If one is stealth and not ready to out themselves, be vary wary of Mother Nature's Temporary Tattoo Parlor. Many years back I tried to get a bikini tan. Hours sunbathing, front, back and eventually if one wasn't too judgmental and used a lot of imagination it was possible to see I had been wearing a bikini while out in the sun. Over the years the results are about the same. Sadly I didn't have the opportunity to show off my bikini tan line to anyone. Okay, the dogs, cats got to see. My doctors only asked me to remove my blouse when they are behind a lead wall and aren't looking. What is it about modern doctors don't want to see or touch? Bout with pancreatitis doesn't count. I was too sick to care if they cut me up and tossed me down the garbage chute.
Passing the mirror this morning I stopped and backed up. The bikini tan lines were there across my breasts, shoulders, strap lines on my back. It's a female thing to be out mowing in a bikini. It was only for a few hours the last three days. Tan lines are something I didn't plan on or try to do this year.
Where am I going with this tale? If one is stealth, I'm not, and doesn't want to out herself. Be careful about wearing that swimsuit in the back yard and thinking one is safe. It didn't take long this year for some reason. If one gets the bikini tan lines and there is an accident at work or any place else, the cat will be out of the bag. Friends can be cruel if they think they are the guardian between male and female and they find out someone they know crossed the forbidden bridge. If a bug bite or accident caused a run to the clinic and attire has to be removed to treat it, I can guarantee doctors, nurses, healthcare providers have seen more than anyone's imagination can dream up. They didn't get those medical degrees by Braille. Knowing that doesn't help if one is still in the stealth category.
If one is into voyeurism and wants to tease Murphy to see if they get outed? I guess that is as good a reason as any to do a little sunbathing in a bikini. Just be warned, getting outed could be a reality. If what I have experienced the past three days. Mother Nature will put her imprint on one very quickly. Choose Wisely!
Hugs People, above all be careful
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.
I tan
very easily!
To such an extent that i go from lily white to looking tanned in a single spring ride, the one where arms and legs finally see the light of day! Currently i've got a selection of interesting tan lines, none more so than my hands, deep brown arms end at the wrist to the extent it looks like i'm wearing gloves, fingerless bike gloves that is as my fingers are tanned darker and graded in colour from top to bottom, ie darker on my index than my pinkies! Bot as bad as back in the day when we wore crocheted mitts, you had a dark circle in the middle of your hand surrounded by 'freckles'!
The only additional thing i'll say is - sunscreen
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Steath or ...
I once desired a tan line. I have a one piece swimsuit that has straps over the shoulder and a bare back all the way to the waist. I have to be careful when tanning. I have a red heads completion though I'm ash blonde. I can go from being lily white to lobster red in a matter of an hour or two. So when tanning, I have to take care to only allow a half and hour at time in the sun and to achieve a tan I need to do it every day over a period of a month or two so there's really no way I'll ever be golden brown. Starting late one June. I donned my swimsuit as soon as I got home from work and went to the patio with my back to the sun. Somewhere in early August, my wife noticed and chided me about being outside in my swimsuit.
Nothing ever came of that, but the other thing we need to caution ourselves about if we wish to remain in stealth is underdressing. In the late 70s I decided that men's underwear was a thing of the past for me. Then in the late 90s I took to wearing a bra with some of those "fish fillets" that we read about in TG fiction for padding daily. A few years after that, I was thrown from a riding electric palate jack at work. One of the things I learn as a young child is that when you fall, especially from any distance, tuck the extremities and turn a major muscle group to absorb the blow. That has saved me from injury many times and did so that time as well. My employer wouldn't take my word for not being hurt and insisted that I go to the ER and get an x-ray and be examined by a doctor.
It was a day when I needed to pick up my wife from her one day a week job of cleaning our church. So after picking her up we stopped by the local ER and told them my employer insisted that I be check over. I was taken to and examining room and told to disrobe and put on a hospital gown. It was a new style that didn't leave the back open and had a flap that wrapped around the side nearly to the front to close it. But when the doctor came in and got the low down on what I needed examined, he promptly pulled the gown aside to examine my hips. My panties that day were light beige with a modicum of lace around the waist band. He didn't hesitate even for a moment in prodding the likely tender area to ask, "Did that hurt?" Then he sent me off to x-ray and subsequently home. Some how I'd never considered he's want to see the hip. I just thought it'd be directly to x-ray and that would be that.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Me too
Some years ago I was thrown from a horse and broke lots of bones. I'm not even stealth, fully bearded, but the docs said not word one when they cut off my red panties.
As a child I fried this body many times
But to avoid the damage and pain I always wear a heavy t shirt. Skin cancer is nothing to mess with.
But a have to marvel at the tan patterns I get from wearing Crocs.