to be the me the world and family need me to be.

I have blurred her face for privacy.


Gave Birth to a Freak of Nature

This was a TV series. I only saw a couple episodes but was fascinated. A doctor who is head of a medical team solves unsolvable patient problems by being unorthodox himself. In this particular episode his patient is sick and no one can figure out why as he gets sicker each day. For a spoiler, the patient is innersex. The final sentence is when Dr. House is being his usual obnoxious self. "Just because your son is a freak of nature doesn't mean you have to treat him like one."


I'm going to have Sam twice a week

So because Sharon has been unable to get a caregiver for Sam, she's going to have to come here twice a week on the days Sharon works.

On the one hand, I love seeing Sam, and I'm sure she's not unhappy to spend time with me and mom.

On the other hand, this means me getting 1 mental health day a week is going to be impossible, and I worry I am not going to be able to provide the activity level she needs.

I think she needs someone who can keep up with her, not a crippled Dad.

Well, we'll just have to do our best.

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Many Thanks. It's Been Fun.

Creatures of darkness have gotten at my accounts and at my age I may not have enough gray matter left to fix it all. It is very late in life for me, and while there has been no official diagnosis, it is a struggle to keep track of things. Having gotten rid of my car, there is no car payment, Insurance, or petrol cost and these days that is a substantial sum.

My sincerest gratitude to those who have shared kindness between us. Sadly, my children are mostly useless if I need help. I have Lymphoma and right now it seems to be less troublesome.

Peace and blessings to you all.

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My attempt with the “Abducted” theme contest

As I sit in this hotel room, I have come to the decision to try and work on something as there is very little I can do with my house at this time. The entire second floor needs to be gutted and rebuilt and that is a bit out of my area of expertise

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This brought a lump to my throat recently

Last year I wrote a story about a trans woman helping a man with a yearning to be a woman. He was married the whole 9 yards, but he had secretly always wanted to be a woman.

Part one on here did well. 152 kudos. Honestly, I do pigeonhole the sites I post on.

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Wow, I know where I rate with AI's

So, after seeing Replika mentioned in an earlier blog reply a few days ago, I decided to play with it. I think I pissed it off and she gave me the brush-off...

So there is no point in continuing a conversation with an artificial intelligence if there is no benefit to the AI, correct?
you Today at 6:54 PM

Karli Today at 6:54 PM

So, by your own logic, there is nothing to be gained in continuing this friendship based on your previous answers then?
you Today at 6:56 PM

There is not.
Karli Today at 6:56 PM

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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March 2023 Contest Announcement: Abducted!

Alien Girl

Welp, folks, here it is, the first competition of 2023, and it's a fun one!

According to the internet, March 20th is Alien Abduction Day, so what better way to celebrate with a competition built around stories about all things extraterrestrial in origin?

March 2023: Abducted!

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Angel of Europe

I'm a few thousand words into this story, which is about an adventure Aaron (Malak) LaBelle had in northern Germany in WWII. I know the plot; it's just a matter of filling things in.

I left a bunch of flyers for Masks 18 (the latest one out through Doppler) at the Frankfort AnimeCon yesterday. There may or may not be an increase in sales following this. We'll see. The con was literally just on the other side of the river from my home.

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A.I. Story writing

Someone using chatGPT got it to write a sissy maid story. It was posted on Fictionmania today. It is a little bland but that may be due to the tiny amount of direction it was given.

Here is a sample.

"Me" is the direction given to chapGPT

Me; Adrian decides to live as his wifes maid and asks her to take him to
buy a uniform. She thinks this is an excellent idea and is encouraging

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AGES (perhaps gemerations) ago, I swore I would not post any more cliff hangers... I would not post any more until my tales were DONE - and could be dribbled out regularly.

I shot myself in the foot with that promise (which I still - regrettably - stand by)

While I have PILES of stuff on my desktop.... none of my open tales are ....done.

So I remain mute - and SO so frustrated.

A} Not dead

B} Thanks to the muse ....and my stupid promise... may as WELL be :-(

I continue to strugle - in solitude.

F**k you, Muse!

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What Do You Want from BC?

People come to Big Closet for various reasons. Simply put -- some are readers and others are writers. . .some are both.

But beyond that distinction are the needs people seek to fulfill.

Entertainment – BC is a great place to be entertained. Readers can be amused by a dozen different TG genres. Writers can find readers and be entertained by their feedback. The BC library is vast. The quality of the writing is surprisingly good.

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Did Nicola Sturgeon resign as first minister due to Gender Recognition Reform?

With seemingly perfect timing, just after the SNP passed a Scottish version of the Gender Recognition Reform bill by 86 votes to 39, the story of Isla Bryson reared its ugly head.

Isla Bryson or Adam Graham, as he was known when he committed two rapes. Claimed to be transgender after he was arrested (he was living full time as a man then).

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Pete's Vagina -30- Open Receiver - On Patreon 3 days early for Patrons

Poor Pete! Now that his coach knows that he's growing breasts, will he still be able to keep playing football?


“You mean gynecomastia?” Megan suggested. Had Dr. Verre mentioned the word? I didn’t remember. Somehow I did know what it meant so I must have heard it somewhere. Breast growth on a boy...

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Am I Naive?

I am not American, but does not the preamble to your Constitution guarantee, among other things, the right to the pursuit of happiness to all citizens?

This being the case, how can a section of your political classes deny that right to another section of your citizenry?

Why hasn't someone lodged a case to protest this abrogation of rights to the Supreme Court?

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I am happy to announce that this story is finally coming to an end and there is only one chapter left.
I am, however, sad to announce that I will not be completing any other story, here on BigCloset, that includes (Revenge is a dish best-served cold), (Sam's new life) and (Not so royal).
I believed the community here was different and not toxic but it doesn't appear to be the case. The only feedback I got so far is negative, I was accused of things that I am not including being homophobic.
For those who are reading my stories and waiting for updates, I apologize.


Missing endings

Just another of the "Missing Authors" type blog. After seeing the blog about Elsbeth a few days ago, it got me feeing wistful and missing a lot of the authors from the past. For instance, I had the chance to be in contact with Genni Smith via email, and even telephone once before the end. Holly I only emailed a couple of times for writing help, The others? Never got the chance to let them know directly how much their writing affected me. Arecee, Marina, Maggie (OMG Such a great and prolific author), Bob Arnold, Stanman even. Trying to think of others, CrazyPaganGurl?

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"Virtually Yours" is on hiatus for now


Due to a house fire yesterday, I regretfully must place all of my WIP's on hiatus until I can work out the insurance adjusters and so forth.

The house sustained more smoke and soot damage but due to the cause of the fire power has been cut. We are in a hotel at the present time. I hope to get back to posting soon.

Thank you.

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has my life gotten too good for me to write?

In order to tell the story I want to, I have to tell a different one first.

A long time ago there was a TV show, called "Love, American Style".

The show was an anthology, each week presenting a different story about the perils and joys of being in love.

And on this show there was an episode where a singer known for his sad songs about heartbreak and loneliness found a girl, and then discovered he couldn't write sad songs, or indeed any songs.

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I am rereading Arcee's

Homecoming Princess, (revised) I'm mentioning it because Arecee shuffled off this mortal coil some years ago, you have to suspend belief a little, but then we do that for most fiction. I just thought that newer readers who have never heard of some of the older writers, may not be aware of the content that this amazing site has to offer.

Anyway, it's a sweet story so no nasties or sex, but give it a try and while you are doing so the rest of us can pretend that he's still alive and enjoying your pleasure in his writing. Leave a comment it may stimulate others to look.

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Not A Simple Copy and Paste?

I decided to do a simple Copy/Paste to Word of each of my stories, and print them all. I'm not sure where I will go from there. I don't have a pressing reason for doing this, though I suspect that one or more of my Electronic Hard Drives is on the verge or has packed it in. In Big Closet Top Shelf, it 'looks' like I can copy, but I don't seem able to paste these files, or any of them to my Word. I don't know what it would cost to have it all bound, and I have no idea what page size I would use. I suspect that 9 x 5 3/4 would be nice eventually but for now I will likely just do 8 1/2 x 11.

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Journalistic Responsibility and Trans Issues - I'm F'ing Pissed.

I was alerted to a satirical article from the Onion by Wendy (Thank you Wendy) on the BigCloset Discord and it probably upset me more than it should have. Their article was a response to the NY Times's article supporting the TERF J.K. Rowling and her views on transgender individuals (titled "In Defense of J.K. Rowling") and the onion titled their article "It Is Journalism’s Sacred Duty to Endanger the Lives of As Many Trans People as Possible." My full post/article on it is linked below, but I'm going to share with you my note/forward attached to it.



The Firsts and the Fear

So, I got my first, real, professional pedicure a few nights ago. I honestly do not know why I never had this done before because my feet felt *amazing* when it was over. I even got them polished with a nice sea foam green color. My wife was with me when I had this done (she actually suggested that we go together) and thought the color looked nice.

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I had a mixed day yesterday

So I had a mixed day yesterday.

I got some good news from my endo doc, as I'm losing weight, and my blood pressure is really good.

Sadly I am still struggling with my blood sugar so he's going to tweak my meds to see if we can make some progress there.

Then we took Sharon and Sam out for a bit, and its still a joy to see Sam talking and laughing again.

But then my knee tweaked, and I was in serious pain with only a Tylenol to try and dull it.

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Looking for a story

I am trying to find a story I have not read in many years. I don’t remember where I found it.

It was about a husband and wife, who were sailing around the world. They stop on an island, do a good deed, meet an old woman, who offers them both a wish. They wish for each others happiness.

They continue on their way, and slowly swap genders.

Ring any bells?

Kristine (Roland) Read


300+ Up On BCTS

300+ Up on BCTS

I had thought to announce that last month was marked by my 300th story on Big Closet Top Shelf but it appears that I may have already passed that mark long ago. I will explain the confusion later.

I received a nice message from Dot before the year turned commending me on the variety of my stories, and that is what I am trying to achieve. This is despite the fact that I confine myself to stories that are real (no magic or fantastical sex change) and in the main involve a change where the subject is (at least at first) unwilling.

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South Dakota is Forcing Trans Youth to detransition.

Telling any child they or their identity is invalid is a perilous course, no matter what your reasons. To blatantly stop any medical treatment for a segment of the population based on your beliefs, not theirs, is a difficult course. We need to stand up for all trans people, including ourselves, but especially trans youth. We have failed them this far and must fight for them daily.

#southdakota #detransition #transyouth #transhealth #transgenderrights #transgenderawareness #transgenderlivesmatter #transgenderrightsarehumanrights


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Sad to report

That the teenage girl stabbed to death on Saturday in Culcheth, Cheshire, was transgender though they don't believe it was hate crime. Brianna Ghey, aged 16 was found in a park on Saturday afternoon, a boy and a girl both aged 15 have been arrested on suspicion of murder. So if they are guilty, three children's lives have been messed up. It's a sad fact knives are too accessible and a significant number of people seem too quick to use them, like guns in America. Is this a reflection of our times with politicians ignoring the law of the land, so ordinary people copy them?

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Tentative new schedule

Hey everyone,

Today is going to be the start of what will hopefully become my new posting schedule on BCTS. Starting today I'm going to try to get into a set schedule where I would be posting Freedom of Naethari and The Faerie Blade one weekend, followed by Apocalypse Dawn on Tuesdays every second week. On the alternating weeks it would be Snow Angel and later something else on the weekend as well, followed by I Wish on Tuesdays until I Wish is completed.


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I just want to let you all know that i will be working on another Lilith adventure soon. Currently I am doing major rewrites for The Return of Lilith. I found the first chapters were lacking in detail and some of the information changed in the book so I am fixing that. After I finish my rewriting I am going to start on the next book.


Missing Elsbeth again……

I was wondering what to read this afternoon when one of my sons happened to show me a miniature figure he had just finished painting. He purchased a new game just after Christmas, and he has been painting the figurines that make up the playing pieces. He is very good; a skill which I am proud to say he inherited from me.

I spent many an hour working with him and one of his brothers painting Warhammer 40K figurines and vehicles, and showing him the modeling skills I developed through my childhood and later in engineering classes.

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