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I’m watching Ken Burns’ excellent Baseball.
I think there are a few baseball stories here. Recommendations?
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I’m watching Ken Burns’ excellent Baseball.
I think there are a few baseball stories here. Recommendations?
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baseball stories
A quick search shows more than 2000 hits, so there should be some:
Baseball Annie comes to mind
But I think it’s on Amazon now. And, Sisters be Doin’ It starts with some baseball . . . though Sammy has taken Evie in some very different directions!
— Emma
Yes -- On Amazon
Baseball Annie brought me to BC twenty some years ago.
I'd posted the story on Fictionmania. Erin read it and invited me to post on BC.
In 2018, I revised it and published through Doppler Press. Like all my books on Amazon, all the revenue goes to BC to support the site.
When looking for it on Amazon, include my name "Angela Rasch" with the title in your search.
I hope you enjoy it.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
There was a teenage girl named Jackie Mitchell that struck out Babe ruth and he threw a huge tantrum about it, literally threw his bat and stormed off also demanded to check if the ball was rigged. It's hilarious and so many of the sexist kind of cis men (not the good ones) try to discredit her, it's utterly pathetic xD Babe ruth literally threw a tantrum like a toddler but sure, it was 'staged.' xD She also struck out Lou Gehrig
What makes it even better is his known quote:
Ruth, was quoted as saying that women “will never make good” in baseball because “they are too delicate. It would kill them to play ball every day.”
Even 'better' is that Kenesaw Mountain Landis took away her contract because as he claimed: The president of the organization overseeing the minor leagues later termed the appearance of “a female mound artist” a lamentable “Burlesquing” of the national pastime, akin to greased pig contests, hot dog-eating competitions and other ballpark promotions.
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Historic Baseball
Since you mentioned the Burns documentary series, I wanted to point out my Forum entry about young women's teams from the decades around the turn of the 20th century -- -- and the story by Maryanne Peters that it inspired: .
There have been some good baseball-related stories here that I've enjoyed, but I don't recall the titles or authors, and haven't found them so far using the search function. (The 13 that come up via +"three strikes" +baseball didn't include the ones I was looking for, and separating three and strikes yielded more than 600; I've looked for them through 60 or so, not many of which are really about baseball.) I decided not to hold this up until I could get to the rest...
If Baseball is too violent
for young ladies then what would the commentator think of :-
- Rollerball
- Rugby
- Boxing
Or even ...
... as the world cup is about to start in Australia/New Zealand - football (I mean real football not the handball that Americans call football for some reason :) ). Also, the Tour de France Femme starts on Sunday as the men's event finishes in Paris.
Both demand high levels of physicality.
Watch Out. . .
. . .for falling uteri.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Other site
I love stories by Clara, but they don't post here as far as I know. A recent story was about baseball/softball, The Girls of Summer (