I've not been writing or commenting little if any at all. I'm searching for a way for an old person to move away and become a recluse. I was checking out cars on line, perhaps a lease if they'll let me. I hope that the financers don't try to play games with me.
It's been simple to get around on my bike or public transportation and being a Veteran of the Vietnam Era, my medical costs are minimal. Around 5 years ago, before Covid, I loved spur of the moment road trips that took me all over Oregon. I used to fly to various places, but with the nuttiness you see on flights now, I probably won't any more.
None of my family talk to me any more. This transgender business is a major obstacle for them. Tonight I've been looking at some men's clothing. Scrubs are cheap if I'm careful.
This is not a Suicide note.
It's been fun and I thank you for your love and support.
Gwinn Boucher.
Breast Removal
My rather nice breasts are not implants, but hormone patch driven. Cutting them off seems like too much.
Think twice..
Gwen, I know that you have always had terrible issues with your transition, and you have mentioned before that you have regretted it.
No one has the right to think things for other people, so I really can't offer advice,but I would say that a hurried move at this point might be just as bad as the ones which you regret.
And please keep talking to us, I know it can be difficult, but there are people here who care about you.
Stay safe, Love. Lucy xx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
So much to dream...
Just bought a device to help me with urinary incontinence. Facing the reality that I am Native American (Shawnee). The government and soldiers just about erased us, but slowly the propaganda about us is unraveling for those who are smart and studious. It is so late in my life that I may not have time to learn much. My own family is completely indoctrinated to the lies and none of them speak to me. I'll be wearing scrubs soon, and doing my best to live as a male. I think the male side of my 2 spirit is stronger. I have my own belief about the Great Spirit. It is a complicated path that I must follow in secret.
Are not gender specific. I have been wearing them for years and I'm not a medical professional. I am a retiree on a reduced income and a frequent medical consumer. My scrub trousers cost less than denim, resist wrinkling and staining, and come sized correctly for my girth and stature. They come in many interesting colors.
I've found them warm in winter and comfortable in the heat. The cargo pockets are a blessing. I've had no problem getting mine from Amazon. Look a little closer Gwen, just might be an inspiration.
Gwen, I know you have said it
Gwen, I know you have said it in the past. Now with
"None of my family talk to me any more. This transgender business is a major obstacle for them. "
I do understand. We all need people especially as we get older. I have so often been on the verge of coming out to my family, but don't.
It is the fear of losing them, my job, and my friends. Life is about compromises. It isn't fair that your family does not accept you as trans, life isn't fair. When you become comfortable living as a man again, please contact them and explain. They may accept you back. Bite your lip when they tell you what you did was wrong etc.
I sacrifice what I think is my happiness having to keep living a male life, but I really don't know how much happier I would be living as a woman. I may never know. It tortures me some days, but I distract myself with hobbies.
You do what's good for you. I wish you the very best of luck . May the Great Spirit be with you.