She Possessed all the Brownie Points

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At Costco, in OKC, yesterday back at the pharmacy dept. She is one of those women we all write about. The one in ten thousand females we lesser mortals never see. Let me set the scene. Her facial features had the looks of a top movie actress. She is wearing lycra or painted on polished black pants along with a crop top same material. From my long experience judging women’s measurements, she was a thirty eight, twenty six, thirty eight. Her polished black hair in a ponytail still reached the top of her buttox. Her age was around twenty six. She was wearing strappy sandals.

This is the female all us writers describe when we tell our stories and she’s real. The same one every male stares at when she’s in the room. I’m not staring. No I swear I’m not. I’m still looking though.

She looked at me and…, “I like your outfit. You’re pretty.”

Two thoughts came to mind. The lady dyed her hair and she’s naturally blonde or she needs glasses. Thank God my mind engaged before my mouth. “Thank you. You’re very beautiful. I love your outfit.”

Naturally the pharmacist had to interrupt to get me to start filling the form and signing for the prescriptions. She was still there as I left. I closed in and softly said. “You are an exceptionally beautiful woman.”

Me? I was myself whatever that means. We have had a whole lot of rain this year. Lots of moisture and for those who have curly hair or know someone who has, it becomes uncontrollable with high humidity. I never know if I’m going to look like a cat who stuck his tail in the light socket or Shirley Temple? Washed it that morning and brushed it out still damp. Today was Shirley day, tight spiral curls.

Black, knee length really slim skirt that is fully lined. The lining helps the skirt float or flow on one’s body. If one has ever worn a slip under their dress, this is the same. White full sleeved blouse. Single drop diamond earrings, necklace and my black felt cowgirl hat. White nurse’s shoes as my feet are not going into my cowgirl boots the past year. Only makeup is soft peach lipstick.

Ladies, it doesn’t take any effort to look good when you’re out and about. I’m as guilty as any woman when it’s a dash to the farm store or Walmart or… As soon as I returned home I changed to a denim skirt and snug black tank top to hit Walmart for cat food. Late at night I want that damn big gun exposed on my hip not in my purse. Stop any problems before they start as I walk across the parking lot. It has been getting a lot of use lately for varmints.

Ladies give it a chance and dress up a little above the crowd. I know it’s a mental hurdle to overcome if one has been beat up and or put down most of their life. Everyone wants to be a part of the “herd” so they don’t stand out and get picked on. The last thing I wish is for one of the girls to become noticed and get hurt because she took my advice and became true to herself. I wish I could be there for everyone who wanted to step out but was afraid to. Please be safe, go in pairs, don’t go alone. Don’t leave your partner no matter what.

Hugs People, ladies give yourself a chance but stay safe. Do not get in your vehicle before making sure no one is advancing your direction. Lock your door when your butt hits the seat. If you are loading groceries or more, situation awareness is more important than how those items are loaded.

Life is a gift, If you're trans God gave you an extra blessing.

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