Or not, as the case may be!
I've had a busy time of it since last i posted, so i'd best crack on!
The big target for July on Strava (the cycling app i primarily use for my rides) is to ride an Everest, that is, climb 8848m during the month, do that and you can get an exclusive jersey and of course bragging rights. I managed it last year but with a little over a week remaining i still needed almost 3000m - easy in Yorkshire, more of a challenge in Avon! And so i set out for a ride to claim some of those metres, i wasn't looking at distance particularly but i ended up just shy of 102km but disapointingly i only claimed a bit over 800m. Oh well, time yet.
Friday was always gonna be a writing day and i finished one chapter off and made some headway into a second before i ran out of steam. Saturday was forecast wet so once again i put back my ride back by a day and instead re dyed my hair then cracked on with the writing. I kept at it all day to finish one longer than usual chapter and the start of the next. Of course, both the new chapters are up on Patreon for my supporters there. I was so impressed with myself that i went out and treated myself to a mucky curry! (for the uninitiated, thats a standard Chinese takeaway curry in the UK, chunky ingredients in a thick green sauce not to be confused with 'real' curry to which it bears scant resemblance!)
And so to today, a dry but windy forecast had me searching in vain for more metres, 118km this time and only 740m gained! The good news is that i should get in 3 more rides in the month so i should manage to get the remaining 1400m that i need! To be on the safe side i've got a couple of climb heavy rides lined up - the problem is the lack of metres they gain.
I've posted a new chapter here, Freezy Friday is part 37 of book 25, some girls like Barbie, our girl likes Bikes!
So as we go into the the last week of July and the start of the summer holidays for most English schools, i've got some targets to reach, those metres in the bike of course and i hope to have at least two more Gaby chapters finished too.
There will be more from me on Wednesday but until then,
Madeline Anafrid