Some of the prettiest women in the world are transgender. Over the years I've visited with transgender girls whom I believe never were male in any sense of the definition. Of course jealousy rears it's ugly head as I feel left behind but I'm so proud of them, those whom could win any beauty contest. And those like myself who are living their lives contributing to society in their own way be they mothers, wives, professionals, or common everyday woman or girl next door.
What I don't like is the political football trans anything, anyone has become for the mass media, politicians, medical profession or anyone pushing their own agenda. "We" were slowly gaining on being accepted by those who would accept us. Those who thought we were freaks or an abomination had that right. Give it some thought, kinda ballanced out on give and take for like, dislike the way society should work. Yes trans were being murdered but name a single class of people where people aren't murdered. It broke my heart to lose those I knew when they called it quits and checked out. What more could I have done to save her? I worked exclusively with trans women and enjoyed the discussions with trans men who passed through my life.
Women, I feel it a dis service to call them trans women, are winning beauty contests. This is the only contest where I don't believe GG can complain if they lose. It's not how strong one is, how much testosterone or estrogen is or isn't surging through one's body. These trans women have put their life and soul into being exactly what their brain is telling them they are..., a female. Anyone who complains they aren't a female with the wrong birth certificate must also deny defective births can't happen. There are no babies born with cleft lip, missing limbs, blind, or dozens of other things that go wrong in the womb. And yet they single out the trans female as she can't be God's Design. I love the way humans reason and think as they leave out the knowledge they don't like.
Way to go ladies!
Hugs People
Live your life the best way you know how without sacrificing more than it's worth to achieve that goal.
Please Take a Step Back
Let’s take a look at some of your statements.
"We" were slowly gaining on being accepted by those who would accept us. Those who thought we were freaks or an abomination had that right. Give it some thought, kinda ballanced out on give and take for like, dislike the way society should work.
Yes . . . “We” were slowly gaining acceptance. “Were” is the operative word. When things stop moving in a positive vector rather than trying to make excuses for the lack of progress maybe you should be looking for reasons for the negative change and work against those forces. The Republican party has declared war on transgender. Their rhetoric is very reminiscent of Hitler’s brownshirts who set back transgender surgery decades when they destroyed Magnus Hirschfield’s Institute in Berlin.
People have NO right to consider transgender “Freaks” or “Abominations.” That is very much like allowing people to say N-----!
Your statements about a proper “balance” are tantamount to stating that a few lynchings are needed to balance out the Obama presidency. It has been suggested that the Trump phenomenon is a backlash to an African American president. I don’t want to believe that, but your suggestion of proper balance does support that nonsense.
Yes trans were being murdered but name a single class of people where people aren't murdered.
That is false logic. It is not that transwomen are being murdered that is the problem. As you stated murder is universal -- in this world where people walk down the street with a rifle and shoot people indiscriminately. The problem is that transwomen are being murdered for being transwomen. They are being murdered for being who they are. They are being murdered by those who you think should be allowed to consider “us” freaks.
Women, I feel it a dis service to call them trans women, are winning beauty contests. This is the only contest where I don't believe GG can complain if they lose.
The only contest? What about a spelling bee? How about a hot dog eating contest?
Conservative politicians have turned logic inside out to support their anti-trans legislation to stop transgirls from competing in sports.
One of the greatest tennis stars of all time, Serena Williams, makes me feel totally feminine. (I should thank her for that.) Should she have been allowed to compete against "real" women? In the conservative world all women should be built like Barbie and have single-digit IQs. And Serena wasn’t the only one with masculine traits. Martina Navratilova and Betty Stover were also high on the manly scale.
Transwomen are real women. “We” are not freaks. “We” are not abominations.
No one has the right to make us feel bad about who we are.
No one has the right to kill us for being who we are.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thank you
Hugs Jill
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I'm Shocked and Appalled
By now I shouldn't be surprised by the double-down attitude.
Okay -- I'll try again.
Do you have the right to think murder isn't a crime? Of course not. Similarly, society has set a standard that doesn't allow us to think that child abuse is an acceptable behavior. When over 65% of people in the United States favor laws protecting transgender it is clearly wrong to think of us as "freaks."
Do you have the right to force me to go to church? Absolutely not! Not in this country. Yet you seem to think it perfectly fine for people to force an archaic passage from the Bible down my throat. The only "abomination" here is the pathetic twisting of a religion based on love and compassion to justify bigotry and hate.
There are people on this site who have lost their marriages, families, children . . . simply by being who they are. They don't need to come here to read half-baked right-wing propaganda that feeds their worst fears.
Little girls deserve a level playing field to enjoy and thrive through sports. My guess is there's no one else on this site who has devoted as many hours as I have to bringing a positive sports experience to children.
For every transgirl who might be exploiting a physical advantage, there are now thousands of little transgirls being told they're "freaks" who don't deserve to be playing with "real" girls.
I was a fairly good tennis player who became a high school tennis coach. I played against hundreds of men with impressive male physiques. Not one of them had thighs like Serena's. I was a high school football fullback. My thighs are about half the size of Serena's.
To prevent little girls from playing with other little girls because one of them is trans, is cruel, and illogical.
I first heard your false equivalency about transwomen being killed at the same rate as other people a few years ago when it oozed out of the lying, bigoted mouth of Tucker F. I thought at that time that it was one of the worst things he ever said. To hear it coming from a transwoman is mystifying.
When people are being killed for being who they are there is no justification in polite society for lying about it to make bigots feel better about themselves.
You live in Oklahoma which has once again proved itself to be the epicenter of redhat craziness. Here's a hint: No matter how many times it's said, or what you try to teach in your schools -- the Tulsa riots of 1921 were racially motivated. I get it that you're being shaped by your friends and family. I can't imagine the personal turmoil you are experiencing trying to shove all that conservative crapola through a sieve of reality.
What makes all of the above relevant is this -- you come here daily and ask to be respected in a thousand different ways.
I -- and many others -- have granted you that respect. There are many things about you that are remarkable.
But because you have that respect many people listen to what you have to say. You have generated a following.
People here are largely either in crisis, recovering from crisis, or are on a collision course with crisis. The last thing they need is for you or anyone else to stick another rock in their sack. Your words carry weight.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Commendable Autobiogragphy
Please excuse this old, ignorant, cowgirl. I know how to saddle a horse, milk cows, and drive a tractor.
Love you, hugs Jill
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I'll say no more.
The anti - trans
brigade are trying to distract from their mistakes, their lies and the general mess everything is in. Others with their own agendas, like the church, are jumping on the bandwagon after all the transgender population is minuscule, less than 0.5% of the total population, so easy to persecute. The other thing is the right wing is not listening to anyone who does not tell the lies which support their illogical and twisted thinking. Evangelical Christians from the US are stirring up trouble all over the world, they are taking away the right from women to manage their own bodies and reproductive systems- the basis of their grievances (apart from being screwed up and frightened of female sexuality) is the Bible which was out of date when Caxton printed his first copy. We live in the C12st century not 5000 year old Palestine. We need to treat these people and their ancient tomes with the contempt they deserve and who gives them the right to tell anyone how to live their lives or who they should be? certainly not their imaginary sky fairies of which there is no evidence of their existence.
Organised religion
has a LOT to answer for. I nearly specified evangelists, but it's the catholic church, Jehovah's Witnesses, and many others.
I don't mind if they want to live their lives according to the dictates of their god, but that does not give them the right to demand that I live my life according to their god's rules.
How did we get from beauty contests to organized religion?
I like to think that my recent contribution "Christian Feminization Stories Volume 2" had a part to play
People may spot a Christian education in my past, and when faced with fundamentalists or even more gentle evangelists, I cannot help but out-quote them and point out inconsistencies. There are plenty. Their faces go blank and they may turn away muttering something about the strength of their faith.
I always say that people can choose to live their lives subject to whatever strictures they like - they can give meat technology or even reason - just don't tell others they have to do the same.
Are you absolutely sure...
you're not Tucker Carlson?
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Do we need to start all this again?
Barbie... I agree, it's great that transwomen are being recognized for something positive.
That could have been said without the rest of the pointed jabs in your post that served no purpose but to anger and hurt other members of the community.
I'm trying really, *really* hard not to rant on this right now, and have deleted probably 500 words of response here several times because of it. I really can't think of any way to respond beyond what I've said above that doesn't go against one of the site's Three Rules, if not all of them.
It's hard enough being trans right now.
Melanie E.